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~Mystical Pan~

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Everything posted by ~Mystical Pan~

  1. Well, in my school, anime is just awesome. But if you don't like it, then you don't shoot people down for it. I have friends who are HUGE animes fans and let's say that they could probably beat up just about anyone with their size. lol Lots of the younger kids have DBZ pics and stuff in their folders. Then the students around my age have folders upon folders, just filled with awesome anime pics they've printed off the net. :D I guess I'm lucky living where I am. I don't think I'd be able to go to a school where people make fun of what you watch. I mean at first they pick on you because the way you dress, look, act, but WHAT YOU WATCH?! lol I find that so dumb of people. I say, just ignore those people. Would I do that? Porbably not. lol
  2. Neon Genesis Evangelion, Macross (lots of it please! but only of the first and third movie. :D), and Princess Mononoke. :D
  3. I say yeah! Though, the problem is some members are pretty young and they wouldn't really know how to distinguish pornography and images of yaoi/yuri and neither would their parents. Their might be some kind of warning before entering those forums, so one of the staff and stuff gets blamed for images of yaoi/yuri. Also, there is that point which Shyguy brings up. ><
  4. Well, I want to join this...seems very cool, however, I know VERY lil of Star Wars...>< lol So, help me out here Name: Ambika Age: 19 Race: Syth Height: 5'9 Bio: Ambika was raised all her life with one simple fact: To destroy all Jedis to control the whole universe. However, this fact was fueled by more hatred when both her parents were slaughtered in an attack which she believed was instigated by Jedis. To this day, she does not know who killed them, so to make sure she avenges her parents, she has made it her life to destroy them all until not one of them survives. Her fighting abilities are unmatched and she wields her lightsaber unlike any other Syth has before, especially for her age. She is the youngest known Syth to become a Syth Lord. However, her indifference towards the other Lords and her outspoken nature alienates from the rest, though, she can care less if they alienate her since they need her battling abilities. Weapon: A dual black lightsaber with a shimmering black handle. However she tends to use a staff she carries around. The staff is produced from a special kind of reinforced metal which manages to make it indestructible. She also carries small sharp daggers which she conceals till the last moment in battle when she hurls them at her opponents. Description: She?s always in a dark color, mostly black. She wears a long, black dress which has two long slits coming up to her thighs that allows her to fight with much ease. She wears black cloak. Most of the time, she has her hood on. Personality: Ambika is indifferent towards everyone and everything. She?s quick to fight and loves to say her two-bits whenever she wants. She?s secretive, impassive, and spontaneous. It is rare when she shows any kind of emotions or facial expressions and predicting her next move is practically impossible. Even though, many consider her an untruthful, conniving female, she fights with honor and she?s never the one to fight cheaply, though, she tends to be a smart aleck towards her opponents. Most people who know her are either dead or children, only a few adult people have actually had the displeasure of meeting her and survive the encounter. There are times when her caring side shows, only with children, that is.
  5. Well, I love Rock, Rap, Trance, Classical, and Pop. Also, some country...lol :D
  6. KEWL!!!! THat's awesome James! HEY! THAT MEH WORD HERMAN! LOL! W00T!!!! :D
  7. These are the following people I'd LOVE to be: 1.Misato from NGE 2.Akane from Ranma 1/2 2.Rei from NGE 3.Myung from Macross Plus 4.Belldandy from Oh My Goddess Those pretty much are the females I'd love to be! :D
  8. I'm still seeing it! THough I heard the ending was...ARGH! lol So far, I think this is the most funniest anime I've seen. :D
  9. MAN!!! When I came on here...I was like..."AM I IN THE RIGHT BOARD?!" LOL! YOU GUYS ROCK! I LOVE THE COLOR SCHEME! :D
  10. I like to say it's beautifully interesting! :) You should check it out...however, if you have a weak stomach...er be careful...>< lol
  11. *sniffs* I love your movie reviews. *cries* It's ok..I respect your decision....but me loves the reviews.. :( Wish ya luck to your new journey! :)
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]Excellent effort, mate! It seems to be the start to very intense story, which can indeed be very very effective when done well. The only critique I have is that some of your words sound more like they came from a thesaurus rather than your heart...a lot of the time simple is best, and a lot less confusing to the reader ;) Do keep writing![/color] [/B][/QUOTE] whoa..thanks! :D True...I didn't want to repeat lots of words..so I went too my trustee thesaurus! lol Ok...I'll keep it more simple then. :) Thanks for your critique. :)
