Trigun 11
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Everything posted by Trigun 11
[QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet] I can't find my good twin so I think I may soon suffer from scitzophrenia [/color][/QUOTE] Can't find her?!?!?!? I'm right Here!... It's Trigun11 not Vash11.. >.< Anyways here is my Ob Geneology. Boyfriend: Kayin ( He's a LP and a Braves fan...:D I luffs him) Brothers : >.< None at the moment Sisters: Crucifix,InuYashalvrOdd-Guy Friend who I've known like forever(since i started the OB): ReFlux Demented Schitzo of a friend.: Dragons_Bait15.... Evil Twin: ( SHE HAS to be my good twin.... I'm the evil twin...) ChibiHorsewoman That is my OB Geneology so far.....
[quote name='Captain Iuno']Linkin Park is great! The lyrics of the songs gets you indeed thinking about a lot of stuff. I usually listen to LP when I'm feeling a bit down (which is once a day, very weird). Something that's also nice to see is that their video of the song 'Breaking the Habit' is in some sort of Anime style. Thumbs up for that ^_^.[/quote] I agree. I listen to them whenever. When I pissed at my parents, When I'm working out or practicing, or like Captain said, When I'm down. The Vid for BTH was awesome. I saw the making of the video on MTV... That was Funny. LP always has a song for everything . My step-dad doesn't like me listening to LP, cause he says the BTH is about Suicide.. Big W00t... I don't care.
Hmmm I'd definetly Stalk Hayao Miyazaki. He's SO cool! Quentin Tartino, H E LL yes I would. He's the annoying Drunk Uncle I've never had xD. Plus, His ideas are Awesome. Kill Bill was a great movie. Same for his new Movie 'Hero.' As for OB members, I don't know. Maybe James or Charles, Or Even ReFlux XD Nah I woulnd't stalk a friend. Maybe My BF.. I dunno at this point. But I think Stalking is a bit creepy....
Oh good god.. You HAD to do this. One of mine goes along with ChibiHorseWoman's 1. My first Football game..... That Day Well I was Psyched.Well during lunch I had a lot of sodas 6 or 7 I think( Reminder to self: Never drink Pepsi/Rootbeer/Coke) Well I had to go up and make a speech. ( Every body does it) Well Just as I was going to say ' (insert rival school's name here) is going to get their " I burped really loud there.... All the cheerleaders were going " Ewwww" While the whole entire student body was clapping That's really the only embarassing story I have
Cosplay...... I've never been to an anime-can but Hey like the others said, Halloween. For Halloween, My friends ( Anime Phreaks as we calls us) pick an anime and we cosplay it as a group. We've cosplayed InuYasha( Kagome for meh and IY for my best guy friend.... WHo ever thought that up is going to die), Rurouni Kenshin, Trigun ( And I HAD to be Vash just cause I was tall and blond... Grrr...) And this year we going to cosplay as Cowboy Bebop... I'm going to be Ed cause there is no way in HELL I'm cosplaying as Faye.....
[QUOTE=Charles]Many people offering advice in this thread should look at this situation realistically. Your boyfriend is what? Fourteen years old? [i]Of course[/i] someone at that age is going to have maturity and jealousy issues. They've not had enough experience with relationships to develop a sense of rational trust. Technically, people this age can't even date without their parents driving them around. So, what do you expect here? Keep your friends. A social life and having fun is much more important at this point.[/QUOTE] What he said. I agree with Charles. We're 14 years old. No offense to the teen males around here, but, around this age, they're quite jealous and they aren't mature. Trust Me. I know this from experience. My guy friends ( I have 1 female friend..... Is that sad or what?) are more 'protective' of me now that i'm hanging around guys from rival schools. My advice is Keep your friends. They'll be there for you no matter what.... Oh god I'm sounding un-trigun11-ish
RPG The Dragon Wars[PG-13 for profanity and violence]
