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Everything posted by Shippo

  1. Shippo

    Silent Gun

    [color=darkblue] [b]Name[/b] Izo Aoki [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender[/b] Male [b]Description:[/b][img]http://www.animate-usa.com/HTML/IC/IMAGES/SCRYED_01.jpg[/img] [b]Weapons[/b] Demon arm(shown in pic above), Pistol. [b]Occupation[/b] Assasin [/color]
  2. [color=darkblue] Here's a Lupin the III banner i made when i was bored. It has Jigen and Lupin the III. [/color]
  3. [color=darkblue] Ooo, all three of those look REALLY nice! I think the best out of the three would be the Koga one. But dont get me wrong, all of them Are [i][b]Great[/b][/i]! Much better than anything i could ever do :D [/color]
  4. [color=darkblue][size=1] [b]Shaman Name:[/b] Li Chang [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Height/Weight:[/b] 5'9"/ 119 Ibs [b]Description:[/b] [img]http://www.eleves.ens.fr/home/aze/anime/mythes/Nataku.jpg[/img] [b]Side:[/b] Bad [b]Bio:[/b] A boy built to hate. He is cruel in any way possible. He treats his ghost like a pet. Li has no firends, what so ever. He is alqays independant. *** [b]Ghost:[/b] Jet Blade [b]Appeaence:[/b] Dark blue hair spiked up,. Green Bandana around head. Green Markings on face. Skin color is pale, and here wears all-white. [b]Speacila Abilites:[/b] A great swordsman, and a master at magic. [b]Speacial Attack:[/b] Sword gets engulfe in fire, and he begans to slash un-controllably at the opponent.[/size][/color]
  5. [color=darkblue] [size=1] [b]Name:[/b] Boris Steiner [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Pokemon:[/b] Arcanine Pigeotto Hitmonlee Primape Golduck Cubone [b]Description:[/b] [img]http://www.storage.asylum-anime.com/cels/elhazard/elhaz-71.jpg[/img] Bio: Boris has been a pokemon trainer ever since he was 10. His first pokemon was a growlithe. He began to catch many pokemon. Boris competed in many leagues, but has never won. HE always encourages his pokemon to do their best. boris puts all of his faith in his pokemon, even in the hardest of times... IEI: Extra Pokeballs, Pokedex, potions/antidotes, fishing rod, and a small little dagger he keeps with him every where he goes. [/color] [/size]
  6. [color=darkblue] Ivan sighed, he then smiled. [b]Ivan[/b] Today is the day where the youngsters get to test out there new pokemon, in there first batttle,...how about we call this off, and say you're the winner? [b]Risuke[/b] Uhh,..i guess... Ivan shook his hand [b]Ivan[/b] How about we continue this some other time? Risuke nodded [b]Risuke[/b] I agree. They walked on over and saw a Steelix and Poochyena. [b]Ivan[/b] Ooo, this'll be intresting. [/color]
  7. [color=darkblue] Ive never actually seen it before...:( but i did happen to read a few reviews :D it sounds kool, i wanna watch it [/color]
  8. [color=darkblue][size=1] I like this one better then the first :) not only is it longer, but it also relates to life today...My favorite lines are... [quote] Right in the chest not a good place to be. my vision is going dark i cannot see, i fall to the ground tring to hold on to my life that i have lived for so long. [/quote] Nice job again! You do have more right? If you do, i'd luv to read them! :D [/color][/size]
  9. [color=darkblue] Flames surrounded the gym as a trainer walked in. [b]Trainer[/b] I'd like to challenge the Gym Leader, Ivan! The gaurds let the boy in. He walked down the lightnened path, when he finnaly came to a room with flames all around it. [b]Trainer[/b] My name is Brian! Im here to challenge the Gym Leader! Someone walked up. It wasn't the gym leader Ivan though. [b]??[/b] Sorry, Ivan is not in right now... he has gone to Professer Redwoods lab. [b]Trainer[/b] When'll he be back...? [b]??[/b] That, i do not know. But when he does, ill be sure to tell you. The trainer sighed. ---- ---- ---- A quiet familliar face walked down the path to proffesor Redwoods lab. It was the Gym leader Ivan! Ivan walked in and saw Redwood. [b]Ivan[/b] Hey there Redwood! How've you been? [b]Redwwod[/b] Great, and you? [b]Ivan[/b] Im doing fine also. I just came by, to see the new youngseters. I just decided to meet them before we battle. He looked to his left and saw a girl. [b]Ivan[/b] Hi, and whats your name? [/color]
  10. [color=darkblue] HEre's another one i made. Its of Megaman NT Warrior. I made this one on MS paint too, and was kind of in a hurry... [/color]
  11. [color=darkblue] Here's another banner i made, when i use to have MS paint :( Its of Tikal from Sonic Adventure. [/color]
  12. [color=darkblue] Here's another banner i made for Aurora Dragon, tell me wat you think of it^_^ [/color]
  13. [color=darkblue] Well, umm, i accidently forgot to put an attachment on my first post :sweat: So...here's how he looks! [img]http://www.jenorama.org/cels/celthumbs2/nobiyuki.jpg[/img] [/color]
  14. [color=darkblue] Nice job on the banners Terra! My favorite one is the last one you posted, [i]and[/i] the one you made for me! Thanks again!! Great job! and keep it up!! [/color]
  15. This sounds so fun^_^ [color=darkblue]--- [b]Name:[/b] Ivan [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Height:[/b] 6"1' [b]Weight:[/b] 159 lbs [b]Description:[/b] (See attachment) [b]Personality:[/b] Quiet, caring, generous, and a bit shy. [b]Bio:[/b] N/A Pokemon: Growlithe: Lv 14 Ponyta: Lv 10 Ninetails: LV 16 Magmar: Lv 16 Trainer/Gymleader: Gymleader What Mark: N/A [/color]
  16. [color=darkblue] Hey everyone... I juss got phototshop and am now making banners^_^ I know, i know. There are a lotta threads already that Say ""xXxxx's Banners"" But instead of posting multiple threads of different banners, y not post them all here? Gimme feedback, like if you like it, or what i sohould change about it... Well, heres the first banner i ever made on photoshop. Its of Luigi, from Super Mario Bros! Hope ya'll like it... [/color]
  17. [color=darkblue] As of now, we may catch/use/encounter Ruby and Saphire Pokemon. [/color]
  18. Shippo

