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Jubei Yagyou

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Everything posted by Jubei Yagyou

  1. [I]Peaceful days has filled Konohoa village, but for the village of sand it has been filled with tyranny. It is up to the other 8 countries to defeat the evil Sand/Steel alliance. Even young Genin choose to fight in this war, from the predictions of 5th Hokage Naruto many will die but who will win? What events will fortake in this war?[/I] "I don't want to believe you." "You must believe me Sasuke I am your blood lives within mine." A tear fell from Sasuke's eyes, "I saw them... I saw them all die! How could you have lived?!" "I am so sorry, I cant tell you now." Sasuke stormed off in a rage into his home, Sakura also had tears in her eyes walked over to Sasukes claimed relative, "We were living fine together... But looked what you did!" "Just tell him my name," "What is it?" "Uchiha Akumatsu..."
  2. After hiding for a few minutes Akumatsu came out from where he was. He looked over to see a flare, he put on his goggles and went over to bunker 12 and saw a girl crawling on the ground. "Hey!" he whispered, " We gotta go to the engine." "What?" "Can you fix an engine?"
  3. OOC: Why did you say he is fine? I said It went straight threw his head, and you said it only hit his cameras, I think you should edit it back so I killed him.
  4. I think a person gets depressed during the early teens because you get a touch of reality. And later teens because you know what your gonna be when you grow up, usually something not exciting. And like 30's or 40's because of your mid-life crisis ((everybody knows that)) So ya, life is depressing but its the little things that let you go on.
  5. "What the hell is going here!?" A man said while suddenly appearing behind a door in the hall. "We are being attacked by enemy mechs Leutenint Shinomori sir, Shean was shot down sir." "$h!t, you guys run I will take care of them." "Yes sir!" Akumatsu Shinomori has been in war as a child, remembering a scurmish like this that killed his father he wanted revenge. "Which one will die?" He looked over to the enemy and saw one that was scared, the other looked confident. ' I will teach him to be scared in war,' Akumatsu pulled out his cloak and had to holsters on each forearm. "What do you think he is doing?" The scared one said "I don't know but be on your toes, he may be a footman but I can tell he is expierienced." "Die!!!" Akumatsu pulled out his right and made a fist at the scared mech, And a large blue laser went straight into the scared mech pilots head. After pulling the laser back into the holster Akumatsu ran away. "JAKE!!!"
  6. okay first of all put more effort into your bio, description, attacks. Seriously I cant let you in if you dont change it knives... Tical... Sorry if you dont change you arent in.
  7. lots of my friends lie or use to lie to me to impress me. Maybe he is trying to impress you or something. I would ask to talk to Usagi and get a prom picture.
  8. Actually i figured it out (( I think )), he records his voice over itself like five times. what do you think? EDIT: I just listened to elephant man, he sounds alot like busta rhymes.
  9. But I thought downloading stuff is illegal
  10. Answer: Never Cuts twice Question: In total how many wheels does Sasuke have in his Sharingan eyes
  11. Ya i think the all of the episodes were made up... *Slaps self* Why did I watch this show!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Okay we are gonna start in 3 days or when four people join
  13. I will be commander Amoroa, he can be funny.
  14. Im not a sleep walker... But one time when my uncles and aunts were young, my uncle walked over to one of my aunts beds thinking that it was a toilet, he lifted up the mattress and then pee'd on my aunts face!!!
  15. is it okay if We put in some of the things we did to cousins? if so... One time My cousin and I were playing in a plastic toy car on a concrete hill. He wanted to go down the hill ((I was 4 and he was 7)) so he went in the very small plastic car and told me to push him down the whole way and dont let go. I only pushed him down the first two steps. He looked back and I was waving, I dont know why I did it, maybe its because like three days before he donkey kicked me off a couch for no reason, my lungs are messed up because of him. Any way he had to get 15 stitches on his head.
  16. Sound is there, just because you cant hear it doesnt mean its not there. THE MEANING OF LIFE LADIES AND GENTLEMAN!!! jk.
  17. Im gonna borrow the dvd from my friend then copy the dvd and have it forever!!!!!!!!!!! Yup thats what im gonna do, so I dont have to be worried about it, cuz he lives in japan. HEHE!!! besides, its a cool show to watch more than twice so keep watchin for the climax!!!
  18. okay heres mine Name: Uchiha Akumatsu a.k.a. Shinomori Akumatsu Age: 23 Country: Hidden leaf village Rank: Jounin, trying to join special kage Skills: Advanced Sharingan: An advanced form of the sharingan eye. It not only does everything the normal sharingan eye does, it enhances the power, speed, and strength of the ability and Akumatsu adds a flame affect to all of his enhanced moves. Advanced Speed Taijutsu (( this might be too cheesy)): By sending chakra to the elements around him, he can defy the laws of gravity to speed up his attacks in taijutsu, sending every blow faster, stronger and more effeciant. Flame katana: By sending elemental flame chakra to his katana, his katana becomes engulfed with flames. Description: Akumatsu always has his sharingan eyes on because he cant be maxed out by what he copies. Everything physical is similer to sasuke but he has white hair. His clothes are also like sasuke's but his clothes are all black. Bio: Without revealing that he is truly a member of the Uchiha clan he hid his sharingan which he mastered at the age of 5. Nobody ever noticed him until the chunin exam when he was 9 years old. After leaving the country for a while examening other moves and enhancing them he went back to see his relative Sasuke (which he never talked because of the shock of seeing him) starting a new rank. Once revealing his name to sasuke he still has to take the test.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by spotg67 [/i] [B]Huh? [/B][/QUOTE] Im not playing mod but I dont want you banned so thats what she means, dont put pointless stuff like that on forums PM them. Well if you dont get that south park part its not supposed to mean anything its just random funny stuff, just like otakusennen said "an aquired taste..." Otakusennen, I think the real pirate thing has to do with that sign on Kanti's forehead and was featured on the episode when Kanti first ate Takume.
  20. Here finnaly a Naruto Quiz!!! Now for the first question, What is the first origanal move that Kakashi did on Zabuza?
  21. no I think he was around forty at reflection because he had the same amount of hair and he was going to a war at the time. And sanosoke didnt look sixty either.
  22. How many Naruto eps are out on dvd? And I cant seem to find a store that will sell them. Does anybody know?
  23. You've seen people DIE!!! I would be traumitized. How can you go through that type of event?
  24. I think a lock on ones door is too anti social. If your older than him just beat em up and say thats my stuff... LOL just kidding. Well maybe just tell your parents to tell him that he cant steal anything anymore... Or just do what I said earlier...
  25. I'm sorta afraid of blood, and cuts. Not scars and stuff but like paper cuts... EEEE! I hate paper cuts and bleeding from them, its just sick. Thats why I couldnt watch that part in the jackass movie.
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