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wild thang

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Everything posted by wild thang

  1. i like to bike (i thank that in large part for my incredible leg strength) and im on the computer a lot. i dont have many video games and my favorite one (kingdom hearts) my friend still has. other than that i go to the gym. my lifes a drag...
  2. imagination is the cause of a lot of problems in the world, but without imagination we wouldnt be any more advanced than our original ancestors were millions of years ago. chances are that our imagination will be the end of the human race, but hopefully that wont be for a while. the cons may catch up to the pros after a while, but they might not be. nothing is without its downside...
  3. hey, rico you could test and review my cars for car and driver or motor trend. on the side of my normal job, i want to be an author. in fact, i have an idea for a book and i might post some of it if i ever get around to writing it.
  4. an office job would be okay, but only if i got to draw cars all day, lol...
  5. i was sitting around thinking (which is rare) and i thought bout the job that i want to get after college, which is to own my own company or work for gm or ford designing and building sport cars. thats because, well, lets face it, i dont have much of a life, and so i draw cars all day. i want to know what your ideal job would be and why.
  6. personally, i agree with darkmoon that the banner is boring. not enough action going on in it.
  7. i put the trailer clip to my favorites and went back to look at it frame for frame. riku, sora and kairi are all plainle shown so i think that there are many new characters. the count down from 13 took me a while, but i wrote down what every one of them said: (some parts had sayings between the numbers) 13- Where's Sora? 12- [Ansem's other report] " A creation born of ignorance." 11- Behind the darkness is not the door to the light. 10- The secret place "His voice... it's left me." "This time... I'll fight." 9- A world between = a world forgotten The Gathering 8- The third enemy = Nobbody. "Who is Nobody you ask? They are nonexistent." 7- ENDLESS "What took you so long, Kairi?" "Can we do it? Against that?" HEARTLESS "We have come for you, my liese." "You are the source of all Heartless." 6- [The thirteenth order] METAMORPHOSIS "Sora?" "Sora...why?" "Your Highness! But why?" 5- Change the third key Behind the door in the light (i think thats what it said because it was only shown for 2 frames and it was really blurry) 4- End of the World "What is this place?" "Is this the answer you've been loooking for?" "This is the world in its true form." "Maybe our journey meant nothing at all." 3- Paradise "We'll go together." (at this point, four people in hooded cloaks are shown) 2- (didn't say anything) "He looks just like you." (said by a guy in a hooded cloak) "Everything is coming back to me, the true..." there wasnt a #1. i think that some kind of cloning occurred because 4 people are joining together, ones that we havent seen before. this game looks awesome.
  8. fire is ablaze living always inside me unseen in my heart hatred welling up under my skin, inside me ready to explode im bad at haikus im sure that you can see that poetry is hard...
  9. sometimes i wake up with this pounding sound in my left ear, and its annoying as hell. the first time it happened i kept going around in circles in my room because i thought something was blowing air out. i know what caused it though because this kid hit me in the ears one day on purpose and ran away. little ******. i got my revenge and luckily i couldnt hear the teachers yelling at me...
  10. okay, you said in another thread that youre 13. i seriosly doubt that you know what true love is and i know because im also 13. you may feel this way now but soon youll get over it. i also have broken up with girls, and i usually get over it quickly, but i dont really have that many feelings. just dont try to let this break up get to you. and dont kill yourself.
  11. dont commit suicide. ive thought about it before because ive felt the same way you do where nobody knew my situation and i felt that life wasnt worth living. but then i thought about my future that ive already laid out in my mind and i know that i could never go threw with it. maybe your life isnt worth living in your mind, but to other people you matter. dont do it.
  12. i still havent finished the first one because my hasnt given it back yet, but i hope it will be as good as the first. i havent seen it advertised anywhere, so i dont know when it willl come out. but i cant wait because theres supposed to be a movie coming out after that. or so i heard...
  13. where are we going with this? its getting complicated here, so why doesnt someone else just start off with a new question.
  14. t-rex's are awesome. ive youve ever seen biker boyz they have one in there. for a sport bike id want a suzuki haybeusa, for a naked bike id want a kawasaki z1000, and for a cruiser id want a suzuki intruder 1400 or 1500. my dad has a 1500.
  15. i go to a gym with my dad. we do 30 minutes of cardio first and then work the rest of our bodies. ive been going to the gym for about 2 1/2 years. i also ride my bike every day. i used to plat soccer and football, but i had to give them up for personal reasons. the gym has built up a lot of muscle on me and im very happy about that. as for diet, i dont have one. im trying not to eat as much and not drink as many sodas. ive never been on a diet and dont really want to, but i probably should.
  16. if what youre saying is true about the predetermined answers and outside forces interacting, does that mean that everytime you take a quiz or a test and get an answer wrong its because a force moved the right answer out of your head? personally, i think that we are able to think for ourselves because of the fact that society constantly changes and progresses. or is that what was supposed to happen and has happened according to plan? whos controlling us? if one persons mind is interferred with for just a millisecond, could that cause a whole string of changes in the plan? man, this a lot like final destination. i didnt know i could think that hard.
  17. wild thang


