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~Mystical Pan~

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Everything posted by ~Mystical Pan~

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]Now THAT is a cool banner right there MPan. I deffinetly like that one...[/COLOR] :whoops: [/B][/QUOTE] *feels good about her banner* THANKIES! :) But I stopped working on banners for awhile..might get back to making them again soon though..lol :)
  2. [i]*She looked at him a but and frowned. I thought he was the non social type.*[/i] Ciarnait: I'm from the west side. Zack: West side...? [i]*She didn't want to elaborate, however, he was gonna be living in the same apartment. He might as well know some stuff now then later.*[/i] Ciarnait: California.... Zack: er...on the coast or farther inland? [i]*Ciarnait began to feel more at ease and she smiled.*[/i] Ciarnait: I lived near the coast. Los Angeles to be exact. I didn't so much the city itself, just that it was near the ocean. I LUV THE SEA! I used to go there everday. Zack: You swim? [i]*Ciarnait nodded*[/i] Ciarnait: Yeah., for awhile now. I wonder if there are swimming pools here. Zack: Yeah, I think so. I'm pretty sure there is one in the school. [i]*Ciarnait suddenly felt bad that she had gone off blabbering again*[/i] Ciarnait: so..um...Zack..What part of the US are you from? How do you like it so far here? :)
  3. OOC: Hey, Sephiroth, am I to post my info on the other topic about the Evangelion (Sign Up)? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ciarnait: I'll see you tomorrow then ok! Kool: Sure. Laters! [i]*Ciarnait said bye to Kool and both of them walked in different directions. She walked toward the front of the school and her mind drifted began to drift. Part of her wished that she didn't become a nerv pilot, the though horrified her. The other part was fascinated by the idea that she might one day pilot those huge evas. The possibility of her being a candidate was there, but she might not be one either. Suddenly, the thought of living with TWO eva pilots began to materialized in her mind and she stopped walking, took her right hand and lifted it to her necklace which she proceeded to play with again. Man, she was nervous again. But then, again, who wouldn't be? She was just a 14 year old american girl who was suddenly shipped here to live with two eva pilots. Not one, but TWO! She felt extremely shy all of a sudden. *[/i] Ciarnait: This is not what I had planned. [i]*Suddenly, she argued with herself. You had nothing planned, Cairy, you didn't know this was going to happen. She grimaced and continued to walk toward the front of the school. She began to talk to herself.*[/i] Ciarnait: Oh, well. Look at it this way, as long as you're not annoying, they're not going to get mad. They probably don't spend much time at the apartment since they have all those eva thingies to do, so we won't interact much. Yeah, that sounds nice. I need time alone...to think...and relax. [i]*Ciarnait finally arrived at her destination and noticed Sephiroth and Zach in the front waiting for her. Maybe, she needed a change, she contemplated, or maybe not, ony time will tell. She sighed, breathed in deeply and walked toward them.*[/i]
  4. [i]*Ciarnait looked at Sephiroth as he sat down. What a lucky guy, she thought, he practically missd the whole stupid lesson! She looked at the scar just under his right eye and wondered where he got it from. She shook her head lightly and told herself it was non of her business. She turned to the watch and smiled. YES! She cheered to herslf, 2 more min til it's lunch time. She yawned and stretched her arms out just as the teacher spoke.*[/i] Teacher: So, Ms Ciarnait, as you volunteered to do answer the question [i]*He smiled slowly as she mentally cussed herself out. I wasn't even paying attention, she screamed at herself. She stood up and asked herself, what was he talking about anyways?*[/i] Ciarnait: Well..um...*cough*...I just raised my hand to go to the restroom. [i]*She smiled at him as his smile quickly turned into frown*[/i] Teacher: No you may not. You only have 1 minutes til it's lunch time. I will assume you can wait. Ciarnait: Yeah, if you say so. I really can't do anything about it. :( Teacher: What was that? I didn't quite hear you. Ciarnait: I didn't say anyhing. Teacher: I don't think so. I would like you to repeat what you said. [i]*Just as the teacher finished his statement, the bell rang.*[/i] Ciarnait: Whoa, lunch already, guess it's time for me to go grub! [i]*She smiled at him and she walked out the classroom before he could say another word.*[/i]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kool_aid13 [/i] [B]um, no offence, but what was the point of that? :blueshift [/B][/QUOTE] I sorta agree with you..but it was funny..lol :) lol
