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Everything posted by Shippo

  1. Thanks for replying Haze. Here are a few new banners... [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=516492[/img] [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=517136[/img] [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=517609[/img]
  2. Shippo

    Super Phoenix

    [color=darkblue] [size=1] "So there are a lot of you....Haha, well, as they say, the more the merrier!" Masu said. He scanned every single Super Pheonix. He smirked. "Looks as if I'm out numbered..." He said. "No worries... I have an attack that'll burn all of you to a crisp...I call it [b]The Tornado of Fire![/b]" Masu clenched his right fist, and slammed it to the floor, causing a small earthquake. Suddenly, Masu's hair turned into a red-orange color, and his eyes change to a blood-red. The gang was astonished. They didnt know what to do. Masu laughed one last time. The sky seemed to turn into a orange color. With one last smirk, Masu threw off his mouth cover, and threw it into the air. A tornado sprouted off the ground, and it grew bigger and bigger. Masu got one of his arrows and shot it into the tornado. The Tornado then lit on fire. "Time for your demise Super Pheonix!" "Yike's a whole tornado made of fire...this is [i]bad[/i]" yelled Danny. [/size] [/color]
  3. Oh my.... Thats awesome! Its really hard to beleive someone could draw [i]and[/i] color [b]that[/b] good! I must say that your probably the best 17-year old artist ever... Wow, 10 hours^_^; You must have been working [i]really[/i] hard on it...an that work payed off considering its on of the best pictures I've ever seen.... 10/10.
  4. Shippo

    Super Phoenix

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by K.K.C. [/i] [B][B] A small section of the floor was now lit up. Everyone was still silent, but used their eyes now aswell. Suddenly..... [/B] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkblue] The horses stopped running, and all motion stopped. The sound of two feet hitting the ground could be heard above of the gang. Masu, who couldn't see them sniffed the floor. He grabbed some sand, and let the wind blow it away. "Their near..." Said Masu. "Search the area, bring back anyone you see...do not kill them... [b]I will.[/b]" Demanded Masu [/color]
  5. Shippo

    Super Phoenix

    [color=darkblue] [size=1] [i]clomp, clomp, clomp[/i] The sound of these horses could be heard from the distant mountains. Their hooves pounding on the soft dirt bringing dust to rise. A gang of about 5 people on horses piled through the forest. These 5 people were part of the Night Ravern's. "Hunter! I dont think they'll be here..." said one of them. "Gah. shut up and listen to my commands!" replied Masu. "Search The forest for any sign of "non" Night Raverns...and kill them!" Masu demanded "Yes sir...." [/size] [/color]
  6. [color=darkblue] [size=1] Name: Masu Age: 17 Gender: Male Call sign: Hunter Power: Swift Shot- Fires arrows at a very fast speed Tornado of Fire- A tornado made of fire. Side: Night Raverns Description: Attachment Nationality: Philipeno Bio: Masu never knew his parents. He lived as a loner his entire life. He always relied on himslef, and thats the way its been for as long as he's lived. He developed his skill with the bow and arrow when he use to hunt all night for food. He perfected his aim with every shot. Other description: When using Tornado of Fire, Masu's hair turns into a red-orange color, and his eyes change to a blood-red. [/size] [/color]
  7. [color=darkblue] [size=1] Hmm, creative idea Kyo^_^. One thing though- It'd be [b]really[/b] cool, if you could download photoshop, or paint shop pro, and make it look like a [i]real[/i] newspaper! (Although I understand that'll take [b]a lot[/b] of time...so you dont have to...) [/size] [/color]
  8. [color=darkblue] [size=1] Yipes...My first wallpaper :nervous: Ive never played Kingdom Heart before, but I really want too^_^; I made this wallpaper just because the characters look cool.... and, uh, Thats all. [/size] [/color][URL=http://shippo.250free.com/kingdomhearts.png]Here[/URL]
  9. Thanks for replying everyone. Here's my latest bannner. Spritied Away. Its not complete yet, (because I need to find a good font for it..) Enjoy! Oh, yeah, and does anyone know a good website where I could download different types of fonts?
  10. [size=1] [color=darkblue] Masu closed his eye's and leaned on the dusty wall. He reached into his pocket, and got out a cigar. He lit it in his mouth, and blew out smoke from his mouth. "Gah, they should be coming back any time now..." He said as he took of his hat. Inside his hat was his gaurdian monster... "The Masked Beast" With 3200 atk, and 1800 defense. Masu laughed and put the his hat back on. "With my masked beast....They dont stand a chance!" [/size] [/color]
  11. This is knives from Trigun, I drew it, then went over it in pen. Tell me what you think....I might color it sometime soon. PS: Im not used to drawing guns, so ehm...thats why it looks so horrible^^(the gun) [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=513545[/img]
  12. [color=darkblue] [size=1] My new banner thread ^_-! All of these banners are made on Paint Shop Pro 8. (My photoshop was accidently deleted >.
  13. [color=darkblue] My photoshops gone...so i downloaded PSP 8 ^_^;; I like the program, but i dont think its as good as Photoshop, I made a hellsing banner on PSP 8, I liked it, so i decided to post it.... [/color]
  14. [color=darkblue] [size=1] The two of them continued to argue just until Masu decided to step in. "Eerg... stop arguing, and shut up!" Masu yelled. Both Seth and Shonya be queit. [i]"Whats HIS problem...?"[/i] Thought Shonya. "Those 3 duelist who are trying to rescue Seto are getting closer, and closer while you two argue... every second counts...we cant let them get any closer." Masu explained. [/size] [/color]
  15. Shippo

