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Demon-Kitty 9

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Everything posted by Demon-Kitty 9

  1. I have been cross country snowboarding.you feel it hard the morning after.
  2. they are just bloody stupid. who they think they are, ay skiers!:bash:they should be nicer to us snowboarders.:lecture:
  3. your banners are awsome, I :love2: them. I might still one.
  4. Okay my friend likes being a :butthead: somtimes ( who can blame her)she's more of a:demon: than I am. anybody notice that in people you don't even know?:frog:
  5. Good point. :confused::stupid: never relly on your best frinend. enough said.
  6. Love Inuyasha,hate Kikyo.enuogh said and someone needs to:bash: some sense into Kikyyo's and tell her that she should just die.thats my point.she's stupid. :stupid:
  7. I've never been on skies in my whole life and still,that one place i went to:blackeye:
  8. Okay, I've been snoboarding for five years now and everywhere I went snowboarding the skiers are nice,but in the movies the are alwys competing agianst eachother and they are :cussing: at each other too.Anyone noticed that and if you've seen "Snowboard Acdemdey" you know what i'm talking about. there was this one place i went to that was like :bash:.anyone seen that happen before?
  9. icecream, duck or chicken?
  10. Blue Seed is okay and I kinda watch it instead of Futurama( Becuase it sucks big time)and it has some funny moments.
  11. I don't know either but,he might have a weakness. could be a mistake but,only the people who dub it know.
  12. thanks but I still might be wrongcan you name anything worse than that?
  13. so far I can't decide, it would either be goku going SSJ/SSJ3 or you know what I don't know at all %(.I'm kinda confused on who to decide.
  14. It dosen't get any worse than that.Then agian,I could be wrong,its when you start acting like them,thats how bad it could get.-_- am I right?^_^
  15. Thanks for pointing that out,because i don't feel like watching the same thing over and over agian.After a while you kinda know almost every line in it and trust me its boreing.^_^
  16. I really don't know. I guessif it is i will be kinda upset. i only own 4 episodes of it.
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