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Everything posted by Kittie

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] oh Kittie, did you see that American magazine that had the first american interview with deg? Phantasy freak from here picked it up and scanned the cover. here it is: [url]http://jikannohizumi.net/deg/deg-newgrave1b.jpg[/url] [/B][/QUOTE] it's true...no one has vox like Kyo!!!:love: :love: :love: and i've never even heard of that magazine!!:demon: :flaming:
  2. arigatou TN! :D you're the only one who helps me with these things! :demon: and i just found a japanese muzik store down the street...technically in another city....i hope they have it!!
  3. i don't know if anyone here (except TN) knows about DeG...but i'll ask anyone... is there a pv or live show of [b] goshitu, shi ta to yoro[/b]? and what CD is it on? i Love that song...just in time for Samhain also!!:demon: same with [b] Baptism of Blood[/b] but i'm straying...:babble:
  4. i haven't been yet...but i plan to go there... for my 30 days vacation... or if i'm luckie i'll get stationed there!!:D :babble:
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Master O Beans [/i] [B] North Corolina com'on an' raise up! this ones for - erm...sorry, I couldn't resist... Heh, I bet half of you have no idea what I'm even talking about...oh well, hopefully the other half gets it! :D :p [/B][/QUOTE] i know!:D you're singing that song... :babble: you should have said the helicopter part!
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] Do you have AIM? Thats about the only way I could think about sending it.... and what connection you have? QAF!!!!!! QAF 2 is coming out!!!!!! hahaha that kinda goes together... anyway.... are they on tape or are they encoded? [/B][/QUOTE] well i have them on tape (tapes)... so...yeah...we're going to have to talk later and i can get [b]Illuminati[/b] pv!!! :D
  7. akay! well i won't be DLing any of their songs then! so...is there anyway i can DL that vid from you?! pwease?!:D i'll send you the [b]Queer As Folk[/b] episodes you have't seen?!;) and i'll...um..Love you forever!! i have to get that video!!!
  8. why did the show talk less and less about dragonballs?! it's come to a point where they seem to not even care about them...well until later... would that have made the show more boring for the characters to continusly search for the dragonballs? :babble:
  9. does anyone know of a band called [b] Chemistry[/b]?! what type of muzik are they?! and where can i get the Illuminati vid at?!:flaming: it's not at kazaa!!!:flaming: so if you know let me know! a la prochaine...:babble:
  10. my fave subjects are English
  11. yeah me neither...explain it to us... i want to laugh too...i want to know the joke...:(
  12. this poem didn't treally have a title...so i did the Emily Dickinson thing! :D Before you?I never knew what was Love was Before you? my life was blue You?ve showed me how it feels To have a real friend You?ve told me how it sounds To hear true Love When you say my name My spirit does soar To hear I Love you? Who could ask for anything more? What made me happy before Does nothing for me now Without you near?All I do is frown To feel your soft embrace Always makes me feel warm Nothing in the world can touch me When safely in your arms Your kiss?that you do so gentle Is the sweetest?I?ll always remember Before you there was nothing After you there will be no one Because no one has been as sweet As you?ve been to me When I?m with you I have everything *so...mon amis what did you think?!:love:
  13. Surely it can't be Love... I think I Love you though i'm not sure How do you feel about me? You're not sure But I know I like you With all my heart And sometimes I feel Like we shouldn't be apart You bring sunshine in my life each time I see you And the Goddess knows I yearn to be near you Do you feel the same? I hope you do Probably not but still...I like you So what is this I'm feeling? The feelings very strong You know I like you But surely it can't be Love... i don't think i posted this one before... :sleep:
  14. i was born in the French Hospital... i'm german descent... so...yeah...:babble:
  15. while we're celebrating october b-days...let's not forget Tetsu's b-day!! :love: [b] Tetsu from l'arc en ciel!! [/b] :love: and happi birthday to the rest of you October babies!!! :D
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kuja [/i] [B] [SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]u lie... u told me your name!!! thou u do know mine as do a lot of people... it either curly or larry NOT... anyway i like kuja or tejas better lol[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] with the exception of you....:rolleyes: anyhow you're a [b] 'special'[/b] case!:wigout:
  17. my name is :love: Kilana:love: i do Love my name!! though i never treally use it that much! all of my friends call me Kittie! and i hope no one has my name...i know no one does!:love: i've never told anyone online either!:D
  18. Kittie


    here's a pic of the chicks from the show... i think this anime is similar to Sailor Moon...:babble:
  19. Kittie


    yes..so where is he in the mean while?! doesn't not anyone know?! :wigout:
  20. Kittie


    on CN they're just like right now starting the Buu series...and whatever! where is android 17 during all of this?! he's still dead?! i know he comes back later on as super 17...:babble:
  21. Kittie


    has anyone here seen Wedding Peach?! i Love the characters!! well they look kool enough to me!!:babble:
  22. i like it! i actually Loved it! :wigout: wouldn't call it me fave...but good nonetheless!! :) i heard there were 2 versions! is that true?! because if it is i've only seen 1 version!!! :(
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jamvis [/i] [B]I think of you day and night, When i think of you i want to take flight I think of you and our love, Sometimes it seems youre from above... I think of you with care, As my thoughts go into the air I dream of you and wish to meet you, Hoping that dream will come true I think of you constantly, As visions of you pass me faintly I think of you all the time, gosh it was hard to make all that rhyme [/B][/QUOTE] i liked this poem! it was kute! :D treally beautiful!:babble:
  24. i'd bring my character back...but didn't she die?! even though the thought of that is unpossible...unless you turned into she's not in my absence which you probably did...:babble: so...did she die?!:confused:
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by White Digivise [/i] [B]I have the Clow cards and my friend Meilin13 has told me of Sakura cards, but I haven't seen them :cross: [/B][/QUOTE] the Sakura cards are kute!:) i like them better than the regular Clow Cards...:cool:
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