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B] And my DAD...well...he's kind of a jerk. I can't talk to him and he doesn't trust me because all of my other sisters are dumb asses who go around and ruin their lives, so he thinks I'm going to do the same. And his mom is a coniving b*tch and I hate her. But lately he's been trying to get along with me... [/B][/QUOTE] whoa..that's my dad..except he's a physically/verbally abusive :cussing: though..my dad doesn't try to get along with me...he's does that more with my older sis..which I resent at times....but I have my mom..though she SO strict..she hate my friends that are "different" (like goths) and she hates any type of rock/heavymetal/punk/goth/rap/alternative music....sort of sucks..lol and she hate same wearing anything that seems rock-like or gangster-like..lol She hates my baggy pants...but I love them..they're so much comfortable! lol For those who say you can do whatever ya want after 18, you guys are LUCKY! Cause my parents told me already that I shouldn't even think that i'll get away after 18...cause they'll still be on my back..and they're paying for college..so..i'm screwed..unless I get a scholarship..which i'm trying to get SO badly...lol
  7. OOC: ok..the teachers name is Mr. Newhouse....my BORING math teacher!!!!!!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ciarnait: I know...I'm hoping this day goes faster but I doubt it...:( Kool: It never does, get used to it...lol Ciarnait: I'll take your word for it. [i]*Ciarnait brought her right hand to her neck and began to fiddle with the ring on the necklace. Kool noticed her playing with it and asked:*[/i] Kool: Who gave you that necklace? Was it someone SPECIAL? Like a BOYFRIEND? [i]*Ciarnait blushed and laughed at the unexpected question which drew Mr's Newhouse's attention. He glared at her and asked*[/i] Newhouse: Ms. Ciarnait, can you please share with the class what is so funny? [i]*Ciarnait frowned and raised her right eyebrow at him.*[/i] Ciarnait: Nothing. Just felt like laughing...um..yeah. Newhouse: Well, I'll have to ask you to refrain from laughing. I don't want to have to keep you after school. Ciarnait: Ok, Mr. Newhouse. [i]*mutters to herself*[/i] Ciarnait: (a-hole...this school needs to hire better teachers.) [i]*The teacher continued the lesson*[/i] Kool: Sorry about that. Ciarnait: It's not your fault. I laughed. Kool: But I made you laugh, though I don't know why. Why did my question make you laugh? It was a guy that gave you that,eh? Ciarnait: Oh no. I just found it funny that you thought this was given to me by a boyfriend. It wasn't because I don't have one, though you're right about the person being special. Kool: oh ok. Can I know who gave it to you? Ciarnait: Someone special...that passed away...my mom. Kool: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Ciarnait: It's ok. I was only 6 when she died. So, I don't remember her much. Newhouse: AHEM!!!!!! [i]*Kool and Ciarnait turned to the teacher who is staring at both of them.*[/i] Newhouse: Are you two part of the class? or are you not?! Both: Yes, Mr. Newhouse, we're in it. Newhouse: Then stop talking and pay attention! Both: Yes, Mr Newhouse! [i]*Both females turned to each other one last time and gave each other looks which showed how much they were annoyed by the teacher and looked back once more to the front.* *Some hours past and it's 5 min til lunch.*[/i]
  8. MEGA MAN IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! I LUVED playing the game..forgot the name of the game though...>
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SephirothNIN [/i] [B]Oh well, my school's so overrun w/ people who think they're anime-niacs that the club would be too overnewbied. Heh I swear I see at least 10 people wearing DBZ shirts a day, and I bet they don't even know that there's more movies besides the 3 they show on Cartoon Network, and that "the other dimension" is really hell, still, it would've been helpful in finding other anime-fans who I could trade anime w/ =\ [/B][/QUOTE] you're school sounds like mine! lol Though, my friends that are anime fans actually know about animes..lol :D
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by D. Dark [/i] [B]When one of my friends (or anybody) cusses me or does something that would embarass me, I just laugh. This guy threw a piece of chicken at me from point blank range, in the face, and I just laughed...I didn't even know the guy... [/B][/QUOTE] well..that might be a lil good..since you don't resolve things with violence....hopefully you don't let the people just push you around...
