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~Mystical Pan~

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Everything posted by ~Mystical Pan~

  1. For Video Games: FFVII, Chrono Cross, FFX For Anime: Evangelion, Hellsing, Trigun
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]I can't stand Blogspot. I guess it does its job, but it wasn't enough. It's amazing how many people use it at this point. Between the bigger free ones, I'd rather go with Live Journal. I've been through most of the bigger weblog tools... Grey Matter, pmachine, Sunlog, Movable Type, B2 and at least 5 others. I finally just settled on Movable Type because it's so simple to use and customize. I'm very happy with it. I'm still struggling with the comment tags though... they instructions for them are very vague. Anyway, the actual blog is a section at my site [url]www.slownerveaction.org[/url] I've not updated the site in a VERY long time though. I simply have too many other projects on my plate right now. Once 1-Up Gaming is up and running, I'll come back to it. [/B][/QUOTE] *nods* I love LJ (even if they sometimes get some probs with their servers. lol) and I've tried out many other free ones. :/ I'd probably use Movable Type if I had my own webspace. I remember customizing someone's Movable Type because they were completely lost. ^_^
  3. Anime takes people to a whole new level where cartoons wouldn't be able to. Take for example, animes like Ghost in the Shell, Evangelion, Trigun, Kenshin, Hellsing, etc. All those animes have these unqie storylines and in depth characters which make you yearn to watch it till the end. For example, Trigun. That anime made me cry several times, messages sent through that anime are things you can actually apply to life, and the humor is beautiful and unqiue. (For whoever has seen it, how many times did you laugh in that anime? And if you didn't cry by the end of that anime...SHAME ON YOU! lol) Anime is more than just beautiful art brought to life. It's a medium of communication for artists to deliver to audiences without much censorship like with cartoons. The main difference from anime and cartoons is the cencorship bestowed on them. There are some american shows which I love, (The Simpsons, it's classic. You can't deny it. lol) but because of censorship, they can do only so much (though, The Simpson have been around a LONG time). In the US, cartoons with nudity is EXTREMELY frowned upon or anyhting with major religious affiliation. Also, these days american cartoons are rather raunchy (even if there isn't nudity like in many animes) and can become VERY crude with almost no plot. :/
  4. I'm going to have to side with Queen Asuka on the Usagi and Mamoru. They make a perfect couple, though, it doesn't appear that way in the anime. The manga, I think, does a much better job. Also, I liked Relena much. Not your standard anime female wearing some tight clothing showing must of her body off. :/ But then, that's me. (Nothing wrong with anime females showing off their body, but after awhile, it gets redundant. oO) I SERIOUSLY don't like ArucardxIntegra pairings. >< Well, any pairings with Arucard. He's a very old vampire who doesn't need of the opposite sex in that manner. I hate how people confuse the relationship of Arucard and Integra in the Hellsing anime. Oo
  5. Well, I've had mine for well over an year now. :/ [b]My blog address:[/b] [url]http://avoided_island.livejournal.com[/url] [b]Blog name:[/b] Don't really give it one. You can give it a title though. ^^ [b]Thoughts behind it/reasons for creating it:[/b] I created as on outlet for myself. I'm horrible at talking to people about my problems, so my LJ helps me out. Also, I've met some awesome people on Livejournal. Currently, I have about 4-5 layouts already made. I probably could make lots more, I'm just too lazy. At the moment, I'm in the process of making my 3rd Arucard layout. So yeah. ^^
  6. Thanks Shinobi. And, it says that because that's my name screen name at most boards. lol ^^
  7. *blinks* What feeling are you talking about? Oo
  8. I made it on Photoshop 7. ^^ I LOVE PURPLE! :D ^^
  9. Anyone can make them. ^^ Just takes practice. :) And thanks. ^_______^
  10. *glomps him* THANKS!! ^^ It is a bit blurry. Oo
