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~Mystical Pan~

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Everything posted by ~Mystical Pan~

  1. [i]*As Mystical Pan walked through the dark hall of the stadium, she wondered how strong her opponent is and how long it will take her to defeat him. She continued to walk toward the end of the long tunnel. As she reached the end of the hall, the lights of the stadium showered over her face and she was momentarily blinded. When she recovered, she gazed at the audiences who stood up and were chanting her name. She raised her head a little higher; the wind caught her hair and her clothes stirred against the wind. She proceeded to walk toward the fighting arena platform; she walked up the small stairs and unto the platform. She gazed at her adversary with fires in her eyes. As Metalsmith eyed her, he couldn?t believe a small female like the one standing before him would defeat him. They?re eyes clashed and, instantaneously, both of them had a rage to fight each other. She eyed him through her fiery eyes and knew he was doomed.*[/i] MP: So are you going to going to start or shall I proceed with the *** whupping. j/k
  2. OK let's get this thing right here. Goku would never kill Gohan and Gohan would never kill Goku. They're both too nice and naive. But if they could beat each other up. Goku would win! (Please not that I'm a HUGE Gohan fan but I'm telling the truth here) Reason's why: First, Goku would beat Gohan up because Goku IS stronger than him at the end of GT. Second, Gohan would never beat Goku cause Goku fights with his heart, unlike, Gohan who fights just cause he has to or becasue people need him to. Third, Goku would beat him cause Goku has much more experience in fighting. Gohan has experiense but it anything compared to Goku's exp. Fourth, Goku is the the main character. He's invincible, no matter what! (Watch the first Broli movie. Anybody that has seen it knows that Broli would have beaten the crap out of Goku)
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Altron Gundam [/i] [B]I've already seen the Buu Saga subbed, but for the rest of you who plan on watching the Great Saiyaman/Majin Buu Saga on Toonami, are u looking forward to it? [/B][/QUOTE] I've seen it already(undubbed/unedited)...but I'm not looking forward to it in CN cause they probably edited too much!
  4. [i]*Mystical Pan flys down and lightly lands on the terrain. As the winds lightly blows her hair, she turns to Final Flash and speaks*[/i] So, do I have to wait til my opponent, Metalsmith, posts? I'm still new to this.
  5. Name: Mystical Pan Background: Unknown. She has lost all her memory. Special Abilities: Manipulation of Ki energy, elementals, and anything that?s connected with the Earth(ex. Light and dark), able to neutralize magic for a temporary moment, flying, transformation and heal (but to a limit). Created Transformations: Omnipotens Mutatio-Transform into her almost almighty form. Inflammo Mutatio ? Transforms herself into Fire Aqua Mutatio ? Transforms herself into Water Ventus Mutatio ? Transforms herself into Wind Terra Mutatio ? Transforms herself into Earth Weapons: Great Fire Katana - it has hidden knives in the scabbard, undestructable, and able to cut through virtually almost anything. Silver Celestial Staff - used to increase her magic or healing attacks or temporary create a protection field. Special Attacks: Inflammo ? Uses her fire attack Pristinus Aqua - Uses her water attack Pristinus Ventus ? Uses her Wind attack Pristinus Terra ? Uses her Earth Attack Has other attacks but aren?t special like the one listed above. IS that ok?
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssj chic [/i] [B] i have one...its a picture of a kangaroo in a zoo but it won't let me put it up damnit -.-' [/B][/QUOTE] Why? is it too big or something?
  7. I'm 15! :D [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] And I'm 18.... I wish I were younger.... :(... what made you think I was older? [/B][/QUOTE] Why do you wish you were younger?
