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Everything posted by ~Mystical Pan~
[i]*She waves her hand in fron of her and she's completely healed.*[/i] Pan: Who said I DIDN'T have endless supply of energy, also? hahahaha you're naive little fool! I have nothing against Dark. He seems actually very nice. :D [i]*She rushed at him, phased above blank and blasted two ki spheres which hurled Blank backwards into the ground. As he tried to stand up, he was dealt a strong right foot to his guts. Pan grabbed him by the neck and stood him up. As he swayed side to side, the Mystical Female struck him with a deadly right punch into his rib cage. She ruptured a couple of his ribs and made him cough blood. He fell to his knees and held his sides with his hands. He looked up once more only to meet her knee. It crushed into his face and broke his nose. He screamed in pain and he began to bleed from his face.*[/i] Pan: You don't get it? I'm invinicble now. NOTHING can stop me. hahahahahaha You're not much of a match now. Blank: WHY YOU LITTLE--- [i]*Mystical Pan does a spinning heel kick on him which shuts him up. She grabs him by the head and throws him into a mountain.*[/i]
SEE! NOW YOU SEE HOW GREAT NGE IS! but don't forget..it gets BETTER! :D
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kool_aid13 [/i] [B]Today, I FINALLY saw some epps of it. My sisters were watching it and I decided to watch it. Only one problem. The episode I saw started on #18. I had no clue what was going on. I'm starting to catch on, but I still have a few questions. :p [/B][/QUOTE] er..actualky that's not good. You should watch it from the begining..trust me..you'll be able to apreciate the show better..you know how it develops..and I bet most of your questions will be answered if you watch it from the first eps. :D
[b]OOC:[/b] You guys have to be kidding. This is not sparring, at least not to my standards. I don?t want to seem like I?m better then you guys, however, you guys need to follow on what you are doing. lol I cannot be beaten up at the same times in TWO different places. Oh well..I don?t care no more. :D [i]*Mystical Pan stand up, she becomes aware of the three fighters surrounding her now. Time seemed to have become suspended and the entire earth stood still. The wind lightly blew her hair as the young female fighter gradually increased her engery and a cyclone formed around her. A red aura began to emit from her, a crater developed underneath her, the fragments of the terrain levitated and disintegrated as her power became immeasurable compared theirs. Her opponents struggled to remain on the earth and not be blown away. The cyclone unrelenting persisted to increase caused much more chaos then before. Mystical Pan eyed Dark and launched herself at him. She sidestepped out of the way as Dark?s fist shot out at her. The swift-footed warrior spiraled as she jumped into the air and round house kicked her. Dark buckled and fell hard on the ground. Mystical Pan gazed on as her adversary recovered quickly. They stood once more beholding each other. Suddenly they ran at each other, the Mystical One phased behind her, and crushed her fists in to his spine. As Dark screamed out in bloody pain, she turned him around, pounded her knee into his guts. While Tash tried to recover, Pan seized him by both wrists, jumped up, kicked off his chest, somersaulted, and landed lightly on the sand. Mystical Pan?s back faced her. As she turned around, a gust of wind lifted her hair gracefully; the sky had turned red-orange as the sun set. Her eyes gleamed with the suns rays and her soul flamed with fighting spirit. As she turned around, Dark fell to the ground with his arms clutching his stomach. The Numinous Pan faced Gohan and rushed at him with a speed much faster then he could have imagined. She jumped a millimeter from Gohan. While she was in the air, she right crescent kicked him, left front snap kicked, spun around for a left back kick, and back. As all the blows connected his head, his head whip lashed and blood trickled down the corner of his mouth. She landed on the ground lightly, flew backwards towards him, and shoved her elbow into his face. He was hurled backwards into a nearby mountain. She finally faced SuperSaiyan4444, who looked stunned at what she had done to them. As she called on her water attack, streams of water revolved around her.