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~Mystical Pan~

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Everything posted by ~Mystical Pan~

  1. Five only, eh? ^______^ [b]1st Place: Arucard/Alucard/Arkard (Hellsing)[/b] - For those who have seen Hellsing, you may wonder why I put him in my first place. To be honest, I don't know either. Ever since I've gotten into Hellsing (anime and manga), I've become obsessed over him. Despite being a "monster" and having close to no morals, he's perfection in my eyes. lol He's charming when he desires to be, his dark nature is alluring, the way he dresses turns me on and his voice (japanese version) is so perfect that I melt listening to it. Let's not forget how powerful he is. He kicks major ***. He's the ultimate cocky bastard and I wouldn't want him any other way. [b]2nd Place: Kakashi (Naruto)[/b] - While there are many good looking and kewl males like Shikamaru, Neji, Rock Lee, Shino, Naruto, etc., none come close to Kakashi. He's laidback, calm, cool, collective, and has a witty sense of humor. His reasons for being late whenever he meets up with Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura are always great. ("I got lost on the road of life" or "See, I saw a black cat on the road and...") He is truly a great guy for protecting his comrades when in danger. Also, the mask his wears makes him so mysterious. There's also the hilraious rivalry between him and Gai Sensai that makes him so endearing. ^_^ [b]3rd Place: Spike (Cowbow Bebop)[/b] - Now, I've only seen the movie of Cowboy Bebop, however, from just watching the movie, I worship Spike. Like Kakashi, he's laid back, calm, cool, collective, etc. Also, I've seen images of him without a shirt...god, I love guys tall and lean. Let me tell you...he is tall, lean, and just yummy looking! (Like Arucard and Kakashi. ~.^). He's also cocky, to a degree, and I'm sure he can charm any female into doing anything he desires. And, the way he fights is such a turn on. ^_^ [b]4rd Place: Nicholas D. Wolfwood (Trigun)[/b] - Moving on to another tall and lean hunky male...I present you Wolfwood. Unlike Vash who is seemingly perfect (except for his past), Wolfwood is your everyday male...just he has a great personality, yummy, and well, he's so alluring. He always provides his own brand of humor and he looks so sexy with an open shirt and a small beard (just a tiny bit). Hell, I hate smoking, but when he does it, he looks completely hot. There's also his kick *** weapon which I forgot the name to JUST now. *growls* [b]5th Place: Legato Bluesummers(sp?) (Trigun)[/b] - I was unsure of who to put here...I was thinking along the lines of Zechs, Kenshin, Knives, etc. However, I decided upon Legato. Why? Maybe it's his mysterious air? Maybe the way he haunts Vash? Maybe his dark crazy nature? Or myabe it's his sexy voice that makes me melt? Whatever the reason, he is, without a doubt, one of the handsomest males in all of anime. He's gorgeous and so-deliciously evil that it makes me want to grab him and have my way with him in a room. lol I don't mind the way he dresses either, though, it's nowhere near as kewl as Arucard's, Kakashi's, or Wolfwood's. ^_^ @haruno_sakura. I must completely disagree...Kakashi isn't a pervert. :p And about Itachi...read the manga. He's SO much more handsome than Sasuke. I really don't like Sasuke. Also, I wouldn't describe Itachi as a dark, brooding boy. More like just dark and evil. LOL
  2. Personally, I believe Trigun has many hilaious moments. One of my favorite is probably when [spoiler] Vash is walking into a saloon/bar with his music on and they think he's crazy for going in there! LOL Then, all the events that occur afterwards are so awesome, I can remember it vividly.[/spoiler] To be honest, just about every episode in Trigun has somehting hilarious. ^_____^
  3. I haven't read much manga, however, from what I've read...I truly love Hellsing and Naruto. >
  4. Sorry to disagree with most of you, but Kenshin wins hands down. At least, I believe so. HE's just so awesome. ^_^ I've seen some of Inu-Yasha eps....he just doesn't seem as awesome as Kenshin. Probably because Kenshin is such an awesome anime...:)
  5. Your latest banner (the chibi banner) is just CUTE! >
  6. While there are is nothing graphicy or complicated (at least it seems to me), it pulls off rather nicely. VERY pretty. The text is just lovely. Though the small text in the lower left corner is a bit hard to see. The image is just beautiful. >
  7. Nice effect, but it sems a bit cluttered. Oo Though, I love the nice shade of blue...it's still a LIL too bright for my tastes. Still lovely though. ^^
  8. For the first banner, the text is alright. Needs some effect, I think, because it looks a bit plain on that background. Also, the bright blue isn't quite nie on the eyes. OO; Id' say make it a tad darker and find a way to make the text stand out more. For the second banner, it also needs some work. The background is ok but you could have added more. The font isn't spectacular, either. But it's not horrible. Keep varying. It's good to see you're making background from scartch (or at least I think so. Oo).
