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Trigun 11

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Everything posted by Trigun 11

  1. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2]Heh. Here's mine . Thanks Sonata-san! [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/Alice1/Girls_with_Sword.jpg]Kailen[/URL] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  2. [SIZE=2][COLOR=Red]Ryuu just sits on her bed, crosslegged,listening to her CD player, which was decorated with many,many Anime and Linkin Park Stickers. [B][I]Nothing ever stops all these thoughts and the pain attached to them Sometimes I wonder why this is happenin'[/I][/B] She was very attached to this song just as Tak was to Breaking Bejamin's 'So Cold' She sighed and thought [I]Good Grief Almighty. How in the Hell am I supposed to face him?!?[/I] Him was in reference to Tak. Her Friend. She was beginning to look at him as more than a friend. She shook her head. [I]Nah. Tak and Me? Maybe..... No. That's wrong.... He's my best friend for Christ's Sake! Ryuu pull your self together![/I] Ryuu shook her head and got up off her bed. She put her red basketball shoes on, for she was wearing a pair of Basketball shorts along with a work-out t-shirt. She had just gotten back from the US . The reason why she went? Basketball Camp of course. You could say Basketball was Ryuu's life but She liked others sprts. Baseball especially. She grabbed her CD player and headed down the stairs of her house. " I'm going for a Run Mom" "Okay Ryuu." Ryuu was one of the teenagers who still told her parents where she was going. Lame but she had respect for them. She grabbed her basketball and went out the front door and began to jog. She was going to the school to shoot some baskets. As she placed her headphones on and began to jog, She smiled for she saw Tak.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  3. I like the banner. My team lost like a month ago in their 2 games before the State championship I don't care, But I'm still keepin' the banner
  4. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Name: Takahashi Ryuuku (Family Name First) Age: 15 Gender: Female >.> ( Does Tomboy Count as a gender?) Description: [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/Alice1/tomboy6.jpg]Ryuuku Playing Basketball ( Thanks Sonoma-san!!)[/URL] Thoughts on Love: Ryuuku swears she won't fall in love like the other girls. She swore that she won't be all mushy and crud to that effect over a guy. Lately, She's had the thought of her friend, Tak on her mind. You could say that she has had a secret crush on him Bio: [Is in process of. Must eat....][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]I want to save a spot for myself so here it goes [COLOR=DarkRed]Name: Kailen Scott Age:17 Gender: Female Appearance: [[URL=http://www.anime-madness.com/forums/forum.pics/hottest.anime.girls/Naru_Narusegawa_05.jpg]Clickie !![/URL] ] Colour: Pink Zord: Tiger Personality: Coming Later[/COLOR][/FONT]
  6. [font=Comic Sans MS][color=gray][size=1]I have NO friggin' clue what to call this so yeah..... It sounds depressing but oddly enough, I wrote in when I was in an awesome mood. So here it goes:[/size][/color] [color=darkred][size=1]They say it is inevitable. Sooner or later it's going to happen. Some say even when you're dead you still feel for it, Or ache for it cause you wanted it so bad. Or you just refuse it. Just downright refuse it. No matter how hard it tries, You still reject it, Over and over again. But deep down inside, you want to feel it. So bad, you'd even kill for it. To some it's unimportant, it's just a phase, But to you, it's the most important thing. You feel that you just have to act. ( It's all a show.) You're afraid to show your real self. ( It's true I must say.) It's like you're wearing a mask that you wear 24/7. It's all a big show, and this is how it goes : No one can hide from it. It doesn't care who you are or what you do. It'll always be there, true and true. Either at your side, willingly, cause you let it be or In the shadows,lurking, ready to strike Like a mongoose or a falcon already in flight Waiting to kill it's prey For they say: No Pain, No Gain [size=1][/size] [/size][/color][font=Verdana][size=1][color=red]I have rated your thread [E], for Everyone. If you feel this rating is incorrect, please PM me. In future, do not forget to rate your threads. -- Lady Asphyxia.[/color][/size][/font][/font]
  7. [COLOR=Red]With my Highschool going so well in the playoffs, I'd like for someone to make me a banner with these pictures: [IMG]http://www.whscrusaders.cc/ATHLETICS/FBALL2004/images/traditionlargersmall.jpg[/IMG] as the background and [URL=http://www.whscrusaders.net/ATHLETICS/FBALL2004/images/bidistrict-cbgbrinkmeyerRECPT11-02-04.JPG]This[/URL] on the left ( hopefully just have the body of the player in the banner) and to have the phrase " Once a Duke, Always A Duke" in a faded red-silverish color if possible. And for the Avatar have [url]http://www.whscrusaders.cc/ATHLETICS/FBALL2004/images/practice-helmet10-31-04.jpg[/url] This in a Sienna colored background with just the red Crusaders head showing up in red please. If you need or want more pictures, PM me. I hope this won't be too hard. So just try your best at it[/COLOR]
  8. [URL=http://www.whscrusaders.cc/ATHLETICS/FBALL2004/images/mulv-gbrinkmeyer10-29-04PUNT.jpg]Here's the piccy[/URL] [COLOR=DarkRed]( This is a Senior at my Highschool during our last regular season football game.... Make fun of him all you wish....)[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkRed]Hey! I said only ONE bullet per innocent person![/COLOR] ( I just saw a video on everything Hussein's done and saw people getting shot multiple times And If possible I want next dibs on the next picture posting.)
