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Trigun 11

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Everything posted by Trigun 11

  1. Anime, That Is AWESOME! Better than I expected from anybody. Thanks! ( Love the Pics of Vash and Knives)
  2. Character Name(s): Kato Kaelin Anime Stereotype: Mischevious Tomboy who is hater of the color pink and of girly-girls. Oh yeah and wants to rule the world. ( Blame Psycho-boy fer that) Age: 16 Gender: Female Year: Sophomore Appearance: 5'11, 140 lbs. Brown-blond hair, Hazel eyes. Wears mostly boys clothes.( Pic coming later) Alignment: Evil Extra Subjects: - Football(tackle) Team -Monster Control w/ Applied Spirit Taming -Use of Oversized Weapons -Creative Writing -Mecha Combat with Quantum Mechanics (required for all mecha pilots) -Engineering -?Extra? Sports -Transformation -Counselling -Villain Ethics Accommodation: With Parents in town. Room is decorated in Beastie Boys' and Linkin Park posters. Also has many drawings on walls. One list on her wall is " How I want to Take over the world' Bio: [Edit Later. I'm eating Ramen] Special Powers/Abilities: Annoying the Chauvanistic(sp?) Males and Females of the school. If her Personality gets cold , She can shoot ice at her enemy. If she is feeling Anger, Fire balls will be thrown. Sworn Enemy: None Really. ( YOU DON'T want to be her enemy trust me.)
  3. As my Step-father says, My sister and I are the Definition of the word Procrastination. It's odd really. Either Myself or a friend or one of my parents, has to tell me ( REPEATEDLY) to get back to work. I do this when I'm doing school-work and/or doing chores. ( Bleh. Chores are no fun anyway w/o music) What I usually do to keep me off of procrastinating is I 'bribe' myself. I tell myself things like ' Get this done, Faster you can go outside' or ' Hurry up and get this done and you can call ( Insert name of friend here)' So My Two cents is put in . I'm Happy.
  4. [url]http://www.netdesigns.org/anime/misato2.jpg[/url] Name: Kailen 'Kato' Scott Age: 14 Gender: Female Pic or Description: [url]http://www.netdesigns.org/anime/misato2.jpg[/url] Bio: Kailen and Shaun met thru sports. They liked to compete against each other in school. Gradually, they began to hang out and help each other in school and such. Who Are Ya: Shaun's Group ( Sorry Kyo. That's all I really can come up with at the moment)
  5. Welcome to the OB ! I'm Trigun11.... Yes Do what Dragon Warrior and Lady Ashpixia said. Check the Rules out. It'll help you alot in the long run. Plus , if you follow them you won't get in trouble
  6. Ok I want it dark and scary..... I dont really care how dark it gets but I want it to Have pictures of Vash,Knives,Shishio, and the Sexy Black Mage of the OB in it ( Just use Dragon Warrior's Avatar). I want the quote to say " These are Men I Admire". Those are your Guide lines.......( Oh Yeah and Could you make it have blood in it?)
  7. Yes Baron, I would . That's What I had in idea for everybodies pictures. And You are nomintated for being Boy-Crazy I must ger off the Computer Now It's almost 11:30 pm my time So Sayonara All and I shall begin work tommorrow on the YB. ( If Any Artists want to do the 'art' for the YB PM me.)
  8. I think she did But I don't remember and Okay You're nominated !?!?!
  9. To me, Reading isn't Dying..... I've read since 6 years of age. I enjoy reading. It just takes you away from reality and puts you into the book. One book that I suggest EVERYONE to read is To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee. It has Really all the elements. Action, Comedy, Mystery, and that good stuff.I remember when I was in 3rd gr., my Classmates freaking out when I said That I don't enjoy watching tv and I then Abruptly brought out the Trilogy of the LOTR books ( Yes.... I was able to read them at that age of 8) and began to read it..
