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~Mystical Pan~

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Everything posted by ~Mystical Pan~

  1. actually...your'e right..I never tried smoking..lol I wouldn't want to though. Your'e right about second hand smoking though..that's worse then actually smoking. *shudders* I hate it when people blow smoke right into other people's face..that's rude..and unhealthy..oh well...I can see how people might like to smoke cause you did point out that you become dependent on it. I have nothing against smokers because you can be the nicest person and happen to be a smoker.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NorykoAngelcry [/i] [B]I loved the older ones and the movie was TOO awesome. As for the new cartoon that is out. Trust me, you are better off not watching it. They made it a goofy toon, instead of a classic like Transformers =( I cried when I saw it, because it truly looked awesome. The story is basically Good guy gets beat up, comes back with three billion more good guys, and they beat up the bad guy (Bad guys have like MAX 8 characters on their side, while the goodguys have like 20. . it is way pathetic). To be honest, I would rather watch the very original, or even Beast Wars then watch this crap. . >_< Don't get involved with it. They even look pathetic when they are transformed >_< Sorry if you are a huge fan like me and get dissapointed . . . *shuts up* [/B][/QUOTE] man...I know how you feel. They killed it! :( Transformer was truly a good anime. Beast Wars....I haven't see it. lol
  3. One of my friends recommended I should see it, however, I can't seem to find it at video stores. :( I checked up on it through the net (websites, anime stores, etc) and it seems GREAT! My friend also told me that anybody that likes Akira and/or Evangelion would definitely love it. The only way I can get this anime is by ordering it through a magazine or something, so I want to absolutely sure it's good. So I was wondering if I could get some rating from you guys, if you guys have seen it, that is. Is there anybody out there that can help me?
  4. First, I'm not going to say she's stupid. Many people already have. I just think it's sad. She was trying to be kewl...and she failed. It's disgusting to think that she thought she could be kewl by smoking. I hope she figures out what she did was just dumb and never does that again. Second, I have never smoked and I can say I hate smoking. The smell is horrid! My uncle smokes and it's terrible when he's near at times. His breath and clothes smell. Also, smoking is just plain nasty...very unhealthy. Sorry, if there are any smokers here who feel offended. It's just my opinion so don't jump on me. :)
  5. hehehe kewl! :) well I can spar..look at my sparring bio for my transformations. :) though I have to update that and make it more detalied..damn sparrers! lol j/k I'm not saiyan. I'm..er...uh..a girl...yeah..that's it. well..that shouldn't count...we're having a food fight here! and you're right hot fudge rules! :) Sprite....yummy..lol *throws a cheesecake at some boy coming at her* so Kool..how ya been?
  6. HEY NO FAIR! lol *She sends out a telepathic signal to her sidekick. Suddenly a Penguin runs to her and cuts the rope and takes off the tape. She spits out the meat and pats him on head* Pan: Good Pen Pen :D Pen: kfndj jfadhfsa fdksang Pan: Yes I know....I still need to get the insurance on my porche. :rolleyes: Hey you got any Hot fudge on you? :devil: Pen: jfdh ndskl fjka :laugh: *Pen gives Pan the hot fudge* Pan: Good one Pen Pen! Thanx dude...go run now ok? I'll call you again when I need you. : Pen: dngksan fdsn;gn dson *Pen runs out of the cafeteria* Pan: hehehe..Kool....payback time! I presume you don't like Pepsi? lol :smirk: *pours hot fudge on her and ties her up in a chair with titanium chains.* Pan: You, my dear friend, stay here. :D Man I love food fights. :angel: *Runs off and waits for more people to come in*
  7. *walks in and dodges all the food being thrown*:therock: A food fight? :therock: YEAH! you're all doomed now. :smirk: *Throws ice cold water down everyones pants and throws apple pis at their faces* :laugh: :devil: *dodges a pepsi being thrown at her* YOU WASTED A PEPSI! THE HORROR! NO! That's it! Everyones is going to pay for that! :mad: :devil: *takes out the whip cream and covers everyone in whip cream* TELL ME....WHO THREW THAT PEPSI! :D
  8. it is? is the plot good? or is it good but it has the "you know what's always going to happen next in the series" plot?