  11. [img]http://ambikasmalice.netfirms.com/banners/ghostbanner.jpg[/img] Nothing fancy. Oo *wonders if she'll get any comments since last time she got NONE* Life's like that... > [edit]Image isn't appearing..but when you open a browser and enter it's url, you can see it. [url]http://ambikasmalice.netfirms.com/banners/ghostbanner.jpg[/url] [/edit] If it doesn't work, I'll wait till someone posts so I can upload it in another post.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Syk3 [/i] [B] I'm pretty sure you can buy Vash's entire costume if you have a LOT of money. I hear that they sell the red suit, and the glasses, and even his gun, though I don't think it's real. Of course, I have no idea where this is, nor anyone who would actually pay hundreds of dollars for it. But if that's your thing, go ahead. :) [/B][/QUOTE] Actually, his gun IS real. *nods* I've seen it on sale online..the EXACT look. If only I find the site again...it was about 1-2 years ago. *sighs* If I find it again, I'll post it here. I love Vash's look the best...and his glasses are so awesome. ^^
  13. [i]*Sliding down against the wall of the cave, Ambika sat down and put her down and sighed.*[/i] [b]Ambika:[/b] "Now if you to are done, we should get some rest. Tomorrow is going to be a long night. We must wake at dawn, preferably, before. We must obtain the stones before arriving to our destination, before Danormris gets there. He will attempt to guard that place against anyone that attempts to achieve the power that can be his demise." [i]*Closing her eyes, Ambika attempted to sleep, knew a part of her must always be awake or else the nightmares would return once more. Complete unconsciousness could be all that an enemy needs to take one?s life. *[/i]
  14. [i]*Ambika looked into Nepenthe's eyes and smiled a bit, a smile that let her know she had every right to react the way she had. However, this was not the time. Slowly, Ambika turned to Jedah, giving him one of the coldest stares she ahd ever given someone. Jedah seemed a bit hesitant since he had never seen a stare that held so much emotion.*[/i] [b]Ambika:[/b] "Do not judge others when you are not pure. You accuse humans of doing such things, yet, not all of them do. Some do wrong for good. Nothing is black and white. Don't you forget that. You are as imperfect as us."
  15. [i]*Grinning at Nepenthe, Ambika shook her head and looked won upon her clothes. There was still a bit of dry blood, however, it was not torn at all. Her black long sleeved cloak was still in good condition and her long black dress was still clean since she rarely took of her dark cloak.*[/i] [b]Ambika:[/b] ?Don?t worry about it. If I ever need a change of clothing, I?ll just ask Calista. Let I never forbid her to clothe me or else she becomes a horrible wench.? [i]*The thought of Calista made Ambika twitch slightly. It?s been awhile since Ambika had last heard of her and she could not imagine where she may be.*[/i] (Well, after walking out on her like I did...she may never want to speak to me?well she might since she?s always been a needy being...) [i]*Ambika brought her head up and turned toward the opening of the cave. Standing up, she walked towards it and stopped till she reached the end. She had always enjoyed watching the heavens cry like they did. Then she spoke, addressing everyone.*[/i] [b]Ambika:[/b] ?I wonder?will we have humans looking for us because of the ruckus back there? If so, I think, we will need to leave in awhile?.I hope not??
  16. [i]*The minutes that passed seemed an eternity to Ambika; she was not comfortable in any kind of shelter but she rather be in here and rest a bit. She tried resting, however, her stomach decided to be a nuisance as it grumbled about being empty. Her hands seemed to become impatient, needing something to occupy themselves with. The pitter patter of the rain lulled Ambika into a deep trance. She had always loved listening to Nature?s music?the natural sounds always agreed with the inner harmony her soul seemed feed on. That was the only thing that did not damage others when feeding.*[/i] (Odd...could I have acquired the love for nature?s music?.from him?) [i]*Shaking her head, she turned her head and looked at Jedah, who seemed to be in deep concentration. After a small while, she turned to gaze at the being that had been following them. He had not revealed his purpose; nonetheless, he had not caused any harm to them directly. *[/i] (Another one I?ll have to watch closely. I don?t feel as if Aidan is an actual threat, but the other two are still quite mysterious...except Jedah, I know why he?s here...at least, as far as he has told us. The other two better get back soon.)
