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~Mystical Pan~

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Everything posted by ~Mystical Pan~

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Smoky Joe [/i] [B]The following dreams are 100% real, and proof that I belong in an asilum (sp?): I was in a pond, next to a knife that sang "B.I.N.G.O.". I took out a sledgehammer and I started smashing the knife. It cried and ran away with the spoon. Suddenly I appeared on a movie set, where they were making a movie about tango-dancing Eskimos. Suddenly, some B-@ came out with a chain gun and killed us all. Then we came back to life and he began wrapping himself on our necks and asked us questions. When we answered he would scream: DELGADO! The strangest part was that the dream even had credits in the end... A few years ago an aunt of mine died, and ever since then I have many dreams in which she is alive and her dead was a set-up by the government... [/B][/QUOTE] WHOA! THAT'S CRAZY! Man..those dreams are strange.
  2. Actually the thing about the FBI in my sig is meant to be a joke and I never was going to inspect ANY guy..it was a joke! and you can't compare that to someone saying they're throwing people sperm and saying you're raping their corpse. That's sick and how can you laugh at that? And anyone with ANY common sense should take threats over the net seriously. IT'S AN OFFENSE! Sure you can die tonight, however you don't know that...but how can you compare that with being threaten to be killed?
  3. I go with Metallica. :) I think their music is awesome. :D
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RicoTranzrig [/i] [B]It was a sort of traumatic experience for me...I wasn't able to drive for a couple months even though I was ready and legal...but that was about a year ago...I put it behind me...now I rarley have any dreams since I usually cram in 4 hours of sleep everyday. :rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] I know what ya mean by cramming..I have to do that when I do my schoolwork and with finals in some days......I'm not going to be sleeping. :(
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vecon [/i] [B]WELL LADDY FRICK'N DA. Looky at this mess. Well just to let you know all you WILL2X HATERS!!! [SIZE=4]I SIDE WITH WILL2X!!!!!!!![/SIZE] SO YOU HAVE HEARD MY VIOCE AND IF I AM THE ONLY ONE WHO SUPPORTS HIM O WELL!!! I LIKE BEING THE MINORITY!!!!!! :p [/B][/QUOTE] Do you even know exactly what he did? He threatened Phantasy Freak. That in h*ll is no joke. I mean he went past the line. Did you even know what his last posts in the dating game were? They were perverted and disgusting. He put that he killed me and raped my corpse! He also put that he sprayed his sperm over everyone. Not only is that crude but disrespecting. And then he croses the line by threatening her when she told him nicely to stop. You consider that a friend? You need to take a good look at yourself and check what kind of friends you make.
  6. I know how you feel. Eventhough people could have done that anytime, we are more aware of it now. It's as if death seems more close, eventhough we have always known it. It's scary, ya know.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B]Hm..I am going through the same thing. My parents are pretty much forcing me to be christian. But I can't act like myself in church, I feal like a robot. I belive in Christ and everything, I just don't believe in some of the ideals they have. And my parents force it down my throat, that doesn't help.. [/B][/QUOTE] I never does. I have tried to hint to them about how I feel. Instead of actually listening to me, they take me to a priest which doens't help either
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RicoTranzrig [/i] [B]That's really scary... I used to have these nighmares of driving incredibly fast and crashing...and actually feeling the impact, getting ejected at 130+MPh and getting thrown onto something like the ground. Or falling off a tall cliff in the mountains and landing dead on the wheel. Strange part was I could feel it a bit after I woke up...the pain all over. I wanted to scream but I was too tired to know what was going on and my eyes start to water cause of the pain, which I eventually found out were cramps. They eventually stopped after it actually did happen...to someone else... [/B][/QUOTE] They happened to someone else? God, that's terrible. I'm sorry to hear something like that. That's just beyond scary for me.
  9. WOW! You guys sure have weird and scary dreams. BUt have any one of you guys ever had a dream which made you want to throw up? I once dreamt that I woke in the middle of the night and I walked to my parents room. I remember seeing them stapped to death on there bed...blood was over their bedroo...I tried to scream but I couldn't..I kept thinking this wasn't happening. THen I ran into my sister's bedroom and found them stabbed also..except the my sis had been raped...I remember screaming that this world isn't fair that things like this weren't supposed to happen. then I turned around to see this guy with a long knife covered in blod. He smiled at me..and I ran at him. I don't know how but I remember getting the knife and stabbing him and killing me. But in the end I cried again and I fell to my knees. Everything went dark and then I heard a bloodcurdling scream. I woke up crying and sweating. my heart felt like I was going like a 100 miles per hours and I was breathing heavily. I couldn't go back to sleep. And after that I always wake up around 1:00 am and can't go back to sleep. I feel horrible at times when I think about that dream.