*[/i] [b]MP: Pristinus Aqua Erumpo![/b] [i]*The water combined in her cupped hands, yet, it remained in her hands much longer than last time. Its power grew even more immensely. She blasted the geyser swiftly at SS4444. He tried to dodge it but the water was now its own entity and it homed in on his energy. The explosion was great as the water collided into SuperSaiyan4444. He was still standing, but then again, he was going head to head with the geyser which was still being powered by Mystical Pan. Out of nowhere, Mystical Pan yelled:*[/i] [b]MP: Aqua Congelo![/b] [i]*The water encircled her opponent. SuperSaiyan4444 became confused as the water kept circling him and it did no damage. He tried to hit the water but its fists just went through it without dealing any damage to the water streams. The formerly active geyser suddenly began to freeze, starting from the base, all the way to the Rock Monster. It created a kind of path from Pan to the frozen fighter, who was now trapped inside the resilient ice. Mystical Pan jumped unto the base of the water path and hurried along the path before her adversary, Super Saiyan4444, broke the ice shield. As she reached him, she jumped upward and her Katana suddenly appeared. As she came down against the frozen SuperSaiyan4444, she brought the blade down and slashed his left arm and broke the ice barrier surrounding him. Pan pulled her right arm backwards and yielded him a crushing blow in his abdomen. SuperSaiyan444 cringed in ache in response to her onslaught and screamed in pain. As he looked up, his face met her petite, yet, lethal right foot. He fell to his knees and covered his bleeding face with his right hand. As he tried to get to his feet, Pan phased behind him, grabbed both of his arms and pulled them backwards as dig her right knee into his spine. He wailed in pain and struggled to loosen himself from her grip, however, the more he moved the more intense the pain became. Suddenly, she let go of him and fired a powerful ki blade into his spine.[/i]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B] Yeah, you better not... /me holds Justin Timberlake plushie [/B][/QUOTE] ACK! eh Justin was made into a plushie? *tries hard not to laugh* er...o...k...I wonder how those plushies look like.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]...If I ever hear you saying bad things about Justin Timberlake or N*Sync... I will hunt you down... *loads shotgun* [/B][/QUOTE] hahahah..ok..don't worry I don't insult other peeps music. lol :D
Well, the angels attack the humans becaues the human have something the angels wants or at least the angesl THINKS the humans have. The whole series has MANY biblical allusions which are fasciniating to me. There are many ways to look at the evas..mine differs from Shinji's look, however, if I tell you, I would need to say some things that are much better left unsaid till you have see the whole series. :D The reason it HAS to be children piloting the evas (14 year olds to be exact) goes back to the Dead Sea Scrolls which Shinji v2.0 pointed out. It states in the actual scrolls that there would be four children that would come from the light (the light was meant to be the Qumran community whom called themselves the "Sons of Light") or something like that"..er...but...I'm not sure about this though. They would be known as the "children of light"hence that's why the four eva pilots are known as the "children of light. I could talk about this non stop..but this topic has to be moved first! :D
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] I give cookies too! And yes, me thinks hell is a frozen waste land, like stated in Dante's Inferno :) OMG! Antarctica must be hell! heh heh.... [/B][/QUOTE] IT IS! :D hey I think you need some kind of licence
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinji v2.0 [/i] [B]Two of the movies? It consists of 4 OAV episodes. Anyways, eBay has tons of copies for sale. [/B][/QUOTE] 4? See I didn't know that! thanx. :D ebay, eh? thanx a bunch then. :)
whupped Goku to the ground? I think he could have...I mean one on one...I think so. :D What ya'll poeple think?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] ::Gives MoB a cookie:: YAY!!!!!! You do good at preaching the word of Gackt! [/B][/QUOTE] HEY! I thought I was the only one with the cookies! :D lol well back to the topic..actually...The Divine Conedy: Inferno By Dante states that some parts of Hell IS COLD! :D So you might end up liking there music. lol BUt then again..I'm the kind of person that loves all types of music. :) :D
*looks at them with WIDE EYES* I can't believe I read everything....oh my...good thing I don't even know where I'm from! :) So the thruth is out...man...i'm not going to blame people if they stop coming and posting here. lol
I've only seen two of the movies..yet it has held my attention. :D I was wondering if any of you people out there have seen it..and if you have..what do you think of it so far? And does anyone know where I could buy them? I'm having trouble obtaining the eps. :(
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]the penguin you speak of is pen pen, and I liked that episode where shinji and asuka kiss too, damn funny I tell ya.... [/B][/QUOTE] I honestly felt sorry for shinji...but I was laughing. lol BUt I have to admit..Asuka was a bit aggressive. lol
