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~Mystical Pan~

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Everything posted by ~Mystical Pan~

  1. I would If I had a date. lol **** WHERE'S MY ***** TEC9 WHEN YA NEED HIM? lol
  2. *waits for her homeboys to pick her up* *Thinks to herself* Man I can't believe their forcing me to do a stripping dance...:flaming: All the guys are cheap here! And I'm classy! YOu know what I need? A man that can fight any guy down and save my *** and treat me like i'm his one and only...but most guys are ****ing playas! stupid male kind! *a thug comes in* Thug: You're up. You better start stripping...the guys love ya here! *winks at her* Thug: Maybe later on you'll do more then strip for me Steph: WHY YOU LITTLE *****! I'm noit doing **** here! IT's your ****ing fault I came here in the first place! I said I wanted a job and YOU F*CKING BRING ME HERE! WHAT"S YA PROBLEM! Thug: You're doing it got that! The Mafia boss is here and he requested you ok! Steph: *gowls* I'm not going anywhere! *changes into her fighting stance* Steph: JES BRING IT! *the thugs lunges at her but she dodges him and roundhouse kicks him and shoves his face against the wall* Stpeh: I'm going to teach ya a lesson! *gets the chair and smashes it over his head and he's knock out* Steph: I got to get out of here...I'm not waitinf for will, tec9, or tre to come..they'll probably be TOO high to fight or even find there way here. lol *runs out of the strip club without being seen*
  3. [i]*Metalsmith?s sneer turned to smile at a snail's pace. Winds swirled around him as he raised his power level. His hair flailed and a green aura surrounded him. The ground shook tremendously and the crowd grew rowdy. The tension in the air intensified and Mystical Pan became more alert regarding Metalsmith?s sudden power up. Metalsmith gazed at her with wrath in his eyes. He seemed to look into her soul, however, she knew he wasn?t able to. Nonetheless, she felt a cold tremor down her spine. Metalsmith phased out and reappeared in front of her. Mystical Pan threw him a right punch, but he grasped her fist and right heel kicked her in the face. The impact produced a pain of unspeakable force. As she composed herself, she looked back at Metalsmith only to be given another blow to the gut. She doubled over and was thrown on the floor by Metalsmith?s kick to her ankle. For a brief moment, she experienced blindness and she felt another quick blow dealt to her stomach. She knew she had to get out of the situation or she would suffer more damage then she wanted. As Metalsmith attempted to strike her once more, she composed all her strength and rolled out of the way. She struggled to get up to her feet but Metalsmith darted at her at a high speed, she gasped for air as Metalsmith slammed into her stomach. He stood up tall and looked downward at her.*[/i] MS: Don?t tell me you?re giving up already. Hahahahahaha..I?m much too strong for the like of you. MP: That?s what you think?.. I?m not?.using all my?..powers now?that would be too naïve?..of me. [i]*The Mystical Warrior struggled to breath, yet, she managed to materialize two ki orbs and hurled them at Metalsmith. He easily dodged them but he didn?t realize that he just gave Pan enough time to jump back to her feet. Suddenly, she powered up immensely, and rushed at him, delivered devastating right punch to his abdomen and afterwards spinning heel kick which flung him backwards into the wall of the stadium. It was her turn to smile at him*[/i] MP: Sugar, you need more practice. [i]*He struggled to get up and started to cough up some blood. Blood trickle from the corner of his mouth and he wiped it off.*[/i] MS: You know something?.you?re going to pay for that! MP: Sure, how much? A buck or two? Hahahahaha I think not. ___________________________________________________ OOC:er..Final Flash I divided this spar also?lol I?m going to post another one. Lol I?m redoing the it all over again..I?m having too much fun with this. SORRY! :D
  4. *As Tec-9 tigh after Will leaves...Steph turns to John and helps him out the dumpster* Steph: You should be more careful with ya words, dude. John: I shouldn't do anything....I know they got my dops *** necklace. Steph: Maybe they don't have it. Anyways you should go home before someone else feels like whuping your scrawny ***. John: Fine..I"ll be going..but after I get your digits. Steph: *gives him a don't-go-there stare* You ain't my type. John: I bet I can be...Give me one night and I'll show you. Steph: WHY YOU LITTLE PUNK! *Steph decks him in the mouth and throws him back into the dumpster* Steph: AND STAY WHERE THE **** YOU ARE! *starts walking home all happy* :D
  5. *sees will as he's walking from Mr. P's office* Steph: OK whay ya do this time? Will: I beat the crap outta of the nerd. Steph: Again? Fool you on pot..oops..my nad you are...lol Will: Laugh all ya want I got ****ing detention. Steph. OH ****! shaniqwa is going to be mad..that's the SECOND time you skipped a date with her! Will: I know..she'll just have to deal with it. hahahahah Steph: You're ****ed up. Will: *shrugs* I care about her. Steph: ok whatever..laters! See ya in MAth class Will: Yeah if you don't skip it again. hahahaha Steph: SHUT UP! *walks away*
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Will2x [/i] [B]as long as everyone knows where we are. were all teens, unless you wanna be a parent or teacher. or someone who is real tight with the teens. its school time right now. [/B][/QUOTE] everytime? now I know this can never be true! :) lol
  7. Well I'm tall and slim. I'm really smart, quick witted, sassy, and able to whup any guy's rear if he gets too fresh with me. I'm clean and DON'T do drugs or drink. And my name is Steph here. lol also I know many types of martial arts...so don't mess with me. :D :devil: :laugh:
  8. I'm skipping school..once again!
  9. I'll join! But i'm not doing anyone's homework! :D lol
  10. OOC: Sorry I couldn't post sooner...my life is too complicated and school SO is bombarding me with work and projects __________________________________________________ [i]*As Metalsmith eyes locked on the Mystical Warrior movement. The air seemed to grow heavy, and tension between the two fighters became extreme. As the audience went silent, the wind blew relentlessly. Abruptly, Metalsmith ran at her and shot out his right leg, however, she swayed toward the left, grasped his leg, and flung him upwards. As he was suspended in the air, he righted himself and threw a barrage of ki balls at her. As she moved out of the way of the incoming assault, they exploded harmlessly on the stadium floor. The Mystical Goddess teleported precisely in front of him and plunged her knee into his guts. The fierce blow forced him to bend over which gave Mystical Pan the chance to right crescent kick him and hurl him toward the terrain. Metalsmith body had overflowed with severe pain; it spread throughout his body once it made contact with the ground. While he tried to compose himself and get back to his feet, he noticed his opponent come down and land on the ground. A burst of pain spread once anew as he tried to get up, nonetheless, he raised himself.*[/i] MS: Your really good..for a female that is. Hahahaha MP: I?m good BUT not only for a girl. You?re going to find out really soon I?m not an ordinary female. MS: We?ll see. However I?m not the one to be underestimated either. MP: I guess not. [i]The Mystical Female fixed her stance into a cross leg stance and got ready to face a counterattack by Metalsmith.[/i] MP: Come on! Let?s see what you?re made of! MS: You shall soon find out. More soon then you?ll know.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Master O Beans [/i] [B] I'm pretty sure we had a blizzard last winter! it was definitely a fun time! Heh, I definitely drove, no exuse me, slide off the road MANY times last winter! it was fun fun fun! heh, one night on the way home from babygirls house, I decided it would be cool to slam on the breaks...and see what would happen in the snow...me did a 180 in the middle of the road! heh, me crazy driver...at least that's what some people tell me :p [/B][/QUOTE] YOU'RE CRAZY! You could get yourself killed! Though I could see how it's fun..lol
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B]I like storms...but I don't think I'd be very fond of other natural disasters... Then again, it might just be that I'm used to storms... [/B][/QUOTE] I like storms too...but earthquakes only occur in South Cali about once a year or less. BUt I remember the earthquake in i think 1994 scared the crap outta me. It was pretty hard and it was like 4 AM or something. Couldn't sleep for days cause I was scared that another earthquake would occur
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B]Boy...tornados...earthquakes....what next? [/B][/QUOTE] well..i'll never expereince a tornado in cali! :D :laugh:
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJGoten [/i] [B]Sweet! I wanna experience an earthquake sometime..... [/B][/QUOTE] I experienced one about the middle of the night and it was WAY harder then one I just experienced right now....not a pleasant situation during the night or anytime to be exact. Man I was chilling in my bedroom..it scared the sh*t outta me. :D lol
  15. An earthquake just accurred here in LA! or at least in South Central (see that's where I live) OMG....I first felt a shake and then it somewhat shook harder..not that it was that hard to keep me from the boards, ya see! :D
  16. I wear PJ's! :D LOVE MY PJ's!
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Altron Gundam [/i] [B] He never reaches level 3. [/B][/QUOTE] nope he doesn't...he skips the level..that cheater! :D lol
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hechizero [/i] [B]i am waiting for an answer !!! plz [/B][/QUOTE] ah! you can speak english! I'd ask for the tricks but I don't have Diablo II.
  19. It's Master Roshi and then it's Oolong coming in close behind! I don't think there are any perverted females in DB-DBZ-DBGT.
  20. No problem! anytime! :D I could translate a little bit of French also! :D lol
  21. He's asking if anyone wants to know Diablo II tricks. I told him(or at least I think i'm not a good spanish writer) that's he's not supposed to post it here.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hechizero [/i] [B]Hola que tal desearia saber trucos de diablo II:devil: [/B][/QUOTE] Del juego Diablo II? si es eso pues aqui nos es a onde los pones los trucos.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonballzman [/i] [B]Yeah! Isn't it great? I've always wondered what it's like to get shrunk! All the dangers off falling off the table and going splat, having the cat think youre a mouse and try to eat you, getting stepped on, being pummeled by giant raindrops, it must be great! :D [/B][/QUOTE] YEAH! *looks around and notices her moniter is bis as her house* er...*looks down at the edge of the table* NOW HOW AM I GOING TO GET DOWN FROM HERE? *frowns* this is too strange here!
  24. YAY! I get shrunked! :D lol FOR FREE! :D lol Name: Pan Age: 15 Height: 5 3' My shrunk size: 5 Centimetres, 3 Millimetres
  25. Yep Nameks are asexual but have masculine attributes. PICCOLO IS TOTALLY HARDCORE! (just watch Piccolo vs. #17)
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