  10. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=DarkRed]Well I was looking thru my old yearbooks ( The ones since Pre-K, ALL 10 of them). Pre-K and Kindergarten were the best years I got Naps... AND cookies! I got the Idea of making an OtakuBoards Yearbook. I know it's an off the wall Idea but Hey I'm know for those. Also, I was figuring that we could nominate and vote on 'Class Clown' ( Eyes Dragon Warrior, Piro Munkie, and the Yeti Humper, ReFlux) and such....... So I know I'll be needing help. I'll have different caterogries like The Sports Section ( Which people who like the sports or play them can be on the teams) Staff ( I'd figured I put James as the almighty Punishing Principal, and the OB 'elders ( I mean that in a good way) as the teachers.) And All the other sections in a year book. Oh yeah If anybody who is willing to help me on this Just PM me.. Oh Yeah Before I forget, Who ever wants to be in the OB YB needs to PM a link to me of the picture they want in the OB YB and the 'clubs' they are in. Or Just Post 'em[/COLOR][/FONT]
  11. [COLOR=DarkRed]Hmmmmm. This is a tough one. I'm not really scared or have a fear of any thing.Wait................................ My only thing I'm not looking forward to is (IF) I play Highschool Football and If I lose a major game for the team. That's really the only thing I would say I'm 'scared' of. That's all really. [/COLOR]
  12. [FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][COLOR=DarkRed]Shoot Me Now But...... Here's Mine. [B]Vash from Trigun[/B] - Yes He looks good and all, but HE WEARS THE TRENCHCOAT like all the friggin' time! He definietly needs to get his hair cut and the most favorite thing of the Fab 5 ( YES! I watch the show alot so :P) , SHOPPING! Vash'd look good in different clothes I bet. :D [B] Miroku from InuYasha[/B] Haircut and clothes is really all he needs done over................... Wait! His attitude twords females needs to be changed....Like.... PRONTO There are so many others I could choose from but Those are the two that came off the top of my head[/COLOR][/FONT]
  13. My Memmorable moments are as follows: 1) Finding this site.... AND meeting My now best Bud ReFlux-sama 2)Joining a Fighting Tournament created by ReFlux ( Formerly known as Double B Daigo.) 3) My first Spar with Lone Bebop ( What ever happened to him Anyways?) 4) Being 'promoted' to Left Hand Lady in the Armageddon Gang. 5) Getting into arguements with People ( Intelligent ones.... It's amasing) 6) Looking over God knows how many PM's me and ReFlux have between Us.... 7) I don't know I have a list of this somewhere...... ( and it's over 100) 8) Being comforted by my fellow OB'ers on the Death of my Dog Chloe
  14. Okay, now that that parts over. Here's the first one: Mona Lisa Smile Pretty Woman My Best Friend's Wedding. That would be Julia Roberts. Here's Mine Cider House Rules Pleasantville Seabiscuit
  15. [QUOTE=Turdle]lol I'm making an animation with those pictures right now so I can get yours done really quick cause I already have the pics. :) EDIT: Here ya go, if you want anything changed let me know.[/QUOTE] I love it! -grins and Huggles it - Chester-sama is Mine! But can you make it move as in use a clip that I asked for
  16. DW, classic. I love it. Very Funny. I've watched countless times and It still cracks me up......... Yesh I do agree with the more members part :D:D Trigun11 volunteers Trigun11 to be in the next Episode as the Tomboy who loves being the Town Smart Arse who likes to buy Kill Adam Stuff. ( Oh Yeah Did she forget to mention that she does her own stunts?) .................... ....................... ........................... .............................. [COLOR=Lime][B]Fo' Nitz![/B] [/COLOR]
  17. [QUOTE=ReFlux][color=green][size=1] I think I relate to Vash the Stampede, as in I have alot of innder complexity and pain due to my past, but I cover it up with my optomistic exterior, which I also hold on the inside so I don't have a break down. I'm deep into philosophy and such when I'm alone, but due to my alot of the times dumb and goofy attitude around my freinds, which is also myself, I sound like a complete idiot. I also feel like I relate to characters like Ryoga from Ranma 1/2 because I don't like accepting defeat or losing the girl I crush over. Same with Rock Lee and Koga from InuYasha. I'm sarcastic like Agent Sands from " Once Upon a Time in Mexico" and humbly cocky like Bruce Lee's characters. Know what... I'm just a weird-A-- character in my own right.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] God... I hate you. You said what Iwas going to say (except for the Agent Sands part)................................ I don't hate You....... I hate your Yeti Researcher.... Yeah that's it. As my friends say , I'm a real life Kagome. I'm a klutz, moody, easily irritated, but can become quite fierce in a fight. My friends also say I have the personality of Knives. Some odd reason I agree. I'm mean to a degree like him and we're both missunderstood psychopathic Weirdo's who just need some care :laugh: InuYasha. We're both really stubborn, fierce, like to beat things up and like to eat ramen. Don't get me started on Vash..... It'll be the longest post known to OB-kind with spoilers.