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiden [/i] [B]Ok, Ok let me give it 2 u all. It is very possible. Everyone has energy. And bunch of people can focus their energy, example a man chopping bricks. And u can definately "push" the energy out of your hand. I'll admit that the energy wave was in a dark room with 1 lightbulb, so could of had something 2 do with the white energy ball. O n as far as the thing about people being strong as Goku, no way. The monk I told u about wasn't really strong, not even strong as Krillin, he couldn't withstand bullets (yet he could block swords with certain parts of his body). Heres the part with the most info. He was once in a restaurant, and a younger man challenged him, but he refused. The younger man stared causing a riot. The monk couldn't refuse anymore. They both stood up. The monk did an energy blast on the other guy. The other man didn't die, he just got paralized. And there was this american scientist who said this was very possible. O n the Chinese call energy waves Demock, we americans call it the Death Touch. For d flying thing. I say it's true. Becuz 4 those of u who take karate u should no about lifting and grounding your energy. I'm not saying people can fly right now. I'm saying people could float a long time ago (chinese people). Why u ask becuz ancient chinese people were more devoted 2 karate then anyone is 2day. I'm not forcing u 2 believe what I believe, but it's just like the saying, seeing is beliving. And I 4 1 believe. [/B][/QUOTE] I agree with you totally. It's possible but you have to be really dedicated, meditate and be relaxed because to TRULY use Ki energy takes years to master! and I'm not talking about breaking bricks...though that takes years of practice also.
  9. OK people there might be some spoilers here also: S P O I L E R ! I think if Shinji should be with Rei...if he wants a serious relationship! So what if they're related...he's fasicnated by her in reality. He justs Asuka cause he doesn't a mind a female that takes control, even if she acts b*tchy. If he wants to screw around...then it should be with Asuka(ya know she wants him) and Misato(for those who have seen the ending, you know they look good together, even if it's for a really really brief moment when he kissed her!) But if Shinji were gay I say he be with Kaoru. (he's very fine, thank you!)
  10. I live in cali! :D I would like to go to Japan and Canada. :D lol and Europe. :D
  11. PAN, 18, AND VIDEL RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
  12. Well mine is CrazyPsychoPan..if oyu guys want to know. :D
  13. Yeah..I'm dangerous! :devil: I'm going to put one more thing in my sig just wait ok! :D
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Neko_Cat [/i] [B]Mirai Trunks is the hands down cutest, coolest, sexiest, sweetest, smartest, etc. etc. character in all things DBZ:D :D :D :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: ;) ;) [/B][/QUOTE] I totally agree! :D
  15. Garlic Jr. and The Spice thingies Yajirobi.....is funny and amusing. :D
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B]smart cookie:tasty: [/B][/QUOTE] Yep i'm smart...and I luv cookies. lol :D
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B]its not fun being confused thogh,,:wigout: [/B][/QUOTE] yeah I know....that's whay I don't bother putting the movies and the series together anymore.
  18. I don't know..it's one of the eary movies htough. Don't follow the movies though, they're not accurate....try to put broli's stroryline into the dbz series..it will confuse ya! :D
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Trunks02 [/i] [B]Well Vegeta would definatly train harder than Goku anytime to be the best but somehow Goku always manages to come up on top so im not really sure what do u think? [/B][/QUOTE] Well goku is the strongest for obvious reasons: 1. He's the main character. 2. He's the main good guy 3. He has more heart and fights not to prove to everone he's better but because he just luvs to fight. He does have flaws though that make him to weak: 1. He's TOO nice 2. He's gullible (see the eps. when Radditz is actually out done by Goku and Piccolo) 3. Look at number 1 Vegeta can be claimed to be stronger then him for obvoius reasons: 1. He's very confident which brings out the best of him 2. He's always somehow at par with Goku (ok he cheated to get to SSJ4) 3. He's trained before goku has ever trained. 4. He also luvs to fight. Vegeta also has flaws: 1. He's TOO proud. 2. He doesn't fight with his heart but not like Goku 3. He's not the main character.(sucks doesn't it, vegeta fans)
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinji v2.0 [/i] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Now, I don't expect many of your DBZ fanboys to have seen this "movie", but if anyone has, I reccomend you download the song Komm, Susser Tod...It's German for Come, Sweet Death. Remember in EoE, when everybody starts dying, and that song comes on (tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down)? God that's the freakiest **** EVER. When you listen to it, all you can see is people getting shot. Or maybe it's just me. ;D Peace, Shinji (^_^)/[/COLOR][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] NAw, dude...it isn't just ya....I know the song you're talking about...it's creepy as hell! It sends shivers down my spine. So that's the name of that song...thanks..but I see if I can download it.
  21. I seen everything!!!!! That is one of the best animes I've seen...IT ROCKS!!!!!!!! *imagines someone watching the end of evangelion while smoking crack* DANG! :D
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Saiya-jin [/i] [B] Gohan is a cutie, but there's something about the Vegeta clan....***evil grin comes on face***... [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah...the bad-boy-that-takes-no-crap-from-anyone attitude. :D
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