Trigun 11
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Everything posted by Trigun 11
Name: AkaSuki Bluesummers((the last name isnt revealed until the middle of the rpg )) Age: 20 Height/Weight: 6'5/185 lbs Description: Looks suspiciously like Legato. She has steel grey blue eyes Attitude: Same as Knives but doesnt kill to prove it Weapon: Two Twin Silver and Black 9mm's Bio: She Grew up with her Father. One day when she was 15 he left an' never came back. She went looking for him and eventually found him dead. She knew who had killed him by evidence left behind. She has vowed either to bring Vash to Knives or kill him herself. She'll even die trying...... She's been hanging around knives lately I'll Be Knives if ya want me to be
Akasuki mumbles something under her breath. She reaches for her katana that she kept hidden under her jacket. She shakes her head as she begins to cut the ropes. She wanted to get the heck out of there. Away. She whispers to Vash " You an me are going to fight .. I'm going to get you for what you did to my father... That is if you want me to free you" She quickly puts the katana away as she glares at the othersand particulary at Zi and Evean and Saiga. Blood continues to flo from her side is increments . Evean looks and sees AkaSuki bleeding He opens his mouth to speak ........
1) dont know...... Maybe he's both? I dont think it's possible 2) I dont know.... Maybe she takes breaks? :D ? I would be like her if i didnt have school 3) because I think Kaede or Kagome has to take it off of him ... or that hanyou's cant touch magical items like that? 4) I agree I think he did survive ... 5) YES! Finally another person who agrees with the theory that
AkaSuki Glares at Saiga. She then drop kicks Evean and begins to chew on the rope..... " I swear I'm going to get you all.. and Vash if you tell evean that he caught a good catch again and it involves me.... I'll make sure you aren't a man before I kill You....." AkaSuki begins to grin as she remembers her dagger she kept in her boot. Evean stands just as she is reaching for the dagger. She grins as she picks it up ." Uhhhh... Vash We got a problem here..." evean said in a some what nervous tone. Vash looks over at evean " What?" Evean points to Akasuki who was cutting away at the rope with the dagger.... A bit of blood bleeds onto the rope that she was tied up with..............
(( Is this better Harlequin? ))AkaSuki stumbles into the distance. She sees the large red trenchcoat and grins. It was time. She had her chance to kill vash and she was going to do it. no holds barred. She raises her 9mm at the back of vash's head . but she suddenly directs it to the area between the shoulder and the neck. She fires hitting vash instantly. Vash grabs is shoulder and winces. He looks back and sees AkaSuki holstering her gun. Evean raises his gun at her and takes aim " Hey He's mine ! "yells Nicholas AkaSuki shoots Nicholas in the leg. " No He's mine. And i'm going to kill him or die trying!"
I taught myself one thing. Those who are innocent should be killed. And You aren't innocent vash. You are guilty. I didnt want to get the others Vash blinks as he looks at the others
Pets are a person best friend to me atleast. I got Chloe A month and 13 days after my grandmother Died...I'm even going to keep her collar with me at all times with me at school... God I miss Chloe... I'm going to ask someone to make a banner of her and Put a poem I wrote fer her today on it
(( It's an Her >.> )) AkaSuki winces in pain from the blow. She looks up " I'm not an wannabe gunman and thanks to Vash I dont have a Home..... I'd rather be around Knives than here. I'm just killing Vash and going to tell Knives. He's going to be alot happier." *dropkicks Nicholas and sighs* Besides I dont want to kill anyone that I dont have to
I lost my dog Chloe, a brittany spaniel mix today. I found her laying outside in the back yard dead. It's was so freaken Scary.. I shook her to wake her up but She didnt. So I called my mom at work in hysterics. She came home. My Dad, Mom and I took her to the vet's and gave her to them after I said my good bye to her.... She was my best friend. Literally. My parents are saying that she died from a infection but I think it's cause that I left her outside to long.My mother keeps on telling it wasnt my fault. Would you think it's weird or stupid to keep items such as your dog's collar and blanket to remind you of them?