Trigun 11 replied to Kayin Cloud's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkRed]Princess Kat cursed a bit as she was target practicing with her quiver of arrows and her bows, using a tree which had a lot of branches. " I wish you were dead Kal You Selfish Arrogant ( The following is not type due to graphic circumstances) And I'd Kill you. One quick arrow anywhere... Painless death really. The reason they put me at your side is cause they didn't trust you. You're quick to anger, I'm not.... Oh Wait... I am if you coun't what I said. Damn trying to kill dragons. Dragons did nothing to us.... except the killing of father... but he deserved it. I'd love to fight you but (following is done in a voice to resemble their mothers) Young Ladies do not fight... It is improper.... They haven't had the training nor is it their role to fight - She loads an arrow into her bow and aims. She Releases only to splinter another for she hit the one in the middle[/COLOR] -
RPG The Dragon Wars[PG-13 for profanity and violence]
Trigun 11 replied to Kayin Cloud's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkRed]Princess Kat watched and stood from afar. " Stupid. The Dragon obviously has move power [B]and[/B] Strength than you Kal." She nearly yelled to him. The Captain motioned for her to go back, into safety. She shook her head. " I'm a princess thus I have power over you. The Prince doesn't know how to take care of his guards." The Princess's eyes darted over to the Prince then to the Ebon Beast. " How in the seven Hells... Which include being with him " -She points to the Prince- " can you turn against your own kind? They must've done something to you for you to carry this hatred for them... But What?" The Dragon steps forward , as if to attack her. Prince Kal jumped in front of Kat , to protect her, but is knocked down by her. " I've must've struck something accord in this dragon, thus, I must take responsibility for it." She smirked as if she wasn't afraid of the oncmong beast.[/COLOR] -
[QUOTE=doukeshi03]Here's may attempt. I couldn't find any animations or anything so I just made a normal avatar, though you are welcome to find someone else to give you what you want ^_~. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20597&stc=1[/img] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20596&stc=1[/img][/QUOTE] Awesome yet again Doukeshi. I like 'em. Especially when you have Ryou lookin' up in the background *thumbs up*
[QUOTE=Dagger IX1]Well, be careful. My friend ordered a Trigun "box set" from Amazon's auction shops and was quite surprised to discover that he'd bought a bootleg. In any case, this thread is supposed to deal with general recommendations; talking about which stores to buy anime from is a whole different topic and one that's not quite as suited to the purposes of the forum. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] Thanks Dagger. That, Oddly Enough, happened to one of my friends. It sucked. It was sorta funny with his Reaction.
Well In spirit of My team making it to our tournament, I'd like a baseball themed Banner and Avatar. I'd Like it to have a picture of Ryo Hayakawa (from Princess Nine ) pitching the ball with the phrase " Better Watch out". I'd like the colour scheme to be Red/Silver ( My team colours). As for the Avatar I'd like it to be a animation of Ryo Pitching the Ball With My name on it... If you cannot do that a simple picture of her ( Ryo) would work
[QUOTE=Bushidopunk]With that amount of cash, go to amazon.com and you can find all that you will need. You could get like 3 box sets... not to mention they have good selection of anime and manga, for ex. I got my trigun box set for 60 bucks, a much better price than in stores and other sites where the price is like 150 - 180. Happy spending :tasty:[/QUOTE] Bushidopunk, I swear you were thinking what I was thinking. That's where I was going to buy some of my anime from.....
[quote name='maladjusted][color=firebrick'] Princess Nine is an anime series...an excellent one I might add. It's all about a girl baseball team and how they cope with sexism and all sorts of things...it'd really a great series. Especially if you're a girl, lol.[/color][/quote] A series? Yay! I thought it was just a movie.... I loved the previews for it. I know the whole how to cope with sexism and the other stuff that goes with it. That's another DVD (hopefully) to add to mai list.. Do you guys know of any other Sports anime or manga? ( I know there is one soccer manga called 'Whistle!' coming out soon)
I'm a huge fan of FLCL so I'm buying it. I love Excel Saga ( I've rented it from the Video Store here in town).... I'm going to Get Grave of the Fireflies. I heard it's really good. Well... Does any one know of any Baseball themed Anime Movies? I can't remember the one I saw on the previews section on Excel Sag DVD 1-6 Eps. ( I think). I think it's called Princess Nine......