  11. well...my mom is like your parents...my dad...he's not the best..he works hard...at his job...but...it's like..he's an ***. It's hard for me to explain..he used to be really abusive but now.he's more verbally abusive...I can't do anything right for him...but my mom..she's awesome...she understands..not all the time...i'm not the kind of person people understand. Though, I wouldn't give up my mom for anything in the world...even when's she's mad...lol
  12. Ciarnait: Nice to meet ya, Cloud. [i]*She smiles at him and luaghs silently which confuses Cloud.*[/i] Cloud: What's so funny? Ciarnait: Nothing...just that you're as bored as me. Cloud: How can you tell? [i]*She shrugd and smiled impishly at him.*[/i] Ciarnait: You can say i'm sensitive to other people's moods and feelings. Keeps me out of trouble, if ya know what I mean. Cloud: You mean you can tell how people are feeling? Ciarnait: Well...yeah..but it's nothing special. Hey, when is the teacher goona stop talking? [i]*Cloud grimaced at her question*[/i] Cloud: Let's just say this teacher likes to talk a lot. [i]*Ciarnait moaned.*[/i] Ciarnait: oh man...this is gonna be a really long day.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B][FONT=century gothic]::eyes kittie:: I'm not weird, I'm UNIQUE! ....at least, that's what the friendly people in the white coats tell me....[/FONT] :cross: [/B][/QUOTE] They tell you that too? man..and here I thought I was special.:( :D
  14. well..I have MANY weird things about me...some violent kind of weird..lol One violent kind of weird thing about me is...that everytime I see a pretty boy...I get the insane urge to deck him...yeah I know what you people are thinking....I'm one mean ugly girl...lol I'm ugly...but I ain't mean...lol It's just something I have had since I was in elementary...lol Oh well..call me insane..lol :D
  15. Interesting points. :) I believe in reincarnation. :) For those who are catholic...you supposed to also..since Jesus is supposed to be reincarnated and come back to us. Also, no soul can be really perfect just living one lifetime. It has to go through several til it reaches the stage where Jesus was, I think. Jesus himself said in the bible that you can be just like him, and he didn't only mean by being good and everything but to actually heal people and become all wise and stuff. :) That's what I think..i could go into much detail about reincarnation since I study the stuff form time to time...it fascinates me. :D BUt I respect everyone's decision since in reality, no one knows.. we're just human beings, creatures that are capable of making more mistakes then anything else. :) oh well..why the heck did I say that anyways? lol
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] Anyway, I'm not done yet. I'm going to add another 10 or 20 by the end of the week.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] really?! YAY! Hey...where do you get these weird, funky smilies anyways? :alcohol:
  17. yeah..Flash's banner is great...:) Well you can you Photoshop also to make banners. :) I use that to make my Pan Banner which is in my sig...:D
  18. Ciar: whoa..this day has gone from bad to suprisingly weird. An eva pilot....whoa...freaky... [i]*She twitched and couldn't help from being astonished that she actually talked to an eva pilot. She heard of them and never actually believed it. Maybe all the things she heard from HIM were true. She pushed HIM out of her mind. She would not depress herself anymore, she thought with self loathing. She forced herself to listen to the boring teacher and sighed.*[/i] Teacher: As you can see, the....... [i]*Ok, she thought, this was getting way to boring. Her mind drifted to the eva pilot that had been nice to her. Wonder what it takes to become a eva pilot? Must be hard from what she heard. Digust washed over her face as she thought of her own hard past. Oh well, maybe she could start over here, even if this would probably be the last place she wanted to be. She turned her attention once again to the teacher and slowly went to sleep.*[/i]
  19. THANKIES SEPHIROTH!!!!!!!!! :D lol Sweatdrop one? You mean something like this:
  20. I voted for evangelion! :D Why didn't anyone else vote. :( that sucked..lol oh well..NGE WON!!! So HA! :D
