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Everything posted by Shippo
[COLOR=darkblue]Sky stared at the floor for a long while. He then lifted his head up and saw Sakura, [B]Sky:[/B] Hey, you sure your Wolves aren't slacking off? [B]Sakura:[/B] Slacking off!? :angry2: They're not like your pet dog or something that would run away! [B]Matt:[/B] So then tell me, whats taken them so long? [B]Sakura:[/B] Lets see you people do better!? I dont see you peo--- [B]Xaru:[/B] Patience. You must have patience... Sky tossed his head back as he lied down on his back, he stared at the sky thinking about his parents. At that instant he heard the growls of the 2 wolves. [B]Sakura:[/B] Your here! Who's with you? She looked up and saw max [B]Max:[/B]Hey people![/COLOR]
Srry bout that Austin, u shud have said"dont start without me" or sumthing, But we havent wrote much yet, so u can check it out and get wit the story ezily
lol, i dont go on that much, and when i did, i saw 3 pgs of writing. ^_^ srry im not writing, thats cuz theres A LOOOT to read and im not up wit da story -Srry bout that -SHippo
[COLOR=darkblue] [B]Sky:[/B]Uhmmm, while were ""training"" here and testing out each others skills, dont you think that evil spirit on the dragon is destroying everything in his path!? [B]Xaru:[/B] You must be patient Sky, we dont stand a chance against him with just us 4! [B]Sky:[/B] You mean theres more of us!? [B]Xaru:[/B] *sigh* -.-' There are a lot of us, and were all the descendants of the ancient gods that lived before us! Sky sat down on a log and started thinking about it, [B]Sakura:[/B]Thought you would chicken out Xaru and change the sbuject!? [B]Xaru:[/B] Chicken out??? [B]Sakura:[/B] Face it, your [I]scared[/I] to fight me [B]Xaru:[/B] Well just see about that! [/COLOR]
Just to tell u i wasnt DOMINATING the characters, i was just trying to make a STORY.... I said a few lines with each ~is that sooo much~?? :therock:
[COLOR=darkblue] Inuyasha and his friends stopped on there way by a small grass patch [B]Kagome:[/B] I think we should rest, we've been out for a while now... [B]Shippo:[/B] Definately! I agree with Kagome! Inuyasha looked around a little, he felt a strong power near-bye [B]Inuyasha:[/B] Hey Miroku, do you sense something? [B]Miroku:[/B] Nope, not at all, Inuyasha. Inuyasha looked around, [I]smells like an old friend...but who?[/I] Inuyasha said to himself. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Hmmm...WhO CoUld i be...SHIPPO OF COURSE!!![/COLOR]
You can still signup at the REcruitment forum if you want to be in this RPG,... [COLOR=darkblue]It all started it off in a small house. Inside was a young boy about the age of 16 named Sky. He sat on his bed, thinking about his past.... [B]Sky:[/B]...who were my parents....? How do I have such amazing abilities..... Are there others like me....? The setting outside was a gloomy and silent day. The only sound in Skys tiny house was his own voice, and the tapping of the rain hitting against the window. The peaceful silence was interputted by a sudden movement in the ground. Sky thought it was an earthquake at first, but as he looked outside through his window, he saw something beyond imaginable. There was a purple blast of light being shot out from the ground and into the sky in the middle of the town square. [B]Sky:[/B] What in gods name is that!?! He brushed back his hair, as he stormed outside his house to get a closer look. He saw a dark figure standing on top of a dragon. [B]Sky:[/B] Is...Is that the evil spirit that the legendary gods sealed 10 million years ago, as said in the prophecy!? [/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]-.-' Arite, when you come aYakono, sign up, and meet us at that the adventure arena... ^_^!!To The Adventure Arena Evry1!!^_^ The Thread will be: "Elements of the world...Unite C ya there [/COLOR]:wave:
[COLOR=darkblue]Okay, so now all were waiting for is aYakono to get his character, and i think were all set. If any one else wants to join, and make up there own element, thats fine(>.< i cant think of any more) Okay, so once aYakono signs up his character were out to the adventrue arena!^_^ You can still sign up tho^_^ the mor the merrier! [/COLOR]:beer: :love2:
[COLOR=darkblue]Looks kool, ill try it out ^_^ Strength:45 Speed: 20 Endurance:31 Skill: 2 Inteligence: 2 ~LoL~ Name: Jose Moto(wrestling name country: Honduras(South America) Race: Mexican Gender: Male FinishMove: Jacknife powerbomb Status: Bad Guy Bio: Jose doesnt have much Intellgience, but makes up for it in stregnth. Jose has a reputation for helping out the bad guys. Description: A green mask, with a red dragon on it, very muscular. Ripped shirt, and blue tights [/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]All of the signups so far look great. Okay, !!!!AYOKANO IS FIRE!!(okay that was lame) so no one could be fire, except aYokano srry [/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue] ((story)) Many years ago, there were many gods that watched over the earth, each represented a certain element... One day, an evil spirit rose and started destroying the world, The many gods of the earth, banished this evil demon in exchange of sacrificing themselves... After all those years.... The evil demon rose again, he/it somehow re-incarnated itself and has brought havoc once again... It is up to the descendants(u people!!) of the gods to save the world once again... ~Now then~ Every person that signs up has to have a certain element/theme. WITH each element, they must have a special ability(ex: Flight) Multiple people CAN NOT be the same element/theme. Here are some elements I got.... (u cud make ur own as well) -Fire/Lava -Wind/Air((THATS ME!!)) -Water -Ice -Nature/Forest -Thunder -Shadow -Earth -Poison/Toxic/Acid -Metal and Iron **thats all i cud think of for now, u can always make your own of course ^_^''** Last but not least, you will also need a character sheet^_^ here's mine as an example:: Name: Sky Age: 16 Element/Theme: Wind/Air Element Ability: Takes Flight for a short time, and also can call upon thousands of feathers to make a barrier around his body. Weapon: Thin bladed sword with a small wing design on the handle^_^ Appearence: Natural Sky-Blue Hair, Black tanktop, blue scar on back shaped like a wing Bio: Not much is known about Sky. He lives in a small house, and it seems as though he's one with the wind -AND thats all ya need =D Plz join! [/COLOR]
Here's the board directly linking to the board that applies to Avatars and Banners... [url]http://otakuboards.com/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=59[/url] :box:
Well,.... is there any way you are able to change your Username? Mine is ""anime colt"":worried: and umm... i kinda wanna change it.... its WeIrD 0_o If any can tell me how, or IF u can do it, it would gradefully be apprectiated... :cool: Thanks Again! :cool:
Name: Kyo Age: 27 Gender: Male Weapon: Axe with a blood red tip Power: Earth Description: Really strong, buff, and muscular. No shirt, ripped half leghnth tan pants. Scar on right cheek. Really friendly. Black hair, tied up in a pony-tail. Bio: Many people call him the gaurdian of the mountains. no one really know's about him, but he is a friendly indivual. He has the power to cause massive earthquakes, and make faults(cracks) in the ground.
Here's how it is, I say 4 words to start of a story, then the next person Says another 4 words to continue the story, and it keeps on going on, and on, ~It cud be funny ~or anything ~U have the power to change the story into any direction...:D Ill begin.... [B]A boy wakes up[/B]
Well, it certainly is a good reasoing and i could come to the conclusion that u thot a lot about it, but still, i doubt that it wud happen.....its way 2 confusing -.-'