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Jubei Yagyou

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Everything posted by Jubei Yagyou

  1. "Fine, I guess watching Ryden die is a good idea genius." hey said in a small voice while sitting down cross-legged. "Thats not the idea I was going for but if it gets you to-" "I know what your going to say woman and I dont want to hear it." Hiei interrupted "And if you try helping I'm gonna stop you cause I call first dibs on this traiter got it!" "Well, Im not as stupid as you so you dont have to pull something like that."
  2. "I have to get in the fight." exclaimed Hiei "No you cant!" said Hoshi "I dont want anyone else to die." "I dont care what you say you cant stop me." answered Hiei with calmness in his voice. After saying that Hiei flew up high into the air while thinking 'I might be able to kill him if I charge up for my dragon attack' watching the battle Hiei put his palms together and put them next to his chest. After taking countless blows by Xaru Ryden stood up and looked into the sky. He saw Hiei with a black aura around him and whispered to himself "He's gonna do it..."
  3. "I wanted to see also... But it doesnt mean you have to whine about it woman!!! I cant believe you missed Xaru when you used that attack!" Hiei screamed and suddenly looked away and Hoshi replied "Its not easy ya know, it took me awhile to master that technique." "Master it! You say you MASTERED that technique?! I havent mastered any of my abilities and I think mine are better than yours." Hiei answered "Oh Ya!!" "Ya!"
  4. Name:Anthony Age: 19 Weapon:Silver Katana Bio:Born into a rich family he had suceeded in every acedemic aspect of school, but when he saw a duelist that specialized in japanese sword styles he wanted to know more. With the available money his parents gave him in his childhood he spent it on a trainer for 14 years after succeeding his master and quitting school his parents abandoned him to roam the world on a quest to help protect the right and smote evil. PM me if im in and tell me to change anything if you want
  5. "Thats right get angry Xaru, you're a fool! That attack that I did to your friend on the cliff, that was only 1/4th of my attack power!" As Hiei said that Xaru grew a smirk on his face and said "Sure, that attack wasnt even enough to scratch me." "Then let us out and fight us!" Ryden spat.
  6. "You stupid woman!!!" Hoshi looked at Hiei and he could tell she was deeply resented. "Don't you think with all of these dragoons in this one cage we can get out!" Hiei said glaring at Hoshi, and she answered "But what about the gas?" And then Hiei answered "Well, I with MY special ability dark dragon wave we can break through the walls and push Zo out and once the gas is all out she can heal us." everyone looked at eachother to see what they were gonna do
  7. After being passed out for a while he heard a big heard a voice scream "XARUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!" Hiei was startled by the voice, and when he looked over the building he landed on he saw winglies assault a woman that seemed to be doing fine for a while until more and more came and he wanted to help but he was STILL injured and he thought 'We cannot be the rabbits in this war and let winglies and that damned traiter Xaru get away with this' As Hiei kept watching he saw them carry away the dragoon with the whip and see the wings on her shrink from a blue spell of a winglie and he heard the traiter dragoon make jesters to the dragoon now human and she replied "We have a new healer. Zo, a Winglie." Suprised Hiei said "I must get to this winglie Zo so I can fight."
  8. dont need a pic or character sheet, you have the abilities from genkai remember? this is based on dark martial arts tournament
  9. okay i will do that, so does that mean your in or what?
  10. OOC: oops mistake sorry For a while Hiei was unconcious, but after he woke up he tried to stand up but he could not for his legs were broken. So he decided to fly, but his wings were broken. After trying countless times he knew only one other way to get to the city, to ride his demon dragon there. After he summoned the dragon he rode it to the city. Hiei landed on a building and once he was there he called back the dragon and passed out.
  11. After having that intense conversation with Aoroshi, Hiei walked into the forest and left him. As he kept walking through the forest he saw a fox chasing a rabbit, he soon knew that the fox was trying to eat the innocent rabbit. But he did not care, for it was not his affair that one animal dies as the other eats it to survive. He told himself it was the way of the world, even though he did not like it. While pondering on that question Hiei sat on a rock, and something struck his mind, we asked himself who would be the rabbit and who will be the fox in this war. He told himself to forget it and told himself that the question will be answered in the end. Once he got up he heard a noise, Hiei held on hand on the spear on his back he looked over to the end of the forest to see two winglies looking over the city Hiei was at. He thought it was the perfect chance to suprise the winglies so he attack with his best move. "Die you winglie bastards!!!" The winglies looked over to see Hiei holding his fist with black flames over it, one of them looked scared another was smirking. Hiei saw the smirk on the winglies face and Hiei with rage said "DO YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY! TAKE THIS, JA OU EN SATSU KOKU RYU HA!!!"(Dark dragon flame wave, something like that) With those words a black dragon came out of Hiei's fist, the winglie that was smirking dissapeared into the shadow but the other one was cast into a dark flame by the dragon and was burnt into a crisp. After that Hiei called back the dragon and wondered who the other winglie was.