  10. [COLOR=Red]Character Name: Trigun11 or Kyan Status: Member?? Boards Location: Tokyo 3. ( and if possible The Prefecture ) Team:Team Koizumi Appearance: [URL=http://wheelie.fc2web.com/anime-fireblade2.jpg]Clickie[/URL] Weapons: Her smart mouth, hands and feet ( hand-to- hand combat) And A silver and Black 9mm... ( O.O God I haven't used those in a while)[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkRed]Due to the fact of RK's return to the CN,(And plus I'm working on a RK Fanfic) I'd thought I'd like a banner to go along with it. For the Banner, I'd like [URL=http://www.eriol.org/reflection/wallpaper_pre/rk_aoshiwall.jpg]This[/URL] Picture used along with a Picture of Shinomori Aoshi looking ticked/pissed off . For the Avi, I'd like a piccy of Misao In a stance like she's about to throw her Kunai blades...... That's really all.... More requests will be coming later so yeah... >>. And If you could Add " Watch Out." to the Avi it'd be greatly aprreciated[/COLOR]
  12. Name: Katrina Dawson Age: 19 Gender: Female Appearance: [URL=http://www.flyingshine.com/kuro/product/akamira/chara/tsubaki.jpg]Clickie Meh[/URL] Personality: Tomboy is the ultimate description. She loves Sports,Anime, and making fun of people for make fun of her. She's a bit of a perfectionist, mainly working by herself due to the fact that she can't stand working with others. She comes across as a bit on a loner and a snob.Only time She really talks is when She's in her classes either arguing with the teacher or with another student or when she's playing basketball. If you get to know her, She's a wonderful person who won't take crap from anybody. Bio: ( will type later. I can't think straight right now) Lessons Taken: English Lit. English Drama PE Art Extra: Art/Manga Club, School Council, and Basketball team
  13. Pffft. It's awesome Now All I need it the HTML code for it.I thought I'd never find a picture but It's amzing when you actually find something. Ya know?
  14. Ooooh. I like this Rp and Have almost finished my sign-up. Can I pester you to make a Navy-ish blue /Green Background for meh?
  15. Okay. I'm out on a whim here so shoot me now. I want a banner dark themed preferably. Or to make it easier for you creative minds out there, Make a banner themed around the quote by Vince Lombardi , "It's not whether you get knocked down. It's whether you get up" I have not a clue to what I want So Surprise me. Only thing I'd like is to have the quote "It's not whether you get knocked down. It's whether you get up" in it.
  16. Kailen walked around the school. She was obviously lost. She tryed to stop a student to help her out but She just ignored Kailen. "[I]Just Like My Old School was When I was new.[/I]" She said under her breath. She looked for the office as she walked around. " [I]Found It[/I]!" She said as she opened the door. She walked in and sat down on a chair to be helped. The lady behind the counter smiled. " You must be our new exchange student. What do you need help with?" " Finding a Mr. McGee's class. I'm oh so lost." The secretary gave her a note with the insructions and a note to give to Mr. McGee telling her that she was the new transfer student from the States. After somehow getting instructions about how to get to his class, Kailen opened the door and entered. She looked around as Mr. McGee said, " May I help you?" She handed Mr. McGee the note that he was to be given.