  10. All your opinions are so diverse..yet they actually make sense to me. :D There are many things that I can't also put into words. I also understand what your saying Pastbyer. I now have more things to think about now which give me a more diverse and vast perspective. Thank you.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RicoTranzrig [/i] [B]Hmm...it wouldn't be too pleasent if they found out...but we've been doing a good job keeping it a secret... [/B][/QUOTE] ok I'm confused...they don't want you guys going out or something?
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=orangered][size=1]Hmm...that's a good question. I'm a fairly logical person. The word "belief" actually implies that what you believe in isn't factual, otherwise the word wouldn't be belief...it'd be what you "know" or something like that... I am not religous for a few reasons. One is because there is no proof of a God (at least, none that is credible). The second is that there are so many religions in the world...so many faiths...that they can't [i]all[/i] be right. The third is that you're told to " have faith"...yet you're given no proof of what you're supposed to be believing in. And therefore, it's hard to just take a leap of faith in something that strains credibility in such major ways. (Please don't anyone respond to that statement with a rebuttal, I don't want to discuss religion again lol, this is just my reasons for non-belief) :) Having said all of the above...I don't think that I'm just some cold person with no imagination or idea of magic... I very much like fantasy...and I very much like magic and imagination. I just don't believe them to be facts -- that's all. Basically, I try to live my life well. I try to be nice to people and I try to be fair to those around me -- not to please God, but to enrich the lives of people around me; for the right reasons I think. People who behave meanly or in a bad way are just going to bring that back on themselves. Their behavior will just be reflected by the people they meet. But if you are friendly and caring...people return those feelings. I also believe that mandkind is the master of its own destiny. That's why I object to all of those anti-geneticist complainers who talk about "playing God". Mankind [b]is[/b] God in a sense. We are in direct control of our own lives and our own society as a whole. Therefore, I think that we have the right to modify/change/evolve our own society. Phew...I think that was probably too much information lol. I just thought I'd throw my thoughts out there...[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I understand what you're talking about. I never thought about mankind "playing god" the way you explained it. But I'm so confused sometimes. I see people that have a strong grasp about what they believe in..and my opinion varies from more knowledge I keep attaining. However, one thing I do believe is Karma, just the way you explained. I myself like to consider myself a deist not aetheist. I believe in some kind of higher being then man. Anyone else wants to share anymore opinions?
  13. [i]*As shew flew behind Pyro, a bright flash of light caught her eye over the river she was flying over. She stopped flying and gazed down at the exact spot where the light was before. She shoook her head and was about to continue after Pyro but she saw the light again.*[/i] MP: What is that? [i]*Looks at the way Pyro went and looked back to the river*[/i] MP: Should I? Or should I not? I mean Round 2 starts in about 12 hours right? I got plenty of time to investigate down there! [i]*Pan flew to the river and hovered above the tranquil river. She suddenly became fixated with her reflection in the water. It seemed different to her. She tilted her head to the right slightly and smiled. Suddenly, a beam of light shot out of the river and striaght into Zeus's domain. She became paralyzed as a figure formed in the cylinder of light. The firgure seemed to be a female.*[/i] MP: who...are...you? UNKNOWN: I am a past figure little one. Be careful on your fighting against your adversaries. They will be stronger but don't you fret. You are a survivor and you will overcome. Have faith in yourself and in your allies. The other fighters are ahead of you but you can catch up. Just believe in them and learn from them. MP: OK..but who are you? UNKNOWN: I cannot reveal that to you. At least not at this moment. I must leave now. Remember, believe in yourself and your friends and HAVE FAITH! [i]*The mysterious being faded and the beam of light disappeared.*[/i] MP: WAIT....DON'T GO! MAN!...Am I ever going to know who she is? and is that the same being that talked to me before? Bith of their voices were identical...I wonder..I must go though. [i]*Pan flies after Pyro and follows his power level.*[/i]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RicoTranzrig [/i] [B]I did have this one other strange dream recently that I just recalled...I was kissing my G/F in front of all the people we were supposed to keep our relationship a secret from...and the strange thing was, all those people didn't react... [/B][/QUOTE] Maybe the dream is telling you that they already know...or suspect of you two....strange dream though. LOL@DK Man wouldn't you wish to be a SSJ. lol I just wish I could just fly! :D
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B]i had a nightmare once that was so scary i woke up screaming.. i was in my house... but everything was pale white.... the couch, walls... all had blood spattered on them... then i looked on the couch and my parents were corpses.... sitting there as corpses... i looked out the window and it was day, but there was no sun... dead birds were flying over with a menacing bird call... then everything was quiet... and a bloody hand came out from undead the carpet and grabbed me and pulled me under..... i have weird ones too i dreamt i was godzilla O.o and i dreamt i was a girl o.O and i dreamt that i lived on the moon... and... etc haha [/B][/QUOTE] I never had a dream were I woke up screaming..I had some were I woke up crying to myself and I was sweating and stuff. I remember my heart beating all fast...but I can't recall those dreams..it's scary.
