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Everything posted by Kittie

  1. [color=royalblue] i liked this episode! twas funni compared to some of the other new ones! i also think it should just be used for medicinal purposes! ...such as they are... i'm done! [/color] :wave:
  2. [color=seagreen] my room is too small as well! i don't like that at all! :nope: i have marilyn manson posters, various bands, some....[i] dark [/i] stuff ;) cats posters, and anime posters all over the walls! my bed is in the centre of the room! with a spare bed next to mine for company or whatever! my dresser next to my closet which is also too small! on my dresser i have my alter set up for various things! my candles...BOS...etc then my TV is in there with my game systems...and yeah....stuff....the window...blah blah...:babble: [/color] :wave:
  3. [color=royalblue] 1. both can get you killed...but i think the drinking would kill you first...that is as long as you don't get too much out of hand with the gambling... 2. methinks generous is better simply because i do 3. my human servant...:tasty: 4. anime all the way...sit-coms are akay...but me rather have anime 5. more video games for all my systems...more comics...all the muzikal stuff kittie wants...toshiya wardrobe (perhaps) :laugh: and a new house....yeah....[/color] :wave:
  4. [color=royalblue] veri nice josh! haven't read your stuff in quite awhile! :nope: this is a nice sweet poem with a touch of eroticism in it! :D it was veri nicely expressed!! [/color] :wave:
  5. [color=seagreen] i suppose i could post my poems there...i did before though and hardly anyone read them...methinks! they don't get read here! :laugh: so...i have naught to lose! [/color] :wave:
  6. Kittie


    [color=royalblue] death is something i don't fear for myself! it's just a part of life that no one can stop! so why bother thinking about it and being scared of it! just my imho... besides there's always reincarnation! i believe in it....whether you do or don't! :D and death is a chance for new beginnings...it's not always such an ugly thing.... [/color] :wave:
  7. [color=crimson] [u] ~Fin~ [/color] [/u] [color=royalblue]Faraway you are Has my voice reached you yet You stare up at the sky Past my face and into the darkened sky This night is darker than usual Death rides in the air all around us Don?t say anything You?re just a bit frightened now So don?t say anything Inside of the dream Inside of the memory We?ll definitely meet again The silver in your heart Forces out the pure red crimson That once filled you with life Not even my blood -Or Love- Can bring you back to health The commotion reflected in your eyes It all happened too fast And now has left you weak? Dying in my arms Your fangs still shine Though they will pierce my skin no more You flashed a smile at me -A weak smile- And the light from your eyes vanished Into the night? Into the wind? Never to shine again?[/color] so ends the chronicles...que lastima...so i skipped a few installements....i knwo whoever might read this won't mind... :wave:
  8. Kittie


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B] I only have one thing to say: Will you marry me? lol [/B][/QUOTE] [color=seagreen] i'd marri anyone who Loves cats as much i as do!! :D :love: :love: :love: [/color] [size=1] [color=skyblue] maybe not [i] anyone [/i] [/size] [/color]
  9. [color=seagreen] kittie is somewhat of a fan...meaning...i watch it sometimes! :D it's not as good as it used to be either! :nope: but it's akay! cha know! :wow: [/color] :wave:
  10. Kittie