    first wall

    [color=darkblue] [size=1] :D Me like! Very nice Chris. I love the pictures you used, and the font goes great with wallpaper. I also like how the picture to the left is faded. I also like the sun-shine effect. Fits perfectly with the pic of Kenshin and Kaoru. 9/10, it would be a 10/10 if you made the word "Keshin" stand out more... Thats all I have to say^_^ Keep it up! [/size] [/color]
  16. [color=darkblue] [size=1] Girl or guy, either way, that is an [b]awesome[/b] drawing. I [i]wish[/i] I could draw like that... The folds in the clothing are great. i always have a problem with the folds in the clothing>.< but it seems like you have no problem with it^_^ I dont really see anything wrong with the shading...but...im still an amatuer at drawing, so what would I know ^^;; [/size] [/color]
  17. [color=darkblue] [size=1] "Am I late...?" said a dark shadow behind Shonya. "Masu? Is that you?" She asked coming closer to the figure. The dark figure lifted up his hat, so his face was visible. It was Masu indeed. "Sure is..." Masu looked at Seto at the corner of his eyes. "Exactly how many people are coming to save this scoundrel?" Masu asked. [/size] [/color]
  18. [color=darkblue] [size=1] The young boy flinched. "So you wanna duel, eh? Well your making one really big mistake!" exclaimed the boy. [i]Beep. Beep.[/i] "Hm?" said Masu. He reached into his jacket, and withdrew a walky-talky type gadget. Masu mumbled a few words into the walky-talky, and frowned. "Ill be right there." He said. Masu pushed a button on the walky-talky and it went off. He put it back in his jacket and glanced over to the young boy. "Im afraid our duel will be delayed, due to some [i]buisness[/i] I must attend." he said. "Ah, leaving so soon?" asked the young boy. "Hmph, your lucky. Next time nothing will come in the way, and I will crush you with my feinds....until then." Masu explained. He threw back his hair, and walked back into the forest. [/color] [/size]
  19. [color=darkblue] [size=1] "Hmph, Im gonna find you...even if its the last thing I do!" Screamed an angry Masu, as he cut the leafs hanging in front of him. He was refering to the one and only duelist he had lost to. Masu continued to cut down the tree's as he spotted a young boy. He gazed over at him. "A deep sea warrior, eh?" He whispered to himself. "Heh, seems like a worthy opponent. Now, I hope he isn't too easy." Masu laughed, as he revealed himself from the bush he was hiding behind. "I am Masu! The Elite! I have come here to challenge you young duelist!" [/color] [/size]
  20. Very nice. I love all your drawings. I like how the water was done, you colored it really good^_^ The sky's also gorgeous, and i love how theres a reflection of the sun in the water. Great job and keep it up:)
  21. [color=darkblue] [size=1] [b]Name:[/b] Masu the Elite [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Apperence:[/b] See Attachment [b]Deck Type:[/b] Zombie / Fiends [b]Bio:[/b] Masu has been playing duel monsters ever since the age of 12. He had a sudden obsession with fiends, and zombies as he played. Masu's life is duel monsters, he's addicted to it and cant stop. His record is flawless (hence his nickname "The Elite") accept the one time he was defeated. Masu is now hunting down the duelist he lost to. [b]Good or Bad:[/b] Bad [/color] [/size]
  22. [color=darkblue] [size=1] I like many books, but my one in particular would have to be my favorite--- Where the Red Fern Grows, by Wilson Rawls. Of course, I cant really say much about this book,(considering I dont want to give out any spoilers!) but i really reccomend it to [u]anyone[/u]. I just loved the ending...and the whole idea of dog-hunting. [/color] [/size]
  23. thanks everyone... Oops. and I forgot to say. that the sonic pic is an actual pic of him(i didnt draw it). Oh..yea, and instead of making a whole new thread of drawings, i thought i'd stick to this one. Here's a drawing I drew like a week ago. C & C, please.
  24. [center][FONT=courier]Welcome[/center] Greetings, and welcome to KO REY's headquarters. I am the cheif robot, P-81191. I am here to tell you about KO REY. KO REY was discovered in 2030 by a man named Hachigoro Karamorita. An 84 year old scholar. Although Hachigoro majored in law, he never enjoyed it. He loved history. Ancient history. Greece, rome, Egypt, Mesopotamia, you name it. Hachigoro always pondered about how life use to be back then. Soon though, his ponderings came to new ideas, which led to new inventions...[/font] [font=courier] By 2039, Hachigoro had invented a device called KO REY. Which would create a tunnel through time, which would hurl you into a different time period when you stepped inside. Of course, Hachigoro has been on many journeys. And he isn't in shape to go to new journeys. So he's asking [b]you[/b] to jon KO REY, and go on these journeys. If you have joined KO REY, you will go through different time periods and experience great journeys. Of course, this cost lots of money... So Here is the deal. On each mission, there will be a cost to go. For example, Look below, going to ancient egypt will cost us somewhere roughly around 2000 dollars. ((you will start with 3000 dollars.)) If you do a good job, you will be payed with a reward. This reward depends on how good of a job you do on the mission. So if you do a very poor job, you'll recieve $0. You need these rewards to go on different missions. Each mission will cost more and more, as we progress. Your reward depends on how fast you do the job. If you solved the case. And bringing back clues. [b]The first mission:[/b] Ancient Egypt- 53 AD COST: $2,000 REWARD: $3,000 So are you intrested? Well if you are, then please sign up at the 990 hall. Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoy your stay as a... [b]Time buster![/b] [/font] Sign ups- Name: Age: (17-27) Description: (Pictures are okay) Bio: (doesnt have to be long) Your weapon will be given to you after you sign up. If there are any additional questions, give me a PM.
  25. [color=darkblue] [size=1] New banner- Kai from Beyblades [/color] [/size] EDIT: Can any of the mods change the name of this thread to Shippo's banners? Or Shippo's new banners...or something...
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