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Everything posted by Lunarlani

  1. New Move: Squeeze! -Power:-- -Accuuracy: 95 -Description: The power of this move depends on the HP of the user. If the useer is at its max, the attack power is half of that. At midpoint, the power is the same. Lower than the mipoint causes the power to rise gradually. Basically the user just squeezes it opponent as hard as they can.
  2. Alrighty then! Here's my pokemon. Joeroo (Kangaroo pokemon, Psychic/Fighting) Moves-- catch at lvl 3-tail whip, sweet kiss lvl 5-pouch (a defense move I made where the user hides in a pouch for 2-5 turns, but can still attack, while the opponent can't) lvl 8-high jump kick lvl 13-fire punch lvl 14-ice punch lvl 15-thunder punch lvl 24-bounce lvl 35-hypnosis/dreameater lvl 46-rest lvl 58-snore tm moves-psychic, dynamic punch, shadow ball (not much of a variety) hm move-rock smash rarity (scale of 1-100, 100 being rarest): 78
  3. What would be a perfect pokemon? Hmm...Mewtwo turned out to be a little crazy (and it was a clone..) so does it have to be psychic? Nah. I think the perfect pokemon would be some kind of a mixture between the dark and dragon types.
  4. What if you want to use a GBASP if you dont have the standard GBA? (I'm just curious!)
  5. Dang, Wal-mart has everything. Now I have to try to find one (that'll take forever...)
  6. TTW can't be a sequel since Link does look pretty small. It may be a prequel, like Star Wars.
  7. hmm.....thats a pretty good list....I wonder how much time that took. But where's Dragonair? Everyone must hate it now.... Oh well, here's my pathetic list of *3* new pokemon: Rhame (normal) Buttle (normal, evolves from Rhame) Litemare (normal/ground, evolves from Buttle) yep, its a sheep, cow, and horse. i like farm animals.
  8. Basically the leaders don't know each other. Doesn't that ever occur...?
  9. Okay, I have completed pkmn sapphire, but I can't seem to find and eevees, dratinis, houndours and stuff. the pokedex says there are 200 pkmn, so have the others been deleted?
  10. heck there aint no scanner i looked everywhere on the boat.
  11. where can u buy the dvds? i never seen the anime, although i have 9 volumes of love hina.
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