Trigun 11
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Everything posted by Trigun 11
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkRed"]Suspicious package in front of my dorm building's door, bomb threat called. Had to evacuate the building. Joys.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[quote name='pax et agape']I've been debating when I should start the Christmas music this year. I'm worried that working in a Dept. store might completely ruin it for me.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkRed"] [SIZE="1"]I don't think it ever could really. I prefer listening to older covers of songs (Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra etc) because they just feel more Christmas-y. Newer artists just are meh. Some can hit it, most can't in my opinion. I wanted to break down though. I was listening to I'll Be Home For Christmas. And I don't get to go home for it.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[quote name='Sangome'][FONT="Microsoft Sans Serif"][SIZE="1"]Alright guys, time to pack up and leave. None of us can top that. Anyway, we're having it at our house this year, so I'll probably just eat. And stuff. And watch Macy's Parade, although I highly doubt anything will be able to top [U][URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWw46X-83xs"]last year's[/URL][/U].[/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkRed"] [SIZE="1"]I agree. Nothing will be able to top that. I'm not getting to go home for Thanksgiving,but I want to go home, mainly because my little brother keeps on telling me everytime we talk on the phone that he wishes I was there. Thus, I'm going to my boyfriend's.First time I get to meet his [I]whole[/I] family. Joys.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="1"][quote name='Zen'][size=1] Best at Tekken. [/size][/QUOTE] I call bull, dear friend. You and I have to play sometime, so I can prove your statement false.I am best at Pokemon games - my Eevee team is a boss. I'd like to say that my little brother is best at cheering people up when they're depressed. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="1"]Today's been, well, I don't know how to explain it. My other half and I were just asking each other random questions, and I had asked him what he'd do if I ever got pregnant. After a couple minutes of thought he replied 'I think I've explained this before, but I would do my damn best to make sure to raise our child and take care of you the best I could, no matter how many jobs I had to take.'. It just makes me realize he really is a gift to me. Also: I've been listening to Christmas music all day today. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkRed"][quote name='Ace'][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Larvitar. End of discussion.[/FONT][/QUOTE] Or [B]GAR[/B]chomp.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkRed"][quote name='chibi-master'] Why does no one recognize the awesomeness that is JIGGLYPUFF?! WHY?! HMMM?[/QUOTE] Easy. Jigglypuff is just a attachment of Kirby that's a art school drop out. 'sides. Eevee and it's evolutions just do things better. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="1"]Why the frowning? I wasn't sure myself, so I looked it up. I frown at you for frowning at me.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkRed"][quote name='Lunox'] [spoiler] Actually, book titles are usually put in quotations marks by newspapers and magazines, although they are italicized in academic papers. And then MLA format dictates that students underline them...I think. [/spoiler][/QUOTE] [spoiler]From MLA Handbook (6th ed.), here's this. [I]All formats require underlining (or italicizing) the titles of complete volumes, whereas titles of parts of volumes (like short stories) go between quotes.[/I] So, it's the same thing.[/spoiler] [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Black"]Random snippet I'm occasionally adding onto when I have the time. Criticism wanted, and is appreciated.[/COLOR] ___ Delicate little step here, and there; she pranced through the graveyard on her toes, trying to avoid the monstrous thorns that threatened her tender feet and to avoid catching the then leather strip across her ankle. Any onlooker would have said something stupid like 'you should have known better', but truth be told, she didn't. She hated wearing shoes. And anyone who knew her well would know that, but the sad thing was, nobody here knew her well at all. She was like a ghost among humans, just wafting around and drifting through their lives as unnoticed as she was when she came. Of course, she was okay with that, but she was only human, and the loneliness was beginning to take it's toll on the little woman. Every now and then she caught herself thinking about what it would be like to be like to be able to talk to someone else. To be able to share things, do things, even just sit there and do nothing would