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If you could be anyone? who would you be
PloKoonDS replied to XC SpydeR's topic in General Discussion
I myself would be 1 of 2 people. 1. The Dark Knight Dante (I got his hair already though, just need his rock star good looks and coat and body and guns and sword" or 2. Jacen Solo I am already like them both, but not exactly. Just me though. ~Plo -
Here, let me put it simply for you. Football sucks because its mis-named. "Soccer" is foot ball, you can only use your feet unless your the goalie or it goes out of bounds. "Football" should be "PigSkin ball" or "lets-put-on-pads-and-run-into-each-other-while-chasing-a-dead-pig-filled-with-air ball". ~Plo
Im gonna be a writer, working on my first book actually. Plus, Im going to be a journalist. ~Plo
If you could erase one human emotion..what would it be and why?
PloKoonDS replied to Bishie's topic in General Discussion
I would erase a whole lot more then just a single emotion if it was up to me, but to tell the truth, I would want to erase love. It's stupid and confusing, and today's standards of "love" are more closely related to "lust". As far as I care, all emotions should go. ~Plo -
*stands in the darkest corner, farthest away from everyone else, black cloak pulled close around him and leaning against the wall* *he contemplates on how thrilled he is that no one on these boards likes him and prefers it this way, because he is a loner at heart and will always be alone* :flaming: Plo Koon P.S. - Spelling may be off a little, but now you all know how I think a little more
"How's my breath? The tic-tac still working?" That would be my caption... even though... its lame >.>; Plo Koon
....... I wont waste any more time reading this, or anything at all on this beyond this retarded posting. What Justin say's is what I say, because from reading what he HAS said, and not taking it out of wack or anything, he is head on with my point of veiw. Over all, my statement of this thread being "retarded" I will stand beside the rest of my life. I dont really mind if its breaking a rule either, because after all its just my opinion. Plo Koon
Hey Hey Hey now, do we really need to start bashing people? -_- Honestly, I could care less for it. As most people know by now, I do not support being gay in any way or form, but that DOESNT mean I think it should be illegal. If people want to do that, pfft, go for it, your choice, not mine. And hey, its not MY fault people say "omg, its un-american to do that!" pfft, what the heck IS "american" now-a-days? Going out and getting drunk every friday night and then waking up to some one you dont know? If that is american, call me a Swed. Heck, call me a communist. Because I sure as heck dont support people who are like "I r b American0 d00d! U r nut!" Pfft to them! But that doesnt mean I support you either, so like..... bleh. Any who, that was a little random... I once saw at a concert once, a band sign that declared us "slaves" to our government. And then half way through the concert the singer took out a flag and started to degrade it, saying how we shouldnt conform and BS crap like this. It took all my will to only take the flag from him and not beat the **** outta him. I heard later that at other concerts he would have thrown the flag on the ground and started to dance on it and such. Now, you may think "omg, this d00d is patriotic and stuupeed" but hey, is it wrong to be proud of my nation that fights for me against everything that is threatening? No, its not. And so I dont think you all should be bad mouthing it for some little "mistake" it made in outlawing those types of marriages. I dont know, this all seem's kinda random, and I didnt read all the post's, but from what I did read I wasnt happy that some of you decided to bad mouth being a "Christian" and such, or bad mouth the government. And Justin, I totally agree with you man. I count myself as a "Christian" and I totally support what you said. As long as they dont cry "minority" or what not, Im cool with it. But that whole "Minority" thing is a load of BS. Im a Minority, Im myself, so bleh! Any who.. All I have left to say really is DONT STEAL MY PROPS DEMN IT!!! Plo Koon, Teh Ubber Newb P.S. - Rock on! \m/
*blank stare* first kiss? what are you talking about? o.o LoL nah, never had a first kiss yet, never will have one. Congrats on those who have though! Rock on \m/! Plo Koon
