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Trigun 11

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Everything posted by Trigun 11

  1. Hey Japan Nice Banner ^_^ . I hate Mosquitos. My arms are like covered in bites. I wish Mosquitos would all just drop dead. I can wish all that I want. But I'm glad I got my computer.
  2. Name: Kiara Alignment: Good Race: Human Gender: female Weapons: 9mm age: 13 Desc: Med tall, skinny, wears all black clothing Bio: her parents were slain by a vampire when he was only 3 but she remebers it like it was yesterday. She wants to see these creatures killed
  3. Name: Slash the Blade Age:13 Affiliation: Knives Of course ^_^ Weapons: a Katana, and two 9mm Appearance: black hair with blond streaks. She has piercing green eyes. Background: She has always hated Vash especially after he killed her family. She has made it her mission in life to either kill him or see him killed.
  4. Name: Kai Scott Hacker Name/Nickname: Slash Age: 13 Appearance: Real Life : Brown hair with black streaks. She has green eyes.She wears Camo Pants and T-shirt The Matrix : Brown hair about shoulder length that dark green eyes, red glasses, a tattoo on her right shoulder Wears black...black long sleeve shirt, gloves, pants, and boots, and the black trench coat. Alliance: against humans. She has just had too many bad experiences with humans. She hates them because of what happened in her past.(( will find out later)). So She wants to help any one who wants to rid of humans Short Bio: Bio: A skilled hacker-in-training.She was told about thre matrix thru an email. She met the sender and she was shown the truth ((Ididnt know what else to put)) Ship: The Cyclops Weapons: 2 katanas and 2 9mm
  5. Yes I have. I called him Vash 'Cause he reminded me of vash the stampede.For some odd reason he called me Meryl. o.O. I Understood him, and he understood me. It was shocking. We Shared literally every thing. But Damn his parents they moved to Japan
  6. I'm bored as hell so lets play who said that. "Eat my Energy" Who said that and which show was it?
  7. Emmm. Lemme Think. It'd probaly be A weird tomboy. Cause I'm the only girl in my school who is going to try and play football this upcoming school year. And cause to the girls at my school , they think that just because you dont wear skirts or things like that makes you a wannabe boy. *raises her katana* They do that to meh I'll hurt all of those preppy Chimbo's
  8. Well, I'm embarassed to say this but , the color pink. I just hate it. It scares the ***** out of me. Also I am Scared of car accidents. My grandfather died in one in '99 and my grand mother died in one in '02. Not a good thing.
  9. I have no fav american cartoon I just like anime
  10. Draco . Inuyasha or Trigun?
  11. My answer is same as your's Hataki
  12. I personaly think Fukai Mori and Song of Sword are good openings. But They are used for endings That bites
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