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Everything posted by SadClown
Import cds range from $10 - $20 for a single and $20 - 40$ for an album...thats not including shipping though.
What countries are you talking about specifically because there are quite a few third world countries who have much more strict laws than we do and only a handfull who are more leniant. All I have to say about the whole religion this is Adam and Eve had Cain and Abel...then what?
If I were Korean and I wanted to start an all boy-band that sang hiphop infused pop, I would TOTTALLY call it High Five of Teens!
Thank you so much for posting that. ^^
So true. It's copt out to say that you are just backing the state's descisions. If your going to support biggotry and inequality, at least have the guts to admit it. Don't dance around the issue at hand when you are alluding to a very clear opinion, that you DO have something against gay people, just like everyone else who is against gay marriage. In all honesty, it wouldn't effect the way the world runs if if we could get married. You just don't like us, therefore you don't want us to be treated the same was as you are. Isn't that so much more bold?
My favorite thing about this thread is how everyone is critisizing the movies and saying how bad they are eventhough so much work went into making them. I'd like to see any of you do better.
Well put TN. Olga, you keep talking about it as if the gay community is some sort of club or something. The whole reason we want marriage allowed for us is so that we dont have to be seperate from the world, but that we can be equal and treated equally as everyone else who is straight. We aren't trying to be seperatists, but rather, we are being seperated from society because people are pig-headed and ignorant, much like you just demonstrated. Marriage is not a club and your analogy was rediculous. Gay people have tried many times in the past to get recognized for some sort of union, and as TN pointed out, we can't get didley. Oh and yea, your humor isn't funny, it's border line sexist. I bet you also liked using the "N" word when you were in Africa too huh.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hamster King [/i] [B]I am against gay marriage very strongly. I believe it is morally wrong. I dont care if to people of the same sex love each other,but that doesnt mean they have to marry each and **** eachother. This kinda of this goes agaisnt our natuaral human behaviors. I think the gays are just trying to get attention doing this. Even if they cant accept what i say,to they have to annouce it to the world?! [/B][/QUOTE] The nice thing about this country is that everyone is entittled to their own opinion, stupid or not, you still have a right to say it. Gay people are just asking for the same rights that their straight brothers and sisters get. If a gay person wants to get married, I don't see how it would effect your life in anyway. You might feel uncomfortable about it because you've been brainwashed to think a certain way, but still, if gay people are allowed to marry, you could still live your life just like you did yesterday and the day before. Get off your pedistol and quit fostering the seed of oppression.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]And he did make it on his own, especially considering he's far more popular now than MALICE MIZER ever was. [/B][/QUOTE] He made it as a pop artist, not a rock artist. Thats what I mean. Don't get me wrong, I like Gackt, but he's turned into too much of a playboy for me. Pierrot's older stuff is much better than their newer stuff now that they've adopted this sugar coating to it. Genome Controll, Haruka, Sepia, Nounai Morphine and Shinkei ga Wareru Atsui Yoru are some of my suggestions to start with. ;)
I wouldn't really considor Gackt jrock anymore. He sold his soul to the Pop Demigod when he left Malice Mizer and thought he could make it on his own. Plastic Tree and Pierrot, now there are some good bands.
1. I enjoyed the 5th book but it was very aggrivating to read becuase of everything that happened to Harry. It was a bit long on some parts and not nearly as fun and fancey free as the other four, but still good. 2. Mine has to be th third book. Eventhough it is the shortest, I thought it was the most enjoyable becuase it was dark but light hearted at the same time. 3. I think that the movies DO do the books justice. They did a great job on the costumes and the actors chosen as well as the casle that was used for Hogwarts. People are just being too nitpicky about it. Personally, I'm excited for the third movie, however, apparently this is going to be the last one...=(
No, I don't think it ever eludes to them sleeping together before, although at one point they were romantically involved hence why Hamlet is able to offend her so badly. I suggest that everyone read the scene where they are doing the "Play within a Play" and look closely at what he says to her. Shakespeare could be a very clever and VERY dirty man, lol.
