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~Mystical Pan~

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Everything posted by ~Mystical Pan~

  1. Actually, I wouldn't want to see Trigun or Cowboy Bebop with a 2nd season. I thought both endings to each series were awesome. Now, one series I'd want a 2nd season to (or have them re-make) is Hellsing. I'm a huge fan of Hellsing, however, I felt it was too rushed and there wasn't enough character development. Also, after I read the manga, I felt cheated. Oo;;; The manga is much more entertaining and reveals more of the characters. And, the villains in the manga are much more cooler than Incognito. Incognito is such a lame-arse. -_-;
  2. I read that book in 5th and 6th grade and again in high school since it was part of the class. I found it beyond interesting. I loved it. [spoiler]As far as the "rape scene", it it supposed to potray some kind of level of rape, not necessarily sexual rape, but they were "raping" the pig...taking pleasure in causing it such pain and whatnot.[/spoiler] And, I know what ya mean by that chant, maladjusted. I've read Brave New World...it was also awesome. I do recommend reading Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. I hope I got the author right. >
  3. I believe anime will become more mainstream. People at school who didn't use to watch anime are into it. I see more malls with stores that sell anime merchandise (even huge retail store where they sell shirts with like Yu-Gi-Oh or Yu Yu Hakasho images). Most of my smaller cousins in my family (all under 14) love Yu-Gi-Oh, Trigun, Gundam Wing, Kenshin and other animes on Cartoon Network and other stations. I feel the younger generations will embrace anime more openly than the ones before them. I mean, when I was young and I watched anime, people wouldn't know what I was talking about and thought I was odd. I'm not sure about other asian countries and whatnot, however, as far as CG is going...it's going to be huge. I'm not saying all animes are gonna be steered in that direction. However, it's gonna play a huge part in the future. When done right, it looks so awesome. ^_^
  4. While I?ve seen animes where I?ve loved the good guys, I do have a tendency to prefer the bad guys. Probably because when they are well-written and well thought out, they tend to be the more complicated characters, especially when there?s a reason why they?re evil, but they do not see themselves as evil (Take for example Knives from Trigun. We all know he?s evil, but he doesn?t view himself as evil. Just remember the spider/butterfly analogy. Another example would be Gendo...anyone that?s seen Eva knows his driving force and one can almost feel sorry for him). In the end, all good guys have this moral code about them...that?s why they?re good, even if they seem really ****** up. (Though, Alucard from Hellsing...technically is a good guy...but...well read the manga. xD) With a villain, you?re more free to do as you please, thus allowing more creativity into the character. There aren?t many limits with a villain as there are with the hero. Also, when one makes an amazing villain, you either truly love them or hate them...they invoke emotions. So do heroes, but it?s more rare to see a villain do that to people. I admit, I love happy endings, but they become cliché...though, there have been some endings that are happy but I didn?t expect them, like Trigun. [spoiler]I really thought Vash was gonna wipe him out...even if it seemed against his nature...Knives had taken so much from Vash...but yeah.OO; *sniffs* I think I?m gonna go watch Trigun again! >
  5. I'll make ya the banner. ^_^ Give me 1-3 days since someitmes my net has problems. -_-;
  6. I find the image quite peaceful. Probably cause the enviroment the dude's in. ^^ You might want to work more on perspective or something cause it looks like the guy is holding the flute oddly. oO; The detail in the trees and surroundings are very well done. I like the lil green person in the lower right. Uber cute fairy like creature. ^_^ The coloring was done awesomely...at least, I think so. ^_^
  7. Oi...it's looking better. ^_^ The background is nice, but try to make it lighter so it's subtle. Also, I forgot to mention...add a border around all your banners. As Baron Samedi said in a topic I had posted: [i]"Banners always need borders. Even with the most backward, anti-productive Paint program, borders can be created. It is a basic 'requirement' and can enhance the look of a banner no end. Simple black ones most often accentuate your basic banner."[/i] I completely agree...well almost. There are a few banners that look awesome without borders. ^_^
  8. I must say that that edited one is lots better. ^_^ Well, when I meant glow as in there was a glow around the image, not necessarily making the image brighter. Your 3rd banner...the images used are pretty good. However, the background clashes with the images. Remember always try using colors that match with the images. The background your'e usign doesn't help to bring out the images. You want a focal image and to do that...your background has to help bring out the image. *nods* Keep up the good work! Practice makes perfect. ^_^ Edit: I agree with naru...the iamges are bit too spread out too. Try making the banner small, but don't change the size of the images.
