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~Mystical Pan~

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Everything posted by ~Mystical Pan~

  1. well for some odd reason..I keep picturing people based on their name. I know it's weird..but TRUE! So I sort of thought you had white hair and looked a bit like the actual sephiroth! :laugh: All the pics are nice! :) Maybe I'll post up my pic! *thinks about it and then shudders* er..maybe no..I want to keep my friends here...not scare them away. :D :p
  2. I see what you guys mean..but I didnt really try to get them to like each other.I think I worded it wrong...I tried to hold a freakin like conversation with them at the same time..like hang with them both..but it backfired...:( BUt i guess that's also sort of wanting them to like each other. :(
  3. ah hun...I don't know what to say. *hugs him* Just have faith, you're young..you can pull through this. Just remember, give it all you can and try to relax and enjoy your life...you will pull through this. ok hun!.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by k9* [/i] [B]i hate to say this, but it sounds like ur friend has major issues/problems. i suggest you find him some help, if he'll agree to it. [/B][/QUOTE] I know..I wish I could..I don't know if he'll let me though...:( I just feel hopeless and out of ideas.
  5. well it's hard to explain..they hated each other before they knew me. Well one of them is 17 and trhe other is 19. The 17 year old one has a g/f and the 19 year old..let's say hasn't had the best relationships with girls..they seem to always misuse him and hurt him. The 19 year old one was the dude that told me to choose. I really doubt it cause it's actually jealousy...one of them has a g/f and well the other..he's 19 I seriously doubt he has feelings for a 15 year old. lol The other guy told me it was ok..then one tht didn't make me choose. He said don't worry about it. He seems more kewl but the other one has been having serious problems..not sure why...his life ins't in the best shape I guess. He told me he would commit suicide if it wasn't that he was so scared. I'm afraid for him. Not only is he a dear friend, he's been greta in giving me advice and I look up to him.
  6. ok this is my situation: I have two dear friends..I care for them deeply...they're my homies, ya know. However, they hate each other..I don't know why...I can't comprehend why. Today, some things happened..I accidently triggered it when I tried to sort of make both of them talk to each other. One of 2 guys told me to choose him or the other guy. I couldn't choose...I care for them both..as friends though. I don't know what to do. I've been in this situation before and lost both of my friends and I don't want to lose them. I'm confused and I truly don't know what to do. I don't want to choose between them. BUt i want to keep them as friends. Should I just stop talking to both of them for awhile to calm myself or something?
  7. oh! OK! lol *sees the munchkins gaining power* oh man..I'm doomed! :( *runs off to find some food to throw them*
  8. heheh here are my choices: Vash - Trigun Teenage Gohan and Mirai Trunks - DBZ Heero and Quarte - Gundam Wing Shinji and Kaoru
  9. hahahaha..you actually whipped her? lol MY god...hahahahahaha *throws a pie into his face* DO YOU LIKE PIE?! lol I love that question! :)
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forte [/i] [B][color=darkblue][size=1][i] Forte takes a loong saugage link and starts to pour all of this nasty stuff on it and hit everyone [/i] Forte: Woo Hoo! Its whipping time! [i] Forte whippes everyone [/i] Forte: IDEA! :naughty: [i] Forte whippes a hot girl [/i] Forte: :p I had too [i] Forte gets a kiss from her [/i] Forte: :love: Meet me later... [/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] *pan hits him with an apple pie and he wakes up from his dream* hahahaha DO YOU LIKE PIE?! :D
  11. lol@TN hhhmm....I dont know what I want either..but it better be something cheap cause my parents are mad at me when they saw my report card..lol I'm not suprised if I don't get anything at all! lol
  12. Thanx DBZChikaGhan for the info! :) So it's not really a series...cool then..it shouldn't be that expensive to collect it if it's only 6 movies. :)
