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Everything posted by Kittie

  1. Nickname : [color=firebrick]oh i have mani...besides kittie...i have...Small Lady or Melan or Cheeks :D [/color] Age: [color=firebrick] juuhachi :wigout: [/color] Allowance: oh i just get money when i get it Favorite Smilie (from the boards) : we like mani...:babble: i do this often :wave: it's kute! that's enough i'm tired :sleep: Favorite... Umm... Power Ranger: :rolleyes: Time of Birth: 5:05pm Do you think the teletubbies are demonseeds? um...no... Favorite Cartoon Cartoon: off the top of my head... x-men maybe mulan....(?) Favorite Japanese Anime: [color=blue] Perfect Blue [/color] Favorite Font:i don't know right now! What kind of pet do you have, if any? [color=firebrick] cats..dogs...fish...lizards...and some mice now :laugh: [/color] What is are there names: [color=deepblue] Cats: Duki...Baby Girl...Spooky...Demona...Fluffy...Petite...Muffin...Mala...Kat...Kit Ann...[/color] Dogs: [color=green]um...if i can remember...Bear...Cindy...B.F....W.P...that's all i remember...sad no? [/color] Fish: [b] N/A [/b] Lizard: Bev
  2. i thought i was like Selphie and so did the test! *YAY* me!!:wigout: # 1 Selphie Tilmitt # 2 Zell Dincht # 3 Irvine Kinneas # 4 Seifer Almasy # 5 Rinoa Heartilly # 6 Quistis Trepe # 7 Squall Leonheart :wave:
  3. Kittie


    if any of you are Xenogear fans then you were probabli waiting for another to come out! or...maybe not...i don't know! :D anyhoo.....Xenosaga comes out sometime in late february in japan and some short time after that in the US! :rolleyes: anyway...who's going to it? if any! :) but you must own the PS2 also...if you don't already :laugh: :wave:
  4. i guess i would like Tidus more because i like how he acts! his whole cheerful personality etc... Auron's kool but he gets annoying....i Love his voice though...:love2: out of all the guys though my fave is Maester Seymour...:love: his aeon Anima is pretty kool! :babble: :wave:
  5. i know it's been said but those are some good pics! your art reminds me of a friend i had once long ago...your drawing style reminds me of him! veri nice job!!:D
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kuja [/i] [B] [SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]last time i checked this ring on my finger YOU were taken :mad: and who exactly is this certain someone? he had better not be my i ALREADY posted one pic of me and that is enuff for me :) *waves back* [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] *scoff* do try to stay on topic kuji...:) and anyhoo this post is about him....which is why i stated that he is taken...:D and i don't need a pic of you...not anymore...:laugh: :rotflmao: so you needn't concern yourself with my certain someone...:p :wave:
  7. oh thee god...you are a kutie! :eek: you look a [i] bit [/i] older than 15! but you're still too young for me...and you're already taken....anyhoo!:p um...[color=silver] what was i typing [/color] nice pic!! :D i wish more people would post their pic...especially a certain someone....but that's not going to happen!!:rotflmao: :wave:
  8. wasn't there like a website where some of the 'otakuians' or whatever you call yourselves....have there pics posted?:cross: we think it is somewhere....though we dinna know...:babble:
  9. no...i haven't...:bawl: yet! but i plan to!! :) well kinda...i want to do my hair like Maester Seymour! :whoops: that counts doesn't it? :babble:
  10. i know the words to eyes on me! :love2: we also know some other songs...just can't think of the titles right now...:confused: i know the muzik to some of the other songs...but you didn't ask that...:D :babble:
  11. i absolutely adore rainy days!!! :love2: on some rainy days i like go outside and run around! i Love doing that! its lots o' fun! i usually run around in my [color=silver][size=1] b-day suit [/size][/color] too! but that's beside the point! that's what i do on most rainy days....that or stay inside and do what i do...:wigout:
  12. Kittie


    i've heard that [b]'Fate is for those who can't control their destiny...'[/b] interpret that as you will...:D but i'm a strong believer in Fate! i believe that what ever happens was meant to happen...everything happens for a reason and so on... :blah: i believe that our lives are determined from the second we're born! kinda where astrology fits in...:babble: *this is just my belief system* :love2:
  13. oh dude! that must suck! i think i'd treally hurt someone if they simply touch my comics... and your mum gave them away! i don't know what i'd do....heads would roll... :rotflmao:
  14. yeah...i mean i'm in Cali too... i've not seen it....when does it come on? or has it already come on? do you know anything else than what you typed? i mean i own all the tapes but i'd like to see it on the telly once...:wave:
  15. i think it was treally kool! perhaps a bit konfusing in some parts....but i Loved it! i Love Camui!!!:love: i don't think i cared for the ending too much though....:flasher:
  16. i haven't heard that they're showing that!! i have to see about that! :freak: what does that [b] 'E' [/b] in front of SM stand for? and in america they'll butcher the episode!! :flaming: :demon:
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by boris [/i] [B]yeah, that was a sad sad sad try to make me want to buy doa3. hey, bill gates must be useing that theroy of sex sells. they are targeting males, which is a little sexeist. but thats just my view. [/B][/QUOTE] yeah, i agree with you! it is sexist! so mani guys keep telling me it's a guys world and all that!!:cussing: so, i hate that bloody commercial!!:demon: i bought the game anyway though...but i've been a DOA fan for awhile...sorri i'm straying...:babble:
  18. i think that if you need help you should say on what exactly! just an idea...that's what i'd do...but what do i know? :hippy:
  19. hey kool pic!! :) *whisper whisper*you should smile though!! ;) but it's kool! i don't think i shall ever post mine!!:nervous: :wave:
  20. Kittie


    has anyone here seen or for that matter heard of Ayane's High Kick? i hope at least 1 person has seen it!!!! *hopes*:wave:
  21. what's the strangest thing about you? has this already been done....gomen....desole... if has been...:freak: well for me...it might not be that strange...but like...when i take off my socks...and then get ready to put them back on...i want them to be on the same exact foot! perhaps that's not too strange...anyhoo..how about any of you? :babble:
  22. hmm...yeah...:worried: 1. PS1...PS2...X-box...Sega...NeS...Super NeS...Dreamcast... 2. i just don't think i have a fav game...:confused: 3. i don't have just [i] [b] one [/i] [/b] fav anime 4. now for muzik...i like it all....yep! it all....except i tend to stay away form rap and r&b and things of that nature...i listen to some of it...:worried: so...yeah....:babble:
  23. Kittie


    yeah...Anti i know about Loki...he's kool! :) i have 10 cats...i don't think i have to name them all....i doubt any of you would kare much! :rolleyes: i have ?? dogs...je ne sais pas....my da takes care of them...so i don't know how mani.... i have ?? fish! no one can expect me to count all of those lil buggers!! :cussing: and i have 1 bearded dragon...she's evil!! :love: and..um....yeah....:babble:
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