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About just2kawaii

  • Birthday 01/16/1987

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    there isnt anything you'd be interested in.
  • Occupation
    Librarian...Massage Therapy school

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  1. Konnichi-wa! let me think...I really love Andralyn (Andre-a-lyn) It's so unique to me. ~Lisha~
  2. Hey all this is a fun game that I discovered on one of my favorite forums (The Dark Arts) and wanted to spread the joy... okay here is how you play you basically just post 'duck' or 'goose'. The catch is that if you post 'goose', you have 'goosed' the person who posted above you. You get to dare them to do something! The maximum length of time for something to be done is one week. Some simple rules to keep the game from getting out of hand... 1.) Keep it fun 2.) No personal stuff about members 3.) No slurs against actors / singers / whatever. (Fictional people are fair game.) 4.) Nothing to do with religion or politics. 5.) Nothing 'ist. (Racist, Sexist, etc) 6.) Obviously no vulgar pictures. 7.) Punishments = 8 max. (i.e say 8 bad things about harry.) 8.) Nothing vulgar for the sayings in the sigs. 9.) You CAN Goose someone who has already been goosed an example of a 'Goose' would be having the saying "I love My Little Pony" in your siggy for a week...stupid funny stuff like that! I hope you enjoy it! ~Disclaimer~ I did not create this game, i basicly stole it and put it on here. There now I can't get in trouble...LoL! oh and lastly...Duck!
  3. Konnichi-wa! I am bored...sooo to the first person that answers this I will make them a banner. Sorry no animations...just simple cute banners. Just fill the requirements of what you want and I'll get it to you asap! Oh and if you want a specific picture please link a url...thanks! ~Lisha~ Screenname: Pixel sizes: Anime: Quotes: Colors: Other:
  4. I'd be much obliged if someone could possilby make a banner that matched the My Otaku theme I have. The only words that I'd like on there would be my screen name (in smaller font) and either the LoD logo or the Quote "You are free to sever the Chains of Fate that Bind you." Whatever works best...Thank you ever so Much! ~Lisha
  5. Hey! I got a question for ya'll. I love videogames...dang near all videogames, but I am getting just a little bit tired of so many game directed to guys and most guys thinking a girl can't be a gamer...I'm forever having to prove that I actually can play and most times beat whom ever it is I am playing! Everytime someone sees me reading my GI mag I get strange looks, like I am doing something that is forbidden... *sigh* What's a girl gamer to do? Lataz, Lisha
  6. umm...i don't really know where to put this post, I guess i can stick it here huh?...Anywho I live in (central) Louisiana, near Alexandria. I have found only one store that sells Anime and they have like only one 3ft rack...does anyone know anywhere near there that I can get some anime? its a christmas gift for my little bro. so I have to do something...know what I mean? thanks a bunch! Lataz, Lisha
  7. Jin-Roh is the only one I can think of...maybe Nadisco, it's kinda old but its ok, but I never hear anyone talking about it...Oh well oh another anime that I never see ppl talking about would have to be Dual. If I'm wrong let me know...(^_^) Lataz, Lisha
  8. I wonder when CN will put better shows back on...Cause the whole little Bait and Switch thing has gotten really old...Wouldn't it benfit everyone if CN would just wait till the entire series was Dubbed then show it thru a few times then give that show a break and show something else...Anyone else agree?
  9. I wish that I could stay up late enough to watch Adult Swim or Anime Unleashed, but alas I must go to school every morning and can't stay up very late...Anywho, if CN insists on running show just to fill in until Yu Yu Hakusho and whatever else, they could at least use a good series like Tenchi (^_^) If anything CN would at least keep its ratings up and it'll everyone something decent to watch while we wait, huh? Am I making any sense? Lataz, Lisha
  10. Ok...I use to watch toonami on CN all the time...But now it totally sucks! It has nothing but little kid tv shows on it...Does anyonw know what happened? If anyone can tell me if anything will change in the future, hopefully sometime in the near future, I'd appericate it! Lataz, Lisha
  11. Oh that sounds like its gonna be really good! What about the art? I know its got Mecha and that automatically stands for something; I am a mechaaddict it can't be helped; is it like 'Ohh my Gaaa!!!' or oh 'its ok'? Thanks, Lisha
  12. Ok...I was resently informed that after SD Gundam finished * :laugh: Jumps for Joy :laugh: * that 'Zeta Gundam' is taking its place. Now what in the world is Zeta Gundam? I heard some people talkin' about it and I wanna know what its like! Does anyone know anything about it? Thanks a bunch, Lisha
  13. I haven't seen much of the Gundam series' but from what little I have seen its extremely good....until i saw SD gundam, I'll never look at the series' the same again...but I've never heard of Zeta Gundam, whats it like?
  14. Hey CN has been advertising for this show and I've never heard of it. I thought it was for DB GT, but it said this wholw other name; could someone please enlighten me? Thanks, Lisha
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