  13. *shoots everyone with a gun filled of Hot fudge* I'm gone for like...2-3 days..and this plaace ahs gone wilder! :) I didn't mean school food peoples!1 I meant good food! Like ....BK or McDonalds...or other junk food! :) lol
  14. Hey Dragonfire1477!1 What was your s/n at the DBZCenter and DBZCentral? I was at avoided_island at the DBZCenter and Mystical Pan at the DBZCentral. :D Well I got the Anime Reality. It's about anime and sparring. :) and other stuff BoozeBoard- er..no comment..lol It's just a board to hangout at. I love it. DBZCenter- IT's about anime..used to have sparring...that was my first board..and I met lots of cool peeps there..still know lots of them! It's down now. :( DSSTCenter- IT's about about anime and sparring.and other stuff...know lots of old peeps here also that were at the DBZCenter. :) I got to lots of other! lol
  15. Ok thanx then! I won't? is it too complicating or something? o Well thanx anyways! I guess it's not a very popular anime since not lots of peoples have seen it. :(
  16. No one has seen this anime? :( Man I posted this in 3 different mbs! And no one knows....man..I guess I buy it or I don't buy it.:( I guess I will...it can't be bad..I hope. :(
  17. whoa! Chika is really getting them! *turns to Cloud* Where the heck did the kirbies come from? NNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOO *keeps chucking plates at them and suddenly get hungry* man with all this food..I want something to eat...:(
  18. *laughs at cloud as he is hit by the pie but notices the munchkins about to launch stale meat at him* Pan: CLOUD GET BEHIND THE TABLE YOU FREAK! Cloud: What?! *she grabs him and pushes him behind the table and gives him some plates* Pan: Just keep throwing the plates. ok....do what Duo is doing ok. :D Cloud: er..ok..am I getting paid for this? Pan: um...ask...the L.LAdy when she gets here ok! Cloud: okie! *they continue throwing the plates but the munchkins are fast lil dodgers* oh cripes..we're going to die! :bawl:
  19. *catches the plate and successfully blocks several rotten tomato* Thanx Duo! *Suddenly gets an evil idea as she shes looks at her plate* DUDE! YOu knwo where there are more plates? hehehehehe I say we use them like frisbees!!!!! :D:laugh: :devil:
  20. NO SCHOOL HAS ANY FIREFIGHTER HOSE! :( *ducks out of the way of the thrown food but is hit by an empty can* OUCH! HELP! :(
  21. EEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY YOU LIL MEANY! :( *stuffs DBZMan with apple pie* DO YOU LIKE PIE??????????????????? hehehehe *see the munchkins running at her and she hoses them with more water* mwamwamwahahahahahaha
  22. *looks at the door leading outside of the cafe to the grass* hhhhmmmm I wonder......HA GOT IT! Hey you guys I'll be right back! mwamwamwahahahahahahaha *dashes to the dorr dodging some of the food..but still gets hit hard* *As she is outside, she reaches the hose and turns it on full blast* WATER IS A DRINK! HAHAHAHA *She runs in the cafe with the hose and hoses all the munchkins with water away from the table* hahahahaha BACK YOU LIL FIENDS! GET THEE AWAY! mwamwamwahahahahahahaha :laugh: :devil:
  23. *As he's looking away, she jummps on his backs and shoves apple pie in his face* Do you like Pie????????:laugh: mwamwamwahahahahahahahaha:devil: *suddenly she sees the munchkins throwinfg apples at her* OH CRIPES! *She grasps Duo's wrist and hurls him next to her behind the table* MAN THOSE MUNCHKINS ARE EVIL! *she throws some school pizza at them and turns to Duo* HIYA! How are you Mr. Duo? :)
  24. I'm doing well thank you! :) *notices lots of the munchkins running at her* er..maybe not THAT well now. :eek: *hurls fruit punch at all of them* BACK I SAY! BACK YOU LITTLE FIENDS! I SAID BACK! :smirk: :laugh: *notices they're coming at her with more force throwing some nasty school jello* ACK! OH CRIPES! HIT THE DECK! *She throw herself behind a table and throws it over so it covered her.* Hey..Kool...where are ya girl? *she barely ducks a milk carton coming straight at her face and hides behind the table once again* oh man..what are they kids made up these days? Evil lil things they are! I hope Kool is ok! HEY KOOL, YOU ALRIGHT? NEED ANY HELP? *looks for some good food to throw at the fiends*
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