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by No-Name [/i] [B]geeze, what is with u ppl! never even heard of kenshin? wtf are u doing at an "otaku" website/board! The forums are cursed, cursed i tells ya! but anywho, if any1 from the GF remember stalechips, then ill tell ya that she sent me eps. 1 of rurouni kenshin. i loved it and watched it 6 times before deleting it frum my hard drive (it took up too much room). then my streamload account came in handy again when sum1 sent me the Kenshin OAV (or ova, wutever the hell it is). That was pretty gory, but pretty awesome. then i found this awesome website with the movie on it and i downloaded that, too. very cool! so ive seen everything except that rest of the series. weird huh? [/B][/QUOTE] that is weird..but the series is great...I say see it. :) If you think the movies are awesome..try watching the series. :) I''m actually working on a Kenshin Banner. :)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by \¤~NoodleZ~¤/ [/i] [B]sry to say i have never seen this show ever and it sounds cool though. [/B][/QUOTE] You have got to..:) Once you buy a video or DVD..you become hooked on it! :D
Have you guys ever had weird dreams?
~Mystical Pan~ replied to ~Mystical Pan~'s topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B]What I think are the weird ones, is where you dream you get cut, and you wake up and you are bleeding were you got cut in your dream. I also had the ones where they hurt un contralbly for about 2 weeks this summer then they stopped for no reason.. [/B][/QUOTE] ACK! you have got to be kidding..those are scary dreams! YOu had the dreams where you bleed when you wake up? god that's scary. -
then the wizard made Mystical Pan immortal and granted her the power to rule over all the cookies! :D
Have you guys ever had weird dreams?
~Mystical Pan~ replied to ~Mystical Pan~'s topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B] demons, mostly. they are my phobia. i am also highly psychic, it runs in my family. we all get premonitions when we sleep...premonitions meaning something bad is going to happen...so we all agreed that if we ever heard each other screaming in our sleep we'd wake them up immediately. the premonitions kind of suck b/c my parents have them about me & my brothers & find out stuff that we don't want them to know. [/B][/QUOTE] I wouldn't my mom knowing things I wouldn't want them to know. THat must suck..but then again..it might be good thing I guess. I'm intuitive but I don't have a high psychic. I know my parents have no premonitions. lol I wonder what most of the dreams mean also, Smoky Joe. :D -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BlackUnicorn [/i] [B](*jehovah) HE (whoever that is 2 u) wont do that. if we all had that look out on religions, mystical, there would be a lot less fighting in the world. [/B][/QUOTE] I know..but it can't be that way. People are too different for that and that sucks. Some people are so narrowminded. :(
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kuja [/i] [B] [SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]actually i went to the courts and had my name changed to Kuja Zidane _____ so it is my name... but as for my old name... it was well that is a secrete that like half the people here know[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] *nods slowly* I see...well...my name is the same as Phantasy Freak's name. :) :D I might change it though...to somehting Japanese. :D I told my parents..and they checked my room for drugs eventhough I never tried them. :(
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sia [/i] [B]Neil, i dun think you will be banned for being man enough to admit what happened.It takes a lot of curage and guts to do what you did. [/B][/QUOTE] yeah..most guys would have just stayed quiet and denied it was them. It takes lots of strength to put your prides aside and say you're wrong.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BlackUnicorn [/i] [B]so i think its safe to say that if u are faithful to a religion, u dont have to worry about going to hell. hell is for BAD people, not all the others that have a different religion than u.:rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] Now that's what I think also. I mean how can god send you to hell if you only known a certain religion which you are faithful too?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BlackUnicorn [/i] [B]what do you have to do to get upgraded on your status (newbie, junior member, ect...) [/B][/QUOTE] It all depends on how many posts you have. as an example, after you have 500 posts, your status becomes member and when you have 1000 posts, your status becomes Otaku. :D