(( DOnt worry I'm still an Titan...)) AkaSuki Suckerpunches Nicholas " I know vash wouldnt kill a friend. My father told me that.My father contolled Chapel to kill WolfWood. Besides. He's mine. He killed my father and I'm going to get revenge..... Vash I hate you ... Why can't you believe that Legato is my father?" AkaSuki Glares at Vash and the others
AkaSuki drops to the ground holding her shoulder . " Damn you Vash the Stampede. You killed my father in cold blood. You deserve to die..... You do." Aka Suki pulled her other gun out and she aimed it at Vash " This is for My father, Legato Bluesummers" She is tackled and the bullet hits the jeep's wheels. Evean had tackled her.
AkaSuki and Kaiyden Were Thrown from the jeep.AkaSuki lands on her shoulder hard. She winces in pain as she stands. She raises her gun at Vash. As she fires it She is tackled by Kaiyden. "What the Hell are You doing?" Vash yells as he runs over to Kaiyden and AkaSuki.
AkaSuki sees the others. She recognizes Vash Instantly and Scowls . She thinks " There's The one who did it He killed my father." She pulls out her Gun and raises it at the tires of the motorcycle that vash was in
(( Sorry I havent posted yet I've been working on term paper)) AkaSuki saw Kaiyden riding away. She decided to go after him. She hopped in her jeep and rode after him When she finally caught up with him she yelled " Get In. I'm not going to turn you in . I'll Help you." Kaiyden looked at Akasuki and thougt " Why is she wanting to help me?"
Name Sagara Kanosuke Age 20 Type of Fighter martial artist Weapon: Her Fists and her Katana Style her own Apearence: Brown Hair Blue eyes. Wears an outfit like Sanosuke's but the symbol on the back of her jacket is "Fatal". Wears White bandages around her chest Bio Not really much to tell except that her father Sanosuke taught her everything that she knows. She joined the group to stop the Kageryu for the Kageryu had killed some of her friends and she wanted to avenge their deaths
What Country are they from? I could help you if you like because i'm doing the same for a Mexican Child and a Japanese Transfer student
Good Luck Prophet. What job are you going to do? I myself after highschool am going into the Air Force. I was raised a AirForce Brat and I'll stay one :D. I'm wanting to become a Military Police officer (MP). May you have the best of luck Prophet and as Devilz said Keep us Posted! *salutes Prophet*
Okay... I am writing a term paper for english.. I know but I'm wanting to get it done with so i can focus on my computer classes and my sports "career".I'm writing about why girls should be allowed to or shouldnt be allowed to play football. So all I need now is opinions from my fellow OB's . Start away. P.S. I wont get mad at the things you type. Say if you dont believe girls should play football because it's a guys sport. I disagree with that but I know it's your opinion. So Go ahead and just say it... I wont get offended BTW It's NFL and junior/senior high football that i'm refering to.
I'm the same as K.K.C . I'm 5'8 and weigh 145 lbs.. Doctors says it's form my playing sports.. I knew Playing football was a good idea !
I've read those before those are really funny
WolfWood's Middle name DOES suit him *ponders yelling Wolfwood's middle name to Daigo* But I bet that we dont care what it means. I know a "few" hundred fangirls who wouldnt give a care cause As they would say it " WolfWood is So KAWAII!!!" No Vash and Knives are really really really kawaii. Wolfwood is just kawaii
Name: AkaSuki Bluesummers((the last name isnt revealed until the middle of the rpg )) Age: 20 Height/Weight: 6'5/185 lbs Description: Looks suspiciously like Legato. She has steel grey blue eyes Attitude: Same as Knives but doesnt kill to prove it Weapon: Two Twin Silver and Black 9mm's Side: Titans Bio: She Grew up with her Father. One day when she was 15 he left an' never came back. She went looking for him and eventually found him dead. She knew who had killed him by evidence left behind. She has vowed either to bring Vash into the authorities or kill him herself. She helped take over New July by force of course. She didnt kill a living soul in the process but did injure a few.
Knives . Like he others had said " He is a Class A Freaking Insane Psycho Villian" Knives' Philosphy is starting to rub off on me. I'm not going to kill or anything It's just that it makes sense to me " I kill the Spider to save the Butterfly".