suffice for her. In fact, she'd probably be good at it, she could say a lot without words. As she pranced through the graves, the flowers she held bobbed lightly along with her body movement. Perhaps people would assume that she was here to visit her mother, or friend. Wrong again. She was here simply to talk to someone that might possibly be listening. The girl always did believe in the possibility of life after death, so she was hoping that wherever these people may be, in their parallel universe or whatever, they could hear her. That would have been nice. As she passed she read the names on the variously shaped tombstones. There were so many different shapes here it astounded her. Elegant angels rose higher than she could ever hope to be. Big crosses with delicate engravings stood like sentinels above their graves, and every now and then there would be a cherub or some sort of small child with wings. She didn't like those. It reminded her of dead children. She wasn't into that whole 'innocence lost' thing. She was always upset when she saw children's deaths on the news. They were so young, they had so much more to experience, and now thanks to some idiot, or some disease, they would never be able to live their little dreams. Adison Harper, Benjamin Harper, Susanne LeBlance, Trevor Oxford, May Dax. The names just kept on going and going, as she wove in and out of the orderly lines that the graves were arranged in. What upset her about this graveyard was that it actually looked morbid and sad. Nobody had watered the grass here in ages, so it was dry and brown and overrun with thorns. The thought that nobody could give a shit enough to just come here and water the plants made her angry. Perhaps she would take her time off and do it herself when nobody was watching. Like late at night. She chuckled softly as she imagined the scared faces of little boys as they dared one another to venture into the graveyard. When she was young, she had always gone willingly. She was always the small framed little girl who would go the furthers for the longest, never scared in the least. With the height of 5?8, she was still small where she originated. Towering over her like a giant black guardian, she reached back and tugged upwards so the bo staff strapped to her back wasn?t caught on the thorns as she danced amongst them. When she had reached back, she had wrapped her small hand around small jewels that were near the middle of the staff. Nothing extravagant, just a plethoric range of dark red, navy and emerald green colored stones scattered amongst it. She figured it was all just mind over matter. After all, there was really nothing out there that was going to get you. Adelaide Harrison. She stopped, facing the simple headstone. Curved at the top and straight down the edges it bore her name, and of course, the dates of both her birth and death. She was seventy one when she died. And underneath her dates there was a small, beautiful inscription. 'I shall not fear'. She smiled, kneeling down on her knees and laying the dried up roses beneath the tombstone that she had scooped up a few grave stones ago. For a few moments she just sat in silence, picturing the old woman's face. Kind and sweet. She didn't think that Adelaide was one of those grumpy old hags suffering from Tourettes or something like that. There was a good aura around her now. She smiled. "Fearless, Mrs Harrison." She murmured, reaching forwards and tracing the womans carved name with her fingertips. She absently felt the entire stone before clasping her hands in her pockets and gazing upon it again, the cold metal of the ring not registering with the female as she just sat there. Doing what? Playing with pocket lint. As of right now, her's thoughts were more dangerous then her being by herself. Sure, she was known back in the day to do some pretty crazy stuff when she was alone, and that's only because alone she was free to fully listen and react to her thoughts, but she had learned to control herself...somewhat. She actually tried to get a hold of herself so much more now, since her whole problem actually had a name. Not that that mattered, though. It only made her feel stupid for believing and just stupid herself. The fact that half of the things she worries about aren't real doesn't help her with the whole self-esteem thing. It basically just makes her think she's crazy. Some psycho that belongs in one of those mental hospitals. It just brought her down a little harder on herself. ?Big baby." she muttered to herself, finding that was exactly what she was turning out to be. She whined to herself, she hates when others whine to her when they?re thinking they are in trouble and then whines when they both realize nothing is wrong and they get mad at her. She never knows what's fake, thinks everything is real. It was getting out of hand for her, and she hated it. Who wouldn't? It wasn't the sunniest day out today, which only meant that sitting