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Everything posted by hawke3000

  1. Not a backstreet boy,Chris Kirpatrick from N*sync did chip.Jay Leno does the crimson chin too!!!
  2. I live in St.John's Newfound land and almost all the schools have that program.
  3. Does anyone on these boards know how to speak French??Where did you learn how to???I learnt in school in this program called french immersion where all of your classes are in french.It makes school alot tougher!
  4. It's Alex-is-on-fire except said really fast.Do you want some REALLY good hardcore??Come to St.John's Newfoundland and go to a punk show.You can't find better hardcore.
  5. Out of a hot and horrible hell of so-bad-makes-your-ears-bleed emo punk music comes one of the greatest modern bands in my opinion,Alexisonfire.They're mix of hardcore and emo punk amazes me. Post about them here. P.S.Sorry for the stupid analogy!^_^
  6. Philip?PHILIP!!!!!!! Yeah that is a great episode.My friend likes it so much that whenever we play Mario Party he names one of his coins Philip and cries when he loses it.
  7. Who likes Fairly Odd Parents??It is actually my favourite non-anime show.It is just so silly and crazy it's hard not to laugh.Talk about it here.
  8. There's this girl in my class who is obssed with Hilary Duff.Its really sad. Anyways Jake Gylenhal(did I spell that right?) should play someone.ANYONE.He is a great actor.
  9. I have said before, I know NOTHING about this new manga except that it exsistes.
  10. I didn't like the show but I bought EVERY Mighty Max toy.I dont know what happened to them though..........
  11. Am I the ONLY person who did not like "Voices of a Distant Star"??I mean, props go to Shinkai for making it all by himself, but the film failed to grasp my interest. Anyways, It's not really a movie, but the 2 episode OVA "Blazing Transfer Student" is shorter than most. It is a parody of boxing and fighting anime and was made by Gainax a few years before they got known.It is one of the funniest animes ever.
  12. Im just curious if anyone had an opinion on who should play a certain character in the live action Evangelion movie and why. I personally have no opinions on it but I am curious on what other people may think.
  13. I used to really be in to skateboarding 4 years ago(Im 13 now)and so when I got my first hotmail account I named myself hawke900 because of the whole Tony Hawk getting the 900 spin. I then changed it to hawke3000 because all my friends had 3000 at the end of their hotmail names. There is no Hawke on this site as far as I know. I just like the 3000.And the e on the end of hawke.I like that too.
  14. I know I posted it already earlier, but I have been told there is a new Love Hina manga being realeased in japan.I dont think the guy is lieing,but Im having trouble finding info on it.
  15. I believe it is already out in japan but I cant find any info on it. So all I know is that it is new and Love Hina.
  16. Anyone ever heard of Bakuen(or combustible) Campus Guardress?It's one of the funniest animes I have ever seen. Another really good series would be Blazing Transfer Student. Also very funny.
  17. Apparently there is a new Love Hina manga out over in Japan. Does anyone have info on this???
  18. Well, I bought one last night and it works GREAT!!!!!My ffx didnt work at all now it works perfectly!
  19. What way did it not work?Like, did it not work completly, or were there just some marks that made the cut scenes freeze or something??
  20. I have scratches all over my games and need them gone. At my local EB they have this thing called a Game Doctor. Does anyone know if it is any good???
  21. I have two resolutions this year.The first is one I have every year. Lose weight. Im 13 and have a serious weight problem. I think im like 250. The other is one that I never had a problem with before. To get better grades. I have a C-B average and I hope to raise that to an A.
  22. While I do disagree with everything they said on those pages(God flag?) ,like almost everyone has said,it's their right to say what they want. There are plenty of stupid websites(I found out just yesterday there is a KKK website!And they have a giftshop!Merry Christmas mom!) but you don't have the right to shut them down. Even if it's stupid.
  23. If Micheal didnt commit this crime and the parents made their child say such a thing I will feel bad Micheal because of all this negative press. Actually I would feel bad for him even if he did do it. To do something that horrible, you would most certainly need to have psychological problems. If he did do it I hope they give him help and not just throw him into Jail. PS. [QUOTE]I mean, first he makes himself look like a girl, not to mention turned himself white [/QUOTE] Last time I checked, your nose and skin colour didnt make you molest kids. The fact that you would blame him for that makes you a very shallow person.
  24. hawke3000

    Sigur Ros

    Wow. This is a great band! I heard them for the first time a couple of days ago and just love them. It's some of the greatest and original music ever. Anyone else like them?
  25. I dont know about anyone else, but I usually do stupid things and mess up 3 to 4 times a day and it has really lowered my self-esteem. Like, say stupid things or do stupid things. It seems like I am constantly making a fool of myself! In front of my friends, my family, my teachers everyone! Does anyone else have a problem like this. PS. I hope a thread like this hasn't been made before. If so, sorry!
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