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Jubei Yagyou

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Everything posted by Jubei Yagyou

  1. Hiei leered over at Serena with emotional eyes. Serena looked confused and said, "Hiei..." Hiei looked at the ground, and then at bakuchiku, that just sniffed and looked the other way. [I]I must... To show I am not this firecracker anymore.[/I] He looked up at the sky, remembering the last time he looked up. [I]I was strong enough... I just have to believe.[/I] "I got this." said Hiei, as he looked over at Serena and smirked. Serena looked back and screamed, "No! Don't!!!" He kept running towards Xaru's direction, when he finnaly got there, Xaru was choking Ragnarok, and smiling. OOC: there
  2. "Just hang on to Bakuchiku Hoshi." Hiei said smiling, Zo looked suprised by Hiei's smile, she was going to say something but she was interrupted, "WHAT! Firecracker!? Your a dimwit Hiei." Bakuchiku spat. "The dragon is right, he is too small to carry Hoshi and-" Bakuchiku glared at Serena and said "Do it Hiei!" Hiei nodded and made four seals on his chest and said, "Ninpou, Ryuu Kakudai no Jutsu!" Suddenly the dragon enlarged to a full sized dragon, "Get on."
  3. EDIT: I had to change and add more stuff.
  4. [I]We gotta run,[/I] Hiei looked over at Ryden and the others and did another 4 hand gestures in front of his chest which are called seals, "Ninpou, Nentou Tsuushin no Jutsu!"* [I]Ryden![/I] Hiei, glaring at Xaru started four more seals [I]Hiei... We have to get to the divine dragon soon. We can't fool around anymore.[/I] Ryden looked over at Hiei [I] Take everyone and tell them to leave and not to look back. Don't worry I will follow soon[/I] Hiei looked back Hiei finished the seals and stared at Xaru, then saying, "Ninpou, Munkankaku Ishiki no Jutsu!"** A aura from Hiei's hands went straight toward Xaru, "Now you cannot follow us for 1 day, you will not see, hear, touch, smell, our even sense anything" Xaru fell uncouncious onto the ground and Hiei made one seal and dissapeared into a tornado of flames and appeared in the woods were the group was hiding. Everyone looked over at Hiei, but he looked ahead. Ryden was about to say something but Hiei looked over at Rydens direction and said, "Catch." Hiei tossed two jewel like objects (OOC: I dont know what dragon spirits look like so I will make them look like jewels, correct me if I am wrong.) IC: Ryden caught them and looked over at Hiei. "I can't take this." Ryden tryed to hand them back to Hiei but he grabbed Rydens wrist and said, "You must," Hiei started caughing vigerously and fell on his arms and knee's. Hiei kept caughing until a small black dragon fell out of his mouth. Hiei stopped caughing and said, "He told me to." The dragon shook so he could wash off all of the spit on him. Zo looked confused and said, "It's just a baby dragon it can't talk." Zo started walking over to the baby dragon but she was rudely interrupted by a gruff voice saying, "Don't touch me woman!" The dragon, attempet to fly but failed. It kept trying when Hiei said, "See!" Serena walked over with Hoshi. Fascinated, Ryden asked, "Who are you?" The dragon stopped trying to fly and looked over at Ryden, "You know that dragon spirit Hoshi gave Hiei when he was dead?" Ryden nodded, "Well that's the dragon spirit in your hand, I am the integrated version of Hiei's mind and dragoon spirit. In other words, I am Hiei's former mind." "What do you mean by former mind?" "Hiei's family was built for this to happen. If Hiei's family were ever to be in this situation, they would put most of what goes against their original fighting style." "Which is?" "Ninjutsu. This might be confusing but let me explain. Into every fighter in Hiei's family are born a foreign fighting style. In Hiei's case, fire/spear/dragon techniques. But if they were to encounter a cursed seal they would turn into what Hiei is now... A pure fighter." "Wow, but, one more question, what part do you play?" The dragon spat and said, "I am what Hiei's fighting style goes against, a jealous, loudmouth. But, I left some of me in him to know where he comes from, and just for you guys, I made him remember your names and stuff like that. Any more questions?" *That means Mind communication technique **Numb senses technique
