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~Mystical Pan~

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Everything posted by ~Mystical Pan~

  1. You get a cookie! *gives him a cookie* you lucky sonofagun. :D lol
  2. *starts to laught hard at all the sh*t Will put up* hahahahaha ok those are funny. lol My fav: The one about the two young boys that cussed. lol
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RicoTranzrig [/i] [B]:rolleyes: *Crouches* Okay, okay... I wonder why people started voting for me all of a sudden.... [/B][/QUOTE] if you get one extra vote...my foot is going to get acquainted with your rear.:angel: :)
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RicoTranzrig [/i] [B]darn it...I'm trailing by half...somethings very wrong... [/B][/QUOTE] *points her m-16 at him* YOU! QUIET! *walks fast to him and puts her hand over his mouth so he can't talk* sssssssssshhhhh..they might start to vote for you more..we can't have that!:devil:
  5. hahahahahaha ohok...that was a good laugh! :D lol man you're crazy! :D
  6. I LOVE YUE! :D He's another good looking anime guy! :D But li and sakura together would be great! I love seeing CCS! :D
  7. mwamwamwahahahahahahaha I got 8 votes! :D lol I'm leading! NO ONE CAN BEAT NE NOW! :D lol I'm evil!!!!:laugh: :devil: no realy...i'm very nice! *takes out her m-16* yep..I can be really good!! :angel:
  8. I always liked the Daily Otaku. :D I got to agree with Transtic Nerve, that was rude. I think there can be two newspapers here...but I think people will go to the Daily Otaku more since it was here first. :D
  9. well my characters are Misato and Rei...AND it's not the way YOU GUYS LIKE THEM! Reasons why they my fav characters: Misato: cool, collected, and can stand up against anything...she is the independent women of the century! Rei: She's mysterious and doesn't take crap from asuka. :D And Sephiroth....get the ending and death and rebirth as soon as you can.....it's awesome! the ending is the best i've seen in any other anime! :D OH YEAH..and the evas rock!!!!!!!!!!!!! my fav is eva 01 and eva 03 even though it's not used much afterwards. :(
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian4444 [/i] [B]I just have to give Pan the award for best-written and described post i have EVER read! Congrats! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pan, IM me [/B][/QUOTE] Why thank you! There are people at the crib that do way better. lol IM you as in AIM, ya mean? Or PM you? :D
  11. Yes I do! :D I voted! :D hehehehehehe
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]i do now! dbz made me get interested in martial arts. *phew* i'm glad someone understands. at all the other (not otaku) boards i've ever been to, they made fun of me for saying that. they don't understand that dbz literally saved my life. [/B][/QUOTE] actually..I was interested in Martial arts before DBZ..but since I saw DBZ..I LOVE MARTIALS ARTS MORE! :D lol it did save your life? SEE! And people say anime is tupid..well my school is pure anime..lol There is not a single person tha at least hasn't heard of DBZ. lol
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Subzeroice [/i] [B]who will be the winner? Which one Vegeta will bet on? [/B][/QUOTE] I'd say Mirai Trunks...he has gone through more training and more harder times then Chibi Trunks.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Navi [/i] [B]yeah, horror movies rock my socks. i'd rather rent than go to the movie theatre though. i feel uneasy around a lot of people. [/B][/QUOTE] yeah I understand....I feel like that at times. well most of the time. :D
