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~Mystical Pan~

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Everything posted by ~Mystical Pan~

  1. hehe..same here! though....I dunno where NGE would be put in..I think Bishounen..since it is...more like it...not much romance..though there is romance..it isn't a huge thing...
  2. I can see it on top of the board. :) It looks nice. :)
  3. I tend to lean toward Bishounen animes...though I prefer both of them either way. :) Which do you prefer??? :)
  4. Well, personally, it seems that way since digimon and pokemon are one of the most popular animes here in the US. However, most animes aren't like that.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]yes ninja resurrection does have a character called jubei, because it has the same damn story, it even has the 8 devils of kimone, it isn't as good as n scroll though, not worth buying.... [/B][/QUOTE] hhhmmmmm...not good? then maybe that's why i haven't heard of it..but then again..so many animes that are kewl that I haven't heard of...
  6. Well, i'm not sure, though, I can see how it can be. I'm a tad curious myself if it is some kind of sequel. :) Anyone know the answer? *goes off to find the answer off the net*
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Blanko_el-miez [/i] [B]this my not even fit in to your cattagories but SHAPESHIFTER i would love to be able to change to different things like a dragon and other things cause i cant choose just one so i can be all of them by being a shapeshifter [/B][/QUOTE I got to agree with you..shpaeshifter...actually..for my sparring character....well the new one I'm coming up with..she's like a super being..I should post it up here...hehehe :D]
  8. lmao..Cibo..i dind't quite catch that since I scan through the replies...gumball! lol :D So, no one knows what Mon Mon is? hhhmm...strange..lol
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rick Hunter [/i] [B]Evangelion really was a sad anime, the movie also has a very sad ending if you can understand it. Yes you really don't even have to ask this I will be puting up a review on the End of Evangelion movie soon. [/B][/QUOTE] I was secretly hoping ya would do that one too! :D Well, I truly don't understand the ending..I do..but not in depth..just the some of it...it's quite complicated..lol
  10. Well, my fav are the outer senshi..Saturn, Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus...in that order. :)
  11. I'd be all for an absolute Macross section! :D I've only seen the movies and stuff and i"d love to learn more about that anime. I, also, think it would help lots of people who might not know anything on Macross, the section would open them to a great anime. :)
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by OutlawDragon [/i] [B]I've heard of those. Not so much about Mon-Mon. I heard Mon-Mon was ok. :smoke: [/B][/QUOTE] but what is it about???? Mon mon..the name sounds cute..lol :D
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by OutlawDragon [/i] [B] Ditto. I've seen a few eps. Not the greatest anime, but not so bad. :smoke: [/B][/QUOTE] true..but I admit liking the romance in this anime. :)
  14. I haven't seen all of escaflowne..bt from what I've seen..I like the anime. :D
  15. well I love different kinds of anime...since I have an open mind..lol :D I look at Shounen & Shoujo animes..:)
  16. I agree with Rick here...Macross Plus does have a sad ending...:( Though, I haven't really seen many animes with sad endings...though Evangelion has a sad ending...though...I haven't seen any anime which has made me cry... PS: Can't wiat to see the new review on the director's cut! :D
  17. I'm going to agree with the rest of the people here. :) That drawing is very good. :)
  18. Same here..I've heard og Bubblegum Crisis and Macross...but not Mon Mon. :) What is Mon Mon about???
  19. REALLY?! *gives him millions of cookies and hugs* I so agree with your review on Macross!!!!!!!! That's got to be my fav anime movie!!!!!!!! :D
  20. well, I heard it's great! :) I was about to buy it..but when I when back to the store..they sold it already..:(
  21. REALLY?! ME GONNA GO CHECK THAT OUT! :D I think anime movies rock..well..some of them..lol :D
  22. I'm gonna have to say Neon Genesis Evangelions people...lol I think it's the most unique endings I've seen. :) It's not one of those happily-ever-after kind of endings. :) I wish I could see Lain though...damn..need money! lol :D
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by deadgoddess [/i] [B] i like rei... [/B][/QUOTE] YUP! same here too. :) Rei and Misato rock..those are my fav females in NGE. :D
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]Well I think you have to pay for messageboard designing software..... Go to [url]www.ikonboard.com,[/url] if you want to pay for a designing program..... Or you can go to [url]www.proboards.com[/url] to make a messageboard for free. You can change a design around a bit..... :) [/B][/QUOTE] actually..Ikonboard is free. :) You'll need a host though...netfirms is actually good. :) but yeah..wehn you get bigger..you might want to get a Vbb or Ubb..which ever you prefer...and you'll need a host..and...lots of money..lol :)
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by OutlawDragon [/i] [B]Well I would guess that Akira would be the greatest ever. But for right now, def. not Pokemon or Gundam, that was a few years ago. I couldn't tell you. Transtic might know. Might. :smoke: [/B][/QUOTE] very true....i doubt it's those animes....but your'e right..TN might know....
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