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Everything posted by ~Mystical Pan~
RPG The Chosen RPG (Yeah yeah...sucky title, eh?)
~Mystical Pan~ replied to ~Mystical Pan~'s topic in Theater
[i]*Irritation clouded Ambika?s eyes for a second, however, she knew how to handle this situation well. These humans were pathetic enough to ally themselves with anyone that was against Danormris, not caring what their true motives were, nor, expecting how destructive they could be.*[/i] [b]Ambika:[/b] ?Enemies of Danormris. Let us pass or we'll let him have you.? [I]*At her subtle threat, the guards practically jumped backwards. Her eyes burrowed into the guards, which made them shrink, back more. Nepenthe was not the only one that can see through people, Ambika could also, but not to the extent her companion could. She could only see though certain levels of the person?s psyche. Ambika did not mind, for it was to her advantage not to get too close to anyone?s feelings. She began walking forward, giving the guards a slight nod that told them they had made a wise decision*[/I] OOC: Oh fudge! >< I didn't see James's new post. I'm at school and the bell rang...I'll edit this later if it still doesn't fit. >< Sorry people. -
RPG The Chosen RPG (Yeah yeah...sucky title, eh?)
~Mystical Pan~ replied to ~Mystical Pan~'s topic in Theater
[i]*Making a quick jerk with her head, Ambika could only glare at Nepenthe for she did not waste her words with her. Nepenthe knew very well that Ambika was irritated at the information she had just shared and for a split second, Nepenthe saw something no one else had seen, her anger. Even though, it was only a fragment of what anyone had seen, her companion was a bit taken back, but not frightened. Nepenthe was not the typed to be frightened, but what she had seen in Ambika?s eyes, made her wary of her. Ambika saw a small smile from Nepenthe, a smile that seemed to say she had found yet another thing that made Ambika tick. However, there was no real NOT to share it since Ambika never once stated she was in it to save the weak pathetic humans. That was far from her mind, though those sweet, delectable souls were going to a rather bad waste by having them destroyed. After what seemed an eternity, Ambika spoke.*[/i] [b]Ambika:[/b] ?Nepenthe, I?m not telling you any secrets anymore.? [i]*The hint of amusement was in Ambika?s voice and it was picked up easily by Nepenthe. In spite of this, Ambika?s severe tone returned once more.*[/i] [b]Ambika:[/b] ?I rather keep our reasons of destroying Danormris to myself, Nepenthe. However, if you feel a need to tell them, then do so. But, I think it?s rather obvious I?m not in it to save this insignificant world. -
RPG The Chosen RPG (Yeah yeah...sucky title, eh?)
~Mystical Pan~ replied to ~Mystical Pan~'s topic in Theater
[i]*Ambika?s eyes swept up and down Aidan as Nepenthe had shook his hand. Ambika twitched slightly at the sight of them shaking hands. She did not know Aidan or Jedah and this sudden meeting of strangers was keeping her from putting her guard down. Instead, it only amplified her paranoia of having traitors among her. Running her hand through her black, silk-like hair, she turned to Nepenthe as she addressed her.*[/i] [b]Ambika:[/b] ?We must continue our journey?but not until the two newly forming spawns of Danormris have been destroyed which isn?t hard. The monster has gained much ground since it?s seeding?we will need to find the closest village in the north?it will be heading to Adesto, its master.? -
RPG The Chosen RPG (Yeah yeah...sucky title, eh?)
~Mystical Pan~ replied to ~Mystical Pan~'s topic in Theater
OOC: Yeah?I know?*hangs head* ----------------------------------------------------------- [i]*As she raised herself from the ground to the level of both warriors, the corners of Ambika?s mouth lifted into a sardonic smile and she turned to Nepenthe. Raising her right eyebrow making it obvious to her what she thought of this newfound ally, even if he would be temporarily. Ambika could not refrain from contemplating his actual allegiance, if he truly wished to assist them. Nepenthe seemed to sense this within her, as she did with most things. Maybe that?s why Ambika always kept her guard up around Nepenthe?she seemed to sense all, however, for the same reason Ambika was not reluctant having someone like her around. She did not need words to express her concerns for her companion seemed to become aware of them instantly. It was a rather peculiar situation for her, but Ambika was growing accustomed to it seeing as Nepenthe let her have her privacy and not pry where she need not be prying. Tilting her head toward the right, Ambika questioned Jedah in a voice only above a whisper.*[/i] [b]Ambika:[/b] ?How do we know for sure you aren?t aligned with him in some way or the other? As far as I know, you have given no real reason for us to let you even near us.? [i]*Suddenly, a voice in her head began to drum itself into her thoughts. A voice Ambika always kept at bay?it was always treacherous...always needing to feed.*[/i] (Be careful?he can be rather tricky if I do say so myself. He would make a rather tasteful collection, wouldn?t you say?) (Silence. I need not your opinion.) [i]*The voice inside seemed to chuck in a childish manner, it?s voice resembled one, but the undertone was that of a demons.*[/i] (The hunger will return, child.) (You would like that, wouldn?t you? I rather rot in Adesto?s arms.) (Last time I recalled?you did.) (Damn you! Let me be?be gone with you!) [i]*With her last thoughts screaming in her head, Ambika seemed to banish the voice, even for awhile. However, her outward appearance did not betrayed the inner battle within her.*[/i] -
RPG The Chosen RPG (Yeah yeah...sucky title, eh?)
