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Trigun 11

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Everything posted by Trigun 11

  1. [QUOTE=Turdle]is this what you want?? again if you want something changed let me know. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20029[/IMG][/QUOTE] It's AWESOME! Exactly what I wanted. You think you could make me a avatar with a clip of the video?
  2. [QUOTE=Turdle]you mean the picture i used to make this? [IMG]http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v255/Turdle/imnothing.gif[/IMG] right?[/QUOTE] Yeah That's the one
  3. I like it but can you fade in the picture of " I'm Nothing" on the sheet of paper and fade the " I Never Fight Again and This is How It Ends" a bit more. Hope It's not too much to do
  4. [COLOR=DarkRed]Akasuki runs into her 'room' and grabs her bag. She was late for something. She grabbed her Cell Phone as she swung her messenger bag over her shoulder. She made her way down the hallway. She dodged some other students. She got into the classroom. Zeos and Sosuke glared at her , from opposite sides of the room of course. She sat down in the front row. The students began to take notes as a voice came over the intercom. " Mrs. Uzuki ?" " Yes?" " Will you please send Miss Rianna Takahashi to the office at the end of class? She's going to take the test." Every body's eyes widen and stared at 'rianna'. It's Akasuki. She continues to take notes as the teacher tells everybody to partner up.Zeos and Sosuke walk over to Akasuki. "Akasuki , Or I mean Rianna..." Zeos and Sosuke said at the same time. " God! Why do people call me by that horrid name.?" Sosuke's face went pale. " Didnt you hear?" Zeos said as he sat down." Hear What?" Akasuki said with Sosuke sitting down "[/COLOR]
  5. I love Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away. Miyazaki just has a way with capturing imagination. Even though my first 'anime' movie was Artimage III : Polymatrix. Now THAT was a good movie.
  6. I shall look for it. Arigato Turdle-sama [color=teal]EDIT:[/color] lptimes.com and then scroll down and on the right side says " BTH screencaps" There ya go [color=teal]Watch the double posting. You can just as eaily edit your previous post. -Syk3[/color]
  7. Your Username Trigun 11 Magic Type- Dark Type- Member Picture: [url]http://www.svetlania.com/gallery/images/anime02.jpg[/url] ( Use the girl on the left) 2 Moves: Mind Contol : She has control of opponent for 3 turns Double Punch : Does 45 hp of damage but is hit with recoil Color: Red/green ( If you can't do two just do red)
  8. [COLOR=DarkRed]Akasuki ran down the hallway. She WAS supposed to be going in there to talk to Miyabi, but she had quite frankly , Better things to do. She sniggered as she passed Uchiyama and Yu. " Will you two EVER stop fighting like little girls?" . She was glared at by Sosuke which only meant she was going to be dead when he found her. She had gotten used to this. Orange yelled at her to stop running, but as usual , She ignored her. " Miss Takahashi! Aren't you supposed to be talking to Miyabi?" Mrs. Uzuki said. Zeos and Sosuke snigger. Orange smacks the two. " Uh Yeah About that 'appointment' ,"-Akasuki whispered something in her ear. " Oh yes GO ahead Ms. Takahashi" With this said , Akasuki ran off [/COLOR] ----------------------------------- I gotta go sorry for the short post
  9. Name: Akasuki Takahashi Age: 16 DOB: May 7th Gender: Female Years: 10 Student Body: member Clubs: Fight Club - Club Position: member State:Junior Master Scholar/Apprentice: N/A Fighting Style: Very Physical. ( I'll leave it at that). For Magic 'powers' , She can create ice and shoot it. ( Like Bullseye did in DareDevil with the paperclip) Persona: You could Say she's A Recluse. She stays away from the 'crowds'. She's shy and not outgoing. She's the total oppposite in her Club. They Know her as Devil Fists for she mainly uses her fists in Combat. Height/Weight: 5'10"/ 130 lbs Appearance: Brownish/Blond Hair, Hazel Eyes. Sticks with the Asian Rocker/Tomboy Look. She always has her Hair up. Has a small scar from her Club leader from when they were younger. Relationships: Friendships are with most males. She has uttermost disregard for Uchiyama and his band of wanna-be's ( Sorry ULX). She's an outcast with girls cause of her Tomboyish Attitude. She Has a 'hankering ( She's not sure if it's a crush or not) for somebody Biograohy: Brought here at Six , She learned the ropes quickly. Her fun growing up at the academy was Making Fun of Sosuke. She loved watching him get irritated at her. ( I'll come up with the rest later)
  10. Well It's really self explanatory. Just go to Google or any other search engine and look for screencaps of the Video. And if you can put in " I'll Never Fight Again and This is How it Ends" on the bottom in reddish-black Chiller font It'll be really appriciated