  9. I like the avatar! And no problem. ^^
  10. LMAO! ^_____^ Goofy banner! ^.^ For some unknown reason, I love the banner. Maybe it's the chicken (it just looks funny!), maybe it's the background (I actually like the arrows and stuffies...I'm sure it would look TOO plain without it), maybe it's the text (I love how the "s" is red and the rest of the text is black. Also, the font itself looks perfect for the image)...or maybe it's all of it. lol
  11. I'm unsure what to think. It's different from the other banners and it's very appealing. It's not outright a complicated banner that's loaded up with fiters and layers which isn't always the best route to go. I like its simplicity. The colors are awesome though. You'd think the red would contrast too much with the yellow font, however, it fits perfectly and stands out quite nicely. ^^ If I were to rate it out of 10, I really wouldn't know what to give it. Since all you did was add text and border...but it still looks awesome because of its simplicity and its colors. ^_^
  12. A nice and simple banner. The image is VERY pretty (I have it myself...I always wanted to use it in some kind of layout. ^^). While, I can't say there's nothing wrong with it...the banner itself is only an image with text. The font may be given an extra effect (maybe a small glow and make it..er..angely like? lol). Yeah...what's what the aqua lil box by the H? OO;
  13. My thoughts for both banners mirror almost exactly like Baron's, however, something about the font background in both banner bugs me. Probably cause they stand out nastily. Does Paint do that automatically or something? Once you moved away from Paint to other programs, try limiting yourself to 2 images only and trying to blend them together. ^^
  14. Dunno about the first banner. It's pretty plain..only an image with text. You might want to edit the image a bit (like erase that folded part in the image). Now, your 2nd banner is a bit better (as in it looks like ya actually tried something). First, the background doesn't clash well with the center image. The center image is light while the background...is.....er.....well...lots of bright colors. I say change the colors in the background to match with the center image (maybe shades of grey?). While, I like the effect you tried with your font (faded and re-appearing several times scattered about), I say try to scatter them a bit more and use another font. The one you use is a bit too plain. :\ Also, you may want to add some kind of light glow around your center image to make it more focused. Dunno how that would look. Wouldn't hurt to try. Just keep experimenting lots. ^^
  15. Oi...very pretty! I love the hair. It's nicely detailed. :) I do love the eyes also. Nice detail and looks awesome. ^^ You may want to add flowers...if ya want. I always thought CCS had some of the most beautiful characters. ^^
  16. First, I must say...HINATA OWNS YOU ALL! ^____^ She's by far my favorite female characters in Naruto. ^^ Now, on to the wallpaper. The images you chose of Hinata are of high quality and the cutting done (if any) is perfect. To be honest, the images you chose are awesome. They're not images of her looking weak or indecisive like she appears many times in the anime and manga. The images show the rarer side which Naruto was able to bring out...a more detemined and confident Hinata! Unlike the others, I love the purple theme (purple be my fav color!). Many wallpapers I've seen are always so complicated at times...and whiile that may be prefered among many people, I actually like the simple and non-complicated look. The grid effect isn't overdone which is good...I've always been a fan of the grid effect but notice it being used too often. Also, the font is quite a nice touch. Maybe it's because it seems to mesh well with the pic in the background. The font isn't a neat, smooth and perfect font...I feel is sorta reflects Hinata's inner emotions (a bit jagged, not smooth...the font isn't chaotic, but it isn't tidy. One can say Hinata is the same way...just look at what she had to deal with.) Mondo cool wallpaper. Keep up with the good work. ^_^
  17. Sonic!!!!!! *glomps* *Has been playing Sonic Adventures 2: Battle and loves it* Not bad for your 2nd banner. The image is clean cut and doesn't look to have low quality. However, there are some things that rub me the wrong way. oO; I think, start with using different fonts. That font seems too plain and the color doesn't seem to fit Sonic that well. Maybe it's cause he's mainly yellow and the font color is like turqoise. oO I'm unsure how far you can go with paint, however, I do know of people that make banners in paint that you swear looked like they were done in PS. Just keep trying. Try matching colors a bit more. Start simple...sometimes the most beautiful banners are the simplest ones. Maybe you can convice your parents to download Paint Ship Pro...it's free and it does give your moe oprtions than Paint. ^^;
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by haruno_sakura [/i] [B]Haha, okay, okay, Kakashi isn't [i]really[/i] a pervert (unlike Jiraiya-sama! EEP!); he just likes to read perverted novels LOL. I actually do read the manga, and IMHO there's something really mysterious about Itachi (who I totally agree is much more handsome than Sasuke) that I think goes deeper than being just plain evil. LOL I think he has to have some major issues especially since he didn't completely wipe out his entire clan...if he was just plain evil, Sasuke would have died along with his mom and dad. Oh...then again, keeping Sasuke alive to suffer alone is more evil than killing him...Oh now I'm confusing myself. hahaha You're actually one of the many people that tell me that they don't like Sasuke, which I can actually understand a bit. He's vengeful, conceited and stubborn...but I love him anyway LOL. To get back on topic, now that I'm looking over my list, I think I should move Kakashi up a bit further; Sasuke can't pull off the Sharingan the way Kakashi can, which is a little sad, considering Kakashi isn't even part of the Uchiha clan. Then again Kakashi has had a ton more experience with it ^_^ But anyway, there's only one guy that I'd probably love to date above everyone else: [b]Nara Shikamaru[/b]! How he ended up at my 10th spot the other day is beyond me. He's a lazy (well, I actually prefer the term 'laidback') guy who wouldn't mind just watching the clouds pass by. ^_^ With all the stress I'm experiencing right now, I wouldn't mind having a boyfriend like him to relax with. LOL. [/B][/QUOTE] Actually, thats' the reason I believe he's truly evil. He left Sasuke to suffer instead of ending his painful life and putting him outof his misery. Also, if you keep reading the manga, you'll see, he truly doesn't care for Sasuke. Not in a "brotherly" way. :/ Well, Sasuke is still learning, but he will definitely surpass Kakashi. The only reason I don't really like Sasuke is because he has it all. On the other hand, you got the underdog Naruto becoming more powerful than Sasuke and he's jsut more interesting cause you can relate more with him. :) And, I agree, Shikamaru is just so awesome! :) He's another VERY imperfect character that rocks. ^_^