  13. for my sparring character Ambika. I forgot the origin of her name but it means Goddess of Destruction. It's a bit on the mature side ok and there is cussing so I apologize in advance for the cuss words. sorry.....this is the bio: [i]From the depths of the bleak abyss, she rose to claim the power that was rightfully hers. Power which held every horror, yet, delights that beheld beings in every corner of the universe. Yet, only she knew the true extent of the destruction it could cause, it was the only thing she knew how to use. Destruction. It was her being, the every essence of her soul. She knew not of innocence, love, friendship, or the value of family, for the child of destruction had been deprived of all that and much more. In spite of all this, at one point in time, she had known innocence, love, friendship, and value of family, but it was not meant to be. It was the year 3456 when the world shattered before Ambika?s very eyes. Peace was supposed to be at hand, war from everyone?s simple minds, yet, no one was safe. The city of Rimshall was a beautiful place to live in. It was also the city which held the palace of the great, peaceful nation, Anten. The sky was crystal clear as the sun shone upon the beautiful meadows which was nurtured by the fresh, clean river that formed into a beautifully pure lake after a long tiring journey through the middle of a forest that held many wonders. On the warm, sunny, spring day, the once young Ambika ran down the river to the grand lake. As she circled around the lake, she shrieked in a high pitched voice which would have shook the bravest of men. In a split of a second, a huge cavalry of men on horseback rode behind her. While they galloped behind her, they emitted an air of evil about them. Even the horses themselves did not seem as they were actual animals, they appeared to have malevolent facade. She ran into the city, screaming; her lower body was covered in blood that was none other then her own. Everyone within distance turned toward the screaming, however, before any of them could react, the men rode into the city with torches in their hands. One by one, they slaughter the citizen, burning their houses in the process. They began to rape females of all ages, later killing them once they were through with them. In a matter of mere minutes, the once beautiful, majestic city had turned into an inferno of void which was thought to exist in only nightmares. The 5 year old Ambika had run to the center of the city through different alleys so as not to get caught, frantically looking for her parents. As she spotted the great palace, hope rose in her bosom while she ran up the great stairs, yearning to be embraced in their arms. She dared not look back, afraid that the enemy might be right behind her. The young princess rushed into her parent?s room, where she halted in horror. Lying in the middle bed, her parents laid, slaughtered, covered in crimson liquid. Tears sprang from her eyes, as she beheld the nebulous scene. Suddenly, she felt an arm grab her hard by the shoulders. She was twirled around to find herself in front of one of the tyrants She tried to backed away, however, the hand kept her from moving. The fiend face was harsh which was enhanced by an ugly slash across his right cheek. All of a sudden, he picked her up, pushing her dead parent?s body aside. He threw her on top of the bed then proceeded to rid her of any innocence she had left. Year is 3470. Ambika, known as the Goddess of Destruction, was searching for the stolen relic that had once belonged to her former parents. It was the only thing left of Rimshall and the former, magnificent nation since all was destroyed afterwards. That was all anyone knew of the enchanting, yet, disdainful female which possessed powers that caused chaos where ever she went. What happened to her after the fall of Rimshall, which instigated a war greater then any war known to the universe, was not known. Some say she craves power to restore Rimshall and her formerly magnificent kingdom, something only the lost relic can do. Others say she sold her soul to the devil when she was on the brink of dying to avenge her enemies which explains her incredible powers. However, no matter what had happened, one thing was certain, she was the evil incarnate, the heart of chaos, and the destruction which was the direct result of the woeful day when all became lost in Anten, an virulent being which could not be stopped till her thirst for bloody revenge was quenched and her lost relic found.