  11. Listening to Rock to DOES affect your mood. I listen to Linkin Park and mood I'm in, but, when I'm trying to calm down, From the Inside , Numb, and My December Work. My Immortal Does calm me down , ALOT. When I'm Frustrated or Angry , Any Linkin Park song works. Oh yeah , Can't forget I hate everything about you by three days grace. That Ices the cake
  12. Originally , I am from Southern California. But in '98 , We moved to Kansas. I moved to Wichita , Stayed there two years, Moved to Haysville, stayed there one year. Then I moved to Welllington. I wouldn't say I Love it but I don't Hate it. It's not bad really. But It sucks when the word about you wanting to play Football gets around town like Lickety-Split. So now I'm known to the 'Males' of the town as the 'chick who wants to play football'
  13. [QUOTE=DragonessFei]I was just wondering do you have dreams when you go to sleep about anime? If you do, what are they about? I think if you really like a show or a certain anime character you are bound to dream about them once in a while. Now I can't ask you guys to tell me about your anime dreams without telling you about some of my own. The most memorable one for me was the one where I was an Avon lady :confused: delivering Christmas presents to Wufei. (from Gundam Wing) If you don't think that's weird enough, last night I had a dream where I was one of the Sailor Scouts... :confused: I was Sailor Earth, I think... The bad thing is, I don't even like Sailor Moon...That much... ;) "In the name of the Earth, I will punish you!" Crazy, huh?[/QUOTE] YES! I'll admit I do. Especially when I stay up late and watch Adult Swim . Usually it's about Trigun or Cowboy Bebop or Wolf's Rain. The two most memorable are one from Trigun and CB. Trigun - [spoiler]Right after Legato Died his 'daughter' found him[/spoiler]. Blady blah blah , you know the drill ( girl goes after vash.) Cowboy Bebop - I was Julia and Vicious's daughter and if Vicious died She could take over the Red Dragon Syndicate ( TOO MUCH VIOLENCE! I swear. My friend ( who is a cb fan) Said I was twitchin in my sleep as if I was dodging bullets. ) And Dragoness Fei , I can relate to you on that one. I had a dream where I was Sailor 'Eclipse'......... Odd and in the dream Serena called Darien a 'Life Size Barbie Doll" EDIT : Oh yeah Can't forget the one CB dream where My buds on the OB came to life. Reflux was Spike , Lone Bebop was Jet, Katana was Faye, and I was the almighty Ed [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Added [spoiler] tags -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  14. Okay The Movies I cried at are Lion King : It was sad when Mufasa died. ( I laughed my keister off when Scar died though) Schindler's List : THEY KILLED THE ONE ARMED OLD JEWISH MAN! I cried. ( I watched it for a Anne Frank Project). That's About It. EDIT: OH yeah. Can't Forget Pay It Forward.
  15. This sounds Like a good one to me Name: Mai Valentine Age: (I dunno) Personality: Very Tomboyish, Like to put down joey alot Appearance: [img]http://www.theotaku.com/yugioh/pictures/012/image_005.jpg[/img] How you got to the island: Boat...... Was on cruise but boat crashed and I survived :D
  16. Hmmm..... My name is for my FIRST Anime I started to Watch... Trigun... ( And No I didn't watch it just to see Vash.... Oh Wait.. Yeah I did) And 11 is My lucky Number. That's the # I had when I'd Played B-Ball and I got all of my Shots 11, Each game
  17. I live in Boringtown,USA aka Wellington, Kansas. All we have is a good sports team. ( 8th Gr. FB team sucks). Highschool teams are pretty good. We were state champs 2 years in a row until we got beat by another team this season 41-7.
  18. Name: Riyo ( Meaning 'Logical Change') Age: 18 Height/Weight: 5?11??/155 lbs. Weapon of Choice: THe guns that WW had in teh Cross Punisher. She keeps on begging her mother to let her use the CP but Millie wont let her Attitude: Caring and sometimes stupid like her mother. Most of the time she's like her father. Occupation: None Appearence: Hair: Shoulder length black hair (Nicholas) with gold highlights (Millie). She always keeps in in a 'tail. Facial: blue eyes. Dress: She wears a suit similar to Her father's. White Shirt under it. She wears Boots similar to her Mother's. Also She wears her Father's Black sunglasses Biography: Because of the fact that her and her mother live together , Riyo is awfully close to her mother. Riyo keeps to herself, but has the nasty habit of getting into scuffles with teh boys in her town. Riyo loves to practice her gun skills. She learns from Millie many different Things. As in sometimes how to not hurt the guys, to make pudding and of course being quickminded She looks up to her mother alot. She has a 'pet', a stray dog of course. Her anti-socialness has forced her mother to get her to make friends. So far, She's kept in touch with Vash and Meryl's daugther, Nami.
