Name: Kai Scott
Hacker Name/Nickname: Slash
Age: 13
Real Life : Brown hair with black streaks. She has green eyes.She wears Camo Pants and T-shirt
The Matrix : Brown hair about shoulder length that dark green eyes, red glasses, a tattoo on her right shoulder Wears long sleeve shirt, gloves, pants, and boots, and the black trench coat.
Alliance: against humans. She has just had too many bad experiences with humans. She hates them because of what happened in her past.(( will find out later)). So She wants to help any one who wants to rid of humans
Short Bio: Bio: A skilled hacker-in-training.She was told about thre matrix thru an email. She met the sender and she was shown the truth ((Ididnt know what else to put))
Ship: The Cyclops
Weapons: 2 katanas and 2 9mm