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Everything posted by Shippo

  1. [quote] um... sorry but i don't consiede pokemon and anime. try "americanized tv show" from japan [/quote] [color=darkblue] [size=1] 0_o;; So then what exactly is your definition of [i]anime[/i]? Anyway, I guess rules are rules 0_o And if your not excepting that banner then so be-it. *sighs* And, um, just a question...Why exactly does there have to be a quote? Because I really don't get why it should. Quotes usually tend to clutter the banner up, so I try my best to avoid them, unless someone I am making a banner for request's it. Anywhoo, if your not accepting it. Here is the banner Ill be using. [/color] [/size] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=527751[/img] Yea, and I don't mind if you take off points for no quote. LoL, I can't think of any >.<
  2. [color=darkblue] [size=1] Hope I win! :toothy: [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=529649[/img] ... Yea, and sorry, but it has no quote [/size] [/color]
  3. [color=darkblue] I'm back, with a new banner :D! Lol, I can't find any Anime Christmas pics, so I just put this picture on it. I like this entry more then my old one^^ [/color] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=529060[/img]
  4. :eek: Those are great Batty! And especielly because you drew them on a computer...Thats probably one of the best drawings I've seen on a computer. Nicely done. You've even inspired me to watch the movie over ^^ and make my own drawings from the lion king:). Again, Very well done, 10/10.
  5. Ehm...Sorry to interrupt, but why was my entry deleted? You said we could get the final banner's in, so I deleted my previous Goku entry, and entered an Aeris banner, but it was deleted :(...Why was it deleted though? And then the thread was closed... -- Again, im really sorry about interrupting, but I just had to get this off my chest...:( (the banner I entered is in attahcment.)
  6. Oops, sorry Takuya>_< There are 49 expansions* EDIT: um, assuming thats right... ill ask my question. In Animal Crossings, how many K.K Slider song's are there in all?
  7. [color=darkblue] [a]: 250 missle expanisons [q]: In Animal Crossings, how many K.K Slider song's are there in all? [/color]
  8. [size=1] [color=darkblue] *[b]Meanwhile at the hideut[/b]* Masu looked over to a computer screen. He was watching the tag-team duel from afar. Masu frowned. "What a bad view...they get all the fun, and I have to stay here gaurding Seto..." Masu said in disgust. He looked over to the room Seto was in. Masu smiled. "He'll be fine alone...I'll be right back, okay Seto? You stay put now..." Masu snickered as he threw on his black overcoat. He opened the door, and summoned his Castle of Dark Illusions and hopped on top. The Castle of Dark Illusions, then began to float off the ground, and it took off toward the duel... [/color] [/size]
  9. [size=1][b] [color=darkblue] -__- meh, when I was trying to delete some of my old art on the Submit/Delete Screen of myotaku, I accidently clicked a different pic...that I wanted to keep -___- So that pic got deleted.. Soo, now its gone, and I was wondering if instead of just clicking it, and it deletes, maybe there should be a pop-up warning that says "Are you sure you want to delete this pic?" Or something along those lines...so it would be harder to delete a picture that you clicked on accident. [/color] [/size] [/b]
  10. [color=darkblue] Awesome stuff Horrorvacui. I love it. Its flawless IMO. The shadings great. Oh, and did I mention the colored version is even better. Its hard to beleive someone could draw that good^_^. Nicely done Horrorvacui, ^_- I'd love to see some of your other art more often :) [/color]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Flashlight [/i] [b] Question: What kind of Company was Nintendo originally? (I'm not sure if the question very clear or not, so please ask if you don't understand the question :)) [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkblue] [b]A:[/b] Before they became a videogame company, they sold trading cards. [b]Q:[/b] Name all the worlds in Super Mario 3. [/color]
  12. [color=darkblue] Here's a little sketchy of Chihiro from Spirited away. Comments and Critism welcome^_^ [/color]
  13. [color=darkblue] *snickers* Lesse here... -Mr. Dream -Glass Joe -Don Flamenso -Super Macho Man -Bald Bull -Piston Handa -King Hippo (lol, I love beating the heck outta him.) -Great Tiger -Von Kyser -Mr. Sandman [/color] Lol, I hope spelling doesn't count -__- And I think thats It... If that's correct, Here's my question... Q: In Zelda II: Adventure of Link, Who is the final boss?
  14. Yey^_^! Now for My question... [size=1] [color=darkblue] [b]Q:[/b] What is the name of the character you control in "Punch Out" for NES? [/size] [/color] Lol, thats a give-away.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinmaru [/i] Q: Who is the final boss at the end of Metroid II: Return of Samus? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkblue] The Queen Metroid! [/color]:p [size=1] Tell me if I'm wrong...:( [/size]
  16. Thanks InuLuvr^_^ -- Here's a new animated banner-
  17. [color=darkblue] [size=1] "....They better bring good results...or else I'll have to crush those little kids on my own." Masu said to himself as he let out a puff of smoke from his mouth. Masu then let out a deep sigh. He could hear the roars of the Black Skull Dragon in the distance. "Erg..." Masu said angrily. "Why do they get all the action!?" He said pounding his fist on a nearbye table. [/color] [/size]
  18. [color=darkblue] [size=1] My favorite SNES game would have to be Chrono Trigger. One of the best RPG's i've ever played^-^. The characters are awesome, and so is the sotry. I love how each character [spoiler]comes from their own time, instead of all of em living in the same time era.[/spoiler] I never actually finished the game...but I will this December^___^. Yep, Chrono trigger's gonna cost $20 for Playstation this december. :D -- Okay, hmm....Another game that I really liked for SNES was Earthbound. I only got to play a little of it considering it was my friends, and I did not own it. Hehe, that games funny^-^ plus it was an RPG...so that's another reason why I liked it so much. -- Super Mario all Star is another game that I really enjoyed. It had a whole lot of Super Mario games in one. I mostly played Super mario 3. My favorite mario game:D [/size] [/color]
  19. [color=darkblue] [size=1] Well done Eclectic. Those are really impressive^_^ I LOVE the avatars. Their awesome. The one with the pink boxes are on of my fav's because the design is so complex and nice^_^. And your banner's are also really well done, nice, smooth, clean pics. You did a good job of blending the pictures together. Great job, and keep it up :D [/size] [/color]
  20. [color=darkblue] [size=1] Thank's for replying Naru^_^ -- My brother taught me how to use Adobe ImageReady yesterday, So as an experiment, I made a Final Fantasy 8 Banner *animated* ^___^ Yep! Its my first (i think) animated banner! [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=521061[/img] Enjoy! [/size] [/color]
  21. [color=darkblue] Hi Katana^^ Your bannner's look great. Especially Bakunetsumaru because The Kanji in the background looks great, and so does the pic of Bakunetsumaru, nice, and clear. The DigiWorld Banner looks awesome! I love it^_^. The color scheme is great^^ And the pics were nicely cropped out. The Speed Demon one looks nice too, the only problem I can find is that the border is on the left, top, and right side, but its not on the bottom... Plus the fonts a little hard to read. Other than that It looks great. Keep it up Katana^-^ [/color]
  22. Shippo