    [color=seagreen] i would Love to post pics of my babies here! but alas...i am without scanner or digi cam or any other device that i could possibly use! i have 10 cats.... :love: :love: :love: like 7 dogs...not sure...me da takes care of them...:confused: so mani lil guppie fish....but i Love them all! :D my lizards have sadly passed onto the Summerland...i miss them... and well those are my babies!! :love2: [/color] :wave:
  11. [color=seagreen] i thought it was...akay! [b]*real criticism[/b] there were some...grammatical errors in it! para example in the third line of the poem '...I kid that can't do nothin' right...' i didn't too much understand that! o_O some words were mispelled...and the emotion is apparent in the poem...it just seems a bit....raw to me! all in all it was a nice poem! but every true artist can accept criticism and improve on their work! [/color] :wave:
  12. [color=royalblue] out of a bit o' boredom....and just curious to see how mani people take this test and what they may get....i made one! :rolleyes: [url=http://devilina.friendtest.com/] testy mc test[/url] they're pretty easi and Deus might know some o' the answers...[/color] :wave:
  13. [color=seagreen] yeah...sure i've watched it! it used to be like a popular show....something like that! everyone would watch it! around these parts anyhoo! but yeah....i guess i outgrew it! :D [/color] :wave:
  14. [color=seagreen] well when i was a kittien i had to wear them! but as i evolved into what i am to-dai...we didn't have to wear them! i have perfect ( well as perfect as it can almost be :rolleyes: ) vision now! no glasses for i!! :D but i'll be getting some contacts just...just because!! :blush: [/color] :wave:
  15. [color=seagreen] i think they may be exposed a bit earli! i was reading this book and it said you should talk to your kids about sex when they turn 9! i think that's a bit young! the examples of some of the questions you could probabli ask were a bit...um....vulgar to say the least! and this book i found in an elementary school...:nope: i just disagree with that! i didn't find out about certain things until i was in a 'ripe' age! :blush: :D and there is no such thing as 'peer pressure' (imho) there is onli weak-minded people! [/color] :wave:
  16. [color=seagreen] i watched the commercials and that was horrible enough for me... i always thought that it was a little kid rip-off of the real world...which i don't watch either :rolleyes: i thought they took that show off anyway... [/color] :wave: :p [size=1] [color=skyblue] the disney channel is evil[/size] [/color] :p
  17. [color=seagreen] i still am a loner...to a certain degree! i've been as such since...[b] [i] that [/b] [/i] time! i like how i am now! :blush: [/color] :wave:
  18. [color=seagreen] what's wrong with being single? you can go out and flirt with as people as you like and don't have to worri about your 'significant' other getting jealous...well that's how i look at it! :D [color=skyblue][size=1] i guess sometimes people get lonely...? yeah...i kinda see the point now.... *shrugs*[/size][/color] and i find nothing *too* "mind bogging" about the oppy sexy...i mean they're onli human...:rolleyes: [/color]
  19. [color=seagreen] i'm not scared of much...i don't think...:babble: but moths!!! :nervous: :nervous: i just let my babies handle them! :D and also...midgets...they totally freak me out!! i'd run away if one was by me...that or get the urge to kick them...:nervous: :bawl: [color=royalblue] [i] you onli fear what you don't understand...[/color] [/i] :rolleyes: yeah...sure... [/color] :wave:
  20. [color=seagreen] well i prefer GD! simply because i do...suteki da ne? :rolleyes: i think so! :D :blush: [/color] :wave:
  21. [color=seagreen] sé algún español... je sais un certain français... ich kenne irgendein deutsches...my descent :rolleyes: some nihon... learning mandarin... just a bit of Russian
  22. [color=seagreen] kittie is a [b] [i] huge [/b] [/i] fan of [i] 'DreamGirls' [/i]!! Love the songs...the muzik...the script...everything about it! wunderbar play!! also let's not forget [i] 'Guys and Dolls' [/i]! hello! :rolleyes: :blush: eh...i'm in a mood... [/color] :wave:
  23. [color=crimson][u]?YtyinaS[/color] [/u] [color=royalblue] Sanity can strike at any moment When you see the painted clowns on the wall Or perhaps when you hear the leg-less cricket noise (in the afternoon) Maybe the smooth edges of reality prick your finger Only then can you taste the bitter-sweet vanilla of life You can view your sanity Through a magnified-glass television Then perhaps the picture won?t be quite so clear Could be you question your sanity now (?) Think it was madness after all... Only time can tell With the tick and the tock of chocolate coffee Is that not your cup of tea Perhaps you should get a quieter More softer clock Would it help you get a greater amount of insomniatic sleep You can awake and have no answers You can sleep and have all the answers Only then will your madness be revealed to you...[/color] [color=red]Poets's Questions/Comments: "i know that insomniatic isn't a word..but it seemed to fit in for me... i don't know where this poem came from either...off the top of me head... don't be *too* cruel! =^-^=" [b] i hope i didn't post this before...[/b] [/color] :wave:
  24. [color=seagreen] akay, i'm sorri that i didn't answer this sooner! i didn't know it annoying people like it did! and i guess i also thought someone else would answer!! :blush: but here you go! [b]iambic pentameter[/b] - Consisting of a short syllable followed by a long one, or of an unaccented syllable followed by an accented; as, an iambic foot. that explains it, ne? :whoops: [/color] :wave:
  25. [color=seagreen] i started a new thread because this is where all my non-related Chronicle work will go! hope that's akay! :D if not...let me know...and blah blah... [/color] [u][COLOR=tomato]Dangerous Butterfly[/COLOR] [/u] [color=royalblue] While walking through the meadow one day I stepped on a butterfly along the way One wing, fluttered, stuck in my foot The other stabbed the world in the eye Blood spilled all over onto the Blades of grass It slowly consumed the sun in a whole ?left my world in darkness? When I pulled the demon out The crimson poured forward And gave me eyes anew The creature flew away Laughing as he did I learned a lesson that day When you see a butterfly-slowly-walk away Innocence it has from afar -But Know- Nothing is as it seems?[/color] :wave: Poets's Questions/Comments: "the part that it says stabbed the world in the eye...just describes my pain... this is a true story...my sis had her butterfly clips on the floor and i stepped on one...i forgot i can bleed ---___--- so yeah...here's my poem! Kittie Moon =^-^="
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