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Everything posted by Kittie

  1. Do you fall in love easily? nope! [b]Do you fall out of love easily? [/b] yes! [b] Whats the longest time youve ever dated someone? [/b] it would have been a year if we stayed to-gether for one more day... :whoops: [b] What's the shortest time youve ever dated someone? [/b] 3 months [b] How long does your average relationships last? [/b] a cou-ple of months :blush: :wave:
  2. i thought it was kool! :D it [i] did [/i] scare me though...and woke up my cat! i liked it! :whoops: we all need a good surprise like that everynow and then :blush: :wave:
  3. Kittie

    Tidus and Yuna

    i agree...like it's already been said...that Tidus and Rikku would have made a better couple! :D IMO...Yuna is not veri kute! Rikku is much kuter! ^-^v however i Love Yuna's outfit! :blush: :wave:
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by \¤~NoodleZ~¤/ [/i] [B] What is up with girls telling me I am cute? I am the most hideous thing that ever walked the planet! [/B][/QUOTE] if chicks keep saying you're kute...it must be true!! :D i think you're a lil kutie too!:blush: :wave:
  5. an elf would be kool...but not for i... i'm an imp! :D so that's what i'd choose! and i'm already a witch ( :rotflmao: ) so i'd be a vamp! and that's what my family already calls me...so that'd be kool to actually have all the attributes that go with a vamp!:blush: or being Bastet would be good! i have a necklace of her already...and other things... :babble: :wave:
  6. well i can put my arm behind my head...in this...weird way i can't describe! :blush: and i can put both my legs over my head that gets more and more commone each day :( i can bend backwards and touch the ground...anybodi can do that too, huh? well i'm pretty flexible so i can contort my bodi a [b] lot [/b] of weird ways...:laugh: :wave:
  7. i like my board name...though sometimes i wish it were more *dark* like me! ;) i Love my real name...because i know no other with it! :D :p and to think i was going to be named after my da!:drunk: i Love my whole name! [b] KMG [/b] also...Kittie has my first 2 letters...:babble: :wave:
  8. i'd ask... if there is a hell, will i be going there? :devil: :wave:
  9. i think feet are the most disugusting thing...EVER! :) my family knows this and they torture me with that...putting there feet near me!! *shudder*:nervous: but i do like my feel...i guess...:rolleyes: they're not wide...not big...and slightly arched... i can fit my nieces shoes and she's in the 6th grade! ;) :wave:
  10. Kittie

    The Fallen Angels

    i think i would like to try this... Name: Terrah Ciel Apperance: long black hair that shines a plethora of colours in the sun...very pale skin...icy blue eyes...medium build... Age: 16 Special Abilities: illusions...speak to the animals...and is a kinetomancer
  11. the dumbest question that i've been asked...well the one that comes most to mind is.... while walking, where i was walking, someone asks do you have a bf? reply: yeah... :drunk: : do you want a friend? that annoys the tartarus out of me! maybe it's not annoying to you....but it is to me! :wave:
  12. nice picy! :D i've not seen it before! i like the [b] colour [/b] scheme to it... :wave:
  13. as it has been previously said above me...i rather much have gameplay over the graphics! the graphics are nice....but you get over them... if people focused more on the graphics and less on the game itself...it treally wouldn't be a game then... :wave:
  14. i'm glad the patriots won!! :D i'm the onli patriot fan in the house....but no one in this house likes the Rams....:rolleyes: i never lost faith in my team!! :cool: it was a kool game...but i've seen better! ;) and as for MVP...i don't care! it's not Bledsoe...so i don't care!! :p is it going to be Brady?:eek: :wave:
  15. i Love FFVII... i've beaten it a couple of times too... it's one of my fav final fantasies... :wave:
  16. my perfect world: it's always dark...always cold...and i'm with the one i Love... other things might include: lots of cats, video games, anime, comics, and muzik that i never get tired of... ...short sweet and simple... :wave: that's all i can think of...maybe that'd it...?
  17. the songs i Love listening to when i'm in a bad mood are Stuck by Limp Bizkit and Mudshovel by Staind... when i'm in a bad mood those songs just make me even more mad....then i eventually calm down... but usually i'm emotionless :babble: :wave:
  18. i have 3 older sisters! the oldest one i don't know veri much about :confuse2: the other i don't like her veri much at all!!!:mad: and then my 3rd sis whom i Love more than anything! we should have been twins we're so alike! people sometimes call us that! (people we don't know ;) ) i also have an older brother! but he's all mine...i adopted him for me!!:D :wave: *i'm the babi* :angel:
  19. has anyone seen the anime metroplois? (sp) or is anyone going to see it? i saw a clip of it in the paper and i've yet to see it! it looks cheap to me....je ne sais pas...:rolleyes: :wave:
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by liamc2 [/i] [B]chastity as in no sex before marrige. .thats what i'm talking about. . .Its something I and my church believe in. . .somethething i believe that others should too. . *realises everyone thinks he is an idiot* [/B][/QUOTE] i believe in that too! though i have no church...:confused: but i believe in it whole-heartidly! :D :wave:
  21. i would say Mack-10 because i treally like the new album...and so serious is a good song! i like it! :) Mystikal is kool too! i have no fav! :wave:
  22. i like the opening song to Voltage Fighters!! :haha: the title escapes me now... i also like call me call me and um...that's all i can remember now! :) :wave:
  23. i used to be veri into SUV's...still am a bit! ;) but i LOVE classic cars!!! like my babi....my '69 GTX!! :love: :love: :love: and fast cars too...but that goes without saying...hence the GTX! :P
  24. i'll be celebrating the massacre of course... what else is that dai for? :confuse2: :wave:
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Renee [/i] [B]Defcon is a pervert!:wigout::o [COLOR=green]This is comming from someone who reads Boy Meets Boy?[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] you read that too?!! :) *sigh* tis a good comic!! :D among others! ;) i just didn't know anyone else who read that... sowi for being OT...:rolleyes:
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