  9. Nice. ^_^ I concur with klinanime1's criticisms, though, I'm not sure about the grip. It seems ok. oO But I never handle a sword so meh. ^_^ Try working better with the shading...for some reasonl, it seems a bit off to me. Oo
  10. Nice for a first try. My only complaints would be the text and the way the images are merged. While it's not bad, the text could use more work with coloring and the font itself. They don't fit with the background at all. The background has this dark feel while the text is isn't. They do fit nicely if the banner had only been of those two character images. Also, like OtakuSennen, said the images stand out a bit too much. I would recommend try to start with simple banners with no more than 1 character image and learn to use the filters. You'd be amazed what one can do with ONLY filters, a couple of layers, and one image. Still though, it's pretty good for a first try. My first try was HORRIBLE. OO;
  11. Actually, it's not bad as you make it seem. lol While it's a LIL off...the coloring isn't bad. You could have used a lighter yellow for his hair. However, you did a nice job with the shading. :) You could have detailed it a bit more, but that's not always necessary. :) Though, I admit...I do prefer the non-colored version. ^_^
  12. I have to agree...a bit sketchy and light. Try defining the lines more. Also, try to work on some shading...the image looks flat. Overall, I do like it lots. I've always been a fan of Tails. ^_^
  13. Hmmm...the image quality is pretty bad, so try using more high qulity images. :/ The text looks blurry which isn't that bad, however the background you have makes it look bad. Also, the font itself isn't that great. Try downloading different kinds of fonts and vary them. Keep trying though...try working with the font also...making it glow, emboss, etc. Photoshop is an awesome program, but it can be confusing with so many things. Try looking at tutorials to get a feel for all the things you can do. ^^
  14. While the pencil sorta smudges and all, it's very nice. :) Good work on the shading. ^_^
  15. On your latest banner, it's nice, but plain. The text could use work. The image of Rei is rather neat since it looks like it's good quality. :)
  16. Nice images and I don't mind the scan lines, you may want to lighten them or put some kind of glow effect on the text so it stands out. The font itself is lacking since it doesn't fit the banner. The way the banner just sorta is "cut" in half by the eye pic isn't appealing to me. :/ You may want to create a background of the eye and fade it so the image on the left is the center of attention.
  17. I think it could use a bit more work on. To me, it just looks like an image over some text with a cloudy background. :/ Try adding some effects, border, and/or filters. Use brushes...don't be afraid to mess with the filters. Just click away...you'd be surprised what you can do when you decide to go all out on a banner. ^_^
  18. Personally, it seems too cluttered. The text could be placed better...probably on the lower left corner or something, but not in the middle. The effect to the left doesn't quite help the banner. I'm not sure what it is. OO; Though, the image of D is kick ***. I don't think you should have made it transparent. The border is ok...but it doesn't quite fit. However, that's what I see. You may love your banner the way it is...and if you do, don;t listen to me. ^_^
  19. At my school, I've seen others wear DBZ shirts and whatnot. However, that's the only anime they know. :/ Most of my friends IRL don't watch anime, but they do know what it is. Now...my OL friends...most of them love anime and we talk about the ones we've recently watched.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by hawke3000 [/i] [B]Wow this is an old thread....I just came across it.I feel like I must clear something up.I asked a Helsing expert about that trailer and found that its actually a trailer for the FIRST season with manga tidbits added in.Such as the guy claping his hands at the end. [/B][/QUOTE] *Blinks* It is? oO Now, that I never knew. >
  21. First off, I have to say, Hellsing is one of my favorite animes. It's up there with Trigun and Evangelion. Arucard is one of the most awesome anime characters out there. Also, the music in Hellsing is just SUPERB! I haven't heard sucha wide range that fits so perfectly together. ^^ If you notice, I spell his name Arucard and not Alurcard, but both spellings are correct. There is no "L" in japanese or "L" sound. I'm not sure though. It's like the same deal with Selena and Serena (in Sailor Moon). Hell, Integra says Arkard. lol And about the random thingies I saw in some posts........ [spoiler] Arucard is STILL Victoria's master, for the simple fact, he had told her to drink his blood, but he was "killed" in Incognito and Incognito stated it was too late because he was dead and the blood was useless which is true until Integra releases the final seal. (God, he looks SO kick *** when he's final seal has been released. ^_^) Though, in the manga there is NO Incognito. oO Secondly, Arucard is NOT supposed to be Hitler. Far from it. Oo He's actually Vlad the Impaler as Heaven's Cloud stated. Well, they give that impression in the anime. It's VERY obvious in the manga (which is WAY more awesome than the anime! The plot is SO much better. ^^) Also, in the manga, Integra tells Arucard to go after the Millenium Group in South America which were nazis in WW2. Thirdly, about the whole Arucard and Integra "relationship". There really isn't any. There is MUCh tension, however, that's because they hate each other's species. Arucard thinks of humans as inferior and Integra views vampires as creatures to be destroyed. In spite of this, they have a HUGE respect for each other. I think, even if somehow Arucard is released and Integra no longer is his master, he'd still feel loyalty. It's visible when she's being operated on and Arucard is standing, looking on and tells Seras about how strong his master really is. I must disagree with Heaven's Cloud though. NEVER would have Integra allow herself to become a vamp though. Think of how she was brought up. She doesn't "love" Arucard in that way. Personally, I think she sees him in a more older bro way. While, many pepole may mistake it easily that there is sexual tension...it becomes obvious in episode 10 that it's not. She says, "I am being treated like a kid" and he replies, "No. You're still the same little girl" and then she says, "Thank you" in her younger voice when she first met him. I think that's where it really proves there's nothing more than a sibling relationship. And, it makes sense since siblings tend to banter each other like they usually do...always trying to out do each other. [/spoiler] *hopes she didn't miss anything* And, about the trailer...it's been around for some time and I have yet to see any news about a 2nd season. Preferably, I'd like to see a movie where they go into detail about the V-chips and the people behind it. It sorta got a bit odd when they strayed from the Valentine Brothers to Incognito. Oo Also, for those who have seen the anime, I recommend that you read the manga. It's BEYOND awesome. ^_^ It has a MUCH better plot and reveals much more deeper depth of the character. Though, it's MUCH more bloodier and Arucard is MUCH more monsterish. Oo There's a a bit more comedy too. lol It's just awesome. I've only read up to Vol 3...and am getting Vol 4. I need to find 5! Though, I can wait till December because by then it should be out in English. Dark Horse comics has taken on Hellsing, Trigun, and this other manga. I seriously can't wait. But man...they will be expensive. OO;;;;
  22. Oh yes, how could I forget Princess Mononoke? I saw it dubbed first and loved it. ^^ I rather not have this turn into a debate which is better. We all have our differences but that debate would lead to a stalemate since it's our own opinions. :/ But, I must agree, I'm also happy with whatever language I get my anime. lol
  23. (Hopefully, this question hasn't been asked before. >< If so, I apologize.) At some point of our live, we've all watched dubbed animes. For the most part, most avid anime fans started out with dubbed animes. I know I did. After awhile, some of us move to subbed animes because of horrible dubbing or we just prefer the actual Japanese voices which sound SO awesome. However, once in awhile, we get some awesome anime that's dubbed awesomely. So far from the animes I've watched, there are only a few which I'd gladly watch dubbed. One is Trigun. Each voice was perfect for each character, at least, I think so. I LOVE Legato's and Wolfwood's voice. How can you not? Vash's voice matches his personality perfectly. Meryl's and Millie's voices weren't annoying at all to my ears. Another one is Ghost in the Shell. While, unlike Trigun where some of the voices just stand out screaming perfection, this one doesn't have any voices that make me think..."Yup, perfection." (I know, weird uh? lol) Now, I'm not saying the voices are dubbed bad, they're not. Major Kusanagi's dubbed voice fits her right. It's not annoying, doesn't belong to some VERY young female, but more to a older mature female. All the voices were pleasing...no annoying voice. >< DBZ was dubbed alright (the voices, that is...I won't get into the cutting out of blood, the cuss words, etc). However, it doesn't compare to the original voices. (Vegeta's original voice was uber sexy...no one can top it in that anime. lol) I know this is going to be weird, but I actually enjoyed dubbed Sailor Moon...well the later episodes with the permanent voices (since, they had changed some of the scout's voices around and stuff. :/). But that's no surprise since SM broke me into anime when I was in 4-5th grade. ^_^ Yeah, sometimes Usagi gets her high annoying scream going on, but for the most part, I'm alright with their voices. ^^ Now, for the worst. There are some animes out there...where the dubbing is just terrible or just...WRONG! >
  24. Well, I'm Latina/Hispanic (whatever you call it these days. -_-;) and I'm bisexual. My parents are both from El Salvador. ^^
  25. *reads most of the topic* Intersting. OO As for me, I've never pecked/kissed/dated anyone. ^__^
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