  9. YEAH! I agree with ya SM. TRIGUN IS FUNNIER THEN RANMA! :) But Ranma still good. :)
  10. well..I'm not sure...but it isn't that old..but I doubt it's new..you can get in almost any music store. It's easily obtained. :)
  11. YAY! there are people here who like it also! RAnma 1/2 is hilarious at times! :)
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B] [color=crimson][b][size=1]Mebbe he wanted to have tea and crumpets wit ya...[/color][/size][/b] [/B][/QUOTE] I doubt he knows how to do that....or knows what crumpets are. lol :) *waits for tec-9 to come back*
  13. I know...it is boring..don't know why he even wanted me here. lol
  14. you do? that's kewl...aeris is awesome..but so is Tifa! :) well I don't act like or look like an anime character..i'm unique! lol j/k
  15. Devil Hunter: Yohko? I've seen some of it..but I don't have much of an opinion on it....Yohko..sort of reminds me of serena..I mean when she's acting a clumsy...though there's a lot more violence and nudity then in Sailor Moon. So who's seen it and what do you think of it?
  16. So people actually like Macross plus..I like the plot. :)
  17. WHAT YA WANT! and it's MYSTICAL PAN! not MYSTIC! dimwit! lol hey isn't this topic spam? someone is going to close it! PM ME NEXT TIME!
  18. it makes you sick? *shrugs* oh well I'm unique..I like Ranma. lol
  19. go see it! :) it's awesome! I mean hilarious to be more exact! :D and his father..oh god..it's all his fault! :D For those who have seen it..what do you think of it?
  20. well I didn't do anything like that..now i'm just fine! :D Thanx AJ2K1 4 Life for trying to help me :D
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] technically, aren't they after lillith? since kaoru notices that it is actually lillith, and not adam.... [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=3]OK PEOPLE! THIS IS A SOMEWHAT SPOILER! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! :D[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]No..they're after Adam..when Kaoru finds out it's lilith...he decides to let Shinji kill him..if it was Adam...he would unite with Adam..but it was lilth..that's why the Angels are always attacking Tokyo...they know Adam is in the Central Dogma
  22. I thought it was kewl! I don't know who made it though. :( sowwies. :D BUt i saw the dubbed version.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]Ah, yes, EVA is soooooooooooo friggin awesome!! Subtitled rules! heheh. Okay, I am the one who borrowed the two 8 hour long tapes from a friend. Now, I was only able to watch everything all the way through just once, 'cause like, I can't just sit down and watch TV for 8 hours straight- I kept each video for about a week. I didn't want to wear out the favor so to speak. ANYwho, after Shinji killed Kaoru, I got.... a little lost.... I mean, it's like the plot was abandoned and it turned into 'Let's Anaylze Our Minds' show. I mean, it ends with everyone applauding Shinji and telling him 'congradulations'. WTF?! I mean, I musta probably missed a line or two somewhere in the series 'cause a lot of it confrused me. And the movie- okay, I would have liked it more if I knew what in the heck was going on. Perhaps things will make sense if I watch it over again. :( And all last week I had exams, so maybe I didn't absorb everything that happened. Anyway, could someone please explain the ending and the movie to me....... erm, as in like, what is going on exactly? I'd appreciate it. [/B][/QUOTE] I say...watch it again..you can't truly grasp it unless you watch it over again..I didn't. lol Well some people get things faster than others...just out of curiosity..what parts did you get confused about?
  24. I would have to say black and hispanic..well...minority period...I come from South Central..so you can guess how I live. They show no mercy and do ANYTHING to get away with anything.
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinji v2.0 [/i] [B] Uhm...No...They're after Adam. The joining of the Angels and Adam will bring the third impact. They're not after something they THINK the humans have, they're after something the humans DO have. [/B][/QUOTE] Your right! YOu know who has it..but they find you know what insteda..man I hate talking like this..I wish I could actually say it without spoiling the anime! :D
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