on the cold ground of a graveyard wasn't a very warm experience for her at the moment. The air only made her colder than what she was before, and before she was cold because she hadn't had the experience in a while of just remaining outside at night only at will, wearing only a black sweater to protect her arms and a pair of pants for her legs. She had a scarf on but had dropped it somewhere on her walk from the street to the cemetary, and noticed it was gone. She?d get it later, she?d mentally note. The hood of her sweater was on her head, she was leaning forward in an uncomfortable manner, and her arms crossed around eachother and squeezing in an attempt to keep some heat in as she still played with the pocket lint in her pockets. The more that she thought about it now, the more the nineteen year old felt herself acting like a little kid. She couldn't properly dress herself for a day that wasn't even very cold. She doesn't like to do nearly anything by herself, and sometimes just can't because she hesitates to do so too much, and when she speaks sometimes she sounds like an alien who has no clue what is going on in the world. She felt like she was descending in age instead of growing more mature, but of course she had to cover that up from everyone else. Or at least attempt to. It seemed like she was doing a good job, but most people don't consider avoiding as many people as you know because you fear something bad will happen as growing, or covering anything up... Whatever floats her's boat, eh? It didn't take long for her to slowly rock back and forth in a weak attempt to warm herself up. The female kept her eyes plastered to the stone, doing the best she could to ignore any other thoughts that were creeping to her mind. One in particular was that someone was going to come up behind her and possibly hurt her. She wasn't too worried about being hurt yet, because that part of the fear would come if someone really did come up to her.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[size="1"][COLOR="DarkRed"]If you take over the US in the name of the Roman Empire, I take it over in the name of the Vatican City. And I get the Pope's hat. And the Pope-mobile. As for the anorexia thing, I understand. I don't get hungry during the day at all - I eat at night. And I can go a day or two without feeling hungry. I only eat when I'm hungry.[/COLOR][/size]
[COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="1"][quote name='Lunox'][font=trebuchet ms] This is old-fashioned? i cry[/font][/QUOTE] You have to admit, more youth are using digital books (via Kindle, iTouch/Phone, online) during these times. It's irritating, but it's life. In all honesty, I cry too about that statement.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="1"][U]American Psycho[/U]. Enough said for those who've read the book. I really liked it because of the fact of the mentality of Bateman, and his drive. Killing a kid in broad daylight at the zoo? Killing homeless people? Obviously it's immoral and wrong, but it's just unexplainable as to just how good the book is. The movie was decent, but wasn't as good as the book. Movies rarely are as good as the book.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="1"]Oh dear lord. I'm personally coming up on six years myself. [list] [*][B]The Boss/Mike/WHATEVERELSENAMEHE'SDHAD[/B] - My first OB friend, really. I remember when I first joined - and him, LoneBebop, and I were friends. Okay, now I'm back from the PM land - fifteen minutes spent looking at them. SO FUN. I remember when I had a crush on LoneBebop, and I told Mike. And Mike was all over that like a fat kid on cake telling LoneBebop about it. Reading over those PM's made me laugh my head off, yet facepalm. I remember our PM conversations from waaaaaaaaay back in the day, looking at the onelining that would make anyone laugh due to the lack of quality progressing into those pieces that have been posted in Anthology. I laugh at this because it actually shows progression. I remembered when Mike and I did our rap battles over private message, hilarious. And note to self; Mike used too many smilies back in the day. In one alone? Fifteen. [*][B]Kayin[/B] Dear LORD would I be lost in life with out this boy. We blame the OB for our friendship. xD [*][B]silpheedpilot[/B] [QUOTE=silpheedpilot]Whoa, hey. This is gonna sound weird and all but I kinda thought it was neat that I found someone on the OB who also lives in Kansas. Had no idea. Figured I was the only one.[/QUOTE] I need to make The Alliance of Kansans against Dorothy. Good times were had - especially when all four of us entered a Chatzy and had a insult melee. Saladtossers. Psht. [*] I remember when I also forced Darren into marriage over a thread. Fun times. [*][B]Ezekiel[/B] - D: I miss her. [*] Wait. Adam is God. James is Jesus. Mmk? [/list][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE="1"][U]Alright OB. I've come to you in times when I've needed help. Here goes again.