  5. Hiei's mouth opened once again, "It's Xaru, we must make do of what techniques and thoughts Hiei has proccesed in his mind. I shall wake him up now." Everyone nodded and waited. They started to hear laughing outside, but suddenely Hiei's eyes opened. Ryden said, "Hiei are you alright?" Serena tryed to pick up Hiei but he got up himself and said in a lower, more relaxed voice than before, "Xaru, he is outside this hut am I correct?" Everyone nodded their head. Hiei walked about ten feet in front of the door, Hiei then did lightning fast gestures with his hands in front of the middle of his chest and said, "KATON! KARYUU ENDAN!!!" Hiei took a deep breath and made a hole in front of his mouth with his fore finger and thumb and blew out of that hole. A humungous fire dragon flew out of Hiei's mouth, blowing away the hole front of the hut. Xaru, attempting to dodge the attack jumped to the left but was charred on the right side of his body. After being attacked Xaru flew to the ground and tryed to get up but when he put pressure on the right side of his body. Hiei jumped out of the hut and stood in front of Xaru, Hiei pointed under his right forearm and showed the X mark. "This mark will be your downfall Xaru!" Xaru laughed and said, "How so!" Hiei growled and made a ball like gesture in front of the middle of his chest. A "chi chi chi" sound was heard miles around, and then Hiei grabbed his left wrist and made a fist with his left hand. The energy in his left hand could be seen flowing through it."This may not kill you but you will never forget the pain! CHODORI!!!" Hiei pulled back his left hand and ran towards Xaru's charred body, shaking Xaru prepared for the pain. Hiei lunged toward Xaru and stabbed him through the left part of Xaru's top chest. Hiei put his foot on Xaru's right chest and pulled out his arm, Xaru coughed and fell uncouncious. Everyone inside the hut looked astonished staring at the blood dripping out of Hiei's hand. "Oh god..."
  6. Hiei opened his mouth but a different voice was heard, "Hiei will be uncouncious for sometime. He is going through some changes." Hiei closed his mouth now. "Who are you? What changes will happen!?!?" Serena said shaking Hiei's body. Hiei now opened his mouth again, "Under Hiei's arm is a cursed seal that has rivaled his family genes. Xaru most have known about Hiei's family." "What does the seal have to do with Hiei?" Ryden asked quizzically. "If Hiei and/or his family are to be cursed by this seal he will lose insignificent memory and change style of fighting. Hiei already finished the prosess of losing memory and changing styles. All you need to do is to shelter him for 1 day." "You still didnt answer my question who are you!?" Serena boomed. "No need to worry serena, I am Hiei's subconcious mind. I am explaining this to you know because of the dragon spirit requested me to. There was one more request... To give away both of Hiei's dragoon spirits. I agreed to both."
  7. Hiei struggling to get up heard a voice, [I]Don't fight! Go to the divine dragoon! You know what you must do...[/I] "I don't know who you are, but I'm going to listen to you. Everyone we must not fight Xaru! Zo, put a binding spell on him so we can leave." Hiei started to fly off with Ryden, Hoshi, and Serena. OOC: I will try not to be rude but im going to make Zo do something. "Hitsuji, Inu, Tori, Mi, Bo, Tori, I!!! Containment!!!" Xaru was about to throw his glaive but was stopped immedietly, frustrated Xaru screamed, "Damn you!!! I will not forget this." Slowly, Xaru pulled back his hand and lunged his forward. Some sort of aura hurled toward Hiei. Something burned under his forearm, a mark of a X. "Gaaaaaaah!!!" Ryden looked over at Hiei, he noticed that Hiei's hair turned completely white. "Are you okay?" Hiei looked back at Xaru and said "I-" Hiei fainted and started to fall, Serena caught him and said "Zo lets go!"
  8. Akumatsu looked around, there was only one bed. Then Akumatsu said, "I shall sleep on ground, but first do you have any bandages of some sort, my arm is in pain." Nitsu opened a cabinet with bandages and tied it arounds Akumatsu's arm, "Man, you sure are bleeding alot, how did you get this wound?" "Terrorist's holding a child hostage at a local bank shot me in the arm." "By stray fire?" Nitsu finished bandaging the arm and put the bandages away. "No, another man tried to save her. But he was shot dead on the way out. The girl tried to escape and was shot at, most of the bullets missed but I sensed one going towards the girl and I took the shot and took the girl to safety." Nitsu looked at Akumatsu and said...