~Mystical Pan~ replied to ~Mystical Pan~'s topic in Theater
Nefertimon, you completely ignored Jedah's post....either you edit your post or you may want to seriously re-think of continuing this RP. I don't want to seem harsh, but you need to think through your posts dear. -
RPG The Chosen RPG (Yeah yeah...sucky title, eh?)
~Mystical Pan~ replied to ~Mystical Pan~'s topic in Theater
OOC: I'd hate t break it to you, but Danormris is a monster...very animal like...he can't talk and if he could, he wouldn't say anything. Also, he wouldn't spare anyone because his only existence is to detroy the souls of all living beings. Oo *is going to post her next post when she gets back* My mom wants me to have a life...oO I think for now, we should ignore that second post you made Nefertimon because it doesn't quite make any sense after what Raiha had posted. Unless, you decide to quit this RPG. -
RPG The Chosen RPG (Yeah yeah...sucky title, eh?)
~Mystical Pan~ replied to ~Mystical Pan~'s topic in Theater
OOC: *agrees with Solo Tremaine* Raiha would want to introdue her own character. You may want to change your post so it doesn't have Nepenthe...and you don't have to be so quick in meeting Ambika. You may want to develop your character a bit more before meeting Nepenthe and Ambika. -
Sign Up [G] The Chosen; (Also a RPG; Not only sparring)
~Mystical Pan~ replied to ~Mystical Pan~'s topic in Theater
Look, I said TWICE, in my previous posts that you were suppose to post along with your try-out post what position you were aiming for. You didn't. James did. I'm not sure if Fidelity/Earth would fit your character either. -
[i]*Falling to her knees, the elderly woman wept for her two sons as three men shoveled dry dirt on top of the beaten corpses of the young lads. The dirt slowly began to cover the tattered clothing and the dry blood on them as the men continued to do their work. Other villagers were gathered around weeping for the deaths of ones so young. All of them had been searching in group for the boys of 12 and 16 but were not able to find them for days. Now, along the banks of a calm river, the bodies were found with most of their bones broken. The villain that had committed this vile act was already known; it was but a mere fact. Everyone knew of that fact when their eyes lay upon the gashes along their backs. Everyone knew who it was?for it had been plaguing their world for a long time.* *Danormris?the name every child was forbidden to hear?the name no adults would mention in public?the name Ambika sought after to completely destroy. Standing within the edge of the woods and completely covered from sight of the people at the burial, Ambika grimace as her eyes grazed the surrounding. She had been late and it was all her fault. Danormris had moved rather fast, more than usual and Ambika had lost it momentarily. She could have prevented this from happening, from having yet another soul destroyed. Not that she cared, but souls that were being destroyed was not a matter she liked having around, especially when the souls were destroyed and demons were transpiring in their place. She would not have minded had these beings not been like Danormris, but they were almost the exact replica?almost.* *Stepping away from the too familiar scene, she turned and leaned on the tree she had been next to. Slowly, she brought her right hand up to her face and began to caress her lower lip with her index finger, a habit she displayed only when thinking. She began to contemplate on her options.*[/i] (I wonder if I should stay and wait till it?s spawn is born or go and track it down??if I let stay and destroy, I?ll lose precious time. But, if I don?t destroy it, it?ll attack more people and multiply fast?but so will its father. DAMN!) ?Adesto,? she spoke softly to herself, ?what are you trying to prove, you pathetic fool?? [i]*Suddenly, remembering about her companion, she pushed of the tree and scanned the forest. Her cold dark eyes suddenly grimaced along with the rest of her face. Crossing her arms in front of her stomach, she sighed and shook her head.*[/i] ?Where is Nepenthe?? [i]she seemed to ask the forest,[/i] ?I better find her soon.? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OOC: Currently, the only one Ambika knows is Nepenthe. The rest of you have to meet and introduce yourselves. Also, in this way, you have more freedom by how your characters are gonna meet and what they were doing before. ^^ Also, I apologize if thise intro sucks. This IS my first own RPG. ^^
Sign Up [G] The Chosen; (Also a RPG; Not only sparring)
~Mystical Pan~ replied to ~Mystical Pan~'s topic in Theater
Glad to see you joined us, James. ^^ You're in. ^^ Now to post the RPG......lol -
Sign Up [G] The Chosen; (Also a RPG; Not only sparring)
~Mystical Pan~ replied to ~Mystical Pan~'s topic in Theater