  19. May I be a judge? I would participate, however, I've been to out of it to start on banner son again. ^_^
  20. While your 2nd banner, is a bit better than your first, I believe the ripple doesn't look good with that banner. At least, not that much of a ripple. You may want to make the ripples smaller and less visible and have Vash stand out just a tad more...how about putting a stroke on him? The text is rather nice though. However, I don't think you should really have that rippled. It looks TOO together. You want to blend different elements in a banner god enough to look good together, but not so much that they sorta fade oddly into each other. :/
  21. Simple and small, yet, so pretty. ^_____^ Some pepole are awesome at making complicated looking banners that are so beautiful. Others makes simple banners but they also have this beautiful look...just as beautiful as the complicated looking whoa. Your latest one is uber good.^_^
  22. First Banner: The text in the middle doesn't clsah well with the background or the images nor does the background go well with the images either. Probably because everything seems to be just placed together with no real cooridnation. Nothing stands out. Also, the text isn't that great. I'm not sure what it says since the images are blocking it. I would recommend on making one of the images stand out a bit more. Probably put a small glow around it? Don't make it light, either. Play around with the text and make sure it has a more smooth look. I must say, the images you did use seem to be of very nice quality. Second Banner: This banner is a bit better. There is a focal image that stands out nicely. However, there's that text again. The banner overall has a smooth look, but that text isn't, therefore clashing oddly. I'm not sure why the text looks grainy or of low quality. Though, maybe that's what you wanted. The background in this image blends better with the image than the background in the first banner. While it could use a bit more work, mostly on the text, I find it appealing and pretty nice. :) Third Banner: Out of the 4 you posted, I dislike this one the most. Probably because it's just 3 images put together on some background that doesn't really fit with a border color that doesn't really go.. I'm unsure of what effect you were trying to do on the left of that banner, but it looks odd. My recommendation: Limit yourself to using 1-2 images and cutting them better. The images on both sides look nice, the middle ones doesn't really look all that great. Probably because it's not the same kind of image like the other two. Fourth Banner: While it's a very nice banner, the background also needs a bit more work. Though, I can see why it sorta does fit. The background looks like energy and the nice blue glow around the images adds a nice though. However, it's still a bit rough. The inner border is a nice touch also. Just try making the background abite more subtle so the 3 main images stand out a but more. Overall, you should play around with layers and filters more. I recommend reading some tutorials of the program you use to make your banners.
  23. There are rare emotional scenes that truly tear at me. While most animes have moments where you think "whoa", there are a rare few that make you shout in anger and cry. Of all the anime I've watched, only two animes have struck me hard. Trigun and Naruto. Trigun: [spoiler]As previously mentioned, the scene where Wolfwood dies is just tear-wrenching. I remember watching it, hoping he'd make it, despite the fact that I KNEW he was going to die. Maybe it was the way he begged for a bit more time in front of the alter? Could have it been the fact that Milly and him finally were getting so close? Or could it have been he was an awesome round character who had finally found peace? Whatever the reason, he was truely a beautiful character that I'm sure made MANY cry.[/spoiler] Naruto: [spoiler]Naruto probably has many diverse characters that are pretty awesome. However, two temporary characters in it, Zabuza and Haku, probably impacted MANY watchers and anyone who's read the manga. Personally, I cried when Naruto was yelling at Zabuza for telling him what he thought what a shinobi really was. After all the yelling, Zabuza turned to him with tears coming down his cheeks, he reponds to Naruto, "Kid...you don't...need to say anymore." And, the way the panels of what Haku had said to Naruto before were arranged as Naruto was yelling at him, crying, made it so much more emotional. The manga did a wonderful job with that scene. The anime was just as awesome, if not more. I remember that I practically bawled when I was seeing it.[/spoiler] I would name a few, but none would come as close. I really shouldn't have come into this topic...I read the CB ending. Jeesh. lol
  24. Anime music is so beautiful. I have lots of it. One of my favorite animes that has awesome music is Hellsing. It has so many songs that have such different "feels" to it, ya know. The song Wind in Naruto (the ending theme) is so awesome. Also, I love the music in .hack//SIGNS. My fav are A Stray Child and BT. I could probably go on and on about different anime with awesome music (Trigun, Evangelion, Macross, etc). ^_____^
  25. Oddly enough, I have some eps of Noir but have yet to see them. -_-; Out of the ones you mentioned, I think Kenshin and Gundam are ******* great. Though, I do prefer Robotech over Gundam as far as "Mecha" anime goes. ^_^
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