Yeah, Olga is right. ***** County sucks when it comes to fireworks. My mother's boss got my and my bro some HUGE fire works, and "oh no, fire works in the hands of some one under the age of 40!!! They are gonna blow something up!" ....... WHY THE HECK DID YOU GIVE ME THE FIREWORKS AND MAKE THEM LEGAL IF IM NOT ALLOWED TO USE THEM?!?!?! Any who, that is just a wee-bit of my frustration. Another problem is You cant use them in the town that I live in, but you can 30 minutes away, IF you pay $56 for a permit or something, and have a fire man there to watch for a fire from what your doing -_-;; Any who, here is some bogus mathmetical equations for you all... *sp* Fireworks = fun Fireworks + Soda Cans = Make shift rockets Fire Works + 3 table spoons of lighter fluid x empty plastic soda bottle = Make shift Molotov with a fuse Fire Works + extension fuse + lots of gunpowder from poppers (wrapped in tinfoil) = make shift hand grenade You know... now that I think of it... I shouldnt have access to fireworks LoL Plo Koon
I myself believe in ghost's, and I will tell you my two little stories 1. Happend a while ago, not sure who it was, but it was in my first house where I am living now (in the same town). We had this really long hallway, like... 15 yeards straight o.o I was at one end of it, and I saw a white... "thing" go across the hall way from my sister's room to my parents room, and it was just like a flash or something. I know its not an animal though, because we didnt have any at this time 2. It was from where I am now, not too long ago. I have a computer in my room, in the corner, so when I look over my left shoulder I can see out into the house, one time, about.. 5:00 in the afternoon, I was alone in the house, and I glanced over my shoulder, and I saw a man, with a -BAD- expression on his face, and I knew he was there to hurt me or someone in my family, and in a matter of... 0.1 seconds I was up spinning around, pipe in hand from under the edge of my bed, chair knocked over from me getting up so fast, and the "person" was gone. Only way I can explain it really is it was "a ghost"... *shrugs* Plo Koon
Wow, Justin kinda just said what I was gonna say next, almost like he.. *do do dooooooo* read my mind! o_O any who, I agree whole-heartedly Justin, so like, rock on! \m/! And James, I apologize, I wont do it again. Plo Koon
btw, Arkadyz, thanks for hoping I can get some better anime, but this town I live is is vastly populated by 1. Old People 2. Hicks 3. Adults who in general hate "kids" like me So like.. *shrugs* Any suggestions though, for me to look for, would be much appreciated =P Plo Koon
I agree Black Dragon, for the most part. And Semjaza, for the most part, yes I did take many things to the extreme, and no, I did not try to make it seem like everyone is "loose" and they do things like that. I was only being extreme because its easier to see my point. Any who, Its alright that you dont get everything, *shrugs* Some times I just ramble. I think I probably did some. So like, rock on. Any who, I wasn't trying to excuse myself, or what not, with simply saying "but do what you want to". I was only saying that because in the end, it is your life, and you can do what you want. I am only pointing out I dont agree with it, and its not really for me to agree with it, but *shrugs* oh well, right? Another thing you said is "sex" isnt the focal point of anything really. If its not that important, then *goes to the extreme* why not go out and have some every night with random people? And no, I didnt mean my veiw point about pre-marital sex is askew, I mean as my ENTIRE veiw point is. I dont believe in pain, hence, pain isnt real. I dont believe in death, hence, death isnt real. If some one ask's me "are you telling the truth" I simply say "no". Or if some one asks me "are you lying" I simply say "yes". Think about that one on your own ;) I never said everyone is off having sex with some looser they have been dating for 5 days, and I dont mean to be deragatory *sp* to any one in what I said. I simply was saying, and again I say I went to the extreme's, that I dont agree and I said things to make my point more conceivable. And again, we agree in what you said in your second to last paragraph bud, Im not better then any one else for what I believe, only different. I never said I was better, and I never meant to seem like I was saying Im better. Any who, Thanks for the "more power to you", but I dont think I will use it LoL No one likes me anyways ;) Any who, rock on, thanks for letting me post, and stay awsome!
