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About White_Raven

  • Birthday June 20

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    I am Me

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  1. Look just tell me, I'm not upo for arguing
  2. Hey, Alright, I got bored of the site and wanna know how to delete my user on The Otaku Boreds
  3. Can I join even thought you were gonna start? If so, Name: Matt Age: 14 Gender: Boy Description: Light black hair, white shirt, black pants Bio: He moved from a town cut off from the outside world so while he was there he learned many things in his spare time. Extra: Naturally strong and good at figuring things out for his age
  4. [I]A boy with dark brown hair dark blue eyes and dark colored clothes silently walks behind Yejii, Leo and Remus.[/I] Boy: Wow, only gonna pick on people you know you can beat, thats a great strategy for the worst DigiFighters around. Yejii: You don't wanna mess with us, kid! Remus: Ya we'll beat you 21 times before you hit the ground, but if it's a digibattle you want then you'll get it! Boy: Oh, you think you can be me? Well then let's begin. [I]All of a sudden a small dark-blue wolf with lightning like patterns of yellow streaks comes from the sky(off a building) and rams into Leo's Yokino and scratches it with claws as quick as lightning.[/I] Boy: And theres the bell Shock-Wolf wins 21 times, anyway you were saying?
  5. So...Kesaki_Inedia, is it going to be started again? Scorp., you know I'm new. But thnx for pointing that date thing out, I guess I was too eager.
  6. I think its a good idea
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