    [color=darkblue] Lol, A new banner by me :p This one's different though...[size=1]Because it's huge[/size] Its, obviously, way over the size limit of OB, but I had fun making it, The explosion background was made on accident. i was trying to make it blue, and put Captain America on it, but i liked the orange and yellow better. I knew that wouldn't fit with Capt. America, so I put Iori on it instead. [/color]
  23. [color=darkblue] [size=1] Hello all, :beer: I've been checking out these how to draw manga books at amazon.com They seem pretty good, and I've decided to get one...but which one? Ive been debating between these two... "How to draw Manga: Compiling Characters" and "How to Draw Manga: Male Characters" or any other ones.... Any suggestions for those people who have either(or any of the other how to draw manga books) one of these books? Thanks. oh, yeah, and Im sorry if this isnt in the right place. [/color] [/size]
  24. Very nice Doukeshi^_^ Those are some great banners :-D. I like them all, but if i'd have to eliminate it to the top two, i'd say the Final Fantasy XI one, and the Aros one. I cant decide between those two...
  25. Shippo

    Super Phoenix

    [color=darkblue] [size=1] "All that power,...all that strength...that boy's got some talent...But too bad it isnt good enough!" said Masu, who was on the floor. Every bone in his body trembled as he wearily got up. His eye's were tired, and his muscles ached. "This'll all be over soon..." Masu mumbled as he got to his feet. He walked up to the helpless Danny who was on the floor knocked out. His feet were spread open, and so were his arms. Danny's pole was beside him. Masu laughed and picked up the pole. He studied the edge of it and spit on it. He rose the pole high above his head, and slammed it with a large impact onto Danny's chest. Danny screamed in pain. It could be heard all the way to the bottom of the hideout. Masu then repeatedly whacked Danny with the pole like it was a base ball bat. Kai couldn't watch, it was just to much...someone just had to stop the mad man. [/size] [/color]
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