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Everything posted by HammerBlade

  1. [size=2][color=purple]Sorry in advance for making this character's description so dang long...I salute all who read this all the way through! [b]Name[/b]: Tam "Kudos" Androhal [b]Race[/b]: Tauren(yes, thats right, for once somebody who DOESENT want to be a freakin elf) [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Class[/b]: Priest [b]Appearence[/b]: A bit smaller than the average tauren, only about 6 and a half feet high, who wears a white robe with a few patches of green here and there. Rather than having brown fur like that most tauren have, his fur has more of an orange-ish hue, and his hooves are twice the size of the average taurens. He is extremely mellow most of the time, but if the life of an innocent, defenseless creature is threatened, he goes into a berzerk rage, forgets his priestly disciplines, and stomps anything showing the slightest sign of aggresion [i]literally[/i] into a pancake. [b]Weapon:[/b] A massive thorium plated mallet with a head about as tall and wide as an orc, and a handle as tall as himself. [b]Background Story[/b]: As a calf, Tams mother told him a legend about a powerful weapon known as the Hammer Blade(why does that sound familiar...?) which has the power to either save the world from an impending evil, or destroy the world by the users own hand. The Hammer Blade only chooses one person every few centuries to wield and guard it to save the world. Tam has always been on a quest to find the weilder of the Hammer Blade, just to see if the legend is really true. He has a love of helping others, so he could travels the world, and uh, well, helps others. One fateful day though, he witnessed a small village being torn apart and destroyed by a large group of raiders. Seeing so many people suffer and die in such a horrible manner caused him to go half insane, and he charged into the village and crushed anything that moved. After realizing what he had done, he went to learn how to be a priest, in hopes that it would redeem him for the horrible things that he had done. He also invented a recipie for a type of granola bar known as a 'kudos bar,' thus explaining why his nickname is Kudos.[/color][/size]
  2. Originally Posted by Drix D' Zanath: [quote]What is love without hate?[/quote] [color=red] It seems you were talking about emotions and there opposites, and I couldn't help but beg to differ on this comparison. The actual opposite of love is FEAR, not hate, and I belive this because while love can make you want to be closer to someone, hatred can ALSO make you want to get closer (most likely to do some form of harm), while fear can make you want to be farther away from someone. (Which is why its great to be both loved and feared at the same time. Kind of like a king. 'Cause like, people are there when you want 'em to be, and there not when ya DONT want 'em to be. Or something.) Now, I wouldn't want to ERASE an emotion, but rather I would want to ESCAPE from an emotion for the day. Ok, back to the subject...FEAR is the emotion I would want to escape from. Now, whats really bugging me is how you people are seeing hatred as an emtion. I dont necessarily think of hatred as an emotion, but rather a state of mind. OK!? Same goes for YOU, unreasonableness! Thats a HABIT, not EMOTION!!! [size=4]ARGH!!![/size][/color]
  3. I havent stolen anything, but I HAVE been stolen FROM... I once got this really cool watch that you clipped onto your beltloop for my birthday. One day, I decided to go to the city pool. after swimming and hanging out (but mostly swimming) for about an hour, I went to check the time... Unfourtunately, somebody had swiped it while I was swimming, so that was kind of a let-down. I was watchless for the next couple years* until I finally decided to go out and get a new one.
  4. Hey thats pretty cool! Hey Thanks for making a wonderful avatar for me to steal! [b](Editors note: By "steal," HammerBlade means "make his own cool animated avatar." HammerBlade does not make any claims to the copyrights of this avatar, or the fact that he deserves it more than anybody else in the world because he is cooler than Lord Prozen, who should bow down to him because he is a worm comapred to HammerBlade. Nope, not at all.)[/b] My rating for this avi? 7/10. I only gave it a 7 because the animation is kind of well...a bit too fast. Make another avi, but this time, I'd like to see some DBZ sprites fighting any 8-bit sprite. That would be pretty funky/funny/death! (Editors OTHER note: By "death," HammerBlade means "incredibly cool".)