Ok...I wasn't able to get on the comp whatsoever yesterday....and today...well, I'm only suppose to be checking my email. I am TERRIBLY SORRY for the delay. I'll try to hae it posted tomorrow. It'll be up some time after 5 pm Pacific since I have to be at school from 8 am to 5 pm at school working one this robot for a competition my school is going to be in. OO So yeah....I really am sorry...I really want to get this started and just.RP. ^^ (And spar a bit here and there as a guild. ^^) -
Sign Up [G] The Chosen; (Also a RPG; Not only sparring)
~Mystical Pan~ replied to ~Mystical Pan~'s topic in Theater
What exactly do you mean when you say you're a bit stuck with your character's history, Solo? Maybe...some more ideas will come to you when we start of the RPG. ^^ I agree with Raiha. ^^ Since I'm planning on our characters to be meeting in the RPG....if 2 other people join later...they wouldn't be that far behind. oo *can't wait to see Raiha's ideas* ^^ I'll start when I get back home...since i"m at school and the bell is about to ring. This is the only time I'm allowed on the comp during school.-_-; -
Sign Up [G] The Chosen; (Also a RPG; Not only sparring)
~Mystical Pan~ replied to ~Mystical Pan~'s topic in Theater
I apologize for the delay...school has hit me hard and I got nastily sick. >< lol Nefertimon, you're in..I'm assuming you're applying for Apprentice? And Solo is correct, I'm planning on starting once I have all the positions filled. I may be able to start the RPG with 2 positions open and maybe other people will join ....but I'm not sure....that means they would be behind. What do the rest of you think? Shall we begin rping? Or wait till the rest of the positions are filled? I can go either way, but I would like your inputs too. ^^ -
Sign Up [G] The Chosen; (Also a RPG; Not only sparring)
~Mystical Pan~ replied to ~Mystical Pan~'s topic in Theater
While your bio looks good, Nefertimon, your try-out post isn't. oO No offense but I'm looking for try-out spars like Raiha, Juuthena, Solo Tremaine, Jedah, and Valick have done. Your post is lacking detail and there's too much conversation going on. If you think you can spar like that (doesn't have to be as detailed), then do another try-out spar similar to theirs, but give it your style. It doesn't have to be as long as some of theirs, but I have to know you can do what I'm looking for in people that are in this guild (writing detailed, creative, and original posts). -
Sign Up [G] The Chosen; (Also a RPG; Not only sparring)
~Mystical Pan~ replied to ~Mystical Pan~'s topic in Theater
Thanks Bazlik ^^ *hopes more epopel try out for the remaining positions* ^_____^ -
Sign Up [G] The Chosen; (Also a RPG; Not only sparring)
~Mystical Pan~ replied to ~Mystical Pan~'s topic in Theater
Well, Nefertimon, anyone can make a character with too many special powers. However, it will be to no use if you are not able to RP/Spar well. I believe that in sparring and rping...you are powerful by how well your posts are well written. They must be creative and nicely detailed. Also, one must remember NO character is all-powerful. There are always weaknesses. One of the things I love about sparring is that you may be an out-powered character, but if you actually use stragety (and a bit of your imagination), you may actually win your more powerful foe. ^^ Also, Nefertimon, don't forget which position you are applying for. -
Sign Up [G] The Chosen; (Also a RPG; Not only sparring)
~Mystical Pan~ replied to ~Mystical Pan~'s topic in Theater
*nods* You're in, Valick. I was about to say you weren't going to join. ^^ I'll need your bio, so post it in here when you're ready. Only 4 more positions to go, I believe. -
Sign Up [G] The Chosen; (Also a RPG; Not only sparring)
~Mystical Pan~ replied to ~Mystical Pan~'s topic in Theater
Impressive, Jedah. Though, I am a bit disappointed at the fact you went after apprentice. However, you are in. ^^ If you're done with your Bio, I'll save it and then upload on a later date. ^^ -
Sign Up [G] The Chosen; (Also a RPG; Not only sparring)
~Mystical Pan~ replied to ~Mystical Pan~'s topic in Theater
For those already in the guild, if those are you're finalized bios, then I'm going to save them and then upload them into a site I'm creating for the guild. I'll post the url to the site once it's done and I've gotten all the positions filled. ^^ -
Sign Up [G] The Chosen; (Also a RPG; Not only sparring)
~Mystical Pan~ replied to ~Mystical Pan~'s topic in Theater
*blinks* Whoa to both of ya spars! ^^ Juuthena, while your try-out spar was shorter than Solo, your style of writing captured my attention. ^^ Solo, your detail in your spar was awesome. It captured my attention as well. *does a lil dance* This guild shall so rock. ^^ You're both in. :) -
