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Jubei Yagyou

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Everything posted by Jubei Yagyou

  1. Name: Shinjikyo Hiko Year: 1 Team: Fight Club Label: Prankster/Rebel Description: Son is short and kind of muscular with dark brown eyes, and black hair like the avatar. Wears baggy pants and Black shirts. Bio: On the first day of high school Shinjikyo got in a fight, and beat the crap out of a senior. Shinkjikyo got in fought alot in middle school, after seeing a sign that said "JOIN FIGHT CLUB" Son joined. Son has always been a rebel by nature and he hardly listens to anybody. And always pulls pranks as fun, he usually is happy but when he gets mad he doesnt talk to anybody and is sullen.
  2. "Ja Ou... EN SATSU KOKU RYU HA!!!" Hiei directed both arms to Xaru, unlike last time, Xaru can't dodge it, and, there where two dragons. Xaru looked terrified, flailing ever so faster, Ryden said, "Your gonna die this time." The dragons got closer, "If Im going to die, I will bring you down with me!!!" With those words Xaru and Ryden started to wrestle eachother, then there was a big black explosion. Everyone ducked and covered except for Ryden and Xaru...
  3. OOC: I thought this is five on five not Yusuke's team versus demons Kakashi was watching Yusuke's team knock down countless demons, "Ugh..." He thought. Kakashi then looked over to see a short looking man with black hair and a white bandana. "This will be the first one." Kakashi did the seals for Phenox fire a move copied by his student, The short man looked over to see Kakashi in the air, Hiei jumped toward him. Kakashi then made a hole with his hand and put it over his mouth and he said "PHENOX FIRE!" Balls of fire went towards Hiei, smirking Hiei dodged the attack and stabbed Kakashi through the stomache. Then suddenly smoke came off from Kakashi and it was just a log that Hiei stabbed, "This man..."
  4. Its really a lie to say that a family is perfect and there are no problems at all. And it sure brings my morality up to see you bringing your spam posts into my face in a DIVORCED PARENT THREAD. Thank you for your time.
  5. Yeah, my dad left for another woman... Except I have to live with them, and their children. But luckily he didnt leave when I was older like you shaun, I feel for you. *sigh* But life must and will go on.
  6. Heres the people that I respect and there might be many more, in random order... Ruby Dayday Kesaki Inedia Shippo Tsukasa Hack Tw34ky As I said their might be more. And also their are the mods, just like girls you can't live with them and you can't live without them (No disrespect to the ladies if I offend. Its just a saying that I heard that fits what Im thinking)
  7. A knew member for you is HERE!!! so I would change it to 1, hehe. Kakashi walked with the legendary demon Inuyasha to go to a tournament. The reason being is so that Inuyasha wouldnt attack Konoha village, Kakashi heard he had a mean streak, so, he decided to volonteer to fight with Inuyasha, and winning. "Yo, Inuyasha." Kakashi said with his low mono-toned voice "What is it?" asked Inuyasha "Who are we going up against?" "Some guy named Urameshi." "Urameshi..."
  8. Ya this sounds cool, I will join origanalimp if thats ok Name: Kakashi Hatake Real: Naruto Weapons: Ninja weapons, (Kunai's and Shurikens) Powers: Ninja speed, 1000 ninja abilities copied by the sharingan eye, Lightning edge: Lightning coming from Kakashi's hand that he punches with
  9. My parents are divorced and have been since I was 1, 2, or 3 years old. I don't remember, anyway my agenda with my parents are Dad: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and my mom the rest of the days. I'm used to it, My main house is moms, and all my stuff is there, so I have to pack every sunday morning to go to dads. The hard thing for me is that mom has been dating a guy and I think he is a jerk, is anybodys parents divorced? If so, do you guys have a similer scenario as I?
  10. But I still got a question, where is the location and can we swear on this?
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SilpheedPilot [/i] [B]Thanks for the support! There is a funny story behind my name...I grew up in a big surfing family..and most of us had Surfing names. My cousin had the name Rip-tide, but his real name is Roberto. My cousin Zack is Hang-ten. You can image the the rest. Gnarly, Wave, Tubular...You know...Think of a 70s-80s awesome slang and someone in my family is probably nicknamed that... Well..My parents really couldn't find a real name that fit me, so they decided to name me by my surfing name. Lucky for me, I love surfing, so my name wasn't a shame. I like my name...Its unique [/B][/QUOTE] ... :worried: ... What do your teachers say? Teacher: John John: here Teacher: Susan Susan: here Teacher: Clank... CLANK!? And um... How is Clank a surfing name?
  12. Boys: Dante and David. Dante because it sounds cool, David because its my name :D Girls: Brittny and Jennifer, I like them because I always think of hot girls when I hear those names, I dont know why...
  13. This sounds cool but where is the location? Name: Sang Ly (Lee in pronounciation) Age: 14 Description: 4'11" medium build, short black hair always wears a Bears hat backwords, wears clothes like Sean John, Mecca, and Roc-a-wear. has dark brown eyes. Bio: Most people don't know about him, he has three followers that are his best friends, two are identical twins that are pranksters, and the other one is largely built and always defends Sang. His grades are average and has a mean streak of defying whatever he thinks is wrong and defends what he thinks is right. He hates jocks and preps, and always is looking at girls. Items: A black backpack with normal school supplies most of them missing because he usually borrows stuff from people, a CD player with big headphones, and has graffiti all over every thing he has. Schedule: Per. 1: Homeroom - Ms. Kim Per. 2: Lang. Arts Per. 3: Math Per. 4: Art Per. 5: Gym Per. 6: SS Per. 7: Science Lunch Per. 9: Go home Edit: Can I keep my name like it is, Im supposed to be from another country.
