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Everything posted by Kittie

  1. [color=seagreen] i thought you were was veri beautiful! it has lots o' emotion in it...and it displays Love in a veri nice matter! great write! keep it up!! :D [/color] [size=1] in the last stanza first line you should change it to [b] now[/b] not [i] not[/i]! :blush: [/size] :wave:
  2. [color=seagreen] well...there's too mani...i like a lot! :D anything by the following people and/or persons : Jimi Hendrix
  3. [color=seagreen] yeah i've heard of them....seen a cou-ple of their CDs...:babble: [/color] :wave:
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Liquidus_Snake [/i] [B]Everythings too expencive, too much hacking, too many people...I liked it 4 years ago when there was only a few hunded. not a few MILLION. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=seagreen] i agree with you there!! >.< i used to Love it then....now it's...akay... there treally isn't any age limit to it though! (whoever said they were too old :confused: ) there's people there older than i! :laugh: um...and they never die...they just stay [b] 'dying' [/b] until you bring them back to health... yeah...that's all for now...:sleep: [/color] :wave:
  5. [color=seagreen] yeah! :D i go to the convention every month! ...well [b] [i] almost [/b] [/i] every month!! :blush: i usually buy comics and watch the new anime screening-thingy! :huh: you know! ;) that's what [b] I [/b] buy...but i usually come home with CDs or games or whatever my sis gets for me! :heart: ...maybe i'll cosplay as someone! :twitch: i think that'd be fun...who knows...:babble: [/color] :wave:
  6. [color=seagreen] well technically it [i] has[/i] started but it hasn't been taken into effect yet... um...we need more people to join....itd be appreciated! :blush: so...it's there...but hasn't treally as of yet! :D [/color] :wave:
  7. [color=seagreen] well a cat is my animal totem.... so i just put it as Kittie... but that's my real name anyway! :rolleyes: so that was rather pointless! :blush: [/color] :wave:
  8. ohhh! haha :blush: yeah i messed up plenty in there! it says something then i had the word night in there! :huh: i don't even remember what i meant right there! :bawl: [color=royalblue]Poets's Questions/Comments: "this is the third piece of my Shade of Moonlight story...seems a bit incomplete or something...can't quite put my finger on it...don't be too harsh this is like my first night as a vamp...and i can't control my urges or anything yet... that's about all this poem is about[/color] that should make more sense! :drunk: :wave:
  9. [color=seagreen]this was a pretty kool poem! it has nice imagery in it! which is always good! this was a treally good poem! twas deep! ;) and i enjoyed it lots!! you seem to be a good writer!! :D [/color] :wave:
  10. [color=seagreen]see...i knew something was wrong with the ending! but i'm glad you liked it just the same!! it treally just means that he knew i was sad and all because i couldn't control my 'beast' so he just took me in his arms and komforted me... the whole 'vanishing' thing was just an effect i like! :huh: i'll use it more in my next chapter! :blush: thanx for the read!! [/color]
  11. [color=orangered] [u] Beast of Blood [/color] [/u] [color=seagreen] As the sun goes down In a fiery rage The nocturnal lights Begin to glow The angel?s eyes shone High in the sky With a twinkle unlike mankind?s As the night falls The urge comes stronger I need blood to fulfill my hunger As the moon rises high Life on the street comes alive -My madness starts to awake- I hide in the shadows Crimson eyes gleaming in the darkness I await my feast of innocence My desire starving of blood I can sense his fear As I calm him with Illusions of immortally To-night I shall not make another I drink to his very soul I lean closer to him to get a taste Fangs are shining brighter My breathing has now become obscene He screams the scream death brings It rips apart the silence of the night Red drops on my greedy lips Fall on his life-less body? With my desire pleased My madness ends *Don?t be ruled by your Beast Or it will destroy you* *I can?t control it?* I said sadly Because I knew it was true He wrapped his arms around me And we vanished in the wind? The wind carried a message : ?I will help you?.? [/color] [color=royalblue]Poets's Questions/Comments: "this is the third piece of my Shade of Moonlight story...seems a bit incomplete or something...can't quite put my finger on it...don't be too harsh this is like my first night as a vamp...and i can't control my urges or anything yet...'my Love' as he has been dubbed should have been with me and was night...for namesake he is Jean-Claude! ^-^ for now... Kit Kat Vamp =^-^=" [/color] all respects to Malice Mizer! :D :wave:
  12. Kittie