Sign Up [G] The Chosen; (Also a RPG; Not only sparring)
~Mystical Pan~ replied to ~Mystical Pan~'s topic in Theater
*nods* I understand completely about not being able to completely devote all my time to soemthing online. It is hard. Don't worry, if anyone else tries out for the spot you're aiming for, I'll wait for your try-out spar and compare both to see who qualifies more. :) For those who are in and who want to be, I know at times it's impossible to devote ALL your time. We all have lives and other things that come before this, so don't feel as if you're going to loae your spot for not being able to be active for a bit. Just let me know. However, if you're going to be gone for more than 2 weeks without letting anyone know what's happening, then don't think of trying out for this. :) -
Sign Up [G] The Chosen; (Also a RPG; Not only sparring)
~Mystical Pan~ replied to ~Mystical Pan~'s topic in Theater
*nods* Ok...you might be right. oO Ok...as long as they put their try-out spar too. lol I won't foce someone to draw their own character. lol *looks at image* I like it. OO She looks deadly ^^ -
Sign Up [G] The Chosen; (Also a RPG; Not only sparring)
~Mystical Pan~ replied to ~Mystical Pan~'s topic in Theater
*nods* The spar was well written, probably only one mispelling error. Not to detailed, yet, not vague. Enough for the mind to know what's going on, but enough for the imagination to roam. When I read it I could see the the fight in my head. I always like reading posts like that....especially since you can say I'm a child at heart and loving fighting scenes. ^^ You're in. Also, I don't mind your character's appearance based off an anime, since it's only physical looks. Though I do encourage drawing your own if you like. (I suck at drawing but how I wish I could draaaw my character. lol) Just as long as you make it your character original. ^^ *waits for Valick* Ack, I think I did write my info wrong if people keep posting the bio first. lol First, I'd like the try-out spar. Once you're in, you can make the bio. I just want to see your skill/ability. And remember to include the position you want to be in when you post you're try-out spar. -
Sign Up [G] The Chosen; (Also a RPG; Not only sparring)
~Mystical Pan~ replied to ~Mystical Pan~'s topic in Theater
Ok, I think I was unclear in my info. For now, all I need is a exmaple of your sparring. To see where you're at...and all. I rather have your average than your best because for the most part, people don't always do their best. lol The try-out spar is to see if you "qualify" and you also need to state which position you are going for. Valick, I will wait for your try-out spar. Raiha, you have to make your try-out spar too. However, from the looks of your biography, it looks like you understand what I mean. :) (You might want to take out that transformation. ~.^) If any of you need any assistance or having any questions, post them here or PM me. -
[FONT=arial][b]Guild History/Background:[/b] ~With a new evil force emerging from the destruction Ambika reaped, the young, yet, experienced warrior sought after the power that would bring about the demise of the evil monster, Danormris. Down the path of desperation, the lone warrior sought for the means to end the reign of the being as she remained battling it.~ ~While the people rejoiced that Ambika, a warrior once longed fear for her venomous assaults on those she fed on, had seemed to change from the evil vindictive warrior to a being with an actual soul. However, the truth could not be any farther for Ambika could care less for the beings she was ?saving?, for now. Unlike the rest of the living beings, the dark warrior knew that Danormris inflicted a fate much worse than death upon its victims.~ ~Through certain methods that have not been revealed to Ambika, the sinister monster leaves a black seed inside of the corpse of its prey which in turn feeds upon the soul. The seed grows inside the corpse which by now would be buried deep within the ground. Once the seed has developed, it will eat its way out if the corpse hasn?t decayed enough and will spread its own seeds into its victim and transforms countless souls like it. However, unlike the Danormris, it can be killed by conventional means.~ ~Now the planet of Bel-sayiss is being swallowed up by the monsters and Ambika knows she cannot completely destroy all the twisted souls if she cannot kill Danormris?, the king of them all. After much debating with herself, Ambika goes in search of nine warriors. Five of those warriors (excluding Ambika) must be the strong enough to obtain, protect, and use a sacred stone each. The remaining four must possess powerful, strong-willed souls that will be able hold down the pillars of the heaven and hell while the other warriors use their magical stones simultaneously. Only then can they obtain and wield the ultimate power to destroy Danormris. If they cannot accomplish this, then all living beings will be destroyed and their souls slaves to Danormris.