[QUOTE=Dagger IX1]Chobits... hmm. Supposing you really, really want to buy it, I'd recommend getting just the manga. The anime isn't worth the money, and although I found the manga disappointing, it had a much better ending than I expected (I skipped straight from book 5 to book 8, heh). Bear in mind that Chobits is a shounen romance and comes with several staples of the genre. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] Thanks Dagger.... I won't get the Anime.... My mother's just told me that I can't Buy all DVD's
[QUOTE=shadow15]its o.k. to be into younger kid books I am and sometimes there so much more intresting than older books. luv ash ;)[/QUOTE] Exactly. It's ok to read younger kids' books. Pendragon was a awesome series to read....... I haven't read them in a while but Hey.. Blame Sports
Sign Up Dragon Wars[PG-13 for profanity and violence]
Trigun 11 replied to Kayin Cloud's topic in Theater
Name: Princess Kat ( Kat is short for Katrina) Age: 18 Gender: Female Class: princess Weapon: Bow and Arrows. She conned the blacksmith into forging her sword. The hilt of the sword is metallic silver. She has a Dagger..... Hidden at ALL times. Alliance: Since begging to see the evil in the overlords, she is frequenting the idea of giving her alliance to the Ryus Partner: none Personality: Princess Kat is somewhat of a loner but her personality can switch like that -snaps fingers- She Attacks If necessary. She'll defend anybody close to her. Appearance: Kat has long brown-blond hair , she stands at 5'11,hazel eyes and wears silver 'dresses' ( If all goes well not for long). History: The young princess Kat from the northern empire is hated among all except those under the Overlords. As a young child, Kat watched Kal being trained under the best fighters that could be offered. She was jealous. She didnt like the fact that Kal has so many opportunities to fight. She had to be stuck inside learning how to sew and such. She thinks that Dragons are so Regal.... and Elegant. -
QA , I [I]Prefer[/I] Boys' clothing but on occasion I wear a 'girl' outfit. Anyways ,back on topic, I've looked up this stuff and from what I see I like. One of my 'anime' friends, ( We Trade DVD's Manga's and such) Bought GS:SAC . He learned the hard way about the errors. So the list so far of what I'm going to buy is : Grave of the FireFlies Ceres: Celestial Legend Chobits ( manga then i'll buy the dvd) Evangelion Revolutionary Girl Utena X TV RahXephon Fruits Basket Ive Added something to my list, Trigun! I've wanted it for like ever since I saw it. ( My first episode of Trigun was 'Under Wasteland and Sky'. Amazing I can rememember it but not my home work. Heh heh)
Coming from the [COLOR=DarkGreen][B]Original[/B] Irish Bartender[/COLOR], I'll trust it. I was thinking about buying GS:SAC ( Ghost in the Shell: Stand alone Complex). I saw commercials for it on tv and I saw an ad in Shonen Jump. Thanks Balmon......
Okay.................. My mother is giving me 250 dollars to spend on what ever I want. ( I've had to babysit my brother and sister since the middle of may.... I HATE BABYSITTING THEM) and well I'm going to use it all on anime dvd's/manga books. I know I'm alllready buying Vol.1 of Wolf's Rain on dvd. So any Suggestions on what to buy? My friends ( IRL) Say I Shouldn't 'Waste' it on anime..... I flipped them off.... They wanted me to buy girl-clothes... Nyahhhh Never.....
Who would you take a bullet for and who would you die for?
Trigun 11 replied to Krycifer's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Balmon]I hate too be an immediate party-pooper - but I will anyway. Until the situation actually comes up - you'll never know what you are truly willing to do when faced with death. So, the thread is a nice idea, but frankly, what you say now won't necessarily be what you'll say when the gun is pointed in your direction. p[/QUOTE] I agree with Balmon. You don't know what you'll do when the situation comes up. But like Balmon said, what you say now won't necessarily be what you'll say when the gun is pointed in your direction. -
My favortie quotes are [B][COLOR=DarkGreen]Ferris Bueller's Day Off [/COLOR] [/B] -[B]The Question isn't What are we going to do . It's what AREN'T we going to do[/B] ( Something along those lines) [COLOR=DarkGreen][B]Finding Nemo[/B][/COLOR] -" BUBBLES!" The Bubbles Fish ( One of my guys friend who is on the Scholar's Bowl team that I am on ( SB is basically Jeopardy fer kids) started to twitch uncontrollably ( he was pretending) and was saying 'Bubbles!' alot before the match started . The other team was looking at us and all of us except the Bubbles man said " He hasn't had his medication yet")
Anime Favorite Anime Phrase/Saying and why??