  19. I did neopets for abit . Until my account was hacked by someone. I had my best pets on there. I had a lvl 17 white kougra. Yes I liked to battle. I just really gave up on Neopets. But i'm gonna check that Venetopia site out. looks good
  20. THINGS YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO SAY AT WORK BUT DON'T SAY. 1. I can see your point, but I still think your full of it. 2. I don't know what your problem is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce. 3. How about never? Is never good for you? 4. I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public. 5. I'm really easy to get along with once, you people learn to worship me. 6. I'll try being nicer if you'll try being smarter. 7. I'm out of mind, but feel free to leave a message. 8. I don't work here, I'm a consultant. 9. It sounds like English, but I can't understand a word you're saying. 10. Ahh....I see the screw-up fairy has visited us again... 11. I like you. You remind me of when of when I was young and stupid. 12. You are validating my inherent mistrust of strangers. 13. I have plenty of talent and vision, I just don't give a damn. 14. I'm already visualizing duct tape over your mouth. 15. I will always cherish the inital misconseptions I had about you. 16. Thank you. We're all refreshed and challenged by your unique point of veiw. 17. The fact that no one understands you doesn't mean you're an artist. 18. Any connection between your reality and mine is purly coincidental. 19. What am I? Flypaper for idots??? 20. I'm not being rude. You're just insignificant. 21. And your cry-baby whiny-arse opinion would be...? 22. Do I look like a people person? 23. This isn't an office, it's hell with fluorescent lighting. 24. I started out with nothing and still have most of it left. 25. Sarcasm is just one more service we offer. 26. If I throw a stick, will you leave? 27. Errors have been made. Others will be blamed. 28. Whatever kind of look you were going for, you missed. 29. I'm trying to imagine you with a personality. 30. A cubicle is just a padded room without a door. 31.Can I trade this job forwhat's behind door #1? 32. Too many freaks, not enough circuses. 33. Nice perfume. Must you marinate in it? 34. CHAOS, PANIC, and DISORDER- my work here is done. 35. How do I set a laser pointer to stun? 36. I thought I wanted a career, turns out I just wanted paychecks My Aunt sent me these in a email. THought I might share 'em with you. I use 7,10, and 14 with the guys at school. It works like a charm
  21. Trigun 11


    Name: Kailen Nicknames: ( I'm known as Kagome. My friend named me this after just being introduced to InuYasha. He says I'm Kagome cause I beat up on guys and like to yell at them) Age: 13, 14 in May Hair Color: Dark Blonde Eye Color: Hazel Height: 5'11" Weight: 120 IBS- Wardrobe: I wear mostly guy clothes. So sue me if I like being comfortable and not dressing like a girly girl. I prefer reds,blues,blacks. Personality: Goofy, laid back, a little lazy, and sarcastic, Tomboy is the ultimate word to describe me.If I have something to say, I'll say it. If I dont't think something is right or that it feels wrong, I won't do it. Hair Style: Medium length. I have it brushed back into a ponytail. Favorite Music Type: Rock , Punk Rock and Hip Hop with a hint of Techno for flavor. Favorite Bands: Jpop, Trapt, Sum 41, Blink 182, The Ramones, Chingy, Ludacris and DMX, Limp Bizkit, Slim Shady, Dr.Dre, Snoop Dogg, The Vines, The Pillows, Aerosmith, Pink Floyd, and Most of All , LINKIN PARK Hobbies: the OBs, Anime, Dancin', Street Basketball, creatin' anime stories, and most of all, Playing football, Watching Law shows ( i.e. CSI things like that).
  22. Thank god I live in Kansas. My Uncle ( who lives in San Bernadino) was evacuated from his house in the Highlands. My Uncle Scott is up in by Big Bear Fighting the Fire up there. Been there since Tuesday. You never realise how big the fires are until someone you know is fighting them
  23. In my school it's really a popularity contest. But I Have to say they do get things done. Molleta would the school superintendent be from haysville?
  24. A: Alex Rosewater I believe Q: What does the D. in Nicholas D Wolfwood stand for?
  25. Akasuki growled. " I'll kill him I swear I will. He needn't be disrepectful. Especially to Knives... Him of all men. I'll kill him. Before I kill Vash. She looks back at the otehrs who where apparently following her. She shook her head and sighed."Must I be followed everywhere?" Vash and the others stay silent. Nicholas shakes his head. " You are uptight ya know that?" Akasuki fires at Nick's feet. " Be quiet. I am uptight because of what he did." -points to vash- " Can't you forgive him? I mean Come on!" Kaiyden says
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