  12. no man your outta here sorry, you kinda made this confusing got it YOUR OUT
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Akki Koroshiya [/i] [B]"Ignorence is the same as cocky,now are we cocky or confident?Uh,Jubei,i needa place to stay because i travelled,here so do you know of any inns or places i could stay?"[/B][/QUOTE] what does you need a place to stay have to do with the rpg, and my name isnt jubei in the rpg so i am gonna kick you and that other guy out of the rpg and we will continue it and start off when you werent here, okay?
  14. Well this RPG is based on the Dark Tournament BUT we can have the events bent, changed, or not even make it happen!!! So their is going to be two threads (I stole your idea MaxSonic, sorry, its too good to resist) the threads with the Urameshi team, and the threads that arent the Urameshi team (Now just because your in the Urameshi team doesnt mean your gonna win) the only real characters used are: Yusuke Kurama Kuwabara Masked fighter a.k.a Genkai Keiko (not really needed) Suzuka (not needed either) Doguro bros. the masked guy from doguro team the guy with the axe on the doguro team (Im Hiei) The rest of the teams can be made by 5-3 players per team. Have fun! :D
  15. As Hiei and Aoroshi walked away from the building Hiei spat on the ground and said "How can we trust that girl, I mean, her damn sister is a frickin general of the winglies." While saying that his hands where engulfed with flames, and Aoroshi said "How can we trust YOU." when he (and/or she, i dont know) said that Aoroshi glared at Hiei, trying to push his buttons. With a smirk on Hiei's face he answer "Once on the battlefield you can trust me."
  16. she was staring at him, when she said a guy like him it would make sense that she would be staring at him, maybe I was a bit too general, but sorry he couldnt sit next to you
  17. ?May I sit with you?? said the crimson haired boy. ?Who, me?? Kagome looked around to make sure the boy wasn?t asking somebody else. But to her surprise she found out that the boy was asking her and not the someone else she was looking for. But what surprised her even more has the charming mans answer, ?Whom else but you??. Kagome blushed thinking about the possibility of Inuyasha knowing about this flirtatious but so far short acquaintance. Blushing Kagome answered, ?Yes, you can sit here.? wondering why he wanted to sit with her the boy already replied, ?I was wondering why such a pretty girl was sitting by herself.? After the boy asked the question she was hoping that this was another Miroku, but she was curious of who he was, so she asked, ?What is your name?? After she asked the question the boy smirked and said ?Kurama.? * * * While Kuwabara was scratching his head and ear he asked, ?I wonder Kurama is?? Suddenly Yusuke replied, ?I think you know where he is,? After saying that Kuwabara still had a curious face. Frustrated, Yusuke said, ?your so stupid Kuwabara, he is prob?ly out at some stupid coffee place flirting with some chick.? Once Yusuke said that Kuwabara made a happy but silly looking face, and said, ?Hey, your prob?ly ri-? Kuwabara froze. Surprised, Yusuke asked ?What is it? Is it they chilly feeling you get from evil demons?? After saying that Kuwabara nodded his head up and down while shaking. While shaking he pointed at the top of a tall building where they both saw a human like figure on top of it with long hair and a red Kimono? TO BE CONTINUED
  18. OOC: sorry i didnt show earlier "sorry am I too late to join?" said a short figure with black hair and a spear on his back. "Late for what?" said Ryden "Late for the battle, where are those damned winglies." the short man said clenching his fists "Heh, your late the battle was yesterday, (OOC: am i right?)well if you want to join this squad... Sure." Ryden said looking at the others making sure if its okay with them. Looking at each high officer they all nodded yes." "WHAT! Yesterday! $#*@, well, my name is Hiei."
  19. "Sure uh... since the girls seem to been done, yeah sure." "Now wait a minute." said Adrain "Who said you I couldnt fight?" "I... umm... You didnt let me finish." Kyoshin said smiling "You men are so ignorant." mumbled Adrian "What was that! Besides you can fight if you want..."
  20. first of all, this isnt a first person rpg. second, you have to make it so you dont just JUMP right in.
  21. I dont understand. in the adven you said you got up by using wings? how? I thought you were a human?
  22. thanks, ya it is my first time and more is coming
  23. well, maybe we can have two different threads and sometimes join the other thread. but while in the other persons thread, its in the threads perspective.
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