    i ride bikes every day, most or the time its my bmx. i dont do vert or street yet, but i do some dirt jumping. unfortunately, the closest place that i know of is woodward in greenville but dave mira owns that... bikes rock. i cant wait for the x games.
  18. my favorite games are kingdom hearts. i dont have any ff games yet and one of my friends reccomended this to me. i bought it and let one of my friends borrow it. i havent gotten it back yet, but it is a really fun game. i love the graphics and the story line isnt bad either. i also like thps1-3 (i dont have 4 yet). the games arent that hard, so when i need a break they are a good source of relaxation.
  19. i watch way too much tv and i noticed that on a lot of shows people come on saying that theyve seen a ghost by the side of the road or somewhere else. whenever someone has a life-threatening disease and is cured they come on tv and say that an angel visited them and healed them. this got me thinking that maybe these ghosts we see are really angels or vice versa. i mean, maybe a ghost is just a sign that we have some one to rely on incase something happens to us. what are your thoughts on the subject?
  20. techno music is ok, but after listening to it for too long it makes me want to rip my ears off it gets so annoying. but it sounds pretty cool sometimes. and at least there arent any words to piss me off more.
  21. definately sd. not that they had better matches, but they let HHH beat kevin nash with the pedigree on the raw ppv. i cant wait for summer slam because my favorite wrestler (goldberg) is going to wrestle my least favorite wrestler (HHH). i hopes goldberg beats the living hell outta him. for some bad news, (to me) undertaker is supposed to retire within the next year, or so i heard. i always liked the undertaker, so its gonna be sad to see him go. for more info go to [url]www....[/url] oh, wait, we cant advertise other sites. pm me for more info.
  22. i agree that southpark has to be one of the funniest movies o fall time. my favorite scene is the one where theyre at the terrance and phillip movie and theyre singing the uncle ****** song. the first time i saw it i missed the next ten minutes of the movie. the v-chip scene at the end and the one with mr mackey are also great ones, m'kay?
  23. bob hope was great. to help in the mourning process, i suggest you listen to bill engvall, larry the cable guy, jeff foxworthy, dave attell or any other comedians that are really funny. bill cosby is good too. good bye bob. we will miss you.
  24. i hate stupid people. that girl sounded like a *****. speaking of stupid people, my friend is a complete idiot. he makes up lies and believes himself and then tries to lie to me. i guess he doesnt get that i am smarter than he is and that i know that hes lieing and that everyone else knows hes lieing. it annoys the **** outta me. but hes my friend.
  25. ugh. my two cousins are the most annoying little girls on the planet. they have to get their way, they never shut up, and the older one (7) has the deadliest aim. at easter she hit me in the mouth about 5 times with plastic eggs. other than that my familys sorta normal...
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