[/U] I 'enlisted' in the Navy 20-Oct. Went up to MEPS, made it and everything. I was really proud to go military. I was going in to be a Gunners' Mate, and everything should've been going fine. Then things went severely down hill at home, thus. I moved to my dad's. The man who I haven't seen in 17 and a half years. (Moved to his on Feb. 1st.) Still planning on going on going Navy at this point. Started a new school. Loved it. Was in ROTC. First drill meet? Had to do Armed Basic with only 5 minutes with the rifle. Started Ju Jitsu. Started double thinking about my choice to go military. I mean, why did I sign so soon? I really wanted to go to college first. And yet, I go military. (I chose Navy becauseI couldn't go Sniper in Marines or Army. My plan was do my stint in the Navy, and then if I didn't like it, go Air Force and be a sharpshooter. Which is the closest thing I can get to being sniper.) Here, I'm seriously thinking about not going Navy. My mom called me when I was at my boyfriend's, telling me she wanted me to talk to my little brother because it was probably going to be a good while before I was able to talk to him because she was going to go admit him. ( He has bad anger problems PTSD, OCD, ODD, and a few others.) I started crying because he means the world to me. I started talking to him and then my mom ended up taking the phone back from him after [I]he[/I] started crying. Mom knew I was upset about something else, and I told her. My dad has Multiple Personality Disorder...really bad. It scared the living **** out of me. Honestly. It did. Mom said she was going to get me home as soon as she could. Thus, I leave Monday afternoon back for Kansas. (I was supposed to leave Sunday for my Dad's house. Bus screwed up, had to leave Monday.) Due to being re-routed countless times by Greyhound, I come in 2:30 a.m. Wednesday morning. I find out that since I moved back so late in the year, I don't get to graduate. Yeah it irritates me, but hey. It was for my little brother so it doesn't bother me too bad. [I][B]I want to major in Poli Sci (minor in a language possibly), and then go to law school.[/B][/I] Here's my problem. I'm still SERIOUSLY thinking about not going military. And Yes, I can still back out at this point. Do I: A) Get my GED and still go Navy? or B) Get the credits I need (aka repeat my senior year) and go to college? or C) Do option B and then go military? Advice.
Writing [RAP BATTLE]Trigun 11 vs. The Boss [M-LSVD]
Trigun 11 replied to Trigun 11's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR="green"][SIZE="1"] [B][I]Beat:[/I][/B] [U]None. I just don't feel like using beats right now.[/U] I already blast and rock, Just like everybody else does your ma. You makin? minimum wage down at the local Wal-Mart/ Takin? you outside, Before you piddle your pants. Got you on a leash and collar/ Jerkin? it to show my control over The little shits like you, Who think they can take me and my cred/ Fawker. You just be K Fed. You may think you?re good, but at least I?ll admit that I know I wasn?t raised in the hood/ But at least I don?t drool on the mic, when I see a man walk by in the night/ You?ve told me that I work the corners, All I have to say is that hey/ at least I have the talent, cause I play all those horners/. Alas, looking at your rhymes makes me cry/ You lookin' at a mirror makin' it crack/ So you just better take a step back Because You be the one hittin' the concrete 'fore I/ Your crimson's spillin' While Im sittin' in the back of the 'trol car/ Actin' like the grieved girl that Im not/ You know the phrase "The cup runneth over."? The liquid is my confidence...And you gonna be the mop that's used to mop it up.. You that you rap, but you don't know about the trap/ Ain't know nothin' bout a hustle, so you don't know how to act/ As a matta fact, I don't know why I even bother/ Yet again, you just can't handle this/ I laughed and cried when Wolfwood died/ I?ll do the same for you/ Like chicken, yous just gonna fry/ Speaking of that, Let me call up KFC/ You's gonna be tasty to the whole country.[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkRed"]Backstory: Boss and I go back to '03 and I've always wanted to rap battle him. We started one on one battles and finally, we're going public.This is meant entirely for me and Boss, no other competitors. When we finish, however, we will open up a poll for anyone who wants to vote to see who wins. Enjoy reading.
Are you ready for some (American) Football?
Trigun 11 replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in Noosphere
[size=1][quote name='The Boss'][color=darkred][size=1]New England Patriots 9-0 Brady. Moss. Maroney. Belachick. 'nuff said.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] Damn Mike. I actually thought you were cool. 'nuff said. CHW, I say watch the game. Someone's bound to put the AMA's on the net.[/size] -
Are you ready for some (American) Football?