  5. Uh...I only took tae-kwon-do for a month as a one month...thing. And I learned how to break a board. My friend who took true tae-qwon-do classes tells me that once you break a board, your a yellow belt. So I guess thats me. So there! BE SATISFIED!! :cussing:
  6. I'd have to say I'd rather be a samurai. I mean, I love the idea of protecting people, following a code of honor, and being able to kick anyones rear-end if they threaten somebody, and wandering around like a hobo, not having to worry about 'nuthin. Camp out every night, make a fire, fall asleep under the stars...practically no worries...its the life for me... And if I turn evil and kill hundreds of people I could get a reverse-blade sword and swear never to kill again! (Hm, where have we heard that before...?) And ninjas, well...in movies/shows/parodies, whenever there is a vast army of ninjas, they always get torn apart like tissue paper at the hands of one ninja/samurai, or a very small team of them.
  7. I'm about 5'7"-6'0"...not really sure right now...and I weigh somewhere between 130-145. Now about excersice... Two words: Running. (Thats only one word you say? Well ah...SILENCE I SAY!) Another thing you could try is getting a job as a mail-person. But really, the only three things you need to do to lose weight is: [U][B]WATCH WHAT YOU ARE EATING[/U][/B], and [u][B]GET A LITTLE EXCERCISE A DAY.[/u][/b] and most importantly, [U][B]STICK TO THIS KIND OF SCHEDULE.[/u][/b]
  8. [quote]For example, on OB, I must look at the closed threads for some reason...I can't really explain it.[/quote] I can explain it. Your curious and you want to find out why there closed. Kinda hard to resist, I mean, I always look at the closed threads first too! I usually start playing Warcraft III the first chance I get to get on computer(unless i got some writing assignment as homework but ah, thats off the subject) After im done playing(or if the game locks up on me AGAIN) I usually go to Nuklearpower.com.
  9. [quote]Question: Name all the locations in Super Mario Sunshine?[/quote] Lets see...these are all of the places right? Delfino Plaza Bianco Hills Ricco harbour Gelato beach Pinna Park Sirena Beach Noki bay Pianta Village Question(Hard): Exactly how many Games featuring Mario have ever been published? Im talking about the educational computer game(s) too! Hell, I mean EVERY FREAKIN GAME featuring Mario! Its gonna take a lot of research to find the answer to this one!
  10. I'd have to say Mousse is my fav character. I sure wish I could hide that many weapons under my robes (Not that I WEAR robes, but since Mousse does, and like uh...you know) As for my favorite episode? I would have to say the one with that Copy-Cat-Ken guy, but I always thought the movie was a lot cooler than the series.
  11. Eh, sorry, I forgot to post the actual image.:sweat:
  12. Hey everyone. Here is an animated banner I've been working on for the past few days. Do you think it would make a good banner, despite its quality?... IMPORTANT NOTE:I had do a MAJOR compression on this animation to get it to fit as an attachment, which is why the quality is pretty poor sooo...just wanted you to know. If you want to see the really high quality version of this instead, PM me and I'll see what I can do.
  13. [quote]The demo looks really good. I find backwards gaming really accomplishing and challenging. I hope it's finished sometime soon. [/quote] I've seen a lot fo fan-based projects like this one. They almost never become complete. They usually make the demo and thats it. So Crisis, I wouldn't get my hopes too high that this project will be completed. So is this guy doing this ALONE, or is he working on this with a team?
  14. Personally, I cant BELIVE that Troublemaker Studios would even have the NERVE to MAKE another Spy Kids movie!! Sure the first one was actually kind of funny, but the 2nd one was pathetic! I almost feel sorry for the people at Troublemaker Studios, because when the angry mob of critics comes to burn there studios to the ground, they will make sure to nail all of the exits of the building shut. Oh, and I'll bet that most of the people here who said they only saw the the first one because of a little bro/sis wanted to see it really went to see it of there own free will and were afraid to admit it. ADMIT IT!!! There is no shame in it.