I find that insulting that you think I look at Hentai, so zip the lip please. Hentai is revolting to me, and all of it should be burned. Where I live, we dont get any of the good anime channels, or cartoon network or anything, because its a hick town. I have to rent all the anime's I have seen, and the majority of them have had scene/s that ruin the entire film. Plo Koon
Actually, there are two certainties about life. 1. Death 2. Choices. There is always a choice, no matter what. Any who, I dont know, I dont feel pain much. I have a high tolerance for it, extremly high. And no, I dont "curse the God" that gave me this pain, I welcome back. Pain is a teacher, a task master, a controller. That is why little kids learn not to touch the stove, and stuff like that. It hurts, so stop. Any who, I dont Curse God, I praise him for being what he is =) Plo Koon
Plus, a lot of anime's have sex in them, if you havent noticed x.x I know I have, and a lot of good anime's have been ruined due to the fact that the sex scene/s wherent needed. Any who, I agree, if you dont want to know about it, dont click on the name, alright? =P Plo Koon, Teh Ubber Newb
Teh Ubber newb is here to speak again1!!!one!1 I believe in heaven and hell, and there not being a middle ground. There is no works to get into heaven, only Jesus Christ. I believe that everyone is going to die, just like everyone is going to feel pain some day. Pain is a teacher, a task master, an opressor. I have defeated it, and I will accept death when it claims me, I hope though, that maybe I will see some of you in Heaven. I believe I am going because I accepted Jesus Christ into my heart. He is my savior, and I believe in him. Death happens, period. No way to avoid it. There is no such thing as "immortality" on the human level, and There is no such thing as "an afterlife", because a person never really dies. The body is gone, sure, but a person still has there soul. The Soul is the thing that matters, not there body. A soul is immortal, the body is not. The Soul will live on forever. Like I said in my very first post, I am a horrible person, worse then most of you probably, and some times I am a hypocrite, which is the thing I guess you could say I "hate" most in life. But Any one can go to heaven if they believe in Jesus and the bible. I also have a hunch on what I am saying is going to cause some arguements, so bring 'em on! I love hardcore conversations. any who, those are my veiws, and I dont mean to bash any one with them. Plo Koon, a.k.a - Da Peaches!
I think you did musunderstand some of the things I said, but that is alright. Like I said, I have a strange point of veiw, one of the most askew (told to me by some shrink o.O) but any who, I did not mean what you said in any way, about "them having no personal responsibility". And I stated numerous times its totally up to them. But Obviously, my opinion is very different and I think I made some points that if you read it again you will catch. If not, *Shrugs* message me and we can talk more on AIM or something =P Plus, I never said "if you wait everything will turn out perfectly" I know people who have waited that have broken up and such, its just the people in the relationship's choice. But see, part of the reason I see for waiting (looking at it from a different angle) is 1. That means the relationship can be more drawn out over time to see if it might work with marriage, (or) 2. You rush into it and it still might work People naturally argue, its completly natural for them to do it, and fight, and everything. I myself though, am going to wait. And I do prefer to have a girlfriend for a LONG TIME before I even think about marriage. My parents had a short courtship, I think it was 6 months before they got married. But that doesnt mean it always works like that. I am going to date for a very long time before I decide Im ready to offer myself for marriage, because it does take a certian amount of maturity to do, and to do it succesfully. I am sorry if you didnt get some points, but read it again and you might see them, or read it a lot, your call =P Any who, Stay awsome! Plo Koon P.S. - BabyGirl, omg, we need to talk, I just read your post again, and it say's something about Star Wars! o.o And thank you for calling me "master", but I do not deserve the title. Call me something like "Newb" or better yet, my nickname: Peaches! Everyone, stay cool, and be like....*trails off*
P.P.S. (or however you add anothing little message) - if you read all of this again, you will see some people saying "it is just your body", and that is where I got it from. I know, your saying to yourself "I dont want to read all that again X_X!!" but its back there, I asure you it is. *sp* RwaR !@
Yes, I was told very much to be "indirect" and so forth, and some quotes I took (with sarcasim ;)) can be traced back, but I did not mention any one by name because, well, it would be too funny if I got banned the very first post. I very clearly stated that what I was saying was all my opinion as well, and didnt force it onto any one (at least I didnt think so), but oh well. My point has been made, and I am being told that I did it well... interesting... I dont think will accomplish my goal now ;-; Any who, thank you James and Babygirl for your opinions. I do think through a lot of the times before I say things. And I havent a problem with you if you choose to have sekz, unless you try to force your opinion on me. Babygirl, I wish the best for you, even though I do disagree with you on that slightly, but that doesnt mean I am gonna be like "omfg, diez0rz!" Take care at least, and thanks for being careful and admitting the truth, at least from your point of view. any who, ph34r!@ for I am teh Ubber Newb! Plo Koon P.S. - I thought I was respectful enough, especially since I was insulted by some things that where said earllier in this line of postings. So like... Im sorry, (not really) If I some how insulted you, but you did to me, so its only fair slightly, oh well. liek, RwaR !@ oh yes, and I am winner, ha ha ha!