~ The magical stones and their possessor are as followed: Opal - Overseer of the Psyche Sapphire - Overseer of Reality Topaz - Overseer of Chaos Aquamarine - Overseer of Animus Peridot - Overseer of Manipulation Amethyst - Overseer of Fidelity [b]+[/b] When I decide to begin the RPG for this guild (depending how soon the members of this guild want to begin the RPG or they rather spar a bit more), I may need other characters in this RPG. [b]+[/b] I plan on developing several plot twists to this RPG. The members of this guild may do so if they want to. The more creativity everyone contributes the better. The more individuality put into each character the more interesting. [b]Purpose:[/b] (For sparring not for role playing) Once in this guild, I will make it my mission to increase your sparring ability to its full potential. I might even give you assignment if believe you ca do better. "Sparring is not a game but an art, mastered by those who use it to its full potential." [b]Title/Position - Element: [/b] (Based on sparring ability, element, etc) 1. Overseer of the Psyche - Dark: [i][b]Ambika[/b][/i] 2. Overseer of Reality - Light: [i][b]James Gabriel[/b][/i] 3. Overseer of Chaos - Fire: [i][b]Juuthena[/b][/i] 4. Overseer of Animus - Water: [i][b]Raiha[/b][/i] 5. Overseer of Manipulation - Wind: [i][b]Solo Tremaine[/b][/i] 6. Overseer of Fidelity - Earth: [i][b]Open[/b][/i] 7. Apprentice of the Elements - Neutral/No Element: [i][b]Jedah[/b][/i] 8. Apprentice of the Elements - Neutral/No Element: [i][b]Open[/b][/i] 9. Apprentice of the Elements - Neutral/No Element: [i][b]Open[/b][/i] 10. Apprentice of the Elements - Neutral/No Element: [i][b]Open[/b][/i] [b]+ [/b] Those applying for an Overseer title MUST have experience and be a rather good sparer. [b]+ [/b] Those applying for one of the Apprentice positions do not need much experience. These positions were made to train new/novice/intermediate sparers. [b]+ [/b] Please take note that each member specializes in one element, but it does not limit them to that element only. They may use other elements but they will not be as strong as ?their? element. For example, my character?s element is dark, however, she has the ability to manipulate water (but it won?t be strong as her dark-based attacks). [b]+ [/b] Each member of the guild will have a title that associates with their element. [b]Requirements to try out or join: [/b] [b]+ [/b] You [b]must post a sparring post[/b] reflecting their own skill (Post what you would NORMALLY post. Do not attempt to post a spar that you worked hard on if you?re not going to put that exact effort into a regular spar. ) [b]+ [/b] When posting your sparring tryout, make sure your character resembles the outline of the position/rank you are trying out for and you [b]MUST[/b] specify which position/rank you are going for. [b]+ [/b] Must be willing to participate in an actual RPG in the Adventure Arena as well as spars in the Battle Arena. I am planning to bring about an RPG that will relate to the purpose of this Guild. [b]+ [/b] If you do not have any sparring character but would still like to try out, then do a sparring post as anyone. (However, be ORIGINAL and CREATIVE.) [b]+ [/b] Keep in mind that your warrior has to be compatible with their title/element. For example, if your warrior is someone nice and general gentle, do not apply for the Overseer of Animus since animus means deep-resentment and hostility. You might want to apply for the Overseer of Fidelity. However, this is not a requirement, just a suggestion. Note: For those applying for Apprentice, do not worry about your character clashing with its title / element. [b]Upon Acceptance: [/b] [b]+ [/b] Each guild member must complete a sparring biography, if they have not already. [b]+ [/b] For those accepted guild members that have sparring biographies, they must have it approved by the guild leader. You better make sure it?s original and creative. I am not asking much, however, I do not want any characters based on any anime/game. Other than that, I do not have any requirement that your character has to be a certain way. [b]Other: [/b] [b]+ [/b] Limit of this guild is 10 members. I may decide to add more since the maximum is 15. [b]+ [/b] I have the right to drop any member from my guild if they are inactive or harming the guild in any shape or form. [b]+ [/b] Whenever a member has left or dropped, I will hold a tryout for their spot. [b]+ [/b] Do NOT ask to be in the guild at any other time except when I?m holding tryouts. If you do, forget about joining. (Even, if you?re my friend. I refuse to be biased. >