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Everything posted by RequiemofaDream

  1. I was reading the wording for a bill passed recently, im not sure whether it was state or what, but it legalized gay marraiges. most conservatives were fighting it with this idea: the exact same wording of the bill could also be used to explain and legalize every sort of marraige or sexual act. some people find gays to be disgusting, some don't. many consider a fifty year old marrying a 12 year old to be disgusting, a few don't. brother marrying sister, father marrying daughter, age differences, who knows, specie differences (!?), all could happen eventually, and legalizing gay marraiges would be the first step toward that. if the government is saying "your personal life, who you choose to have sex with and get married too is the business of the partners and no one else", well, it can go so many ways.... which isn't to say i don't support it, i do. but still...
  2. ahh well, think what you want. point is, im in an intensive drug education program, a mild form of rehab; i spend a good 6 hours a week in a classroom learning about drugs and their affects. i don't beleive many of the studies, but thats what i've been told about pot. (perhaps unreleiable, being in an anti-drug program, but eh) anyways, since im posting again, i need also to re-respond to the original question; so i have another contribution: i went through a clepto phase in high school; i stole chalkboard erasers right out from under the teacher's nose, i lifted untold amounts of goods from CVS, i stole from my brothers, from random people, anything i could get my hands on. never caught. hehe
  3. well, i didn't really ask for feedback on my problems, but since you gave it, then alright. i did use a condom; but condoms aren't fool-proof, so im still pretty worried. and as for getting married, more power to you; hope you find that special man. wierd decisions our supreme court has been making, very against their general republican nature. ahh well. peace
  4. pot really isn't as harmless as many think, it attaches to nerve endings in the brain and corrodes the coating, eating away to the nerves eventually. if you use it more frequently than once a month, the brain damage it cause can be irreversable and pretty nasty. in my opinion your better off abusing some over-the counter meds, but thats just me. an interesting tidbit also: if you were to ever use pure heroine (which isn't possible, really. heroine of the street; your lucky to get 20 percent purity; the rest is impurities like shards of metal *ouch*), the health consequences would be nearly non-existent. hehe anyways, on topic. i once penciled in B's over D's on my report card, was never caught. i also once broke into my girlfriends house while she was out (on her request), and lifted her report card before her family could get back; along with (my reward) a bottle of vodka. that was a fun night....
  5. Jealousy is the basest of human emotions, next maybe to anger. Ideally, it should not be had. since the world is far from ideal, jealousy is best ignored. it leads to as many stupid and pathetic decisions as drugs. transfer into hate, if you can. hat can be controlled, it doesn't control you. i don't know, now im preaching hate, which isn't good either. but, it is better than jealousy; in my opinion anyways
  6. Messed up chemical imbalances in my brain have led me to post this, for i have worries. point of this is, i don't want to be conforted, but i do want to hear about your problems. help me forget about my problems (16 years old with a gf who is a week and a half late for her period, and parents that want to put me on anti-depressants and adarol; shooting a hole in my liver and making me a zombie to boot), by telling me about any periods of depression you have ever had, and how you dealt with it. thanx :)
  7. i used to get high of any mind-affecting substance i could grab; then came OD and rehab (not a story ill go into). now, i get high of LIFE. meditation works. friends work. in the immortal words of kurt cobain, "love buzz", if you have significant other with which you are in love, nothing is better than just being with them. still do the occasional substance though...in moderation....don't do drugs.
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