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Everything posted by sophic

  1. rating:8/10 I did not like the the first part of the show that much but when the funny stuff came. I turned around. But when Tsukasa got @#$% up. I don't know if this is a spiler or not[spoiler] By i think is a data drain {from DotHack//Infection}becouse it looked just like it. His skin wus comeing off but it could have been me[/spoiler] over all i like the episode.
  2. I did not no that there wus a thread like that. some time's i can be realy stuped. by rushing into things without looking first.
  3. I just saw Tsukasa get all !@#$ up. is he dead or some thing. [size=1][b][color=darkblue]Please put more thought into your posts, but I will keep this thread open temporarily and see where it goes from there. Please remember to use spoiler tags in your spoiler posts, any spoiler post that does not have spoiler tags will be deleted immediately. -Shy[/b][/color][/size]
  4. My bad i !@#$^ up:( . i forgot whut the song wus called and i wus to lazy to find it again.:devil:
  5. Ok thank you for the help this thread will be deleted soon.
  6. I need help on Infection i can only make 2 grunty's but i dont know how to make more can some one help me.
  7. i think she like's Tsukasa becouse [STM]she came up to him and started to cry in his arm's and in real life[/STM] I hope the measage would be blacked out.
  8. My stupidest thing, is when i went to my freand's birth day with no pants on. I didn't now i only had my undes on. P.S i wus only 7.
  9. My mom always says this. it's so stupid here it go's. I'm telling your mother.:drunk: It's like i wus born from a nother family or some thing. so it's like a put down.
  10. whut scares me the most is midgets. There's nothing ugly about them or any thing like that but being 6.7 by a midget. I'm scared there going to bite me or something. I hope i don't sound wierd.:therock:
  11. ya but her name in the game is black rose and the game is sort of defrent from the show but you will see charecters that look like peaple from the show.
  12. i like them both even Mimiru voice but if i have to choose it would be english becouse i under stand it better then Japanese.
  13. ya becouse the littel viser has a resever thing on it so you can see 3D and speak with them but you controle it by a PS2 controler thing but i gess she took it of or some thing or just dont have one.
  14. I like the song and broken wings too. i would like to get an albume of all the songes.
  15. I choose BT because no one likes her out side the world and she had a bad experience with lettuce what's the deal with that? SHE'S SO WEIRD.
  16. A: Hyrule lake or the pond of happiness. the littel animal i frogote is name but it is like a bat thing. Q:In the first zelda game ho do you get the master sword from
  17. A: wus it called a sprite ocerina Q: whut wus the back round song when subaru disband the knights
  18. Death is a word to me. No feelings. No pain. Without feelings there's no pain. Without pain there's no death. But i have a lot to do with death. I can't help it it's in my life every day of my life. Peaple just die in my life. I dont make much freands no more because they die in the end. I'm tired of peaple dieing like a game of chance. If i hade the power i would stop all this if i could but i can't. When some one die's i cry when i fill. But all thouse fillings are all gone now. I wish i could feel agin but i went num and my heart is cold. But whut can i say i can't really say anything about the madder. except i'm scared.
  19. duzint goku mean frighed fish but whut dus olong stand for.
  20. I craped up whut i meant is. BUU:buu eat you all up yum yum. VEGETA:oooo crap goku you handel this one i left the oven on "vegeta fligh's away".
  21. how many grunty's can you make in the first game. I can only make 2 of them iron and noble. if you can help me tell me how to make the other one's
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