    Arkali RPG

    i think i should like to try this... [color=seagreen] Name : Nikolaos Arkali : Fire Storm Age: 18 Planet of Orgin : Luna Sea Description: 5?3, medium-build, black hair always in a braid in the back of her head, steel-grey eyes, looks distant and always wears black Bio: *read main post* Starting Weapon: Petite Filles (daggers) Final Weapon: unknown... [/color] :wave:
  13. [color=crimson] [u] Seraph [/color] [/u] [color=royalblue]He sat on the bed And just looked at me His midnight blue eyes Were pools you could dive into He whispered pretty words to me The words flowed through my mind Whispering things he had not said (whispers in the dark) He flicked his tongue across his lips Revealing just a hint of his fangs His bewitching eyes called me Beckoned me towards him... My heart thudded loud in my throat I had to swallow hard to calm it ...not lust this was desire I had to look away from his eyes The look was too intimate He called my name His voice was like velvet Rubbing all around me The sound resonated off the walls All the radiance of his voice He caressed my face with his hand The sensation lingered long after he removed his hand His kiss was as intoxicating As the sweetest wine New sensations danced around in my mouth He drew strange words on my neck with his tongue Then he let his fangs sink into my neck It was like silk on a wound ? gentle but with an edge of pain Darkness flowed over my eyes and consumed my world In that instant we became as one And I became as him A child of the night...[/color] [color=seagreen] Poets's Questions/Comments: "Seraph, in Christian and Judaic belief, an angel of the highest order. this is like a pre-quel to Shade of Moonlight! ^-^ this is the start of my Shade of Moonlight Chronicles!! (o^-^o) Kit Kat Moon" [/color]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B] btw, i think stuart townsend will make a lot better lestat than tom cruise. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=seagreen] mmm....i don't know...:rolleyes: why do you think that, i'd like to know... on another note Interview With a Vampire is coming on tomorrow... :drool: [/color] :wave:
  15. [color=seagreen]i liked your whole lil broadcast! :D twas funni! especially since i know how Bear in the Big Blue House [i] treally[/i] is... :wow: i couldn't hear the attachment though....no zip program on my 'puter...anymore :([/color] :wave:
  16. [color=seagreen] i made up a couple lists when i was wee one! ;) i had a list of all the kute bois at school....that was my fan list :blush: i had a list of all the people i want or would kill... and i also had a list of what i'd name my kids... i still have those list too...but a [i] lot [/i] of things have changed since then... [/color] :wave:
  17. [color=seagreen] thanx! :D that's what i needed to know! wasn't expecting an answer so soon i suppose...:blush: :wave: [/color]
  18. [COLOR=seagreen]i think you're poetry is treally kool! :D it's just that sometimes the rhyme scheme sounds....forced! try to stray from the iambic pentameter! :nervous: but overall you're stuff is good! i especially like the last one! it had lots o' meaning and feeling into it![/COLOR] :blush: :wave:
  19. does anyone know when the new Gundam series starts? i think it was called...i don't remember! :huh: but anyhoo...if anyone knows the day it starts could you possibli tell i? and if this question has already been asked...i'll delete this and blah and blah so....yeah! :blush: thanky you!! :D :wave:
  20. i kinda want to watch them just so i can see ***** and ****** play...but i just don't for some reason! :blush: probabli because i hate the olympics... :huh: for good reason though... :wave:
  21. well i [b] [i] do [/b] [/i] Love samoan food! yummy!! :drools: i don't eat that much anymore though:bawl:...that part of my family moved to Utah! :wow: :wave:
  22. i'm going to see it! :blush: Ann Rice books are good! all of the ones i've read anyway! plus the vamps! :drool: i hope i won't be disappointed! :wave:
  23. i like them both! :D equally too maybe! :D i like the Shouju because i get ideas from them! no one understands me! :nervous: and the Shounen because the guys are nice *eye-candy*! ;) :blush: :wave:
  24. this is my V-dai tribute poem! :D [color=crimson]In the silence Of the night The shadows play With the drops of moon (light) Illusions of Hope and Love Lull the weak and innocent minded Perfect for a feeding Perfect for a Valentines Feast? Before this night is over, my Love, We shall taste upon their Lust *Blood is sweeter When the Love is stronger?* *Love is stronger When the mind is weaker?* As we connect in a kiss Empty thoughts fill my head I can taste on the tip of your tongue The sweetness of all things lost and gone Blissful thoughts fill my head As the blood drips from your lips As a gentle breeze caresses my face It softly whispers Happy Valentine?s Day?[/color] :wave:
  25. nice pic! :D you look like a [b] [i] veri [/b] [/i] good friend of mines...:blush: lots o' people like tweety!:drunk: brings back memories... :blulaugh: :wave:
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