  21. Name: Ciarnait Age: 14 Eye Color: Dark Brown. Hair Color: Ebony Skin Color: Light Skinned Height: 5?3 Weight: 110 lbs Clothing Style: She?s always in black. She mostly wears her black coat over her black cargos matching with her black top and knee-length boots while sporting her black shades. Bio: Very mysterious child with powers unknown to anyone else except herself. No one knows the real reason why she moved from the US. She's a cynical person, yet, not arrogant. Most of the times, she underestimates herself and tries to find ways to be kept unnoticed. Even though her clothing style makes people aware of her, she will not change it for the wild world. She is a candidate to become an Eva Pilot but doesn't even know it. ------------------ [i]*Ciarnait ran through the school's almost empty hall as the school bell rang.*[/i] Cairnait: MAN! I can't be late! I'm never late! AND ON MY FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! this sux! [i]*She kept running as she blamed the time zone difference from here and her home back in the US. It's not fair, she thought, why did she have to move? She wished with all her heart this was a dream and that she would wake up in her warm cosy bedroom. She shook her head, mentaly kicked herself and scolded herself for being so simple. Life isn't simple, she thought, it would never be. She finally reached the classroom, peeked inside before coming in, and smiled at the teacher. She decided to lie once she saw the disaprovement on the teacher's face.[/i] Ciarnait: um...please excuse my tardiness, I got lost. Teacher: Don't worry. It's only your first day. [i]*The male teacher turned to the class and smiled at them.*[/i] Teacher: Class, today we will be having a new student among you. Please welcome Ciarnait. [i]*Suddenly, a soft murmuring seized the room and one of the students spoke.*[/i] Student: What kind of name is Cianait?! [i]*Abruptly, the room was filled with horrid laughter. Ciarnait frowned and thought how stupid some kids were these days. She gave them a fake smile, shrugged and spoke quietly.*[/i] Ciarnait: It's just a name. Teacher: Rightly said! Now, may you say something about yourself? Ciarnait: There's nothing much to say. [i]*She notices a empty chair in the far right corner.*[/i] Ciarnait: May I go sit in the empty chair by the window? [i]*The teacheers frowned at her but noded.*[/i] Ciarnait: Thank you. [i]*As she walked to the chair, she catched several nasty remarks aim at her. She ignored them and held her head up high. She sat herself and gazed outside the window awhile. She grimaced as she thought how long the day was going to be*[/i]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Snow [/i] [B]Does anyone do it? Not the fake WWF stuff on TV, but the real thing in highschool. I just started it this year and its so much fun. [/B][/QUOTE] I had a friend that did...he sucked though and quit..lol poor thing..I told him to stay with it..but he didn't like it I guess..lol Also, WWF isn't THAT fake. Some of the injuries on WWF aren't fake.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B]cracked is a cheap rip off of MAD. MAD rules. [/B][/QUOTE] how is that? Did Mad come out first then got ripped off of Cracked?! Please explain...I'm confused once again..lol I thought they were just both magazines that came out at the same time..or at least that's what I assumed...lol
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by liamc2 [/i] [B]I don't buy either but I read them at the school library. I find it very funny that both magazines say how they make people dumber, but our school has a subscription to mad!:bellylaug Some teacher must have been :alcohol: when they agreed to that! (Mind you though the library it awesome, internet access, heaps o new cool books and stuff so I'm not dissing it) [/B][/QUOTE] hahahahaha..really? So those magazines aren't educational I assume then? lol 40 YEARS?! dang..that's a long time..lol for a magazine..but I don't believe..lol
  25. ooh.....Ok..thankies...hey..that's kinda funny..the thing in your sig..:) How long have these magazines been around?
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