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Everything posted by sophic

  1. Sonic Adventure 2 all the way for me i love playing with chao's its so fun and i love how they both go with each other the hero and the bad but its fun to play right now i have sonic battles and i play v.s. with my friend all the time its so glitchy but its fun to me ^_^.
  2. well the game that i think has the most uniqe systom is legend of dragoon its bad you have to try to match your box with the screens box and if you do you get to attack and the box gets smaller every time and the smaller it go's the harder you hit and all that it's a realy funny game you guys should play it but this game i love how you fight like that. [color=indigo]Can you try and improve your post quality, please? That was very hard to read and understand, the only puncutation in sight being the period at the end. Having easy to underand posts is a rule here, and I think this post isn't quite up to the level it needs to be. - Desbreko[/color]
  3. 10. time wizard it helps me when im in a bind effect toss a coin and call heads or tails. if you call it right, your opponent's monsters on the field are destroyed. if you call it wrong, your own monsters on the field are destroyed and you lose life points equal to half the total atk of the destroyed monsters this can be used only during your own turn, once per turn. its like a dark hole if you like to take the chance
  4. this is my first time doing this so i hope i did this right. Name:Paul Newcom (not related to duke nukum) Age:21 Appearance: a tall white male with dirty blond with green eyes and you can just fill thats there something about him. he is wereing blue jeans and a white T-shirt. BIO:he is on the side of knives he seems nice but deep down he is very mean. he travels around with the good peaple and gathers info. but he will kill for his master yes he is owned by knives but there like family. knives trained him in the way of guns. so he knows how use a weapons. I hope thats good if not tell me so i can change it.
  5. see he see's my point that every one needs to calm down and get on with there life this world is not geting any better so might as well let this littel game rome free any ways it will be out of style in about a month or 2 like every thing ealse.
  6. It's about a online real world. like the one on PS2 . and if you wunt to get a banner go to the banner/avitar request to get one thats what i did. hey i would sighn up i just need to know were to go.
  7. I have the game its fun but i dont know what the big #$%^ deal its just a game every one should just stop whining about this and that. becouse the game is just a game thats it. but i still like to play it. *Starts to look at every one like a syco.*
  8. thx very much i can finaly have every thing in the game.
  9. I need help on zelda link to the pass i wunt to know how do you get the blue cane i have the red one but theres a blue can any one help me how to get it THX.
  10. its in california and we have smoke all the time from it. it sux we cant run or go out side or anything i wunt to go out side so bad.
  11. I live about 20 miles from a big fire and 10 miles from a small fire :bawl: the big one is in fontana and the small one is in clarmont. I wus wondering how the fire is affecting you.
  12. Theres this new game called live whire thats not out yet on PS2 and there is no controler involved you use a radio to tell her what to do THATS SO COOL. i wus just wundering how many peaple are going to buy it.
  13. nun takin but i don't like the card game you can't use kite or black rose you use monsters from the game to fight like a goblin or skith *just kiding about him* but if you ask me it's to much like magic the gathering.
  14. the best time for me to right is at night about 1-o-clock i like the night so it helps.
  15. NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MY HEAD IT HERTS IT'S TO MUCH *starts to role on ground in pain*. it's to brite and maha's head it's to round. BT still looks the same. Im going to copy that and bern it right now. *Berns the paper and starts to dance around the flame*.
  16. I hope it gets big i wun't to go into tournaments and win a new level that will be so cool. i would probly sell my DBZ cards mybe. and some rare magic cards just to become #1.
  17. On dot hack do we ever get to use bulmong or do they make him all cool for nuthin. if you do tell me how to get him plz.
  18. Ok here is one of mine its a bummer so don't get sad or any thing. When peaple die do you here their cry's. There pain and suffering or there edan and heaven. When you die the light will invite you but the darkness will consume you. If the light invites you go to the light don't be like so many others. I'm still not finished with it.
  19. Answer: I think there white. Question:whut is my name jk whut is the move Aura did to Tsukasa.
  20. answer: I think it's called the DumbBell monster. Question: Whut is sora's character called.
  21. I know whut we can change this to how about Trunks can be Crim and BT can be Zarbon LOL ^_^. BT is ugly enough. But we can't change the name :( oooooooooooooo well but if it still get's closed it's still good
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heavyblade [/i] [B]OK I think you guys are just freaking over something that the people that made the DVD just put on there to describe the basis of the show. That's my take on it. [/B][/QUOTE] I know i am freaking out. but there might be something out of this. im almost done with the words in the game i did all this so far. Delta greedy,hot-blood,great seal Delta greedy,hot-blood,spiral. Delta greedy,smiling,great seal Delta greedy,smiling,spiral. I'm probly over doing it but i do that. I know it's probly for looks but i will look inti it any way. K.K.C can i join the i hate BT club.
  23. I would like to read your poems so pose them here and if peaple pose i will pose some of mine.;)
  24. I choose ommm i choose ommm crim becoase I think he killed sora once in the up side down dungen I don't know if it's true but i think so. [COLOR=orangered][size=1]Please put more effort into your posts. -Sara[/size][/COLOR]
  25. I don't know but it's probly some thing for the game like this. Delta Spiral Soul Hot-blood or Delta Greedy Sleepy Bottomless im going to try it on the game. but i will look into if it means anything.
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