  17. OOC: LOL It?s ok. Just check back here a bit more often?I thought you had dropped out. ^^ *hugs back* IC: [i]*After walking quite a bit in the pouring rain, Ambika became frustrated at the relentless shower. She did not despise it, in fact, she enjoyed it. However, she was not in the best moods after all the incidents that had occurred and nor was she in the highest spirits. The rain brought back memories that were best left forgotten...memories that Ambika had no desire to even know they existed. She was not ashamed of them, but more resentful of them?for she had been a weaker being then. A being that had been manipulated into doing things she might have done either way, but the fact was, she had someone she answered to then. That thought alone boiled her blood and as she continued to walk, her face slowly changing from a passive expression to a harsher one.* *Before anyone could see the change, Ambika caught herself and suddenly her eyes caught the sight of an opening of a cave. At least, that?s what it looked to her. Sighing in relief, she contemplated how?d nice it be if they could at least rest just a bit. Signaling to the rest, she walked toward it, hoping there would not be any disturbances here.*[/i] [b]Ambika:[/b] ?At last...?
  18. OOC:...........*keeps silent*...yeah, I think I might have.....OO IC: [i]*Ambika sheathed her weapon once more and stood disgusted at the event that had passed before her. They had just attracted attention that she had been trying to avoid. Growling very silently, she walked to the innkeeper and tossed some gold coins on the counter and walked out the hotel. After the incident, she did not trust that any of them were to be safe; Adesto might hear word of it soon. Calling out behind her, she spoke to her companions*[/i] [b]Ambika:[/b] "Come...we must find some place else...before it becomes too late."
  19. But Valick...you must take into consideration our characters personalities. Our characters most likely would kill you...and even if they don't, they would never let your character travel with them. Jedah is right. You might want to reconsider and take another approach other than our enemy.
  20. [i]*Nodding at Nepenthe?s reply, Ambika brought her drink down and leaned closer towards her, not wanting anyone knowing that conflict may arise if something goes wrong.*[/i] [b]Ambika:[/b] ?Fighting fire against fire will breed only more fire. And as far as I can see?game you play with the demon may lead into a bonfire if this ?playing? transforms into hostile rivalry. I would like to keep him around?he would make a rather nice addition as an ally. Even, if his plans differ from ours. Let us not forget about obtaining the magical stones...we MUST find them before arriving at Malkariss...or else all is in vain. I dare not reach Malkariss without the stones or sacrifices...? [i]*Suddenly, she felt something was amiss and surveyed the inn once more.*[/i] [b]Ambika:[/b] ?Raiha, something is a bit off?I can?t quite pinpoint it though. This place is filled with too much darkness for me to identify if any actual threat.?
  21. [i]*Amika could only grimaced at what had just transpired. They did not need conflict among themselves and she might have to talk to them as a whole if they kept it up. She was growing tired of both of their minds games together. However, for now, she kept to herself and drank some of the hard liqour she had been given, not caring if it may be poisoned. She was immune to most of them and more that she did not know of. She still had to pay the innkepper which was not a problem but if anything happened, she would have all the inhabitant's heads. She refused to tolerate any more trouble than she needed to.*[/i] [b]Ambika:[/b] "I wonder......"
  22. [i]*Following Nepenthe, Ambika felt rather strange. She did not like the fact of going to an inn run by witches that had been believed to have died out. Any beings that kept themselves secret for such a long time must have a reason to keep to themselves. Beings like that could never be trusted.*[/i] (Kind of like you, uh, Ambika?) (You?re getting quite annoying. That stunt you did back there wasn?t what I needed at the moment.) (But you relished it, didn?t you? When was the last time? When was the last time you?ve fed?) (I eat quite well, you impudent bastard. Go away) (That hurt on the inside...[i]*chuckles*[/i] How can you tell yourself to go away?) (Be gone or I?ll do what I should have done) (Fine?but we both know you would never do it?you?d destroy him also.) (............................) [i]*A cold shudder passed through her as it made it?s exist back into the abysmal depth of her mind. Instinctively, she felt a gaze upon her and she found herself lock eyes with the demon known as Jedah. She did not feel quiet alarmed by his presence, just wary of it. Maybe it was because they were more alike than she?s like to admit?or were they? He stared back at her with the same intense look and suddenly she lifted her right eyebrow as if asking him what he wanted.*[/i]
  23. [b]Ambika:[/b] ?Now if you two have finished the bantering with each other, I would like for us to get a tavern. We will only stop for a short while. Also, I would not like to have more guards upon us.? [i]*Entering deeper into the city, large crowds were gathering around, discussing about the earlier events and Ambika decided to go through the back alleys instead to avoid them.*[/i] [b]Ambika:[/b] ?For a rather large city, news gets around fast. Anyone of you know a good place to stay...one that doesn?t attract too many visitors??