Trigun 11 replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in Noosphere
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="Green"]Packers, baby. It's all about the[COLOR="Yellow"] Packers[/COLOR]. -
[COLOR="Green"][SIZE="1"]Cliques. God how I hate them. Not the people in them necessarily, but the consequences from them. Not a lot of people know how much exactly they can harm, not only mentally but also physically, people. Cliques start up in Junior High, or so I?ve seen. For my seventh and eighth grade year I was known as the new girl. I only stopped getting called the new girl when I was in ninth grade. I made a new name for myself: I wrestled. I don?t get introduced as Kailen to the new kids at my school; I?m introduced as the girl wrestler. That?s my label. I don?t have a name. It?s annoying as hell, but I learn to deal with it. I finally this year snapped in my English class (we are currently going over the Renaissance Period and the changes and the systems. Luckily our sub was my former Honors English teacher of my sophomore year and she didn?t send me to the office.) and went off in this manner: [list][*]I?m the weird girl here. I?m the smart kid. I?m the girl-wrestler. I?m one of the few conservative girls here. I?m one of FIVE ?gamer? girls here. I?m the girl who gets annoyed over common misspellings. I?m the girl who wants to play football; I?m one of TWO seniors going into the military after high-school. I?m the girl who freestyles. I?m the one who doesn?t give a **** about what other people think about her. I did at one point and time and you know what it made me do? Try and commit suicide. Our society forces these unbelievable standards on today?s youth. And yet most of you just follow those standards just to fit in. IT?S BULL-****. WE HAVE TO STAND UP AGAINST IT. You (I pointed to my classmates) are just feeding the fire. Just today, I saw some of you making fun of others in the hallway, and not in a joking manner. You?re too damn self-centered to realize just what exactly is going on here in the world. One of our own can be going thru a hard time, and yet you still tease. You ?classify? them as: un-cool, ugly, fat, nerd etc. **** that you put on people make people buckle. And when they buckle, things you do to people may turn into another Columbine or Virginia Tech. THEN that?s when people realize that classifying and bullying people is wrong. Why wait until it?s too late?[/list] Not a lot of people said anything to me after that. I mean, I hate cliques with an undying passion. They?re just a creation of mainstream society. A lot of people don?t like me because I stand up for what I believe in. I guess I can be considered biased, but I give everyone a chance. . I hang out with everyone. I love the ?nerds? because of the fact that they supply my need for intellectual discussions. The ?jocks? because who else can I talk about sports with and not have it fly over their heads? The ?emo? kids because I like what music they?re into. You never know who your next boss is going to be.
I Forgot What You People Look Like (Image Heavy)
Trigun 11 replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
[SIZE="1"]I have dyed my hair. Haha. I’m no longer blond. See [URL="http://otakuboards.com/showpost.php?p=780478&postcount=147"]Old Me.[/URL] Here you go. Here’s my new ugleh self: [URL=http://img228.imageshack.us/my.php?image=1109072004zi6.jpg][IMG]http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/7481/1109072004zi6.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL][URL=http://img411.imageshack.us/my.php?image=1109072005nu2.jpg] [IMG]http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/7203/1109072005nu2.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL][URL=http://img254.imageshack.us/my.php?image=1109072043dv6.jpg][IMG]http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/3145/1109072043dv6.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://img264.imageshack.us/my.php?image=1109072327yg7.jpg][IMG]http://img264.imageshack.us/img264/4157/1109072327yg7.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL][URL=http://img137.imageshack.us/my.php?image=1109072328vj3.jpg][IMG]http://img137.imageshack.us/img137/9077/1109072328vj3.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL][URL=http://img265.imageshack.us/my.php?image=1109072330rk9.jpg][IMG]http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/8807/1109072330rk9.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL][URL=http://img101.imageshack.us/my.php?image=1109072331to3.jpg][IMG]http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/9703/1109072331to3.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/SIZE] -