[/i] [b]This is the actual beginning of the story:[/b] [i]?NNNNNNOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!? a child screamed, horrified, from the inside of the dark room. All was dark. No light. No hope. No love. Only hate. I can?t stand it. I?m going to die. I can?t stand this loneliness. Gradually, the darkness was replaced by a crimson light of the burning blaze which was eating its way through my former home, my former life. The past became appallingly unambiguous. As I looked around the familiar place that was once my home, my gaze stopped at child of 5 years. With angry tears running down my face, I tried to go to her, to comfort her. But how can I possibly comfort myself?! Nonetheless, I had to try, for who else would? As the young girl fell to her knees, the searing flames scorched everything in its path. It was obvious she could barely stand up; she must have been too weak. The very walls of the palace crumbled slowly, the heat affected me not, for my mind was on the child who was in middle of the sickening nightmare. Nothing could damage more then the raw evil of mankind at its worse, it had scarred this child?s soul forever. Nonetheless, the smoke kept me from breathing in well, keeping me from the child who lay there on the blistering ground on her knees, struggling for the fresh air that was scarce. Her clothes torn, her face swollen from being beaten, covered in blood. As I continued to gaze, infuriatingly, the young child, looked up at her deceased parents, tears rushing down her cheeks, seemingly, not caring if the fire engulfed her in its path of destruction, barely noticing her own pain and blood. While trying to turn away from her, I found myself that I could not for the life of me, look away from the unmistakable past. Closing her eyes, she began to pound the floor with her small, fragile fists, crying hard then before as I gazed on with a longing to embrace her into my arms. Looking on, everything around her became nebulous, transforming into a pitch, dark room. The image of her mom appeared before the trembling, abandoned child, standing luminously beautiful, in all her glory. She smiled down to her, bringing hope into her heart, into mine. Then she said the only thing that mattered. ?You must live, my child. Don?t let it end like this,? her tender voice said. ?WHAT DO YOU MEAN, MOMMY?? She screamed, rancorously, standing tall as she could. Suddenly, the image of her mother, our mother, began to fade away. She became hysterical and terrified. ?NO!? She cried out, ?DON?T LEAVE ME ALONE?I CAN?T BE ALONE?I DON?T WANT TO BE ALONE?I?M SCARED!? She threw herself at her, but instead, falling right through the image, she landed hard on the ground. Gathering herself on all her knees and hands, she began to beg again to her own mother, yet, more quietly. ?I?ll do anything, mother. I?ll do whatever you say, just don?t leave me here alone. That?s all I ask. Everyone is gone now, I?m alone. I don?t know where they are. Please?I want to be with you and father! I LOVE YOU BOTH. PLEASE! LET ME BE WITH YOU TWO!? In spite of all the pleading, she disappeared completely, leaving her young daughter to face her fate by herself. To live in this malicious life with no lending hand to hold on to, I thought with intense antipathy. The small girl pushed herself off her hands while the tears rushed down once more. Then sitting on her legs, she placed her hands of her lap, staring blankly into them. ?Why couldn?t I go with you, mommy?? I asked myself, ?Am I a bad girl? I?m sorry I let that big man touch me like that. I tried to stop him?but?but...he forced me?he hurt me?I told him to stop. I cried and yelled and tried to hit him. But he kept hurting me. Why did he do it, mommy? What did I do to have him to that to me?? My anger intensified as the fire grew more fierce while I watched her place her head into her lap, sobbing harder then before; her shoulders trembled as she fought hard not to recall the thought?s of the monster?s doing. Unexpectedly I felt the heat once more. I gazed upwards yet again to find myself in the same room where the young child?s parents lay dead, blood dripping off the side of the bed and the child in the middle of the room. Out of nowhere, a huge explosion occurred; the wall to the right hurled itself at the young female; quickly as she could, she moved out of the way. Instinctively, I attempted to run to her and protect her, however, I could not move. My whole body seemed to have decided to betray me then and there. Two larger, violent blasts followed, causing the whole palace to shake uncontrollably. Unexpectedly, a loud crash transpired above her. Horror became visible as she looked up, she gasping at what I also saw. She tried to bring herself to scream as the roof came down on her. ?NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? I screamed to her, ?MOVE OUT OF THE WAY.? She brought her head up in a quick movement from her pillow into the wood frame of the bunk bed above her. ?