  24. [i]*Ambika?s eyes darted back and forth between the quarreling warriors; she seemed almost a bit amused by it all. At least she found SOMETHING amusing, for she was still angered at the fact for letting that side of her appear. Slowly, she brought her hand up, grabbing the attention of all the warriors, then she addressed Jedah.*[/i] [b]Ambika:[/b] ?Jedah, you are correct when you say there is a dark spirit within me, that spirit is MY spirit?or you can say a side of it. It?s been split in, a part of it gone and replaced by the half of another. Now, come, we need to find a place to rest a bit and let everyone around us calm down.? [i]*She began to walk but suddenly stopped and turned to Jedah once more and gave him a satirical smile as she spoke to him once me.*[/i] [b]Ambika:[/b] ?I hate to disappoint you, dear, but if the ?beast? overcomes me once more and I know longer am myself?your scythe will never deliver one single blow. Nor will my soul be collected for your ?Majigen? unless my soul is complete. I may appear young, but, I?m far from it...Adesto made sure of that. And let me remind you, you are not the only being that can gather souls. I have mastered that quite nicely. Though, I do hate the remains when I do, a skeleton left is something I don?t deal with.? [i]*Leaving them in a state of uncertainty, she began to walk once more, knowing she put herself in a position not to be trusted. But she cared not, she needed only one thing?and one thing only.*[/i] OOC: Gah..I really fudged up..LOL I didn't mean to have Ambika say Aidan...it was suppose to be Adesto. OO LOL
  25. [i]*As Ambika attempted elude the unaware guards, the voice within her head became louder than before and completely unavoidable. She did not desire to fight, at least not now. She did not need the complication of taking any more souls that she did not need. The voice emerged with a vengeance for being ignored before and now it drummed an all too familiar melody in her mind. Everything seemed to fade away into the darkness and Ambika stood alone. She came to an awkward halt and slowly turned around as if she was coming to a realization. The rhythm began to pulse through her body, heating her blood.*[/i] (You want to dear Ambika?just do it. Go ahead. It?s ok. You?re not like them. ) (I?don?t want to?) (Let one of them attack you and see how your body reacts?it?s in your blood?to kill.) [i]*Suddenly, Ambika became aware of her surroundings and easily evaded one of the guards. As his sword struck the ground, Ambika grabbed his chin with her right hand and looked directly in his eyes.*[/i] [b]Ambika:[/b] ?You dare think you are capable of defeating. You poor pathetic fool?you?re soul isn?t even worthy to be part of my collection.? [i]*As the last words rang in the air, the dark female warrior gripped him by the neck and back-handed him, tossing him quite a distance. Another guard attempted to assault her, but to his dismay, Ambika countered effortlessly with a single blow. However, this time, the blow was not powerful enough to hurl him off, but just enough to make him fall and bleed from his mouth. At the sight of blood, Ambika?s eyes began to change into a crimson shade that reflected the color of the blood. Licking her lips, Ambika stalked over to her fallen victim. She did not worry about the rest of the guards that had been after her, they were petrified by the blood red aura surrounding her, giving her the appearance of some being not of this world. The doomed guard attempted to scramble back but found himself too frightened to move. Kneeling before him, Ambika reached out with her index finger and caressed his cheek before lightly touching the blood. She had him almost hypnotized with her eyes. Licking the blood off her finger, she suddenly grabbed him with such a disgusting force, her victim could not scream. Taking him by the neck, she lifted him off the floor as she stood and instantly an opaque film of dark energy enveloped them both and shot towards the heaven making it look like a long cylinder. All that could be heard was the agonizing scream of the guard. * *Unexpectedly, as it all had begun, it was all over. The dark energy dispersed and Ambika was send standing before the skeleton of the guard. Without any previous warning, she leaped into the air like a wild animal towards the nearest guard to begin her feeding once more. Everyone around knew that something had brought Ambika into a rage of pure hatred and hunger. She was lusting for blood, a hunger she thought she had satisfied a long time ago.*[/i]
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