  16. Strange one you got. I heard that dreams are ways people's true emotions are revealed to themselves. I hope it ins't true....but I'm a very intuitive person...I always follow my heart or intuition then my brains. I get into trouble cause of that. :D
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Majin Gohan [/i] [B] No b/c I still have my magical flying machine that can't fly and my teleportation machne that teleports me a grand total of 2 ft. away. Haha I still have plenty of ways to escape. [/B][/QUOTE] oo...kk....I hope it helps you...as I said I wouldn't runaway..i'd be TOO shocked.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]Well, I would be able to get End of Evangelion except for the fact that I can only find Japanese copies(without subtitles) and I'm not great with Japanese yet... -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] WHAT!? I saw the whole series Japanese English subtitle..but then again..it was my friends' video's. :D I don't own it..but I'm earning money to buy the DVD's cause I want to own it. :D Eventhough my friend will let me borrow his vids anytime. :D And he's right....you're missing the BEST ANIME! :D
  19. [i]*The Mystical Goddess apeared above him, beaten and battered, however she refused to give up. She flew at him at an incredible speed. Blank turned around in time to see her but not fast enough. His face met her small, yet, powerful right foot. The impact threw him backwards. As he tried to regain control once more, Pan's right hook caught him in the chin, she threw a left jab and slammed him down with a lethal right. As he tried to get up, she struck her heel against his chest. He screamed out in pain as the blow ruptured a few bones in his rib cage. He rolled over as his eyes locked on Pan's foot coming down on him, however, his movement caused pain throughout his body. He struggled greatly to stand up. His eyes locked on to Pan's eye. Her eyes sparkled and he saw laughter in them. The breeze blew softly, it seemed to play with Pan's hair. She smiled abruptly.*[/i] MP: So how you liking our spar?
  20. No, not the ones you're NOT supposed to be having..lol...but the ones that are weird and just happen...ya know the one about you flying at the stars but suddenly everything turns black and you don't know where you are..or dreams that have no real meaning ..or they might..but youn don't know why you have them.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B]ah yes interesting beliefs... i like mine tho no sickness... or death... my granpa jus passed away... hear him talk... and his laugh... .... .... .... .... ....... [/B][/QUOTE] I'm sorry to hear he passed away. May be that's the better plase...no sickness or death... I never had a relative die...I wish that wasn't the circumstance though...Not to mean or anything..I love them dearly..no matter how mean they can get..but I know when they pass away..it will be a lot more harder on me then it would have been if I was younger.
  22. I believe we're living hell. I mean think about it...you're born innocent..free of all evil..yet as you grow..you pick up evil..and you decide evil or good. I believe thatif you choose the right path..you'll go to place where there is peace..and if you choose evil and die..I think you'll continue to be reincarnated on earth and live through "hell" until you become wise and choose good. I also strongly believe in Karma...I live by it. I treat peopel the way I want to be treated as.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Majin Gohan [/i] [B][COLOR=blue]I would use my super powers to fly away! The only problem with this is I don't have any super powers[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] That would really present a problem for you, wouldn't it? :)
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssj chic [/i] [B]whoa.....i got 2 votes....sum1 hates me *looks around paranoid* [/B][/QUOTE] I GO 10 VOTES! Imagine how I feel! :D :laugh: :devil:
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]Pan...are you me? Are you inside my head?! Out I say! Out! Heheheh :p Well, your opinions sound almost identicle to mine...I could go on forever and ever about religion and how much I doubt it...but I shall not. My friends and I have enough conversations about that as it is! They're exhausting conversations... :sleep: [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I wsh I had your friends...my friends only believe what they're parent's say. I can't really talk to anyone at my school about how I feel. And When I ask the priest..he's all like...Are you on drugs? Are your friends bad influnce or gangbangers? Are you doing well in school? Are your parents abusing you at hime? Do you have a abusive b/f? And I answer NO to all of his questions. THen he tells me that he doesn't know what's wrong with me. HE makes me feel as if I'm wrong in questioning and if I have mental issues. I can't talk to my parents..they're so old fashioned.
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