****ING BULLSHIT! This is the last ****ing time I sleep in one of these pieces of ****!? she hissed, as she brought her right hand to nurse the throbbing pain in front of her forehead. Breathing in slowly, she wiped the cold sweat from her temple as she lay back down on the pillow that somehow seemed like a rock now. Looking up as she tried slowing her fast beating heart, she began to speak t herself. ?That dream again. ****, why won?t it go away? Damn it. It?s all in the past now. It shouldn?t matter anymore.? Shaking her head, she closed her eyes tightly, willing herself to sleep again. Yet, she could not. Instead, she sat up, making sure she did not hit herself and got off the bed. She dragged herself to the window where she could see the pitch dark night filled with bright stars. She sighed, kneading her face with her hands. She was fatigued, yet, the recurring dream would not let her rest. ?Come on. Get some ****ing sleep, you stupid ***. Tomorrow is another long day, enjoy the god damned peace.? However, she knew that wasn?t something she?d never have or want. Life would be too boring if it was too peaceful, she thought, smiling. March 03, 3470: The sun poked its face out from the western horizon towards its birthplace, the east. The sunset was a quite a sight to behold for any living creature with its amazing display of delightful colors. The wind blew just right, neither too hard, nor too softly; it was so right, it made the most evil of creatures sigh with delight. The forest below the cliff had a healthy green color to it that brought a smile to any passerby. The air was purely fresh from the forest?s aroma. One could even smell the forest?s enchanting scent from afar since it was increased by the blowing wind. Who could miss its spectacular beauty? Who could not appreciate Anten?s beautiful display of art in its nature? Who could hate something such a wonderful sight of nature? She did. It disgusted her to the point of vomiting; the whole place caused a stirring of emotions she?d rather not undergo. As she walked, arrogantly, towards the edge of the cliff, she face gave away to a scowl. The cloak swayed against the perfect breeze, making it open just a little to reveal a long, black, skin-tight dress. She brought her right hand towards her face while placing her left hand across her waist. Her left hand held her right elbow as her callous gaze crossed against the lovely scenery which held no interest to her, only pure, unmistakable hatred. Slowly, the long, black sleeve glided down her right arm till her elbow. The visible wrist, which had been concealed at first, had a black bracelet wrapped around it that extended toward her middle finger whereupon it enfolded it as if it were a ring. Gradually, a light blue mist formed at her feet which began to raise itself then raise itself in a circular movement. She raised her right arm above her head with her palm held toward the sky. As the light blue mist elevated around her, it grew more dense and defined as it reached her open right hand. The dense mist gathered into her hand and changed into a spear shaped object. In an instant, the object transformed into lance made out of fire, its flames searing. With her left arm still positioned around her waist, she took her right arm, brought it down to her side while holding the fire lance palm down, then carried it over to her left side, and hurled it at the forest, down below. Instantaneously, the forest grew into a hellhole which there was no escape from. Smirking viciously, she turned on her heels, walking from the fiery hell she had fashioned within a few seconds, using a small fraction of her power. [/i] Please rate it..critisize it..ya know...I need some input, thank you. :)
  14. Well, I've seen a few eps..I think it's kewl. I let my brother see it...but then again..he forces me to let him..lol He's the same age as your brother. I'm not sure..it depends on how strict your parents are I guess...
  15. whoa..that is bad....can't the new president tell him to go away? lol How about renting animes? and everyone votes for which anime they see...
  16. LMAO! GO ADAM! That's got to be the funniest I've seen today. :D though, I'm curious..I wonder who writer of the email is....
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by panther3751 [/i] [B]everyone, unfortunatly, makes fun of sm. :cross: [/B][/QUOTE] yeah I know...hahahahahaha oh well..ya can't help it...I like the manga though...not so much the anime...:)
  18. I'll have to say subbed...I like the original voices and all. :) WHen the animes get dubbed....they're storyline is sometimes changed around..the wording of the dialogue at times....:)
  19. I'm using the default..it looks better with the new buttons and all :)that and I like black.:D