  17. Name: Kailen Scott Age: 15 Gender: Female ( Is Tomboy a gender? XD) Personality:Tomboyish in nature,She's slightly quick to anger. She doesn't care if you make fun of her , but make fun of her friends And She'll be all over you like a Wide Receiver on a Football. She Plays nearly every sport to mankind except cheerleading. She [I]wasn't into being a girly girl. Plus skirts weren't her thing.[/I] Biography: An American Tomboy, She grew up playing sports. She was known as a teacher's pet because school came really easy to her. When She came to St. Columbo's , She felt it was just like her old school. Appearance:[URL=http://cephiro.anime.net/char/images/umi.gif]She looks like this except her hair is blond/brown[/URL] And Class: 3F1 OOC: I'll type more later. My knee is hurting right now.
  18. I like them. When I look at them both Alot of Linkin Park songs come into mind....Like Figure .09 or Breaking the Habit. They both have a dark-esque or whatever feeling to it. Some of the detail could be better though Pic 1 8.9/10 Pic 2 8.0/10
  19. [COLOR=DarkRed]Tsubaki shuddered. [I]How does he know?[/I] She thought. She then thought of her grandfather.(everybody'll find out soon enough who he is) . She had a look of fear yet only Kenji could tell. She shook her head as she helped Noi up. " You can pick up things very easily Noi.How could you tell?" Tsubaki popped her neck as she adjusted her sheath to her katana. The group began to walk. It became late in the day. Kenji and Noi's stomachs rumbled. " I see someone is hungry." The males nodded. They went into a resturant which was a bit down the way." My treat!" Tsubaki hid her emotions from Noi. She thought that Kenji knew how she was feeling but She shrugged it off. [I]Nah. I doubt it[/I] She thought as they sat down[/COLOR]
  20. Tsubaki growled. [I]Shooting... Pffft. That's a true art. Pressing a trigger.[/I] She tied the bandage around Noi's bloodied shoulder. She stood up and looked at Kenji and nodded. "Real skill to shoot a child. Immature...." Tsubaki's voice trailed off before a figure caught her eye.[I]No way. It can't be her....[/I] . Kenji looked at Tsubaki. " What's wrong?" Tsubaki shook her head and smirked. " Nothing. Just thought I saw something." Noi groaned from unconciousness to being concious. His eyes were strained as he looked up at Kenji and the group.
  21. I shall take the spot of the annoying yet pretty cool school girl Kagome.... >.
  22. -Points accusing finger- YOU MADE MEH! Any way..... Question Dragons_Bait, Who was the outlaw that Viper recognizes ? Was he like Kouga or something? Anywyay, DW does have a good point. I like the whole Space Mafia chucking him into that planet... The planet reminds me of the one on Trigun >.<
  23. Okay I'm pretty sure some of you know that I'm a Packers Fan. Well, I've been reading up about Coach Lombardi and I want a Banner! I'm too lazy to make one. Plus I have NO clue how to make one... I must learn. Any way, I'd like the phrase 'It's not whether you get knocked down. It's whether you get up"-- Vince Lombardi. You can choose the pictures....Fweh...
  24. [COLOR=Navy] YAY! An decnt RK rp that I haven't missed the sign-up deadline for! Here's mine . : Name: Tsubaki Takahashi Age:15 Gender: Female Weapon:Katana and Kunai blades, Dagger Appearence:[url]www.japanese-animation.net/amg/amg46.jpg[/url] Personality:Cold and distant, But once she gets to know someone, She'll fight to the death for 'em Specialty: Satsu Jin Ken (Shishio's style of fighting) History: When she was 5 , Her father began to train her with a wooden kendo stick in the style of Satsu Jin Ken. When she was 10, She was given a katana.For some reason When she was 13, her father decided to stop training her. He wouldn't answer her about him stopping her training.When she was 14 her father sent her off to train with another person for an year. When she came back, Her town was slaughtered. Simple as that. You could say she's an avenger. But She just wants to see them go down. Period. ( I would type more but I'm a bit tired.)[/COLOR]
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