[I]A boy with dark brown hair dark blue eyes and dark colored clothes silently walks behind Yejii, Leo and Remus.[/I]
Boy: Wow, only gonna pick on people you know you can beat, thats a great strategy for the worst DigiFighters around.
Yejii: You don't wanna mess with us, kid!
Remus: Ya we'll beat you 21 times before you hit the ground, but if it's a digibattle you want then you'll get it!
Boy: Oh, you think you can be me? Well then let's begin.
[I]All of a sudden a small dark-blue wolf with lightning like patterns of yellow streaks comes from the sky(off a building) and rams into Leo's Yokino and scratches it with claws as quick as lightning.[/I]
Boy: And theres the bell Shock-Wolf wins 21 times, anyway you were saying?