  20. Well, I don't know about that, panther3751. See, here's a quick explanation one of my friends gave me: Bishounen... = Boy .... Bishoujo.... = Girl .... Guy Vs. Girls... ...Bishounen is suppose to appeal towards Guys... like DBZ and Ninja Scroll and usually have a lot of fighting and guy characters... ....Bishoujo is more towards girls....like Sailor Moon and Fushiji Yuugi etc and usually have romace, cute guys, etc... HOWEVER, it doesn't always follow that. There are many ways to divide up animes like my friend once explained to me: There are 6 basic Geners: Action --Self explanitory. (ex. DBZ, Ninja Scroll, etc) Romance --Self explanitory. (ex. Aa, Megami-sama, etc.) Comedy --Self explainitory. (ex. Tenchi Muuyo, Dragon Half, etc.) Fantasy --Dragons, castles, elves, etc. (ex. Those Who Hunt Elves, Records of Loddess Wars, etc.) Sci-fi --Robots, futuristic, aliens, other worlds, etc. (ex. Dual PTA, Gundam, etc.) Occult --Horror, gothic, supernatural, etc. (etc. Vampire Hunter D, X, etc.) Hentai --Nudity, erotic, etc. (etc. Sakura Diaries, Cool Devices, etc.) Lots of animes can fit into more than one Gener but they're usually put under the one they fit in best like Tenchi Muuyo. TM is a Comedy anime but it can also be a Romance anime b/c of the love-triangles. ^^;; Then there's SUB-Geners. Here's a few (but NOT all ^^;; ): Bishounen --Usually are Action animes b/c they're geard towards a guy audiance (but they aren't just for guys!!). They also usually have a lot of Boy main characters. Bishoujo --Usually are Romance animes b/c they're geard towards girl audiances (but aren't only for girls!!). They tend to have girl main characters. Yaoi --...if you don't know what yaoi you probably won't want to know... ^^;; Yuri --Same as above.. ^^;; Love-Triangle --When more than one character (guy or girl) is in love with the main character. Mecha --"Robot" animes. They're usually Sci-fi animes and often take place in the far future. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another mb member I know also explained it like this: Shounen ========= - Fighting/getting stronger is the main focus of the story (ex. DBZ, Flame of Recca) - Large mechanical things (giant robots, space ships, etc.) play an integral part of the story (ex. Gundam, Evangelion, Outlaw Star) - Female characters greatly outnumber male characters (ex. Tenchi Muyo, Love Hina, Ah! Megami-sama) - There is at least one fan-service girl (ex. Fuuko in Flame of Recca) - Setting is highly futuristic (ex. Outlaw Star, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop) - Setting is historical (ex. Rurouni Kenshin, Inuyasha) Shoujo ========= - Two words: magical girl (ex. SailorMoon, Nurse Angel Ririka, Rainbow Brite) - Large numbers of bishounen/biseinen characters (ex. Fushigi Yuugi, Pretear) - High focus on relationships (ex. Fruits Basket, Angelique, Fushigi Yuugi) - Characters appear to be very fashion conscious, although it may be odd fashion (ex. Kodomo no Omocha, Ayashi no Ceres) It should be noted that these are very partial lists, and they are in no way meant to be inclusive or complete. Just because a series is shoujo or shounen doesn't mean that boys and girls can't enjoy both of them. Quite the opposite, in fact. It is more of an indication of what the target audience was intended to be. There are some series which don't really fall in either of the uber-genres, or that fall into both (ex. Pokemon, Tenkuu no Escaflowne). Tenkuu no Escaflowne actually has two different versions of the manga, one shounen and one shoujo. In the listing of "basic genres" I noticed that fantasy was not included, so I'd like to add it. Examples of series in this genre include Record of Lodoss War and Slayers. ------------------------------------------------ As you see...it's about the same...but they're different...it depends on how the fans look at their animes. Hopefully, that helped those who didn't know anything about this...it helped me when they explained it. :D
  21. [b]Best Anime:[/b] Evangelion [b]Second Best:[/b] Kenshin [b]Third Best:[/b] Trigun [b]Best Quote:[/b] sorry, don't have one..lol [b]Best Male Anime Character:[/b] Damn, that's hard. I'd go with Shinji though...but there's also Kenshin...and Kaworu...and Vash...and Trunks...and...*keeps muttering all these names* [b]Best Female Anime Character:[/b] It's a tie betweem Rei and Misato. [b]Best Plot in an Anime:[/b] Evangelion so far..but I'm still seeing Kenshin..so......lol [b]Best Anime when it's DUBBED:[/b] No anime is great when dubbed. They always take some of the best scenes out, not all the time I think...hopefully. lol But, if I had to choose..er...DBZ??? lol [b]Best Anime when it's SUBBED:[/b] er...I watched NGE subbed..except for one video which was dubbed..lol I gott o agree with Sephiroth...ALL animes..or else I would have never been able to udnerstand anything! lol
  22. oh....I think I see....I always thought...that the instrumentality project was for ALL humans to become ALL like gods...but in doing so...they all have to combine into one....I understand the AT Field perfectly. hhhhmm..thanks Sephiroth. It's more clearer to me now.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] No one knows ::goes off to kiss Shinji and Kaoru:: [/B][/QUOTE] *gets jealous but remembers she can still kiss Kenshin* :D hey what other animes does everyone else like? and does everyone know what Bishounen and Bishoujo mean?
  24. *smiles at TN* What would we do without ya...lol YEAH! CUTE BOYS! Though...they come out in both types of animes....hehehehe...well..not all the time sadly..lol
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