  9. "Thank you very much miss..." "Nitsu, just call me Nitsu." Akumatsu turned around and smiled. Nitsu looked into his eyes and glared with horror. "Y-your eyes." Nitsu pointed at Akumatsu's eyes, that were as white as the clouds formerly in the sky. "Don't worry, blind as a bat I am, may I walk in?"
  10. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]This show is the best, I love it. I have all the episodes availible and cant wait to get more of them. *cough* Itachi is the best *cough*[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. I was wondering if we have a rule that when a person that starts a recruitment for an RPG that he/she would say RECRUITMENT CLOSED and a mod would close it so nobody would keep trying to get in the RPG when they werent recruited.
  12. I read your banner Die, and I dont like it. It seems that you support black slavery, since you want the confederate states of America to live long even though it ended in the civil war. Edit: I didnt want to sound rude, I just want to know why you like slavery.
  13. Yeah, I play football. I play as Nosetackle and defensive line, I usually get the tackle. Im in a league outside of school for 7th and 8th graders.
  14. OOC: Sorry for starting it late. Okay here is the story line, the people in the rpg, and the rules. Remember [B]the recruitment is CLOSED.[/B] Unless you PM me and I except. [i]After years of industrial war and technalogy taking over the world only few pure fighters still standing. Some willing to risk their lives to bring the world back to its natural ways, but there are some of which that wish to take control of the world and enslave innocent people and kill those who think they have sinned against the world. There have been many skirmish's and battles against one pure fighting group to another, but an unknown force that seems to be controlling the side of vengence and evil, a force that is unmatched in the way of fighting. The force is a man, a man named Ken of the hell flame, he was known by that name many years ago but suddenly dissapeared, but now Ken is back. Who will save the world? Who will destroy it?[/i] Oji Ryu Trigun 11 Rokas Dark Wolf K.K.C. Me Italics is thinking in first person. But when describing things, it must be in third person, not first person. and if you are going to do things like this example from one of my rpg's that someone did, Tical: I got a plan. Kenji: WERE DOOMED!!!!!!!!! Tical: SHUT UP YOU BAKA!!!!! Anyway we'll sneak in through the roof. Kenji/Zachi: WHAT KINDA PLAN IS THAT???!!!! Tical: You got somethin better? Ok, we need to stay away from their ultra strong shuricken. They can bust through walls. Kenji: THROUGH THE WALLS??!!! Zachi/Tical: Shut Up!!! Tical: Lets go. Thats not exceptible (sp?) the posts in this rpg MUST have a good quality with exceptional puncation, spelling, and grammer. Here goes, [I]The air is thick, I must find shelter quickly, I sense evil close by.[/I] A man in a ninja outfit was walking through the forest, blood dripping from his arm. Trying to find shelter he started to run. [I]This is not good, the injury on my arm isn't helping.[/I] The man saw a hut next to a large oak tree. He walked over, now breathing hardly. Nobody answered the door, but the man heard footsteps behind him...
  15. Name: Uchiha Itachi Age: 19 Male Class: hunter Race: Human Type: HUmar ID: I think Delta is one is it? Mag: Bana Monster: Grass assasin Weapon: Can I make like a katana sword? If so... Katana +10 Description: [url]http://www.orangeday.net/itachi/media/images/itachi02.jpg[/url]
  16. Jubei Yagyou


    You can rent it at blockbuster, or you can buy the book at barnes and noble. But how can you not be scared of this movie? It was like four hours long and it didnt scare you at all? I can hardly believe that.