  18. Hmmmmmm I've made so many innapropriate language comebacks I'll try to think of one with clean language. ............. ................ .................... Got It ! This girl from school was making fun of me dressing like a guy and hanging out with them and this is what I said . " I'd rather dress like a guy and hang out with males than be a snot-nosed prissy bimbo with friends who talk behind her back. Guys are loyal. They DON'T talk behind your back if you're a friend of theirs. Besides, You're just mad cause I get along with them so well and that I don't give a flip about what they think of me. At least I'm not obsessing over them , clothes, and makeup. I have better things to do besides worry about those things. I have GRADES to worry about and SPORTS to also worry about . So Excuse me for not being a prissy snot-nosed bimbo. That's all the 'clean' stuff I left out some stuff cause of language
  19. Name: TsuBaki (Suki fer short) Color of fur: Moon colored Grey Color of eyes: Dark Green Accessories: Charm Bracelet with A Wolf Head Charm and a wolf running HUMAN FORM Clothes: Jeans, Tank top, Commando-boots ( the ones Tsume wears) TsuBaki is one of a kind.Last of her breed ( Lunar Wolf. I made it up for my WR FF. Is it okay if I use it?) Lunar Wolves stood by the Flower maidens as if protecting them. She was found as a cub by a alpha female of a regular wolf pack. She got along easily with the boys, but she couldn't get along with the girls. One of the males and her shared a good friendship. He was a tannish color( like Tsume). He was very strong headed. One day They went exploring and she was caught. A couple years later she has escaped so she wants to find him
  20. That's reallly what I think. I wait my crushes out cause I just.... do. It's weird I get along with males alot easier than females ( It might be because of my being a Tomboy)The girls are jelous cause I have good friendships with the boys. I'm crushing right now on one of my guy friends and I'm telling him when I next see him cause If I don't I'm afraid some else ( like the few female friends I have) will tell him. Part of me wants to go out with him yet the other part thinks it's screwy going out with your best friend. I think I'm just afraid that if i do go out with him and we breakup , Our friendship will be Screwed. Like I say , It's always to have a good Friendship than a relationship. ( If I don't want to go out with a friend from [B]My[/B] school , I'll go out with a guy from another school..... Wait They'll Shoot me for that)
  21. [quote name='Turdle']alright just let me know when you decide.[/quote] Make it the one where Chester is falling backwards ( Twords the end of the vid where he Jumped from the roof and fell on the car but is now going back 'twords the roof .If you need me to find a piccy of what I mean I'll get it
  22. [COLOR=DarkRed]Akasuki just sat there. Yes , she had heard. She wasn't thrilled about it, but , yet She was wanting to do it. "Another member gone ? This is not good. " Sosuke said clenching his pencil. He looked at Zeos with a look of " Why are we sitting here together and no Smartass comment has been made?" Zeos shrugged. Zeos got up and went over to his desk. Akasuki said from without looking up from her note book , " I'm not gone yet. Besides , I welcome it. I don't really have anything to go for. Except for Annoying you two of course. Oh yeah and If I don't come back, I want you to know that............" - The Bell rang. She quickly grabbed her stuff and made it out into the Garden Area. She nodded a hello to Orange and Imi. Imi was in cuts. Aka suki smirked , " Test Time I guess......" Akasuki said in a half-arse tone.Imi and Orange look in confusion. Imi Speaks up. " What's with the SmartA** Attitude Akasuki? Most are terrified to go in there" Imi points to the forest. " I.....I'm just not like the rest. Okay?" Orange nodded to Imi as Imi pulled Akasuki over to the side to talk[/COLOR] ----------------------------------------- OOC: Sorry fer the WAY blah post but I'm working on like 3 hours of sleep. I want to go to sleep but I'm not going to
  23. Trigun 11


    [QUOTE=G/S/B Master][COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic] *Hits you with Brass Knuckles* [spoiler]ICE PATH Items- HM 07 (Waterfall), Max Potion, Full Heal, Nevermelt Ice, TM 44 (Rest), Iron, PP Up Pokemon- Gold-- Zubat (ME), Golbat (MAE), Jynx (MAE), Swinub (MAE) Silver-- Zubat (ME), Golbat (MAE), Jynx (MAE), Delibird (MAE), Swinub (MAE) Remember the sliding puzzles of the Mahogany Gym? Well, they're back and worse than ever. The first major one is a pain in the neck, but I'll guide you through. First, go up, then left, down, left, up, right, up, and right. This will place you in the upper-right corner. From there, go down, left, up, left, down, right, down, right, up, and right to escape. To the right is another path, one you have to negotiate to beat this game. Starting at the higher point, go right, up, left, down, right, up, and right to get HM 07. This is Waterfall, which is needed to win the game. From the HM, go left, down and left to get out and go up the ladder. When up the ladder, go right and down to appear in a boulder-and-hole room. Push the boulders into the holes and go down the ladder. (It shouldn't be that hard.) You'll appear in a giant ice sheet with items around it. From the ladder, go left, down, left, up, and right to get to the next ladder. When you come up, go around the rocks and get the Nevermelt Ice, which increases the power of Ice moves. Double back to a ladder, and you'll turn up in a room with a Z-shaped platform. Go to the stairs and jump down, then go over to get TM 44 (Rest). Then, slide up, left, and down to the final ladder. Get the PP Up on the way out. You'll end up in Blackthorne City. As for the Pokemon, Delibird only learns one move (the usually bad Present), but Swinub and Jynx are both powerful. Swinub has a weird typing (Ice/Ground) that helps in many situations, and Jynx's Lovely Kiss is an accurate sleep move. [/spoiler] Plain old english. Highlight the following text. [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR][/QUOTE] Hey ! That hurt! Thanks for the tip G/S/B. Now to only find tips to shut boys up and to make them leave you alone
  24. Trigun 11


    [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkRed]Hit me if you must but I'm extremely bored and I'm playing It. I picked it up and just started to play it. I know it;s WAYYYYYYYYYY Overrated but hey, it can be entertaining. ( I'm currently in a carfull of the guys from my football team and I've brought my laptop. So NOW you know why I'm playing it) Anyway , I cannot seem to get out of the second maze in the Ice Cave. Any tips? ( I've checked the net for the past 15 minutes) I'm sincerely frustrated . ( On OB , playing gameboy, and hitting the boys who keep on bugging me)[/COLOR][/FONT]
  25. [QUOTE=Turdle]do you want any certain clip? (oh and it's gonna be about a half hour to an hour cause i gotta go for a while)[/QUOTE] I don't know Lemme think of one
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