  15. Fav Guy: Mirai Trunks! :D Right after his training with Vegeta! Fav Gal: PAN! Who else?
  16. I wish Pan could go SSJ! it would be awesome..but alas....Pan is a girl...and that's that. :(
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian4444 [/i] [B]DK, this is a sparring zone, not a RPG [/B][/QUOTE] OOC: Leave him alone..I liked the entrance. Ne ways..that's how sparring is supposed to be anyways! :D Well the type I do. :) ____________________________________________________ *As blank continues to nail her again and again with the Psychic Blast, pain rushes throughout her body. Suddenly, she can't take the pressure anymore. She spreads her arms out and yells: * Mystical Pan: Confuto Magus! *A strong bright light flashed from her eyes and immediately the psychic attacks stop. She smirks at Blank and smiles slowly. Mystical Pan begins to get tired of this spar and decides to beat him to the pulp.* Mystical Pan: Caelestis Omnipotens Mutatio! *Unexpectedly, the Mystical Warrior was encircled by waves black aura, she elevated from the ground; the black aura merged together and malformed into an ebony sphere. The sky turned bleak and the sun?s light seemed to become impeded by the clouds that have suddenly appeared. The vast sphere exploded; Blanknwinced at the sudden intensity of radiance and closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes, he was greeted with darkness. In all the confusion, a figure was conspicuous in the obscurity. The figure was outlined into a very feminine figure. It emitted a glistening aura which enhanced its figure. As the air cleared up, Bass noticed it was Mystical Pan, yet, she was different now, not only physically, her power had increased immensely. As the Mystical Pan walked toward him, he noticed her cheek bones were more defined, her ebony hair had changed into a dark crimson shade, the brown in her eyes was gone and in its place was a swirl of distinct colors which radiated, and her ears were pointed at the tip. As he gawked at her vast transformation, he became of aware that she had lost her loose fitting clothes and was changed into a piece of article which looked more like a part of her skin and she was covered with tattoos of strange symbols. Over all, the Mystical Goddess looked at least 5 years her senior and she smiled at him. As she stood her ground, Pan concentrated her energy on her tremendous, swift fire attack. Her hair became wild as flmaes surruonded her, yet her face seemed self-possessed. Her eyes blazed with fury. She cupped her hands together and yelled:* Mystical Pan: Pristinus Inflammo Surculus! *As the words were spoken, all the fire flaming around her combined into her cupped hands, and a huge stream of fire blasted out of her hands. The fire became it's own identity and swerved from side to side and charged at her adversary at an unbelievable speed. Blank tried to outmaneuver it, nonetheless, he was unsuccessful. The inferno crashed into blank, engulfed him and a huge explosion followed immediately afterwards. As the sky cleared up, Blank was lying on the terrain. He was in great pain as he felt all his body on fire.*
  18. I prefer to rent. I feel more relaxed in my house chillin in the couch while eating junk and watching the movie. :) I don't have to dress up or anything. lol
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Smoky Joe [/i] [B]You're walking in a street, when you see 6 guys beating up a kid. What do you do? [/B][/QUOTE] My first reaction would be to yell at the bullies to get their attention and try to take them on by myself. I could hold my ground for some time..but it depends how big these guys are and if they have weapons....if they got weapons or if they're really string..i'd proabably get my rear whupped easliy. My second reaction is to get the bullies attention, make fun of them so they come after me and forget the kid, and run the f*ck outta there...they'd probably catch up to me though..I'm not the fastest runner. lol My third and last reaction would call the cops...I wouldn't do it though....I live in LA...and cops really don't care if there are fights here...they'd probably let the people beat each other up and then come and arrest everyone whne they're to f*cked up to fight. So they wouldn't come in time to help the kid. I can't really do that Galaxy Girl. It gios against my nature..call me stupid..but I'll defend people getting their *** whupped (for a good reason though like they're getting mugged). I'd would definitely go in there and try my best..even if I knew it was a losing fight.
  20. Interesting diary thingy you got here. :) I would never put diary on line...it my life is too boring to be put in a diary....especially on line.lol
  22. Hey stardust! WUZ UP! I remember ya. lol You might not remember me though. lol :D
  23. Has anyone actually seen everything? Not only the series but also the movie? I have and this anime is AWESOME! The characters, the plot twists, and the way there are so many allusions interwoven in NGE! :D
  24. OCC: SOWWIES!!!!!!!!!! But I don't have much time on my hands! SCHOOL IS KILLING ME! :( ____________________________________________________ [i]*As Piro ran at her, she vaulted over him and hurled several ki blades at him. He turned around in time to dodge them but he was not swift enough. Two of the sharp blades struck him. One of them slashed his left upper arm and the other one came in contact with his right hip. He grunted and grasped his side with his right hand as he looked up; he noticed she was looking at him with fire in her eyes. Mystical Pan rushed at him and tried to deliver a lethal right fist into his face. However, he blocked it with his left arm and threw a right jab. She counter by grasping his arms, pulling him forward and double kicked him on the chest. She back flipped and landed delicately and noiselessly on the ground.*[/i] Mystical Pan: I?m having fun! :D
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