  17. Jubei Yagyou


    I dont know if this thread was already made, if so, give me the link and delete the thread. Man, this movie is freakin scary. Has anybody seen it? I think the scariest part was when [spoiler]the guy was in the library and everyone freezed like nothing happened. And then these red balloons fly up and popped and blood splattered[/spoiler] Has anyone read the book? If so tell me about it, I would like to know the differences.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i] [B]No, AS only planned to air FLCL twice in the first place. Since it was so short, they decided to air it twice so to give them time to translatet hte rest of InuYasha. I think it ws a good play on AS's side. [/B][/QUOTE] Actually, they already have all of Inuyasha dubbed, just like DBZ. Its for marketing, not because it isnt all dubbed yet.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by vegeta rocker [/i] [B]This case will go just as far as the fat man suing mcdonalds. They show a disclaimer so what else can they do? If you let your kids watch tv that late than odds are they are watching way worse stuff. No wonder parents are never taken seriously by their kids anymore. kid: Mommy what are you doing? mom: mommy's calling your cartoon channel so they won't show wrong things past an appropriate hour. Now go to a sex party like every bored suburban kid. this makes me sick. Parents have control over their kids, all they have to do is take away the remote. Why do people try to change the world when all they have to do is change themselves? Queen Asuka, i agree with you on some points. But my main beef is not with the fact kids watch it or even that they show the cartoon. My problem is that i am fed up with parents not taking responsability for their kids. This goes past cartoon network. [/B][/QUOTE] I totally agree with you, Its midnight, they have a disclamer. Do you think a child would stay up that late watching cartoons, even if they do the parent shouldnt be letting their kid on a tv by themself at that time if they are THAT paranoid. They adressed nudity below the waist on a girl, it was just her butt, no big deal. You know they were adressing episode 5, in my opinion I think that episode is the most graphic, but not that graphic. And what she said about the oral sex on the lollipop, first off lady its not a lollipop, lollipops are hard and dont melt, you can tell it was melting. Making it a fruitcicle thing, and she was just sucking on it, it doesnt make her acting out oral sex. About the gun fight, she said they were blowing eachothers brains out. Now did you see any gore or blood whatsoever? No, you didnt. Lady, if you are reading this, you are a annoying, anal, stereotype of a worried house wife.
  20. Name: Akumatsu Shinomori Age: 22 Weapon: Ninja sword Appearance: [img]http://www.activewin.com/xbox/pr/2002/images/kunai_11.jpg[/img] Bio: As a child Akumatsu was raised only by his father for his mother was killed by a virus. Not only being raised by his father but trained by the way of the ninja. But on his first day of training his father was attacked by evil demons. The attack killed his father and blinded Akumatsu, managing to escape, Akumatsu tought his own way of ninjutsu. After mastering ninjutsu at the age of 21, Akumatsu set out on a journey to avenge his father's death and kill the evil force. On his journey Akumatsu met a blind old man. After caring for the old man for quite some time the old man gave Akumatsu a gift, a special ninja ability, for the old man was once a ninja also. After learning the ability the old man ordered Akumatsu to leave and make use of the ability, so after saying his goodbyes Akumatsu left and continued his journey to fight the evil power that killed his father.
  21. okay your all in, I will wait for one more day and we will start.
  22. "Tazo, Cecilia," Cecilia and Tazo looked over to see Akumatsu, "We are going to the cosmet station one mile off course. Get ready to leave." After informing Tazo and Cecilia, Akumatsu packed his things in a large metal box. Clyde walked over and looked at the large box and said, "How will you carry that box?" Akumatsu looked over his shoulder and replied, "Press that green button." Akumatsu pointed at a green button on the other side of the box. Clyde pressed it and the box shrunk to a hand held cube, the green button now red. Clyde stared at Akumatsu and said...
  23. I got the game, It awesome. I got to level four and I am hooked. The only thing that might be bad is that I think its short. And another bad thing is, the storyline isnt really there, you just play.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#707875]Yet, I feel reluctant to say that because there is this negative connotation that goes along with the word "pop". And there shouldn't be. Pop simply means "popular". It's not a derogatory term by any means.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I think she meant, "Bubblegum pop" as in spice girls, backstreet boys, Nsync, heck it even goes back to the monkees. So I think thats cleared up now.
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amibasuki [/i] [B][FONT=arial]I've laughed at the mortal peril of movie characters, [/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] :laugh: Thats really funny when that happens! Especially in cheesy Kung fu movies. When the blood comes out of their mouth, it doesnt splash it just comes out like its leaking. Another realy funny thing that is [I]kinda[/I] dangerous is when one of my friends or relatives are fighting. Most of the time I provoke them. Me: Hey cousin 1 stole some of your money! cousin 2: What!? cousin 1: What? *SMACK* Me: hehehe...
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