  14. Hiei spat on the ground, "That fool is going to do it again." Hiei looked at Hoshi, and Hoshi began to scream "No don't!" She began to run towards Ryden but Hiei held her back "Let go of me!" She yelled, "Don't worry," Hiei replied, "I'm going to help, now help or get out of the way!" Hoshi looked into Hiei's eyes while he put out his arms. "This time we will kill you!" Hiei's muscles began to bulge, Ryden looked over to him and smirked. The black flames began to bead from the gloves and suddenly engulfed Hiei. "Are you people going to help or just stand their?" Hiei's arms now began to shake rapidly...
  15. You get it from (EEK!) exchanging saliva sharing pop, making out, stuff like that. There are two types, the type when your tired all of the time, or the type when your throut and your splein swells. and you cant eat or sleep, and have high fever
  16. I think all the people that arent in YYH should be in one or more teams.
  17. "They got any food on this train I'm frikin starving." Shinjikyo asked while rubbing his stomache "Yeah they have sushi carts go by every now and then." Zone answered "Mmmm, sushi," Shinjikyo saw a sushi cart go buy, "Hey! Can I have some sushi?" "What kind?" "One of each please." Shinjikyo pulled a huge wade of cash from his pocket, "This will probably do, and uh, can I have some wasabi?" The hostess took the money and asked "How much would you like?" Shinjikyo stuck out his cup like hands "This many." the hostess filled Shinjikyo's hand with wasabi Usajin sighed and Domi looked disgusted and said "You can't eat all of that wasabi its too spicy." "You don't know me too well do you, Zone, Domi, close your eyes for five seconds and count out loud." Zone looked confused but did it, as did Domi. After counting Zone and Domi looked over to see no food or wasabi left. "Heehee." Shinjikyo grinned
  18. Ya I had that feeling too GinnyLyn, but I had it for 4 months, and I went to kung pow (when I still had it I didnt know I had Mono) and I was laughing sooo hard then coughing then choking and stuff. It really stunk. DONT SEE TO KUNG POW WHEN YOU HAVE MONO!
  19. Has anyone had Mononucleosus? (sp?) I've had it and it sucked, I had the worse kind where your not tired all the time but your barfing every second and you cant eat or sleep. I had to miss a trimester and a half of school cuz of it. YOU DONT WANT IT! If you have had it say and share the expierience, I have met no other kid my age that had it.
  20. It is a nice pic. its amazing that you found love when it takes people their whole life to never find love. wow thats all I have to say. So that kind of cancels out pre marital sex issue is love. Do you agree? EDIT: I added issue
  21. Jeez that most have been hard deciosion to make, and being your age and all kinda (Im not saying I KNOW you) gets me in your perspective. But how do you know your in love with someone when your in that age? Sorry your sad about the topic... Like the quote, its true.
  22. "...I heard what you said about friends... I will be your friend also." Shinjikyo looked at Zone "Sure.." "Cool! Usajin, kiss and make up with Gan Ning." "Do I have to kiss him?" Usajin looked down at Shinjikyo "No you freakin idiot now say sorry." Usajin walked in Ning's direction, Ning looked down at Zone, "Do I have say sorry to?" "What do you think? I'm not your master anymore." Ning knew what he had to do, he slumped over and walked towards Usajin. Once they met they shook hands and said sorry. "Zone come here." Zone looked at Shinjikyo and walked toward his direction. "What is it?" "Shhh! Be quiet I don't want her to hear." Shinjikyo pointed at Domi "Just tell me what it is." Zone whispered "Do you got a place to chill at?" "Huh? Where do you live?" Zone looked confused "Either my friends house or on the streets now can you tell me?"
  23. "What is he a mute?" Shinjikyo asked while pulling up his saggy pants "I dont know..." Domi said while looking at the ground "You can see him though right?" asked Zone "Yeah." Replied Domi while her she was still looking on the ground. "But," Shinjikyo looked at Danerrio, "Why don't just talk to her telepathicly like you just did?" [I]I don't know...[/I] "What do you mean 'I dont know'?" asked Shinjikyo accusingly [I]Well... I knew she knew I was there... But I was too shy to talk to her.[/I] Shinjikyo rubbed his temples, and Domi asked, "What is it? What did he say?" she looked concerned. Shinjikyo sighed, "He said he was too shy to talk to you." Domi looked up at Danerrio
  24. I like this show, its about P. Diddy making a group for bad boy. Its a reality show and its really cool. When the album comes out I am going to buy the record. Do any of you watch the show? If so who is your favorite band member, mine is either Chopper or Fredrick.
  25. I like to do what Transtic Nerve does... LOL! who doesnt? I also like to play football, baseball video games, hangout with friends, bike, go to the mall of america, go to dances, reality t.v. is funny to watch. listen to music, watch messed up music video's, watch anime, draw anime, and go on vacations.
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