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Everything posted by HammerBlade

  1. Gosh, is your mom really like that? I dont know a single mom in the world that is like that...except maybe yours now...but yeah like dragon said, my mom is nothing like that. I'm sorry your mother is so well...unkind. Hey look on the bright side. Your 17, you'll be able to move out in a year! Go to college, get a degree (dont know what you wanna do for college? I guess cooking is always a neat thing), the whole shin-DIG. About Unosukes post on this thread...Maybe you should try and talk to your mom about her life, and ask her if there is anything in her life you can help her with.
  2. Dumbest thing I've done? Staying up till 2:00 am on the comp. Man I felt like trash the next morning...which happens to be this morning... Another dumb thing I did was when I was trying to make account on Otaku Boards without my friends who were already on Oboards knowing. I named myself HammmerBlade(but you can see that im sure)...which is the name i reecntly used for an MMORPG me and friends were playing for a while...5 min's after I made an account here, I got a PM from a friend saying "Hey [insert my name here]glad to see you made an account!" I was so mad I had trouble sleeping that night...
  3. I heard [url=http://ps2.ign.com/objects/482/482096.html?ui=gamefinder]Contra: Shattered Soldier[/url] was supposed to be a really good game, but was really underrated because of how incredibly hard a great deal of the game was. Another game I think was underrated was Illusion of Gaia. (I dont have a link, look it up on google you lazy bum!) I really enjoyed the whole theme of this game. The music, the events, the...well, the combat system was almost exactly similar to the Zelda fight engine, except you didn't have a huge array of special weapons... And yeah, the Goemon (aka Mystical Ninja) is a great series of games (except "Goemons Great Adventure" for n64 that one was pretty bogus).
  4. Now THAT would be CRAZY!!! It's a cool idea I like that one...But I have an idea thats even CRAZIER!!! If an SSB game had a world editor similar to that of [url=http://pc.ign.com/articles/363/363926p1.html]WarCraft III![/url] Though I can only see that happening on the computer and not on a GCN(GameCube).
  5. I recently heard this really morbid urban legend that I wanted to share with the world. It's really long, but bear with me this is some pretty good stuff(note this isnt EXACTLY how i heard it but 95% of its just the way I heard it): "This couple from America have traveled to China for a one week vacation. They bring their dog with them because they cant find anybody to take care of it for them. While there, they decide to go the local restraunt for dinner. They bring there dog here too. Unfourtunately, since they dont speak a word of chinese they have a lot of trouble just getting a table. When the waiter finally gets the message, he finds them a table, hands them menus and goes back into the kitchen. Of course, the couple cant read a word of chinese either. Then they started thinking about asking the staff to feed their dog. When the waiter comes back, they make all sorts of gestures and stuff to try to make the waiter understand what they want for their dog. Finally, the waiter says "Dog Eat? Yes!" and takes the dog into the back. Later, they bring there order to them, although they didn't place an order...The couple begins eating. They cant figure out what kind of meat they could be eating. They start talking about "how wonderful this meat is" and "this is the best meat ive ever tasted" and "i wonder what meat this is?"... When the waiter comes back with their bill...[b]with there dogs collar on it![/b]" Ok so incase you didnt get it, [b]the waiter thought they wanted to EAT the dog, so they cooked it up and served it to them!!![/b] Now I'd like hear your thoughts on this story, or if you have an urban legend I'd love to hear about it!
  6. I've seen so many biographies on haunted places on TV(usually Discovery Channel) that I'd have to say yes there most definitely are such thing as ghosts.
  7. Unless she had a good explanation for it(and I mean REALLY DARNED CONVINCING), I would break up with her. If she apologized I guess I'd still be friends with her...unless we were married at which point I would get a divorce.
  8. Calling all Zelda fans! You ABSOLUTELY HAVE to see this. It is one of the funniest things I have EVER seen online, (maybe in my life too...err..nvm...) The funniest Zelda Parody Ever [color=indigo]Deleted the link, on account of the site advertising hentai. - Desbreko[/color]
  9. This thread will be about your ideas for another Smash Bros game. One of my personal ideas are: Each character having tons of customizable attacks. Take Link for example. You could switch his Down B attack from bomb to something like Bombchu. Or switch Gannondorf's B attack to the thing where he charges up a huge ball of energy and throws it at you. That would be AWESOME! Your thoughts and ideas, people?
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