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Everything posted by Kittie

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] Oh yeah, and his hair is naturally a redish color... which is VERY odd for a Japanese person.... some of us think he's a reincarnation of Kenshin, the legend Samurai from Japan, anime based off of the lengend..... esspecially when Gackt wears his Samurai outfit.... i'm sure he's quite the swordsman too. [/B][/QUOTE] *fainsts* i had that pic for my wallpaper!! i got it from webshots! i didn't copy and paste it or anything!!:nervous: now it's him with a treally revealing outfit *sighs* and i *might* have a Gackt website for all you know TN...:wigout:
  2. i'm going to see it! good book! movie looks kool! books are usually better though! :box:
  3. i'm sure i have some secrets...i just can't think of any right now... *baka* maybe...no can't think of one! if i do i'll post!:D maybe!
  4. Kittie


    yep! i've played it! i [b] LOVE [/b] it too! ;) me thinks the lil demos on it are kooly too!! :babble:
  5. QAF2 starts in January...not too sure about the exact date but in that month! i can get those for you too!! if i'm not gone by then!! :D kuja...you don't or didn't know what QAF is??! oh my goddess...i should talk to you more often....:confused:
  6. well, i'm getting Halo and DOA3 of course!! and i'm not quite sure what else...whatever else _ _ _ _ _ buys me i suppose! :D [color=pink] * i'm also going to be getting Fuzion Frenzy now*[/color]
  7. Kittie


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]The date hasn't been pushed back. It is still November 15th...it was always November 15th. The games usually ship before the console itself, so that stores have enough in stock for launch. However, some stores actually [b]sell[/b] the games when they're not supposed to...before the launch of the console itself. So there has been no delay or anything, you just bought your game too early, that's all :)[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] no! it has not [b] always[/b] been November 15th! at one time it was November 8th! i've answerd my own queston now...*baka* :worried:
  8. that sucx!! i wish you the best! May the Lord and Lady watch over you! 'when misfortune is now wear the blue star upon thy brow' :)
  9. i play bass..or at least i [b] did [/b]! but the group did this which caused me to do that and this i where we are now! :box:
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]I've heard of this band, but never heard any of their songs. :( [/B][/QUOTE] what band is that? Malice Mizer....?
  11. Kittie


    these new cars are fine and good! they're kute! :D but i'm more into classic cars...older if you will! hmmm...no pic to show you!:whoops:
  12. TN...i was thinking and...do you want me to like start recording now...or like wait until QaF2 starts or what? i'm sure those won't have be on DVD... yeah, and i'll mail them!!:D and kuja...you don't treally embarass me! at least i don't think..i have been gone for awhie... :babble:
  13. sure! i [b]think[/b] i can do that! it'll be like an earli x-mas present! ;) i don't know [b] how [/b] but i'll (or you'll) think of something! Kittie always keeps her word! even though [i] [b] he [/i] [/b] thinks i'm a liar!! :P :demon:
  14. thanx TN!! you're a real pip!! :D i'll have to return the favor to you one day!!:nervous:
  15. you've guessed right!! ----> i'm stupid!! :rolleyes:
  16. does anyone now a good site where i can find out about psycho le cemu? all the sites i've seen are in kanji!!!! and i can barely make out the romanji!!!:bawl: :bawl: :bawl: so can not-a-body help i?? *in Murder-Death-Kill he sounds like Kyo to me* :whoops: thanking you in advance....:babble:
  17. Kittie


    i'm so pissed!! i got Halo and the memory card
  18. i'm pagan...so i tend to not believe in either! *My life is all i know of Heaven and all i need of Hell* - Me :)
  19. i saw it!! no mani times...but enough!!! i thought it was kute!! treally kawaii!! :wigout:
  20. mmmm....probabli Arimatage or Voltage Fighters
  21. i remembr that as soon as i came out...i slid right onto to floor or bed or whatever it was! i think it was the floor...that'd explain why i'm the way i am today...sometimes m mum confirm it sometimes she denies it....i know the truth!! i rememer good shows and cartoons like fragle rock..snorks...care bears..he-man...shera
  22. i'd go back to medevial times and hope i wouldn't be burned at the stake! i'd go to the Victorian Era
  23. i prefer a steady relationhip! or at least just casual or me! if i saw my guy, whoever that might be, with another chick i'd get jealous! and then mad....and then i'd probabli do something!! :flaming: :demon: it's alright for me to casually date...but not him! ;) double standards i know...who cares! *not that i'm casualy dating anyone right now though*:love:
  24. Kittie


    i don't what genre it is... i searched Yahoo and it brought up a bunch of german sites...i'm not that fluent in german and also some stores about furniture...:whoops:
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