I r b 1337z0rz then all of j00s! Anywho, back to intellegence, I disagree totally. Some of my friends have been asking me to start talking on these boards so I waited until I thought something was actually worth the time and effort of posting. Dont mind the insults, because there might be some in here. And to those I offend, I apologize now, but I dont really mean it. Alright, The "arguement" of it "just being your body" is a total shame. What the heck is the point of getting married if "it doesnt matter because its just your body"? I mean, your pledging yourself to 1 person, and if your cheating on some one then, and its "just your body" then why the heck would your spouse care if you where cheating? Because its more then your body, its your mind, its your spirit. You MELD together, some how, some way, but it happens. You two forever share a special bond, weither it be a positive relationship or a negative, you are connected forever. Further more, I mean, what the heck? Lets go out and sekz0rz every guy/girl or what not, and get every possible STD known to man, alright? Then I shall sit outside your hospital room, dressed as a doctor so I could even get this close to you, laffing (yes, I spell "laughing" like that just to piss some of you off) my *beep* off because I told you not to, but you still did! so HA! Over all, its your call of course, but your a dip if you think "duuuuur, its just my body Gah!" so like.... go away, alright? Any who, Lets just say its with only 1 person, alright? just for a minute. "Doing it" before marriage in my opinion is wrong, because you arent pledged, and you dont wear the ring to show that you belong to some one, and some one belongs to you. That is the point of getting married, to pledge yourself forever to one person, and no one else. Of course you can have friends, of course you can joke around, but sex should be shared between 2 people, no more, no less. If you want to pretend, that is your call, I just think that is disgusting. Over all, I have a very "askewed" veiw point from a lot of you, and so what if I do. Its not like Im going to go "omfg, gay peeps! Bust a cap, yO!" On the contrary, you want to do that, fine. Dont come to me for support. If your straight, Im proud to say I am straight, 17, and still a Virgin. m00t! I love music, I love life, I love lots of things, I hate no one, and I am a horrible person, but I still do all I can to help others. This, going around having sex with some one because they are your "boyfriend/girlfriend" though, is not for the benifit of a person. That tieing yourself to the other, and a child might pop out then. What kind of example would this kid have if his/her parents wheren't married and always at each other's throats? Im not saying its impossible to raise a child like that, but it is showing the child that a mistake was made and now he is "in the middle" of this "war", making his parents always fight. ANYWHO, having a boyfriend/girlfriend is to see who is out there, and to meet the right person. That is exactly the point though, these are PEOPLE, its not like a car you can go out and "test drive" to see if it "fits" and crap. Seriously, I respect girls that are my friends more then just "omfg, get them drunk then give it to 'em!". That is how a lot of people are, and if they want to jump in the sack with me, rock on! That is a major compliment, but that doesnt mean Im gonna do it because I would rather value them as a friend then loose them because they dont like the way I "fit" or some bogus reason like that. They want to break up with me, fine, just not because I cant make them orgasim the very first time or crap. So like, pfft at most of you! I chastise you, but like I said, all my opinion, and over all its your choice. I encourage though, to make one that would be better for your future and to wait until married. I mean, it cant be hard to wait, I have since I was 15, and I have had no problem's controlling myself so like... *shrugs* I have amazing self-control, and self-disicpline. That is me, I can wait. I can control my mood most of the time also, so like, I r b speshuls! w00t! Any who, this state's my opinion kinda clearly, and if you dont get my opinion after all that... *shakes head in disappointment* I pity you, yet envy you. I will put it simple though, one last time. I do not support or encourage pre-marital sex in any way, shape, or form. I have taken some one who wanted to do that with me as a compliment, but I do not and have not, and have no plans of doing so until I am married with the 1 person I love most on this planet, and the 1 person I will stay with the rest of my life. Closeing thought: No matter what any one ever says. Star Wars > Star Trek. Omfg, Star Trek is so unworthy that it shouldnt even be in the same sentence... *corrects* Star Wars.> Star Trek I hope you all dont find what I said offensive (even though the insults I put in there wont help ;)) and I might post around some, and yes, I am a total newbie on these boards, and I expect most people to go "omfg, newbz0rz! Ign0r3 d3 n3wb13!" but oh well, that is the price for being me I guess. Plo Koon, Teh Ubber Newb! P.S. - Many things where mispelled through out this post on purpose, because most of the time its much more enjoyable when you think Im a totaly idiot. RwaR @! SodA!@ r00tb33r!@ GOOD NIGHT!