[SIZE="1"] Thanks. I actually hate drawing. It takes too long and it takes too much patience. >.< Boo- I know it?s a collage. xD I didn?t want to overlap because I liked the shade of blue paint I used. As for my next collage, it?s going to be OB-themed. I haven?t quite figured out what to put it in it. So, I?m open to suggestions. Now for my cam-whores: [URL=http://img48.imageshack.us/my.php?image=0718071757py7.jpg][IMG]http://img48.imageshack.us/img48/2053/0718071757py7.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] This is of my dog Dizzy and one of our kittens, Thomas. It was a shot I had to get. [URL=http://img48.imageshack.us/my.php?image=0726071357ql3.jpg][IMG]http://img48.imageshack.us/img48/7752/0726071357ql3.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Dizzy in the back yard. I mentioned dog-treats. xD [URL=http://img48.imageshack.us/my.php?image=0805071847ak2.jpg][IMG]http://img48.imageshack.us/img48/3893/0805071847ak2.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] The duo. We adopted Thomas (the grey one) and Nicholas D. Wolfwood ( Yes, I REALLY DID NAME HIM THAT. XD First character that I thought of that wore all black when we were naming him at the Humane Society. I honestly wanted to name him how Vash introduced himself to Wolfwood?.Yes. THAT HUGE-*** NAME.) [URL=http://img146.imageshack.us/my.php?image=0910071804qh3.jpg][IMG]http://img146.imageshack.us/img146/3132/0910071804qh3.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] The trio. It goes Thomas, Spaz (our eldest cat.) and then Nicholas in their normal window perch. [URL=http://img146.imageshack.us/my.php?image=0915071558pi9.jpg][IMG]http://img146.imageshack.us/img146/4379/0915071558pi9.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Cuddle time anyone? [URL=http://img146.imageshack.us/my.php?image=1007071354xb0.jpg][IMG]http://img146.imageshack.us/img146/2088/1007071354xb0.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] A random shot of Dizzy and Thomas. I was cleaning my camera?saw them. Had to take it. [URL=http://img146.imageshack.us/my.php?image=1025071718yd8.jpg][IMG]http://img146.imageshack.us/img146/3091/1025071718yd8.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] CAT NIP?!??!? [URL=http://img146.imageshack.us/my.php?image=1030071927av7.jpg][IMG]http://img146.imageshack.us/img146/1788/1030071927av7.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] My high-school at the first round of state football playoffs. I was on the dance team. We?re the ones in the white. [URL=http://img146.imageshack.us/my.php?image=1106071902qq3.jpg][IMG]http://img146.imageshack.us/img146/773/1106071902qq3.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] I had to clean the kitchen. I was bored. Sue me. [URL=http://img155.imageshack.us/my.php?image=1107071622vs3.jpg][IMG]http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/1959/1107071622vs3.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Aw?Dizzy?s adorable smile. [URL=http://img155.imageshack.us/my.php?image=1107071623xi0.jpg][IMG]http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/6819/1107071623xi0.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Muttleigh. He?s a butt-head. I still love him. [URL=http://img150.imageshack.us/my.php?image=1109071023fr1.jpg][IMG]http://img150.imageshack.us/img150/3117/1109071023fr1.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Random tree in backyard. [IMG]http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/5058/1109071607bx0.th.jpg[/IMG] Nicholas: ?And just who do you think you are?? [URL=http://img402.imageshack.us/my.php?image=1109071652wt3.jpg][IMG]http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/4113/1109071652wt3.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Spaz. In [i]her[/i], yes [i[her[/i] box. If one of the kittens got into it, she smacked them out. [URL=http://img407.imageshack.us/my.php?image=1110070726io0.jpg][IMG]http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/7015/1110070726io0.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Picture of the sunrise on the way to a debate tourney. Sorry it?s side ways. I was laying in the van. [/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]After talking with Boo on AIM, I decided to post a couple of drawings and a collage I did a couple of years ago. Picture one: [URL=http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c63/Trigun11/ATT00001-3.jpg][IMG]http://img511.imageshack.us/img511/3984/trigun11tn004ns5.png[/IMG][/URL] Picture two: [URL=http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c63/Trigun11/ATT00001-4.jpg][IMG]http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/6140/trigun11tn001me1.png[/IMG][/URL] I did this like three years ago. I got all of the pictures from a surfing magazine that I got when visiting my Aunt like three years ago. and yes, that IS a monkey. Drawing One: It's a random picture I drew during study hall. and yes, I did name it Blanche. [URL=http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c63/Trigun11/scan0002.jpg][IMG]http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/4859/trigun11tn002pc7.png[/IMG][/URL] Drawing Two: I did this on the back of the same sheet, because I didn't have any other paper with me. [URL=http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c63/Trigun11/scan0001.jpg][IMG]http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/6729/trigun11tn003es2.png[/IMG][/URL] The attached is a black and white picture that I took of my dog. Comment, Critique. [B]Tell me how much it sucks[/B].