^^ You have a point but just becuase your married doesn't mean you wont cheat. Now adays the idea of marriage has become less and less seacred. As for "Boston Weddings" you have no idea. I used to live in Provincetown Mass. which is where that whole idea came from. You have never seen gay untill you've lived in the land of the eternal Marti Gra...good times...
I think it's "All men are created equal." and that has a different conotation than "All men are equal." Yea it sux but when we give stupid people the ability to run our country, they will run it in their own idea of whats right and whats wrong. Furthermore, allowing same-sex marriage doesn't screw up "what a families supposed to be", becuase a family is made of love, no matter who it comes from. It DOES however, screw up the idea of a Nuclear Family or a sitcom family.
There for everyone in the band knows his real name too. =D
I think all their albums are good becuase they are all different. Each time they came out with one, their sound changed/evolved to something that it wasn't prior to that. DeG keeps it fresh and new all the time by constantly expanding themselves.
DeG is an aquired taste; one of those bands that you just have to learn to like. They aren't for everyone and Vulgar very much proves that. One thing that you have to understand is that the purpose of DeG IS to shock people. If you can appreciate it on that level and see it as an art form or way of expression, then you'll like the band. Btw, you probably would faint if you say the Obscure PV. It's not for faint (or weak stomached) people.
Yes, I think I should have the right to get married if i so choose. However, in this day and age, marriage isn't shaping up to be didley...
^^ For the life of my I do not know why I said Horatio when I know (or should know) full well that it is Laerties. Anyway, thanks for correcting me on that. But I don't see how hugging the body of a dead loved one his in anyway necrophelia. If either of them had or at least talked about having sex with her corpse, that's a different story. But then in Laerties' case, would that be necrophelia or incest?!
Your tottaly on track. I just wanted to point on thing out... [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by KarmaOfChaos [/i] [B][color=deeppink] In the end he ends up killing himself [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] He is acctually killed by the poison on the sword he is stabbed with by Horatio.
I wasn't trying to attack you, first of all, so don't use *cracking knuckles* or whatever when begining a reply, I'll take offence to that. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by rokas [/i] [B][color=sienna][font=comic sans ms][b][i] I don't think it was fully proven in the play, that Hamlets uncle did actualy murder his own brother. Well, unless I missed his confession. [/color][/font][/b][/i] [/B][/QUOTE] You did acctually miss it then. Several times acctually. For one, the "play within a play" scene which is meant to mimic the death of the acctual King drives Claudius into a rage of fear and guilt where he then confesses (unkowing of Hamelt's pressence) to the killing of his brother. And your right, that age was very supersticiouse, but people often did the opposite of what you said and did trust ghosts and preminitions. Especially considoring that the death of Hamlet's father and the remarriage of his mother were both suspiciouse, it made good sence that Hamlet would believe the explanation given, sence none other was. I know you probably meant well, but you need to acctually read a story before you start bashing it and assuming you know what its about becuase you missed a lot of important details that probably would have swayed your opinion had you read them.
I acctually liked Ophelia's charector, especially after she loses her mind. However, I wasn't fond of Kenneth Branagh's performance as Iago. He made a great Benedict in his version of Much Ado About Nothing.
^^ I disagree with what you said entirely and sence you said "watched" in class, I'm assuming you probably didnt read the play either. The gost of Hamlet's father comes to Hamlet to tell him how he was unjustly murdered by his brother and now that brother is King and has his wife as his Queen. Because he was murdered without having repented for his sins first, he was cast to hell unjustly. You can make up just about any reason you want to explain this but subconsciouse greed is not applicable. Hamlet shows no signs what so ever of wanting to be king. In fact, the play begins with him wanting to leave to go back to school. He later goes on to call Denmark a prison and bashes on the thrown as well. So what you said really isn't obviouse within the play at all. Taking one's own life in that period was a big taboo as well. Being that they were all devoutly religiouse, that was not an option. Hamlet is by far the greatest play written by Shakespeare and you won't get the same effect from it by watching a movie (although the Mel Gibson version is really good).
I think that if your going to pierce your ear, you should do both. Are you a pirate? Arrrrr...