Trigun 11 replied to Hayashi Hansuke's topic in Otaku Central
My Favorites Spike From Cowboy Bebop - Bang! ( Like everyone else said You ahve to watch teh series to understand it) Wolfwood from Trigun 11- "May you go with God's protection. Oh yeah, Thanks for the apple". I use that with My 'Anime' buds when I'm leaving.... The Soloquie for Lost July-[COLOR=DarkRed]The longer one holds on to a memory... the longer one lives in the past. The deeper the memory they hold onto is... the more beautiful the past will become. The beautified memories will eventually turn into hate... Even if they look ahead, they lose the ability to walk. As long as the heavy chain called Revenge continues to fetter the heart. As long as the tears of sadness continue to flow[/COLOR]." - Don't ask me Why I just like it alot. And The Infamous " Love and Peace!" ......... It's funny to shout that in the hallways at school... Weird Looks you'll get -
Name: Mako Malfoy Age: 15 House: Slytherin Year:5th year Apperance: [url]http://www.geocities.com/giftypics/bynekorulz.jpg[/url] ( I know The Blond Girl is Fleur Delacour But that's how my chara looks... Ron's in the Background It's a funny picture) Personality:She's like Draco But doesn't have the disgust for Gryffindors. She'll defend her friends Verbally AND Physically. She loves to torture Draco by threatening him by telling him She'll tell the Whole school of times of when they were younger. She's a joker and somewhat of a troublemaker. She's a good student. She admires Fred and George for their 'ingenius' ideas.She is somewhat of a friend to the twins. ( She's helped them with pranks and such) Bio:This is her first year at Hogwarts. Her parents sent her to Durmstang and Draco to Hogwarts for some reason. (Narcissa ( Isn't that Malfoy's mother's name?) said that she wanted to see which school could teach their children better). She wishes to be on the Quidditch team for Slytherin. She's improved her game Alot thanks to her old classmate, Viktor Krum.
Writing InuYasha Fanfic : Forgotten Return of Kokushibyou
Trigun 11 posted a topic in Creative Works
Okay Here's a Fan Fic I worked on a while ago when I was in school. InuYasha Of Course. Dark Orange is in Feudal Era. Green is Present Day. I'll Post more of it when I start getting reviews -------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=DarkGreen]Two boys and a girl are in front of the high school, obviously a Japanese high school. ? Give me a fast ball Kailen?. Right Here? the boy padded his mitt as the girl ?Kailen? replied with a smirk .? You can?t handle my fast ball Devin, Heck it?s faster than yours!? Kailen pitches the fast ball without warning, with Devin catching it and falling backwards. The Other boy , Eric laughed " Ha Devin! She CAN out pitch you. It?s Frickin? hilarious.?. His glance is caught by a group of boys looking at Kailen . ? Hey Girlie, pitch it over here!? one of the boys in the group yells over to Kailen. Kailen nods as she readies her pitch , her hands tightly grasping the ball.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange] Mean while Sango and Miroku pull InuYasha and Kagome apart ? IT?S NOT MY FAULT! Blame my mother. SHE signed me up for it. Three Americans. 2 boys and a girl.. This should be?.? Miroku interrupts her . ? A young lady you say?? InuYasha smacks him upside his head. ? Stupid, Only me and stupid over there can pass thru the well ?? SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! ? Sango smirks as she says ? Big Sit.? Miroku seems disappointed ?You always have to ruin my fun don?t you??[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]School lets out. Kailen runs down the street, Devin and Eric Trailing after her." Wait up Kailen!". They Arrive at Kagome's house. Kailen takes off her shoes and puts her slippers on. The boys do the same." Hello Kailen, Devin. Eric." " Hello Mrs. Higurashi." -Kailen begins to do her homework, She Does it quickly cause It comes easy to her.- " Darn Kailen. What are ya going to do?" " Go out Of course" - Kailen gets up and heads out the door. Her attention is caught by the Bone Eater's well.She peers in. She sits on the edge of it. The boys follow. They begin pushing each other around and Kailen falls in. The boys jump down to see if she's allright- " You Okay?" " Yeah." " Let's get out of here". Devin motions for Kailen to be boosted up- "-Kailen points to her skirt- "ARE YOU CRAZY? I'm not going you two are." Eric shakes his head. " Oh be Quiet Ms. I'm mad cause my uniform for school is a skirt!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Kailen yells at the two for a bit longer. She finally boosts the two boys up. " Uh Oh.... Kailen... Get Up Here" Kailen is pulled up and out of the well. She dusts her self off and looks up. She shakes her head at a group of males wearing dog ears. She thought they were just joking around in costumes " Nice Costumes Boys" " These aren't costumes. We thought you we're demons. We heard you 20 leagues away. Just Pathetic Humans is what we found. And a Wench" The Demon smirks. Kailen pops her knuckles. " Wench? You haven't seen anything yet[/COLOR]