  15. I suppose one sure sign is when they stalk you wherever you go, spy on you in the shower, is always trying to find out as much about you as possible. :D
  16. I have this game. It's a classic. When I was like 6 years old, my oldest bro borrowed this game from a friend, and we all(as in my family) loved it. But my bro didn't get around to buying a copy for a while... In fact, when my bro finally got around to picking it up, It was the very last copy in stock! Lucky him! (And me!:D)
  17. Now HERE is a wierd dream...:confuse2: First I dreamt that my younger brother woke me up in the middle of the night and asked me to walk him to the bathroom(this was when we were 6[me] and 4[him] and we didnt like going to the bathroom at night without someone to escort us). So im walking him to the bathroom, when I wake up, and there he is, nudging me and asking me to walk him to the bathroom. I had to go too, so I took him. Another weird dream I had was where I dreamt that I was dreaming that I was dreaming that I was dreaming...etc...:wigout: :wow: :confuse2: Nowadays though, my dreams mostly involve video game/anime characters and having typical RPG type adventures. (Want to hear one of THESE types of dreams? then PM me cause I dont wanna make people read a post that long)
  18. EDIT: Oh shoot, somebody already made a thread about this sorry feel free to close this... Hey, I've been to the battle arena a couple of times, and I've asked several people, but none of them really know how it works either... Does [b]ANYBODY AT ALL[/b]out there really know how to freakin spar!!? Thanks in advance. :)
  19. This probably isn't the FUNNIEST thing that ever happened to me but I cant remember what was the FUNNIEST so I just tell you THIS story instead... Me and my younger bro were at the mall to get our friend a GBA game for his birthday. We went to Electronics Boutique(or EB 'fer short). My bro got him a copy of TLoZ: A Link to the Past. I got him a copy of Advance Wars because he is into Warcraft III and Starcraft. (Plus I also kind of wanted a copy and he could share:D) Our eldest bro was driving us home when my younger bro handed me Advance Wars and said "heres your game." Overcome by temptation, I took it and said "Uh, yeah, right, thanks...:shifty:" I mean, we were really only gonna get him TLoZ:aLttP anyway, soooo... I eventually told my younger bro about this, but I dont think I've ever told my friend.:rotflmao:
  20. I really think there should be a forum for advertising in Otaku Boards. I mean there always seems to be a few people who make threads which are basically just ads every now and then. (OK, I dont know this for sure, I havent been around here for very long, but it just feels like thats what happens.) ...Your thoughts, fellow Otaku Board-ians, and moderators?
  21. A Small machine gun that you can hold in one hand(or UZI) Is great in most types of combat, but for an assasination/defense of a fort, a sniper rifle is best. I like shotguns. One hit at almost any part of the body can be fatal!! And the rounds dont always stop after hitting 1 target!!!(err...at least I think thats how they work...) Talk about deadly... But I've always loved ordinary hand pistols with easy reloadable clips. :wigout: To be honest, I dont know any of the real names of types of guns, I'm more of a medival weapon fan. I could tell you about all the types of swords: Longsword Claymore Katana Kodachi (thanks to ruroni kenshin for info!) Shortsword Scimitar Rapier Leaf Blade Now for other weapons; the difference between a mace and a flail is a flail is basically a metal ball on a chain, while a mace is a metal ball attached to a stick.
  22. Hmm...Without anime, I guess I'd just go become a gaming FREAK instead of a gaming FAN/ anime fan. Yeah, thats it. Unless I went into music. Or programming. Or cooking. Or uh...*looks on floor and sees wallet* Hey, I was wondering where that was!
  23. You know, this game sounds like it has a game engine similar to that of Mystical Ninja: Starring Goemon(N64.) Personally, I cant wait to check this one out! *looks on floor* omigosh...OH MY GOSH!!! a PENNY! Anyway where was I? Oh yeah, I've always been a fan of Sonic, and this dosent seem to be yet another Sonic Adventure, so I'm just counting the days 'till it arrives.
  24. Today, me and family are gonna go outside, and light up some of those smoke fountains they are selling those are pretty cool!
  25. ok I got another one if you people are still checking this thread...(like my previous one only about 95% is exactly what I heard) A woman with a checkered dress died recently. This womans family wants her to be buried in her dress since it was her favorite dress(or something like that im not sure at this point). While the mortitionist was preparing her for burial, he decided that he could sell her dress for a few quick bucks. So he takes it to a shop and sells it. The next day a woman walks into that shop and buys that same checkered dress. She goes out to a club with her boyfriend that night, when she notices her dress smells funny, and all of a sudden, she starts to feel dizzy, and nauseated... Her boyfriend drops her off at her apartment since she didn't seem to be recovering from it...after he left she went over to her bed, lied down, and almost immediately went into a state of unconsiousness...and eventually died. When another mortitionist was checking her to find out the cause of death, he noticed the dress had embalming fluid in the cloth, which seeped into her skin and poisoned and killed her. Apparently the previous owner of that dress was leaking of embalming fluid into the dress or something...I only caught about 3/4ths of this story. Again, I would like to hear your comments on this one. OR if you have an urban legend I would LOVE to hear about it on this thread!
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