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Everything posted by just2kawaii

  1. Lets see...oh this one time I told my brother he couldn't play football to save his life and he set out to prove me wrong,which by doing so tore a legiment in his leg and he has to wait till he's 16 to get it fixed.....I feel so bad.....wait a minute no i don't...the day before he chased me thru the house with a Butcher knive... Lataz, Lisha
  2. I've never been to one...Do they even have any down around Louisiana? I can't remember ever hearin' of any.
  3. Is there a plot? I've seen, I think almost all of them. Is it one of those annoying "Day in the life" animes...or is there a plot and I've like totally missed it. Thanks, Lisha (I'm having a MAJOR Blonde moment so bear with me)
  4. ohhhhhhh ok. I hope they don't bring it to CN...I don't believe I could stand another dragonball series. Thanks a Bunch, Lisha
  5. Hey I've never heard of Dragonball GT. Is it like Dragonball Z or wha? Call me Confucius. Lataz, Lisha
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