    Pokemon Rpg!

    [color=darkblue] Rush stared at the water in front of him. The lake was a beutiful site. [b]Rush[/b] So, your a pokemon trainer too? He said to Ryan. [b]Ryan[/b] Yep... As Rush stared into the water, he saw a blurry image of a figure under the water Ryan was in. [b]Rush[/b] Ahh!? There's something under there--in the water... [b]Ryan[/b] Wha?!! Ryan dove under water and looked around. He saw a pokemons shadow. [b]Ryah[/b] A pokemon! The figure emerged from the water. [b]Rush[/b] A Seadra!! The Seadra danced around in the water. [b]Rush[/b] Heh. your mine! Growlithe, ember attack! The ember fired at Seadra. Seadra dove under water and was safe from the attack. Rush waited patiently for the Seadra to rise back up, but it didnt. It dove back into the water and didnt comeback up. [b]Rush[/b] Oh wel...:sweat: [/color]
  19. [color=darkblue] Great job! All of them are great, but the Sephiroth one HAS to be my favorite! To sum it all up, and give you a rating in general of all the banners you made, itll definetly be a 10/10:D [/color]
  20. Shippo

    Pokemon Rpg!

    OOC: Ehmm, originalimp, you have to sign up at the recruitment forum first... [color=darkblue] After 30 minutes of walking in the deep forest, growlithe's and Rush's stomachs moaned and groaned. [b]Rush[/b] Im...so...hungry..... [b]Growlithe[/b] Grow...grow.. Suddenly Growlithe brang up his nose and started sniffing around. [b]Rush[/b] Whaddya smell boy?? Food?? [b]Growlithe[/b] Grow! Growlithe! He said happily as he ran toward the direction he smelled the food from. Rush followed short behind. [b]Rush[/b] Wait up Grow---- Before he could finish his sentence growlithe came to a sudden stop. He was in front of a large lake. [b]??[/b] Who're you? Said a boy inside the lake. He was beside a Phanphy. [b]Rush[/b] Ehh, im Rush...and this is my growlithe. Im gonna be a pokemon master! Right Growlithe?---Oh but first! We need to settle or appetite... Got any food? [b]Growlithe[/b] Grow, Grow! :P [b]Ryan[/b] Heh, im Ryan, and this is my Phanphy. [/color]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by KnightOfTheRose [/i] [B]I'm sorry I don't pose my poems. I post them. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkblue] :rotflmao: :bellylol: Hehe, I guess ill post another one of my poems... [b]Imgagine if...[/b] Imagine if I can eneter world of Dragons, A world of Fauns, A world of Nymphs, A world of dreams... The way I do it, is all but hard, I use my imagination, And Read,... Reading can take you to a different world, A different dimension, A different place... Imagine the Possibilities... [/color]
  22. Shippo


    [color=darkblue] Willy woke up and walked around. The light rain trickled on his orange hair. [b]Willy[/b] Whadda boring day, huh Bob? [b]Bob[/b] Cheek Cheep Ckeek Said the sqyuirrel. [b]Willy[/b] What?!?! A killer dog!? He looked forward. A brown cat curled its tail. Willy backed away. [b]Willy[/b] AHH!! Go get him bob! [i]BATTLE[/i] DooDododoodododo(Final Fantasy 7 Battle Theme XD) [b]Kitty "Killer Dog" Fizzy vs Willy and Bob[/b] Bob jumped off Willy's shoulder and scratched Kitty "Killer Dog" Fizzy. Kitty "Killer Dog" Fizzy counter attacked with a Furball. Bob the Squirel leaped out of the way dodging the trecurous attack. He used his Squirrel ""gas"" and Kitty "Killer Dog" Fizzy was knocked out x_X Bob and Willy win by Knockout! Bob jumped back on Willy's shoulder, as they celebrated. [/color]
  23. [color=darkblue] So far, so good Sophic. Nice job :). I too, am not done with this one, Step by Step, Day by Day, We go on with our lives in a simple way, Week by Week, Hour By Hour, Our Life and growth resemble a flower. Ehhm, not done yet :'{ still workin on it. [/color]
  24. Shippo

    Mario Quiz

    [color=darkblue] Hmm, i cant think of anything else, so ill put an easy one... [i][b]Question:[/b][/i] How many different colored Yoshi's are there in Super Mario World?(name them) [/color]
  25. [color=darkblue] Okay, i started it. Everyone to the Adventure arena! Sign ups will be open for a lil while still... [/color]
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